19 research outputs found

    Characterization of functions with zero traces by integrals with weight functions. II.

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    Relationship between morphometric characteristics of the terrain and network analysis in GIS

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    Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je sestavení metodiky a automatizace procesu kalibrování síťového grafu v závislosti na hodnotách morfometrických charakteristik a pohybovém vektoru. Výsledné morfometrické hodnoty terénu jsou zjištěny na základě matematických a kartografických metod pro vyjádření průběhu linie, z nichž nejpřesnější je dále použita v síťových analýzách v prostředí GIS nad digitálními modely silniční sítě a digitálními modely terénu, které byly pro tyto účely na základě zkoumání vybrány jako nejvhodnější. Vztah mezi hodnotami morfometrickými a hodnotami vhodnými pro využití v sítových analýzách (rychlost, čas…) je prozkoumán na konkrétních příkladech ve vhodně vybraném území za využití vhodných dopravních prostředků, kterým bylo určeno jízdní kolo. Praktická část pro ověření funkčnosti navržené metodiky je porovnána s dalšími modely dostupnosti, dostupnými webovými mapovými portály a plánovači tras. Tento proces ohodnocení dopravní sítě založený na vybraných parametrech byl automatizován v jazyce Python jako nástroj do softwaru ArcGIS, který je přílohou této diplomové práce. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The main objective of the diploma thesis is creation of methodology and automatization of calibration process of network graph based on the values of morphometric characteristics and motion vectors. The resulting morphometric values of the terrain have been detected on the basis of mathematical and cartographic methods for line course expression. The most accurate one has been used in GIS network analysis over the road network and digital terrain models, which were chosen as the most appropriate for this purpose. Relationship between morphometric values and values suitable for use in network analysis (speed, time, ...) has been studied using specific examples in appropriately selected territory with using selected vehicle, which was designated as a bicycle. The practical part for the verification of functionality of the suggested methodology has been compared with other models of accessibility, available web-map portals and route planners. The process of transport network evaluation based on selected parameters has been automated in Python programming language as a tool in ArcGIS software, which is attached to the diploma thesis. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Department of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyKatedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Smoking Does Not Alter Treatment Effect of Intravenous Thrombolysis in Mild to Moderate Acute Ischemic Stroke—A Dutch String-of-Pearls Institute (PSI) Stroke Study

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    Background:The smoking-thrombolysis paradox refers to a better outcome in smokers who suffer from acute ischemic stroke (AIS) following treatment with thrombolysis. However, studies on this subject have yielded contradictory results and an interaction analysis of exposure to smoking and thrombolysis in a large, multicenter database is lacking. Methods:Consecutive AIS patients admitted within 12 h of symptom onset between 2009 and 2014 from the prospective, multicenter stroke registry (Dutch String-of-Pearls Stroke Study) were included for this analysis. We performed a generalized linear model for functional outcome 3 months post-stroke depending on risk of the exposure variables (smoking yes/no, thrombolysis yes/no). The following confounders were adjusted for: age, smoking, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, stroke severity, and stroke etiology. Results:Out of 468 patients, 30.6% (N= 143) were smokers and median baseline NIHSS was 3 (interquartile range 1-6). Smoking alone had a crude and adjusted relative risk (RR) of 0.99 (95% CI 0.89-1.10) and 0.96 (95% CI 0.86-1.01) for good outcome (modified Rankin Score <= 2), respectively. A combination of exposure variables (smoking and thrombolysis) did not change the results significantly [crude RR 0.87 (95% CI 0.74-1.03], adjusted RR 1.1 (95%CI 0.90-1.30)]. Smoking alone had an adjusted RR of 1.2 (95% CI 0.6-2.7) for recanalization following thrombolysis (N= 88). Conclusions:In patients with mild to moderate AIS admitted within 12 h of symptom onset, smoking did not modify treatment effect of thrombolysis

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three genomic nomenclature systems to all sequence data from the World Health Organization European Region available until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation, compare the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2

    Historic-geograpfical accessibility of Prague by road transport in 1918-2020 using GIS

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    The work deals with the centenarian development time accessibility of Prague using the road transport in the Czech Republic. Home research part is dedicated to the beginning of development of roads in the Czech Republic up to the planned completion of motorway network and also the matter of network analysis. The work seeks to demonstrate shortening the time distance from each places of the Czech Republic during the century. Parts of the work are isochronal maps of the accessibility of Prague and maps of changes in accessibility for single periods

    Charakterizace funkcí s nulovými stopami pomocí integrálů s váhou

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    On the solution of the mixed problem (Preliminary communication)

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    Dostupnost Prahy při využití silniční dopravy v období 1920-2020

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    This paper analyzes the automobile accessibility of Prague from the Czech territory over a 100-year period: from the creation of independent Czechoslovakia to the planned completion of an arterial network of motorways and high-speed roadways in 2020. Using publications containing information about the evolution of the road network in Czechia, we digitised historical maps and created geodatabases of the road infrastructure. We then produced accessibility models and performed accessibility analyses for four years - 1920, 1960, 2001 and 2020, using ArcGIS 9.3. These were compared and changes in accessibility were identified using cartographic tools.31733

    Experimental demonstration of a multi-channel micro-optical bridge for multi-Gb/s, free-space intra-MCM interconnects

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    We demonstrate a 2.5Gb/s optical intra-MCM data link with a four-channel micro-optical bridge. This bridge was fabricated by deep proton lithography and monolithically integrates cylindrical lenses and micro-mirrors.status: publishe

    Demonstration of a monolithic multichannel module for multi-Gb/s intra-MCM optical interconnects

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    In this letter, we report on the demonstration of a 2.48-Gb/s multichannel, optical data-link for intramultichip module interconnects. The optical module was fabricated in Poly MethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) by deep proton lithography and monolithically integrates micromirrors and cylindrical lenses. With the same technology, we have also fabricated a single-channel optical bridge and used this component to demonstrate a proof-of-principle optical intrachip interconnect by establishing a digital data-link between optoelectronic transceivers integrated on the same chip.status: publishe