60 research outputs found

    Annual Evaluation of the Student\u27s Perception of the Value of Writing Goals

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    Focus: This study focused on pharmacy students’ perception of the value of writing goals and how this perception changes as students progress in the program. Methods: Annually, all students in the pharmacy program are required to reflect on the previous year’s goals and develop new goals. Following this assignment, a survey was sent out to a random sample (n=162) of students. Based on the feedback, the response was classified as indicating “value” or “no value”. Results: Of the 162 surveys sent out, there were 78 completed responses. 56.25% of responses indicated the student found “value” in the assignment. The data suggests that the perception of value decreased over time. 65.12% of P1-P3 students versus 38.10% of P4-P5 students found “value” in the assignment. Qualitative data showed widely varied responses in terms of specific value perception. Conclusions: Based on the results, many students do not find value in the activity, and therefore the assignment will need to be modified

    Studying a Buckling Behavior for Edge Cracked Plates Under Compression

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    In this work, the buckling behavior for edge cracked plates undercompression loading is studied considering the influence of the crack parameters(i.e. size, location and orientation), plate aspect ratio and plate boundaryconditions. The problem was solved numerically using finite element methodutilizing ANSYS software version11 .The obtained results show that the crackparameters as well as plate aspect ratio and plate boundary conditions areefficient factors on the buckling coefficient and corresponding nodal patterns ofsuch plates. The useful numerical results for buckling coefficients andcorresponding nodal patterns are displayed in figures. According to the author'sknowledge about the published literature on the buckling field, there is nospecific report on the nodal patterns results of such edge cracked plates

    Validation of a deep-learning segmentation model for adult and pediatric head and neck radiotherapy in different patient positions

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    Background and purpose:Autocontouring for radiotherapy has the potential to significantly save time and reduce interobserver variability. We aimed to assess the performance of a commercial autocontouring model for head and neck (H&amp;N) patients in eight orientations relevant to particle therapy with fixed beam lines, focusing on validation and implementation for routine clinical use. Materials and methods: Autocontouring was performed on sixteen organs at risk (OARs) for 98 adult and pediatric patients with 137 H&amp;N CT scans in eight orientations. A geometric comparison of the autocontours and manual segmentations was performed using the Hausdorff Distance 95th percentile, Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and surface DSC and compared to interobserver variability where available. Additional qualitative scoring and dose-volume-histogram (DVH) parameters analyses were performed for twenty patients in two positions, consisting of scoring on a 0–3 scale based on clinical usability and comparing the mean (Dmean) and near-maximum (D2%) dose, respectively. Results: For the geometric analysis, the model performance in head-first-supine straight and hyperextended orientations was in the same range as the interobserver variability. HD95, DSC and surface DSC was heterogeneous in other orientations. No significant geometric differences were found between pediatric and adult autocontours. The qualitative scoring yielded a median score of ≄ 2 for 13/16 OARs while 7/32 DVH parameters were significantly different. Conclusions: For head-first-supine straight and hyperextended scans, we found that 13/16 OAR autocontours were suited for use in daily clinical practice and subsequently implemented. Further development is needed for other patient orientations before implementation.</p

    Translational Aspects of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B and Its Modulation by Thalidomide on Early and Late Radiation Sequelae in Urinary Bladder Dysfunction

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    Purpose: This preclinical study aimed to investigate the role of nuclear factor (NF)-ÎÂșB in early and late radiogenic sequelae of urinary bladder dysfunction in mice. Thalidomide was applied either during the early or late response phase to determine potential effects of NF-ÎÂșB inhibition on functional bladder impairment. Methods and Materials: After pelvic irradiation on day 0, female C3H/Neu mice were observed over a period of 360 days and radiation response was evaluated for alterations in bladder functionality and NF-ÎÂșB activation. Functionality was determined in graded dose experiments (14-24 Gy) and assessed by micturition frequency analysis and transurethral cystotonometry to reveal alterations in voiding and volume. The induction of the NF-ÎÂșB proteins p50 and p65 was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in response to a single dose of 23 Gy (ED90). Thalidomide (100 mg/kg/d) was applied intraperitoneally in 3 treatment groups: daily from day 1 to 15, daily from day 16 to 30, and in 2-day-intervals from day 150 to 180. Results: Immunohistochemical analysis showed a biphasic activation of p50 and p65 during the early radiation cystitis phase (day 1-30). After a transient decrease, p50, but not p65, was reactivated permanently leading to increased levels, which suggests an occurrence of chronic inflammation correlated with functional impairment. Both early thalidomide treatments reduced NF-ÎÂșB activation and shifted the ED50 value for early radiation cystitis and late radiation sequelae to higher doses. Conclusions: These data clearly demonstrate the involvement of NF-ÎÂșB signaling in the pathogenesis of radiation-induced urinary bladder dysfunction. Additionally, this study emphasizes that biological targeting of early radiogenic processes has enormous effect on chronic symptoms. The late administration of thalidomide showed no significant effect on functionality. © 2020 The Author(s

    Chemistry of the opisthonotal gland secretion of Hermannia gibba (Acari, Oribatida)

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    Eine wichtige Synapomorphie der sogenannten „glandulaten Oribatiden“ (Parhyposomata, Mixonomata, Desmonomata und Brachypylina) ist das Vorhandensein von großen, paarigen, opisthosomal angelegten HohldrĂŒsen. Die Sekretchemie dieser HohldrĂŒsen ist taxonspezifisch. ÖldrĂŒsensekretprofile mixo- und desmonomater Hornmilben bestehen aus Kohlenwasserstoffen, Monoterpenen sowie Aromaten. Einige dieser Terpene und Aromaten bilden das Set der sogenannten „astigmatid compounds“ (Neral, Geranial, Nerylformat, -Acaridial und 2-Hydroxy-6-Methyl-Benzaldehyd). In dieser Studie wurden die ÖldrĂŒsensekrete 9 verschiedener Populationen von Hermannia gibba, eine zur Kohorte der Desmonomata zĂ€hlenden Art, untersucht. Adulte Individuen wurden dabei extrahiert und deren Wehrsekrete via GC-MS analysiert. Insgesamt konnte in den Sekretprofilen ein Set aus 41 Komponenten aufgeklĂ€rt werden, welches vorwiegend durch eine große Anzahl verschiedenster Sesquiterpene charakterisiert ist. Diese, in der DrĂŒsenchemie der Oribatida bislang noch nicht identifizierten Verbindungen stellen eine völlig neue Klasse von ÖldrĂŒsenkomponenten dar. Es zeigt sich, dass H. gibba die ĂŒblichen „astigmatid compounds“ komplett reduziert und durch einige neue Mono- und Sesquiterpene, wie - und -Pinen, Limonen, -Terpinen und -Phellandren ersetzt hat. Neben terpenoiden Komponenten konnten Kohlenwasserstoffe, wie n-Dodecan, 3-Methyl-Dodecan, n-Tridecan, verzweigtes Pentadecan und andere verzweigte, kurzkettige Alkane aufgeklĂ€rt werden. Diese Kohlenwasserstoffe stellen eine plesiomorphe, chemische Ur-Ausstattung oribatider ÖldrĂŒsen dar. WĂ€hrend die Zusammensetzung des Sekretcocktails innerhalb einzelner Population stabil ist, gibt es deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den Populationen. Dieser Befund könnte auf unterschiedliche phylogenetische Linien innerhalb des Artenkomplexes „Hermannia gibba“ hindeuten.An important synapomorphy of the glandulate Oribatida (Parhyposomata, Mixonomata, Desmonomata, Brachypylina) is the presence of paired, large, exocrine oil glands in the opisthosoma. The secretions of these glands have been shown to be highly taxon-specific. In Mixo- and Desmonomata, oil gland secretions typically comprise of hydrocarbons, monoterpenes, and aromatics, and a common set of these is called “astigmatid compounds” (neral, geranial, neryl-formate, -acaridial, and a hydroxy-benzaldehyde). In this study, oil gland secretions of 9 different populations of Hermannia gibba, belonging to the cohort Desmonomata, were investigated. Adult secretions of this species were extracted and chemically analyzed via GC-MS. In total a multi-component system of collectively 41 compounds, mainly characterized by a large number of different sesquiterpenes was detected, representing a class of novel oil gland compounds for Oribatida. Thus, H. gibba shows a complete regression of the common “astigmatid compounds” and their replacement by novel mono- and sesquiterpenes such as - and pinene, limonene, -terpinene and -phellandrene. Besides terpenoid compounds, hydrocarbons like n-tridecane, pentadecane, 3-methyl-dodecane and other branched short-chain alkanes were detected, which generally are considered to represent plesiomorphic oil gland equipment. The composition of the secretion cocktail showed intra-populational stability but clearly varied between populations, possibly indicating the presence of distinct phyletic lineages within a proposed species complex “Hermannia gibba”.Kathrin KuessZsfassungen in dt. und engl. SpracheGraz, Univ., Masterarb., 2015(VLID)36799

    Automated analysis of PET based in-vivo monitoring in ion beam therapy

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    Partikeltherapie(PT)-PET ist bis dato die einzige klinisch erprobte und angewendete in-vivo Methode, um in der PT die Strahlapplikation zu verifizieren. Aufgrund von nuklearen Fragmentierungsprozessen im Patientengewebe, sowie der Strahlprojektile, ist es möglich, wĂ€hrend und kurz nach der Bestrahlung eine Positronen AktivitĂ€tsverteilung (AV) zu messen. Diese AV kann allerdings nur mittels einer Monte Carlo (MC) Simulation mit der Dosisverteilung verglichen werden. Um jede Behandlungsfraktion eines Patienten zu verifizieren, ist es nötig, die berechnete Vorhersage der AV mit der aktuellen Messung zu vergleichen. Dies wird derzeit visuell von speziell geschultem Personal durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese Prozedur ist zeitaufwendig und verlangt ein hohes Maß an Erfahrung. In der hier vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht, AV automatisiert und objektiv auszuwerten. Dieses Evaluierungsverfahren (EV) basiert auf dem Pearsons Korrelationskoeffizienten (PCC), welcher in eine Software zum Vergleich von AV implementiert wurde. Die verwendeten Patientendaten stammen von der Forschungseinrichtung GSI, an welcher mehr als 400 Patienten mit 12C behandelt wurden. Die AV wurde hierbei mit einem in-beam PET Prototyp gemessen. Die gemessenen Daten wurden mit kĂŒnstlich verĂ€nderten AV-Simulationen ergĂ€nzt. Die Software wurde fĂŒr Patienten mit Kopf-Hals (H&N)-, Prostata-, Lungen- und Hirntumoren getestet. Zur Erzeugung der 12C-BehandlungsplĂ€ne wurde die Planungssoftware TRiP98 verwendet. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Detektierung von Reichweitenunterschieden mittels PT-PET wurden auch Positionierungsungenauigkeiten der Patienten untersucht. Obwohl alle gemessenen AV wĂ€hrend der Bestrahlung aufgenommen wurden (in-beam), sind auch andere Szenarien eingehend untersucht worden, welche eine PET Aufnahme kurz nach der Bestrahlung annehmen (in-room). Um die erreichbare Genauigkeit anhand von experimentellen Daten zu analysieren, wurden zwei Phantome mit 12C bestrahlt und die AV mit dem in-beam PET Prototyp am GSI gemessen. Diese experimentellen Daten wurden außerdem dazu verwendet, die PCC basierte Methode mit einem Reichweitenvergleichsalgorithmus, welcher an der TU Dresden entwickelt wurde, zu vergleichen. Als unteres Limit fĂŒr die Erkennung von Reichweitenunterschieden konnte bei Patienten mit H&N-Tumoren 4mm erreicht werden. Derselbe Wert wurde auch fĂŒr die Erkennung von Patientenfehlpositionierungen bei H&N-Indikationen erzielt. FĂŒr kleinere LĂ€sionen in heterogenem Gewebe konnte eine Abweichung von 2mm detektiert werden. Das Erkennen von Abweichungen in homogenem Gewebe erwies sich als problematisch, da fast idente Gewebekompositionen zu fast identen AV fĂŒhren. In den Phantomstudien konnten Unterschiede von 2mm automatisch erkannt werden. Eine gefĂŒllte KavitĂ€t wurde erfolgreich detektiert, wenn deren Radius mindestens 5mm betrug. Die Resultate ergaben, dass ein automatischer Vergleich der AV hinsichtlich SensitivitĂ€t und SpezifiziĂ€t Ă€hnliche Ergebnisse liefert wie ein visueller Abgleich. Die Möglichkeit, Patientenfehlpositionierungen automatisch auf PT-PET Bildern zu detektieren, demonstriert die weitreichende Anwendbarkeit dieser Methode. Untersuchungen in verschiedenen Gewebearten zeigten sowohl die Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Grenzen der automatischen Evaluierung auf. Mit dem Design und der anschließenden Bestrahlung der Verifikationsphantome, sowie der Messung der AV, wurde ein objektives Messverfahren fĂŒr automatisierte EV abschließend geprĂŒft. Die entwickelte Software ermöglicht es, den Arbeitsaufwand, welcher mit der Implementierung von PT-PET in der klinischen Routine einhergeht, zu vermindern und somit die Umsetzung von PT-PET zu erleichtern. Um das EV weiterzuentwickeln, wĂ€re es nötig, es in einem PT-Zentrum im klinischen Bereich anzuwenden und an grĂ¶ĂŸeren Patientengruppen zu testen.Particle Therapy (PT)-PET is currently the only clinically approved in-vivo method for monitoring PT. Due to fragmentation processes in the patients' tissue and the beam projectiles, a beta plus activity distribution (BAD) can be measured during or shortly after the irradiation. The recorded activity map can not be directly compared to the planned dose distribution. However, by means of a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation it is possible to predict the measured BAD from a treatment plan (TP). Thus to verify a patient's treatment fraction the actual PET measurement can be compared to the respective BAD prediction. This comparison is currently performed by visual inspection which requires experienced evaluators and is rather time consuming. In this PhD thesis an evaluation tool is presented to compare BADs in an automated and objective way. The evaluation method was based on the Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC) - an established measure in medical image processing - which was coded into a software tool. The patient data used to develop, test and validate the software tool were acquired at the GSI research facility where over 400 patient treatments with 12C were monitored by means of an in-beam PET prototype. The number of data sets was increased by artificially altering BAD to simulate different beam ranges. The automated detection tool was tested in head and neck (H&N), prostate, lung, and brain. To generate carbon ion TPs the treatment planning system TRiP98 was used for all cases. From these TPs the respective BAD predictions were derived. Besides the detection of range deviations by means of PT-PET also the automated detection of patient setup uncertainties was investigated. Although all measured patient data were recorded during the irradiation (in-beam) also scenarios performing PET scans shortly after the irradiation (in-room) were considered. To analyze the achievable precision of PT-PET with the automated evaluation tool based on experimental data two dedicated phantoms were irradiated with 12C-beams and subsequently monitored with the in-beam PET prototype at GSI. Additionally these experimental data were used to compare the PCC based algorithm with a range comparison algorithm developed at the TUD Dresden. The lower limit of detecting range uncertainties for H&N patients was 4mm. The same value was found for the detection of setup uncertainties for H&N cases. Regarding smaller lesions in heterogeneous tissue (e.g. lung) a detection down to 2mm was possible. A deviation detection in homogeneous tissue (e.g. pelvic area) remained challenging, especially due to very similar tissue components the PT-PET images for such anatomic regions are too much alike. The testing of the PCC based algorithm in dedicated phantoms revealed that a range deviation of 2mm and more could be detected automatically. Filled cavities could be successfully detected if their diameter was at least 5mm. The obtained results demonstrated that the automated comparison of BADs provides similar results as visual inspections. The capability of automatically detecting patient setup errors using PT-PET demonstrates the wide applicability of this technique. The investigations performed in different anatomic regions with different tissue compositions demonstrated both the potential and the limitations of PT-PET in general and of the automated evaluation tool in particular. With the design of dedicated phantoms and the subsequent acquired experimental PT-PET data an objective measure is given to test the evaluation software. In conclusion the developed software tool has the potential to reduce the clinical workload essentially so that the implementation of PT-PET in the clinical routine becomes a promising verification option for future PT treatments. Further development of the software tool has to be performed in a clinical environment with the possibility to test the automated comparison for larger cohorts with similar patient characteristics.submitted by Peter KuessAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersZsfassung in dt. SopracheWien, Med. Univ., Diss., 2014OeBB(VLID)171622

    GrönmÄlning inom Svensk hÄllbarhetsredovisning

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    HÄllbarhetsredovisningen har utvecklats allt mer de senaste Ären. Allt fler företag hÄllbarhetsredovisar och mÄnga lÀnder vÀljer att reglera hÄllbarhetsredovisningen genom lag. Den mest anvÀnda standarden ges ut av Global Reporting Initiative, GRI. Deras senaste standard, G4, kom 2013 och dess utveckling gÄr mot att företagens intressenter ska bli allt mer involverade och att hÄllbarhetsrapporten bör granskas av tredje part. Allt för att öka trovÀrdigheten pÄ rapporten samt för att minska grönmÄlningen, aktiviteter dÀr företagen framstÀller sig som mer hÄllbara Àn vad de Àr. Teorin lyfter fram ökad reglering, ökad involvering av intressenter samt granskning av hÄllbarhetsrapporten som aktiviteter för att minska grönmÄlningen och öka trovÀrdigheten hos ens intressenter.   Vi har i denna studie försökt visa pÄ skillnader i balansen pÄ positiva och negativa nyheter utifrÄn vilken redovisningsstandard företagen anvÀnder, G3 eller G4 samt utifrÄn om hÄllbarhetsrapporten granskats eller ej. Genom en innehÄllsanalys har vi kodat nyheterna i hÄllbarhetsredovisningarna som positiva eller negativa, som text, tabell eller diagram samt som hÄrd eller mjuk. Vi har sedan gjort t-tester pÄ vÄrt material för att se om eventuella skillnader finns. De skillnader vi finner pÄvisar ökad grönmÄlning i rapporter uppstÀllda enligt G4, samt i granskade rapporter, varför vi ifrÄgasÀtter deras förmÄga att hindra företag frÄn att grönmÄla. Tidigare forskning kring hÄllbarhetsredovisning har visat att de rapporterande företagens storlek har stor inverkan pÄ deras rapportering, varför vi ocksÄ valde att testa denna aspekt. Resultatet vi fick av dessa tester tyder pÄ att större företag i högre grad grönmÄlar sina hÄllbarhetsrapporter jÀmfört med mindre företag.Corporate Social Responsibility reporting has developed further over the past years. More and more companies publish CSR reports and several countries have passed regulations enforcing CSR reporting. The most commonly used reporting standard is published by the Global Reporting Initative, GRI. Their latest standard, G4, was released in 2013 and it is more focused on the involvement of stakeholders in the reporting process. It also encourages external assurance of reports. This is to increase credibility for the reports and to counter greenwashing, activities that companies use to seem more sustainable than they really are. Previous research has put forward increased regulation, increased involvement of stakeholders, and external assurance of CSR reports as activities capable of mitigating greenwashing and increasing credibility.   In this study we have sought to proove differences in balance between positive and negative news based on the reporting standard companies are using, G3 or G4, as well as based on wheather the report has been externally assured or not. We have conducted a content analysis of CSR reports and coded their contents based on value, type, attribution, and wheather the information is hard or soft. We then ran t-tests on our material to discover differences. The differences we found point to an increase in greenwashing for reports made according to G4, as well as for reports that are externally assured, which makes us question their ability to counter greenwashing. Previous research have proved that the size of the reporting company has a big effect on their reporting behaviour, something we also tested. The results from these tests show that larger companies tend to greenwash their CSR reports more than smaller companies

    Imitative suicide on the Viennese subway

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    The number of subway suicides in Vienna increased dramatically between 1984 and mid-1987. In the second-half of 1987 there was a decrease of 75% which has been sustained for 5 yr. This reduction in subway suicides began when a working group of the Austrian Association for Suicide Prevention developed media guidelines and initiated discussions with the media which culminated with an agreement to abstain from reporting on cases of suicide. The characteristics of suicide and attempted suicide on the Viennese subway are discussed and appropriate guidelines for media coverage of suicidal acts are presented.suicide imitation subway

    Strahlentherapie und Onkologie / Protective effects of systemic dermatan sulfate treatment in a preclinical model of radiation-induced oral mucositis

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    Purpose Oral mucositis is a frequent, dose-limiting side effect of radio(chemo)therapy of head-and-neck malignancies. The epithelial radiation response is based on multiple tissue changes, which could offer targets for a biologically tailored treatment. The potential of dermatan sulfate (DS) to modulate radiation-induced oral mucositis was tested in an established preclinical mucositis model. Methods Irradiation was either applied alone or in combination with daily DS treatment (4mg/kg, subcutaneously) over varying time intervals. Irradiation comprised single dose irradiation with graded doses to the lower tongue surface or daily fractionated irradiation of the whole tongue. Fractionation protocols (53Gy/week) over one (days 04) or two weeks (days 04, 711) were terminated by an additional local single dose irradiation to a defined treatment field on the lower tongue surface to induce the mucosal radiation response. The additional single dose irradiation (top-up) on day 7 (after one week of fractionation) or day 14 (after 2 weeks of fractionation) comprised graded doses in order to generate full doseeffect curves. Ulceration of the epithelium of the lower tongue, corresponding to confluent mucositis, was analysed as clinically relevant endpoint. Additionally, the time course parameters, latent time and ulcer duration were analysed. Results DS treatment significantly reduced the incidence of ulcerations. DS application over longer time intervals resulted in a more pronounced reduction of ulcer frequency, increased latent times and reduced ulcer duration. Conclusion DS has a significant mucositis-ameliorating activity with pronounced effects on mucositis frequency as well as on time course parameters.(VLID)365716

    Heparin treatment mitigates radiation-induced oral mucositis in mice by interplaying with repopulation processes

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    Purpose To investigate the mechanistic background of the muco-protective effect of systemic heparin treatment on the development of radiation-induced oral mucositis in mice. Materials and methods Fractionated irradiation was given to the snouts of male C3H/Neu mice over 2 weeks (10 3 Gy), either alone or in combination with daily subcutaneous application of unfractionated or low molecular weight heparin (40 or 200 I.U./mouse, respectively). Over this course of 14 days, groups of mice (n = 3) were sacrificed every second day, their tongues excised and processed for histological analysis. The epithelial radiation response with and without heparin treatment was evaluated in terms of tissue morphology, proliferation and expression of cell contact molecules. Results Systemic treatment with heparins significantly reduced the cellular effects of irradiation to the oral epithelium. Heparin treated animals showed significantly higher total epithelial cell numbers and thickness throughout the study course. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation analyses revealed that markedly more epithelial cells retained their proliferative capacity in the beginning of the first treatment week, but the proliferation of the mucosa was not stimulated during the rest of the study course. The expression of the adherens junction protein catenin was slightly elevated in heparin treated animals, on day 2 the increase was statistically significant. The expression of ecadherin and occludin was mostly unaffected by the concomitant heparin treatment. Conclusion The findings of this study indicate an interplay of additional heparin treatment with the repopulation processes, leading to an earlier onset of this adaptive radiation response in oral mucosa. Importantly, we could demonstrate that the protective potential of heparin did not rely on stimulation of normal tissue proliferation. Since both heparin preparations are already approved for clinical use, they are considered as promising candidates for future clinical studies.(VLID)366404
