18 research outputs found

    Disclosing the Leaching Behavior of Pd@CMK3 catalysts in Formic Acid Decomposition by Electron Tomography

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    Supported nanocatalysts exhibit different performance in batch and fixed bed reactors for a wide range of liquid phase catalytic reactions due to differences in metal leaching. To investigate this leaching process and its influence on the catalytic performance, a quantitative 3D characterization of the particle size and the particle distribution is important to follow the structural evolution of the active metal catalysts supported on porous materials during the reaction. In this work, electron tomography has been applied to uncover leaching and redeposition of a Pd@CMK3 catalyst during formic acid decomposition in batch and fixed bed reactors. The 3D distribution of Pd NPs on the mesoporous carbon CMK3 has been determined by a quantitative tomographic analysis and the determined structural changes are correlated with the observed differences in activity and stability of formic acid decomposition using batch and fixed bed reactors

    Deformation twins as a probe for tribologically induced stress states

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    Friction and wear of metals are critically influenced by the microstructures of the bodies constituting the tribological contact. Understanding the microstructural evolution taking place over the lifetime of a tribological system therefore is crucial for strategically designing tribological systems with tailored friction and wear properties. Here, we focus on single-crystalline CoCrFeMnNi that is prone to form twins at room temperature. Deformation twins feature a pronounced orientation dependence with a tension-compression anisotropy, a distinct strain release in an extended volume and robust onset stresses. This makes deformation twinning an ideal probe to experimentally investigate the complex stress fields occurring in a tribological contact. Our results clearly show a grain orientation dependence of twinning under tribological load. Unexpectedly, neither the crystal direction parallel to the sliding nor the normal direction are solely decisive for twinning. This experimental approach is ideal to experimentally validate tribological stress field models, as is demonstrates here

    New frontier in printed thermoelectrics: Formation of β-Ag2_{2}Se through thermally stimulated dissociative adsorption leads to high ZT

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    Printed thermoelectrics (TE) could significantly reduce the production cost of energy harvesting devices by large-scale manufacturing. However, developing a high performance printable TE material is a substantial challenge. In this work, a new one-pot synthesis and processing of high performance Ag2_{2}Se based n-type printed TE materials is reported. Structural analyses reveal that orthorhombic β-Ag2_{2}Se is the dominant phase in the n-type printed material compounds. For a printed material at room temperature, a breakthrough power-factor of ∼17 μW cm1^{-1} K2^{-2} with a record high figure-of-merit ZT ∼ 1.03 is achieved. A high average ZT, an important parameter for device applications, of ∼0.85–0.60 has been realized in the temperature range of 300 K to 400 K. Using this material for n-type legs in combination with commercially available PEDOT:PSS for p-type legs, a printed TE generator (print-TEG) of two thermocouples has been fabricated. An output voltage of 17.6 mV and a high maximum power output Pmax_{max} of 0.19 μW are achieved using the print-TEG at ΔT = 75 K

    Few-cycle laser driven reaction nanoscopy on aerosolized silica nanoparticles

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    Nanoparticles offer unique properties as photocatalysts with large surface areas. Under irradiation with light, the associated near-fields can induce, enhance, and control molecular adsorbate reactions on the nanoscale. So far, however, there is no simple method available to spatially resolve the near-field induced reaction yield on the surface of nanoparticles. Here we close this gap by introducing reaction nanoscopy based on three-dimensional momentum-resolved photoionization. The technique is demonstrated for the spatially selective proton generation in few-cycle laser-induced dissociative ionization of ethanol and water on SiO2 nanoparticles, resolving a pronounced variation across the particle surface. The results are modeled and reproduced qualitatively by electrostatic and quasi-classical mean-field Mie Monte-Carlo ((MC)-C-3) calculations. Reaction nanoscopy is suited for a wide range of isolated nanosystems and can provide spatially resolved ultrafast reaction dynamics on nanoparticles, clusters, and droplets

    Hexagonal Packing of Oligo( m-

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    Sub-50 nm Channel Vertical Field-Effect Transistors using Conventional Ink-Jet Printing

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    A printed vertical field-effecttran sistor is demonstrated, which decouples critical device dimensions from printing resolution. A printed mesoporous semiconductor layer, sandwiched between vertically stacked drive electrodes, provides <50 nm channel lengths. A polymer-electrolytebased gate insulator infiltrates the percolating pores of the mesoporous channel to accumulate charge carriers at every semiconductor domain, thereby, resulting in an unprecedented current density of MA cm(-2)

    Deformation-induced grain growth and twinning in nanocrystalline palladium thin films

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    The microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Pd films prepared by magnetron sputtering have been investigated as a function of strain. The films were deposited onto polyimide substrates and tested in tensile mode. In order to follow the deformation processes in the material, several samples were strained to defined straining states, up to a maximum engineering strain of 10%, and prepared for post-mortem analysis. The nanocrystalline structure was investigated by quantitative automated crystal orientation mapping (ACOM) in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), identifying grain growth and twinning/detwinning resulting from dislocation activity as two of the mechanisms contributing to the macroscopic deformation. Depending on the initial twin density, the samples behaved differently. For low initial twin densities, an increasing twin density was found during straining. On the other hand, starting from a higher twin density, the twins were depleted with increasing strain. The findings from ACOM-TEM were confirmed by results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and from conventional and in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction (CXRD, SXRD) experiments

    Direct Conversion of CO2 to Multi-Layer Graphene using Cu-Pd Alloys

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    A straightforward one-step process was developed, in which CO2 gas is directly converted into multi-layer graphene via atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). A bimetallic alloy film based on Cu and Pd was employed as the catalyst and substrate. In this study, we found that the quantity of Cu required for the CO2 conversion process is high (>82 at %). The findings gained in this study serve as a foundation for further studies of metallic alloys for the thermo-reduction of CO2 to graphene under CVD conditions