7 research outputs found
The Preparing of Measurement Qualification
Import 23/07/2015V bakalářské práci je vypracována příprava způsobilosti měření vybraného dílce ve společnosti KLEIN automotive. V úvodu je popsán výrobní program firmy a její historie, ve které je práce zpracována. Dále je v teoretické části práce proveden rozbor měřidel, měření a analýzy měřícího systému, které jsou obecně popsány pro zjištění vady výrobku. V praktické části je vypracován kontrolní plán a návrh měřícího postup, který stanovuje způsobilost měření. V technickém zhodnocení je popsán postup zjištění analýzy měřícího systému metodou R&R a je zde přiložen „ Protokol o vyšetření způsobilosti měřidla metodou R&R“. V tomto protokolu je popsáno, jestli systém měření je přijatelným systémem pro navrhovaný postup měření. Ekonomická části obsahuje, jak byl výsledek této práce přínosný firmě.In the Bachelor work is developed preparation of the measurement eligibility of the selected components in the automotive KLEIN. The introduction describes the manufacturing program of the company and its history, in which the work is processed. Furthermore, in the theoretical part is the analysis of measuring instruments, measurement and analysis of the measuring system, which is generally described for detecting defects in the product. The practical part elaborates the control plan and the draft of measuring procedure, which determines measurement capability. In the technical assessment is described the process of findings the analysis of the measurement system by R & R and is accompanied by a 'Protocol on the instrument capability investigation by R & R. " In this protocol is described if the system of measurement is adequate for the proposed measurement procedure. The economical part of the bachelor thesis contains information about the benefits of the result of this work to this enterprise.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievelmi dobř
Rationalisation of Grinding
V diplomové práci je vypracováno zefektivnění výroby vybraného dílce ve firmě HM tools industrial s.r.o. V první části práce je popsána obecná problematika broušení a popis firmy. V další částí práce je vypracován rozbor použité výrobní technologie doplněna technologickým postupem a následně je navržen nový technologický postup. V závěru práce je provedeno porovnání a celkové zhodnocení.The master thesis developed efficient production of selected elements in the company HM tools Industrial s.r.o. The first part describes the general problems of grinding and company description. In the next part of the thesis, the analysis of the used production technology is completed with the technological process and a new technological procedure is then proposed. At the end of the thesis, comparison and overall evaluation are made.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievelmi dobř
Validity and reliability of drought reporters in estimating soil water content and drought impacts in central Europe
Increasing drought is considered one of the major threats associated with climate change in central Europe. To provide an objective, quantitative tool that represents current drought conditions, the Czech Drought Monitor System (CzechDM) was established in 2012. Like other drought monitoring systems worldwide, the CzechDM uses several approaches to provide drought data. However, the CzechDM is unique internationally due to its utilization of a network of voluntary reporters (farmers) who complete a weekly online questionnaire to provide information about soil water content and the impacts of drought on crop yield. In this study, the results from the questionnaires from individual farms were aggregated by district. Reporters’ data were compared and validated with the outputs of the SoilClim model (a core tool of the CzechDM) and with other drought monitoring tools, such as the water balance model, the soil water index and the evaporative stress index. The soil water content estimated by the reporters was significantly correlated (on average r = 0.8) with the outputs of the SoilClim model. Conversely, the correlation between the drought impacts on yield estimated by the reporters and the SoilClim outputs was lower (on average r = 0.4), suggesting that in situ observations by farmers provide additional insights into the occurrence of drought impacts. Importantly, it was found that farmers reported significant drought impacts on yield earlier in the season than any other methods (models or remote sensing). The main findings of this study are that the drought monitoring provided by reporters is a useful and reliable component of the CzechDM. We conclude that weekly reports by farmers represent a significant enhancement to drought monitoring and have potential for use in developing automated approaches that combine in situ, modeling and remote sensing data within a data fusion or machine learning framework
The Transportation System of a Chosen Municipality of the Southern-Moravian Region and the Local Self-government Authority`s Role of its Provision
Práce se v obecné rovině věnuje vymezení dopravy jako takové a dále se zaměřuje na problematiku integrovaného dopravního systému. Konkrétně popisuje a porovnává stav dopravní obslužnosti zvolené obce Jihomoravského kraje -- Jamolice, a to jak v době fungování veřejné linkové dopravy, tak po zavedení integrovaného dopravního systému. Cílem práce je poukázat na rozdíly v dopravě před a po zavedení integrovaného dopravního systému, které byly zjišťovány prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření obyvatelstva obce a řízených rozhovorů s představiteli zainteresovaných stran (obec a dopravce). Je rovněž provedeno celkové srovnání a zhodnocení předchozího a současného systému dopravy ve vybrané obci, doplněné analýzou předností a nedostatků (jak z hlediska kvality, tak i kvantity) obou systémů. V práci jsou rovněž navržena některá doporučení směřující ke zlepšení kvality současného systému dopravy.The work deals with defining the transport in general as such and then it is focused on the issue of the integrated transport system. Specifically describes and compares the condition of the transport services of a chosen municipality of the Southern-Moravian Region -- Jamolice, as at the time of operation of the public line transport, so after establishment of the integrated transport system. The aim of the work is to show the differences in transport services before and after the establishment of the integrated transport system, which were revealed by means of a questionnaire inquiry of the inhabitants of the municipality and by means of structured interviews with representatives of the interested parties (community and carrier ). Also there is the overall comparison and evaluation of the previous and current transport system in the chosen municipality, complemented by analysis of advantages and disadvantages both from the point of quality and quantity. There are also some proposed suggestions included in the work related to improving the quality of the current transport system
Analysis of journalistic treatment with sources depending on gender of a journalist
Analysis of journalistic treatment with sources depending on gender of a journalist Lucie Kudláčková Abstract This thesis examines relationship between a sex of a journalist and a sex of news source, that the journalist chooses. The work includes a search of existing Czech and foreign research and theories on this topic. Its main goal is to determine whether woman journalists have more female sources than their male colleagues and to describe the difference between men and women journalists during their work with women and men. The paper also attempts to describe share of men and women as sources in the Czech media, with special emphasis on women's representation in the news and their position in it, and brings information on the share of women journalists in the media and their positions in newsrooms. The paper provides quantitative research of media content of the Czech press and television. Data shows that men far outnumber women as authors and as news sources as well. The gender of the sources was proved as an important factor for selection to the report and the source's position in it. It was also proved that female journalists have in their texts more women than their male counterparts. The work also includes additional qualitative research consisting of interviews with journalists. Interviews..
Analysis of job opportunities in the tourism industry
The main objective of this thesis is to define and describe in detail job opportunities in the tourism industry and to research current employer needs. The first part of the thesis focuses on defining of job opportunities in the tourism industry and on determination of factors and subjects which influence the labour market in the tourism industry. One of the chapters explains the meaning of the education in the tourism and compares the education system with labour market needs. The second part concentrates on the analysis of job offers on the internet. Results of the analysis allow describing job opportunities regarding to their structure, region and tourism sector in which they ensue. Employer needs arise from the job offer analysis too and they are expressed by demands on education, training, language skills and other important skills