27 research outputs found

    К методике и методологии гидрогеологических исследований территории Южного Предуралья

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    Providing the population with drinking water is an urgent problem in the areas of the South Urals. It escalates during the dry periods of the summer low water. An analysis of the situation, performed by the author on the example of the Orenburg agglomeration, indicates the possibility of solving this problem by recovery of the water reserves of the existing alluvial water intakes by the accumulation of part of the flood flow. When the water level rises in the river, the groundwater level rises and water inflows to the water wells increase. When water filtering through alluvium they clean themselves from pollutants. Therefore, during groundwater recovery process in the flood period, resources increase and the quality of drinking water improves.Актуальной проблемой районов Южного Предуралья является обеспечение населения водой питьевого качества. Она обостряется в засушливые периоды летней межени. Анализ ситуации на примере Оренбургской городской агломерации свидетельствует о возможности решить эту проблему путем восполнения запасов вод действующих аллювиальных водозаборов за счет аккумуляции части паводкового стока. При подъеме уровня воды в реке поднимается уровень подземных вод и растут водопритоки к водозаборным скважинам. При фильтрации вод через аллювий происходит их самоочищение от загрязняющих веществ, т.е. при восполнении запасов подземных вод в период паводков увеличиваются ресурсы и улучшается качество питьевых вод

    The current state of fishing and extracting the living aquatic resources in the Black Sea region of Ukraine

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    The development of open spaces and resources of the Black Sea is one of the main directions of the Black Sea region (the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions). The essence of the region policy allows to cooperate with the most countries of the world community and brings an income both to the budget of the regions and to the state budget. Industrial fisheries is an extractive branch of the fishing industry that uses the natural resources of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, reservoirs: various species of fish, marine mammals, shellfish, crustaceans and aquatic vegetation. Fisheries can be considered as one type of nature using which consists in the extraction of fish and other sea products (fish, invertebrates, algae, etc.). The purpose of the work was to find out a current state of fishing and extracting the living aquatic resources in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. An assessment of a current state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies in the Black Sea region, namely in the Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions for the period from 2010 to 2018, was carried out on the basis of specialized literature. The state of extracting the aquatic bioresources in general and in the inland water bodies from 2010 to 2018; the amount of caught fish in this region; the state of fisheries of the studied region were investigated. Fish farming is a branch of the national economy that is engaged in farming, increasing and improving a quality of the fish stocks in the water bodies and filling the fish resources. In order to maintain and increase the stocks of valuable industrial fish in our country the extensive measures for artificial fish farming, improving the conditions of natural reproduction of fish, as well as the development of lake and pond fisheries for the commercial fish production are being taken. Much work is being done to acclimatize valuable industrial fish species and other fishing objects, aimed at expanding a fish species composition and increasing the fish stocks. It was found that according to the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the analysis of the exraction of fish and aquatic biological resources in the Black Sea region (Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions) showed that an increase in the volume of fish catching and extracting the living aquatic resources occurred only due to inland waters

    Modern state of fish and fishery products export in Ukraine

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    For every country in the world trade plays an important role in the fishing industry as an employment center, a food supplier, a source of income, a contribution to economic growth and development, as well as it provides food security and nutrition. In fisheries the fierce competition not only for resources but also for markets is not weakening. Leading fishing states are implementing the strategies aimed at ensuring the excellence in both domestic and foreign markets. The purpose of the work was to find out a current state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine. Based on the specialized literature a current state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine has been evaluated. A state of the fish and fish products export in Ukraine from 2015 to 2019 was analyzed; the main consumer countries of Ukrainian fish and fish products were identified; the structure of Ukrainian fish and fish products export was analyzed and the ways to increase the export of Ukrainian fish products in the main fish markets of the World were determined. Nowadays Ukraine has excellent resources for growing and catching fish and is gradually gaining the fish markets of many countries around the world. To develop the fishing industry the state constantly allocates the funds that are to support the industrial species of aquatic bio-resources, especially herbivorous fish, which do not breed naturally in Ukraine, to update the material and technical base for genetic research and cryopreservation work, etc. It was established that in recent years there is a tendency to increase the export of fish and fishery products of Ukraine in the markets of different countries of the World. In 2015 this figure was 6.4 thousand tons of fish and fishery products, and in 2019 it reached 7.6 thousand tons. The main countries that buy Ukrainian fish are: Moldova, Denmark, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Germany. The main export is processed fish products: crab sticks, canned sardines, coleslaw, while sprats or sprats, frozen cod, salmon and other fish

    О гидрогеологических и гидрогеохимических закономерностях Оренбуржья и сопредельных районов

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    The complexity of the formation of hydrodynamics and chemical composition of natural waters of the Urals folded mountains and platform Pre-Urals is due to large differences in the geological structure and in the formation of fluids in the mountain-fold, platform, and transition zones. In addition, the properties and amount of waters in the hydrosphere in the supercritical state below the Conrad boundary are practically not investigated. Hydrogeochemical regularities are used in mapping, zoning of the territory, as well as for the interpretation of the actual material, and division of the cross-section in the drainage basins. For this purpose, concepts of hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical floors, hydrogeochemical zones, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical aquifer complexes and horizons are used. Each hydrogeological area is distinguished by its vertical hydrogeochemical zonation, which synthesizes the most essential features of the evolution of this structure during a particular period of history. As a result, chemical types of waters with zones of a certain thickness, successively replacing each other within adjacent areas or provinces (belts) are formed. The same type of zonation may also characterize a group of structures.Сложность формирования гидродинамики и химического состава природных вод горно-складчатого Урала и платформенного Предуралья обусловлена большими различиями в геологическом строении и в формировании флюидов в горно-складчатой, платформенной и переходной зонах. Кроме того, практически не исследованы свойства и количество вод в гидросфере в надкритическом состоянии ниже границы Конрада. Гидрогеохимические закономерности используются при картографировании, районировании территории, а также при интерпретации фактического материала и расчленении разреза в бассейнах стока. С этой целью используются представления о гидродинамических и гидрогеохимических этажах, о гидрогеохимических зонах, гидрогеологических и гидрогеохимических водоносных комплексах и горизонтах. Каждый гидрогеологический район отличается по своей вертикальной гидрогеохимической зональности, синтезирующей самые существенные черты эволюции данной структуры в течение определенного периода истории. В результате в разрезе формируются химические типы вод с зонами определенной мощности, последовательно сменяющие друг друга в пределах смежных районов или провинций (поясов). Один тип зональности может характеризовать и группу структур

    Гидрогеологические аспекты развития водохозяйственных технологий урбанизированных территорий на примере Оренбуржья

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    In the conditions of increasing industrial load especially in combination with arid climate, negative geodynamic processes develop on Earth, including depletion and pollution of water resources. More than 1.5 billion people suffer from the lack of water resources and the processes of pollution of natural waters. For more than two thousand years, people on the planet have been solving water management problems by building water reservoirs and the simplest water management structures. However, in arid climate, the construction of reservoirs is accompanied by the large losses of water due to evaporation. To overcome these difficulties, water management technologies are being developed. They are aimed in increasing the water reserves of water intakes based on the accumulation of a part of the floodwater.В условиях НТР и особенно засушливого климата на Земле развиваются негативные геодинамические процессы, включая истощение и загрязнение водных ресурсов. Более 1,5 млрд человек преодолевают трудности, связанные с недостатком водных ресурсов и процессами загрязнения природных вод и ОС. Уже более двух тысяч лет люди на планете решают водохозяйственные задачи путем строительства водохранилищ и простейших водохозяйственных сооружений. Однако в условиях аридного климата строительство водохранилищ сопровождается большими потерями воды на испарение. Аридизация климата затронула свыше 35% суши. В условиях НТР и широкого развития процессов техногенеза значительно возросли и продолжают расти расходы воды, усиливая истощение водных ресурсов и ухудшение их качества. Для преодоления этих трудностей развиваются водохозяйственные технологии, заключающиеся в увеличении запасов вод водозаборов за счет аккумуляции части паводковых вод

    Представления и роль воды в геодинамике планеты

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    Among the sources of energy of the geodynamics of the Earth, the energy sources associated with changes in the structure and density of chemical compounds, especially near the so-called critical point, are ignored, which is confirmed by the discovery of the “superwater” and the detection of water in sunspots. It became clear that water fluids in a supercritical state are in the mantle and core of the Earth. The transition of water to a supercritical state, in our opinion, occurs near the Conrad border, which is recorded by seismic in the absence of a difference in rock lithology. Research and modeling of the parameters of chemical components at high temperatures and pressures will provide an answer to the origin of changes in seismic velocity and density of rocks at different depths of the Earth, which will increase the efficiency of forecasting, prospecting, and exploration of minerals and mitigation of the negative geodynamic processes.Среди источников энергии геодинамики Земли игнорируется энергетика, связанная с изменениями структуры и плотности химических соединений, особенно вблизи так называемой критической точки, что подтверждено открытием «сверхводы» и обнаружением воды в солнечных пятнах. Стало ясно, что водные флюиды в надкритическом состоянии есть в мантии и ядре Земли. Переход воды в надкритическое состояние, по нашему мнению, происходит у границы Конрада, что фиксируется сейсмикой при отсутствии разницы в литологии пород. Исследования и моделирование параметров химических компонентов при высоких температурах и давлениях позволят выяснить причины изменения сейсмической скорости и плотности пород на разных глубинах Земли, что повысит эффективность прогноза, поисков и разведки полезных ископаемых и прогноза негативных геодинамических процессов

    Regulation of fish resources rational using on the territory of the NNP “BUG GARD”

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    Today on the territory of Ukraine there are 40 national nature parks which include the NNP “Bug Gard”. One of the main tasks of the NNP is to preserve the valuable natural objects and to develop the scientific recommendations for protecting the environment and using the natural resources efficiently. Modern poaching, with its mass, technical armament, impunity and constant rapid growth, poses a serious threat to the national security of Ukraine. Significant damage to fishing and fish farming on the territory of the NNP “Bug Gard” is caused by the actions of poachers. During the functioning of the NNP “Bug Gard” the State Protection Service constantly conducts inspections and patrols the territory of the park to identify and to stop violations of the environmental legislation. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the fish protection measures carrying out in the Bug National Nature Park by the State Protection Service has been assessed. Annually the State Protection Service of the NNP “Bug Gard” conducts on average of 120 activities to identify environmental offenses, practices the explanatory talks, on average, 600 conversations per year, which are aimed at clarifying the environmental legislation in the field of fauna and flora protection, as well as it constantly informs the public through the media about the individual cases of poaching in order to further preventing the environmental offenses. Annually, an average of 1.000 leaflets with the fire safety rules on the territory of the NNP and with the environmental issues were produced and distributed among the population and the visitors of the park. It is established that, according to the analysis, the State Protection Service of the NNP “Bug Gard” carries out the effective measures in the field of fish resources conserving and rational using in the area of its responsibility, carries out a widespread waste water pollution control in the water bodies, creates the conditions for normal fish reproduction and keeps a track of environmental and fishing offenses, which not only preserves the flora and fauna, but also compensates the damage caused by the actions of poachers and other violators

    Photometric observations of the supernova 2009nr

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    We present the results of our UBVRI CCD photometry for the second brightest supernova of 2009, SN 2009nr, discovered during a sky survey with the telescopes of the MASTER robotic network. Its light and color curves and bolometric light curves have been constructed. The light-curve parameters and the maximum luminosity have been determined. SN 2009nr is shown to be similar in light-curve shape and maximum luminosity to SN 1991T, which is the prototype of the class of supernovae Ia with an enhanced luminosity. SN 2009nr exploded far from the center of the spiral galaxy UGC 8255 and most likely belongs to its old halo population. We hypothesize that this explosion is a consequence of the merger of white dwarfs


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    During studying of opinion of physicians and heads of Tomsk oblast federal healthcare institutions' departments it was revealed that stuff of institutions have a positive attitude to current changes only in case of being informed enough about territorial program of state guarantees of providing of free medical care to population and about main directions of reforms. On the basis of received results of survey suggestions were formed, which are directed to improving the awareness of employees and formation of personnel policy of institutions.При изучении мнения врачей и руководителей структурных подразделений федеральных учреждений здравоохранения, находящихся на территории Томской области, программах реформирования и модернизации отрасли выявлено, что сотрудники учреждений имеют положительное отношение к происходящим изменениям только при условии достаточно полной информированности о территориальной программе государственных гарантий оказания бесплатной медицинской помощи населению и основных направлениях реформ. На основании полученных результатов социологического опроса сформированы предложения, направленные на улучшение информированности работников и формирование кадровой политики в учреждениях

    Prompt, early, and afterglow optical observations of five gamma-ray bursts (GRBs 100901A, 100902A, 100905A, 100906A, and 101020A)

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    We present results of the prompt, early, and afterglow optical observations of five gamma-ray bursts, GRBs 100901A, 100902A, 100905A, 100906A, and 101020A, made with the Mobile Astronomical System of TElescope-Robots in Russia (MASTER-II net), the 1.5-m telescope of Sierra-Nevada Observatory, and the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope. For two sources, GRB 100901A and GRB 100906A, we detected optical counterparts and obtained light curves starting before cessation of gamma-ray emission, at 113 s and 48 s after the trigger, respectively. Observations of GRB 100906A were conducted with two polarizing filters. Observations of the other three bursts gave the upper limits on the optical flux; their properties are briefly discussed. More detailed analysis of GRB 100901A and GRB 100906A supplemented by Swift data provides the following results and indicates different origins of the prompt optical radiation in the two bursts. The light curves patterns and spectral distributions suggest a common production site of the prompt optical and high-energy emission in GRB 100901A. Results of spectral fits for GRB 100901A in the range from the optical to X-rays favor power-law energy distributions with similar values of the optical extinction in the host galaxy. GRB 100906A produced a smoothly peaking optical light curve suggesting that the prompt optical radiation in this GRB originated in a front shock. This is supported by a spectral analysis. We have found that the Amati and Ghirlanda relations are satisfied for GRB 100906A. An upper limit on the value of the optical extinction on the host of GRB 100906A is obtained.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 14 tables, 5 machine readable tables; accepted for publication in MNRA