843 research outputs found

    Engine Motormanagement Software

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    Zvyšující se požadavky a nároky na provoz motorových vozidel přispěly k vývoji nových systémů přípravy směsi paliva a zapalování. Splnění stále přísnějších emisních limitů, nižší spotřeba paliva při současném zvýšení výkonu a točivého momentu motoru, to byly hlavní příčiny vedoucí k velice intenzivnímu výzkumu a pozdějšímu zavedení dokonalejších systémů vstřikování a zapalování. Za posledních několik let se koncepce klasického spalovacího motoru téměř nezměnila, ale co se mění neustále, jsou právě řídící prvky motorů jako zapalovaní a vstřikování.Increasing requirements and claims on running of motor vehicles contributed to development of new systems on the mixture preparations of fuel and ignition. Cardinal causes, which led to the very intensive research and later introduction of superior systems of injection and ignition, where fulfilment of stricter emission limits, lower fuel consumption at prezent engine-power increase and engine torque. The conception of the classical gas-engine was not changed over the past few years. The supervising elements as ignition and injestions of engines are continuously changed.

    Exploring the Potential of Developmental Work Research and Change Laboratory to Support Sustainability Transformations:A Case Study of Organic Agriculture in Zimbabwe

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    This paper explores the emergence of transgressive learning in CHAT-informed development work research in a networked organic agriculture case study in Zimbabwe, based on intervention research involving district organic associations tackling interconnected issues of climate change, water, food security and solidarity. The study established that We change laboratories can be used to support transgressive learning through: confronting unproductive local norms; collective reframing of problematic issues; stimulating expansive learning and sustainability transformations in minds, relationships and landscapes across time. The study also confirms the need for fourth generation CHAT to address the complex social-ecological problems of today

    Design of Company Contracts Database

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    Práce pojednává o problematice výběru, návrhu a implementace vhodného databázového systému. Zabývá se historií jejich vývoje a vybrané systémy také porovnává. V mojí práci je popsán návrh datového modelu pro firemní databázi smluv a nastíněno řešení jejího aplikačního rozhraní.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the issue of suitable database system selection, design and implementation. It contents the historical development overview and it’s comparing. My publication describes design of company contracts database and outlines the application programming interface.

    NEW ON THE „OLD“ – Brno, Bratislavská - Stará Corner

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    Polyfunkční objekt umístěný v proluce na nároží ulic Bratislavská a Stará v Brněnských Zábrdovicích. Hlavním účelem budovy je vytvořit podmínky pro obrození upadající čtvrti v blízkosti centra, s čímž souvisí navržené funkce galerie, ateliérů, kavárny a bydlení. Návrh pracuje s veřejným prostorem a privátními atrii v kombinaci s obytnými pavlačemi. Zvláštní pozornost byla věnována fasádě, aby dům zapadl mezi bohatě zdobenou zástavbu z 19. století.Multifunctional building is located in a vacant lot on the corner of Bratislavska and Stara streets in district Zábrdovice of Brno city. The main purpose of the building is to create conditions for the revival of declining district near the center, which is achieved by the proposed functions of gallery, studios, cafe and housing. The design works with public space and private atriums in a combination with residential galleries. Special attention was paid to the facade of the house to fit between the richly decorated buildings of the 19th century.

    Factors Influencing Fertility and Hatchability of Poultry

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    Poultry production at all scales of operation is wholly dependent on the supply of day-old chicks. Two important factors that have a significant impact on the supply of day-old chicks are fertility and hatchability. Hatchability is the proportion of fertile eggs that actually hatch, whereas fertility refers to the proportion of fertile eggs that are incubated. Understanding the elements that affect the fertility and hatchability of eggs is important. Breeds, diet, age of the hens, environmental stress, egg weight, shell thickness, porosity, and form index are the most important variables that affect fertility and hatchability. The internal and exterior egg characteristics are diminished by heat stress. Heat illness has an impact on all stages of the breeder's semen production. The fertility and hatchability of eggs are impacted by various facilities, including storage crates, hatcheries, and incubators. As a result, offering the best management and developing intervention strategies for improvement can increase poultry fertility and hatchability. Keywords: Poultry, eggs, fertility, hatchability DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/13-8-01 Publication date:May 31st 202


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    Energy-efficient and reliable data routing is critical in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) application scenarios. Due to oscillations in wireless links in adverse environmental conditions, sensed data may not be sent to a sink node. As a result of wireless connectivity fluctuations, packet loss may occur. However, retransmission-based approaches are used to improve reliable data delivery. These approaches need a high quantity of data transfers for reliable data collection. Energy usage and packet delivery delays increase as a result of an increase in data transmissions. An energy-efficient data collection approach based on a genetic algorithm has been suggested in this paper to determine the most energy-efficient and reliable data routing in wireless sensor networks. The proposed algorithm reduced the number of data transmissions, energy consumption, and delay in network packet delivery. However, increased network lifetime. Furthermore, simulation results demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed method, considering the parameters energy consumption, network lifetime, number of data transmissions, and average delivery delay

    The Effect of a 18-Week Supervised Exercise Program on Changes in Weight and Health Status in Overweight Individuals: The Healthy Weight Beginner and Intermediate Program

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    Background: According to the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, approximately 69% of South African women and 29% of men are considered overweight/obese. In South Africa, overweight and obesity rates are on the rise and have reached epidemic proportions. Several conventional weight loss strategies have been employed and have been unsuccessful in addressing this issue. It is for this reason that this study strives to uncover if any improvement in weight and fitness status are associated with an improvement in health status. Methods: One of our main aims were to determine the success in weight loss and reduction in health risk factors in members who have completed 18-weeks of the Healthy weight programme. Therefore, this study is a retrospective, observational study of adults with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 32.63 ± 7.39 who completed an 18-week supervised exercise program. An online health questionnaire was completed followed by pre- intervention assessments which included: Anthropometric measures (height, weight, waist circumference, body fat percentage) followed by blood pressure, finger-prick random glucose and cholesterol measurements. A 12-min motion test to assess functional capacity were completed. All anthropometric, resting health measures and fitness tests were repeated at 12-weeks (post-beginner programme) and 18 weeks (post-intervention) after the start of the intervention. The intervention included 2 weekly classes with an optional gym class. The type of exercise intervention that was included in this study largely focused resistance training and cardiorespiratory fitness which targeted multiple large muscle groups. Each exercise session included 80 to 90 % exercise intensity as well as lumbopelvic core exercises. The data set was analysed as an intention to treat (ITT) protocol as some of the testing time points were missing. Results: Out of a possible 50 participants, 34 met the inclusion criteria of at least all 3 health measures taken on the 3 different occasions (baseline, post-beginner, postintervention). The 34 participants had a mean age of 47.26 ± 10.44 ranging between 24 years and 76 years old. 65 % of the participants were female. Anthropometric results showed significant changes in weight and waist circumference at 12- and at 18-weeks compared to baseline measures (p < 0.005). Additionally, body fat % significantly reduced at 12-weeks but increased slightly at 18 weeks diminishing the significant reduction compared to the baseline measure. In terms of fitness, participants succeeded in improving their average distance to complete a 12-min motion test by 14.5% (p < 0.001) at 12-weeks and 20% (p < 0.001) at 18-weeks compared to starting measures, respectively. After adjusting for multiple comparisons during post-hoc analysis, none of the health status outcomes (blood pressure, random glucose, random cholesterol) showed a significant improvement at any of the time points. In terms of associations, a change in body fat % could significantly explain some of the variance in the change (from baseline to 18-weeks) in cholesterol; and a change in weight could significantly explain some of the variance in the change in glucose over the same intervention time. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed the 18-week supervised exercise intervention led to a modest reduction (approximately 5%) in weight and a substantial improvement in fitness. However, no changes in health status were observed, suggesting that greater improvements in weight and fitness may be required to have a profound influence on health status