475 research outputs found

    Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of representing localized failure of massive structures. Part II: identification from tests under heterogeneous stress field

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    In Part I of this paper we have presented a simple model capable of describing the localized failure of a massive structure. In this part, we discuss the identification of the model parameters from two kinds of experiments: a uniaxial tensile test and a three-point bending test. The former is used only for illustration of material parameter response dependence, and we focus mostly upon the latter, discussing the inverse optimization problem for which the specimen is subjected to a heterogeneous stress field.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Multilocus sequence typing of Cronobacter sakazakii and Cronobacter malonaticus reveals stable clonal structures with clinical significance which do not correlate with biotypes

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    Background: The Cronobacter genus (Enterobacter sakazakii) has come to prominence due to its association with infant infections, and the ingestion of contaminated reconstituted infant formula. C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus are closely related, and are defined according their biotype. Due to the ubiquitous nature of the organism, and the high severity of infection for the immunocompromised, a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme has been developed for the fast and reliable identification and discrimination of C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus strains. It was applied to 60 strains of C. sakazakii and 16 strains of C. malonaticus, including the index strains used to define the biotypes. The strains were from clinical and non-clinical sources between 1951 and 2008 in USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the Far East. Results: This scheme uses 7 loci; atpD, fusA, glnS, gltB, gyrB, infB, and pps. There were 12 sequence types (ST) identified in C. sakazakii, and 3 in C. malonaticus. A third (22/60) of C. sakazakii strains were in ST4, which had almost equal numbers of clinical and infant formula isolates from 1951 to 2008. ST8 may represent a particularly virulent grouping of C. sakazakii as 7/8 strains were clinical in origin which had been isolated between 1977 - 2006, from four countries. C. malonaticus divided into three STs. The previous Cronobacter biotyping scheme did not clearly correspond with STs nor with species. Conclusion: In conclusion, MLST is a more robust means of identifying and discriminating between C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus than biotyping. The MLST database for these organisms is available online at http://pubmlst.org/cronobacter

    Comparison of methods for the microbiological identification and profiling of cronobacter species from ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula

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    Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) can be isolated from a wide range of foods and environments, and its association with neonatal infections has drawn considerable attention from regulatory authorities. The principle route of neonatal infection has been identified as the ingestion of contaminated infant formula. A number of methods have been developed to identify Cronobacter spp., however these were before the most recent (2012 ) taxonomic revision of the genus into seven species. In this study, phenotyping, protein profiling and molecular methods were used to identify Cronobacter strains which had been recently isolated from ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that different Cronobacter strains had been recovered from the same food products. All isolates were identified as C sakazakii according to four genus specific PCR-probes and protein profiling using MALDI-TOF analysis. However, 16S rDNA sequence analyses and fusA allele sequencing gave more accurate identification: four strains were C sakazakii, one strain was C malonaticus and the remaining strain was C universalis. Multilocus sequence typing showed the strains were different sequence types. These results demonstrate the presence of different Cronobacter species in food ingredients used in the preparation of infant formula, and also the need for molecular identification and profiling methods to be revised according to taxonomic revisions

    Enhanced self-administration of the CB1 receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 in olfactory bulbectomized rats: evaluation of possible serotonergic and dopaminergic underlying mechanisms

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    Depression has been associated with drug consumption, including heavy or problematic cannabis use. According to an animal model of depression and substance use disorder comorbidity, we combined the olfactory bulbectomy (OBX) model of depression with intravenous drug self-administration procedure to verify whether depressive-like rats displayed altered voluntary intake of the CB1 receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 (WIN, 12.5 μg/kg/infusion). To this aim, olfactory-bulbectomized (OBX) and sham-operated (SHAM) Lister Hooded rats were allowed to self-administer WIN by lever-pressing under a continuous [fixed ratio 1 (FR-1)] schedule of reinforcement in 2 h daily sessions. Data showed that both OBX and SHAM rats developed stable WIN intake; yet, responses in OBX were constantly higher than in SHAM rats soon after the first week of training. In addition, OBX rats took significantly longer to extinguish the drug-seeking behavior after vehicle substitution. Acute pre-treatment with serotonin 5HT1B receptor agonist, CGS-12066B (2.5-10 mg/kg), did not significantly modify WIN intake in OBX and SHAM Lister Hooded rats. Furthermore, acute pre-treatment with CGS-12066B (10 and 15 mg/kg) did not alter responses in parallel groups of OBX and SHAM Sprague Dawley rats self-administering methamphetamine under higher (FR-2) reinforcement schedule with nose-poking as operandum. Finally, dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of OBX rats did not increase in response to a WIN challenge, as in SHAM rats, indicating a dopaminergic dysfunction in bulbectomized rats. Altogether, our findings suggest that a depressive-like state may alter cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist-induced brain reward function and that a dopaminergic rather than a 5-HT1B mechanism is likely to underlie enhanced WIN self-administration in OBX rats

    Cronobacter condimenti sp. nov., isolated from spiced meat, and Cronobacter universalis sp. nov., a species designation for Cronobacter sp. genomospecies 1, recovered from a leg infection, water, and food ingredients

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    A re-evaluation of the taxonomic position of five strains, one assigned to Cronobacter sakazakii (strain 1330T), two previously assigned to Cronobacter genomospecies 1 (strains NCTC 9529T and 731) and two as Cronobacter turicensis (strains 96 and 1435) was carried out. The analysis included a phenotypic characterization, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of seven housekeeping genes (atpD, fusA, glnS, gltB, gyrB, infB, ppsA; 3036 bp). The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and MLSA showed strain 1330T, isolated from spiced meat purchased in Slovakia, to form an independent phylogenetic line. Cronobacter dublinensis was the closest neighbour species on the basis of the MLSA. DNA–DNA reassociation and phenotypic analysis revealed that strain 1330T represented a novel species, for which the name Cronobacter condimenti sp. nov. is proposed, type strain 1330T = CECT 7863T, = LMG 26250T). The four bacterial strains NCTC 9529T, 731, 96 and 1435, isolated from water, a leg infectionand two food ingredients; onion powder and rye flour, repectively, showed on the phylogenetic tree to cluster together within an independent phylogenetic line, with Cronobacter turicensis as the closest species. The DNA–DNA hybridization data and the phenotypic characterization confirmed that these strains represented a novel species, for which the name Cronobacter universalis sp. nov. is proposed with type strain NCTC 9529T = CECT 7864T, = LMG 26249T

    P424Short-term ACE Inhibition upregulates cardiac expression of SERCA2a and protects against ventricular arrhythmias in healthy rats

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    Introduction: Chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEIs) treatment can suppress arrhythmogenesis. To examine whether the effect is more immediate and independent of suppression of pathological remodelling, we tested the antiarrhythmic effect of short-term ACE inhibition in healthy normotensive rats. Methods and results: Wistar rats were administered with enalaprilat (ENA, i.p., 5 mg/kg every 12 h) or vehicle (CON) for two weeks. Cellular shortening was measured in isolated, electrically paced cardiomyocytes. Standard 12-lead electrocardiography was performed and, hearts of anesthetized open-chest rats were subjected to 6-min ischemia followed by 10-minute reperfusion to examine susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias. Expressions of calcium regulating proteins (SERCA2a, cardiac sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase; CSQ, calsequestrin; TRD, triadin; PLB, phospholamban; FKBP12.6, FK506-binding protein) were measured by Western blot and mRNA levels of L-type calcium channel (Cacna1c), ryanodine receptor (Ryr2) and potassium channels Kcnh2 and Kcnq1 were measured by qRT-PCR. ENA decreased systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure (by 20%, and by 31%, respectively, for both P<0.05) but enhanced shortening of cardiomyocytes at basal conditions (by 34%, P<0.05) and under beta-adrenergic stimulation (by 73%, P<0.05). Enalaprilat shortened QTc interval duration (CON: 78±1 ms vs. ENA: 72±2 ms; P<0.05) and significantly decreased the total duration of ventricular fibrillations (VF) and the number of VF episodes (P<0.05). Reduction in arrhythmogenesis was associated with a pronounced upregulation of SERCA2a and increased Cacna1c mRNA levels. Conclusion: Short-term ACEI treatment can provide protection against I/R injury-induced ventricular arrhythmias in healthy myocardium and this effect is associated with increased SERCA2a expression. CON ENA Calcium regulating proteins SERCA2a 100±20 304±13* CSQ 100±6 105±7 TRD 100±16 117±10 PLB 100±9 109±16 FKBP12 100±12 93±

    The structure of O-polysaccharide isolated from Cronobacter universalis NCTC 9529T

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    The O-polysaccharide (OPS) was isolated from Cronobacter universalis NCTC 9529T, a new species in the genus Cronobacter, which was created by the reclassification of the species Enterobacter sakazakii. Purified polysaccharide was analyzed by NMR spectroscopy (1H, COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, HSQC, and HSQC-TOCSY) and chemical methods. The monosaccharide derivatives were analyzed by gas chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. These experiments enabled the type and number of monosaccharides in the repeating unit of OPS, their positions of linkages, and absolute configuration to be determined. Together the chemical analysis established a structure of the OPS of C. universalis NCTC 9529T: →3)--L-FucpNAc-(1→4)--D-Manp-(1→3)--L-FucpNAc-(1→3)-β-D-GlcpNAc-(1→ [A, B, C, D] OPS isolated from C. universalis was structurally characterized for the first time

    Biofilm formation on enteral feeding tubes by Cronobacter sakazakii, Salmonella serovars and other Enterobacteriaceae

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    WHO (2007) recommended that to reduce microbial risks, powdered infant formula should be reconstituted with water at temperatures >70 °C, and that such feeds should be used within 2 h of preparation. However, this recommendation does not consider the use of enteral feeding tubes which can be in place for more than 48 h and can be loci for bacterial attachment. This study determined the extent to which 29 strains of Cronobacter sakazakii, Salmonella serovars, other Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. can adhere and grow on enteral feeding tubes composed of polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane. The study also included silver-impregnated tubing which was expected to have antibacterial activity. Bacterial biofilm formation by members of the Enterobacteriaceae was ca. 105-106 cfu/cm after 24 h. Negligible biofilm was detected for Acinetobacter gensp. 13; ca. 10 cfu/cm, whereas Cr. sakazakii strain ATCC 12868 had the highest biofilm cell density of 107 cfu/cm. Biofilm formation did not correlate with capsule production, and was not inhibited on silver-impregnated tubing. Bacteria grew in the tube lumen to cell densities of 107 cfu/ml within 8 h, and 109 cfu/ml within 24 h. It is plausible that in vivo the biofilm will both inoculate subsequent routine feeds and as the biofilm ages, clumps of cells will be shed which may survive passage through the neonate's stomach. Therefore biofilm formation on enteral feeding tubes constitutes a risk factor for susceptible neonates
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