46 research outputs found

    Деякі аспекти класифікації публічних екологічних інтересів

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    Кубрак О. С. Деякі аспекти класифікації публічних екологічних інтересів / О. С. Кубрак // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 639-641

    Проблеми створення та маркетингової діяльності обслуговуючих кооперативів у сільському господарстві

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    The problems of creation and effective functioning of service cooperatives in agriculture are analyzed. Formation of their microeconomic goals, which are determined by the presence of many centers of optimization, are shown. The inadequate coherence between these goals and the directions of state financial support was the most important factor in deterring of formation servicing co-operation in Ukraine. The mistakenness of common points of view regarding the absolute competitive advantages of agroholdings in comparison with service cooperatives is substantiated. Service cooperatives can provide formation as large commodity parties as agroholdings without excessive consolidation of economic entities. In addition, service cooperatives may avoid competition by implementing marketing strategy focused on satisfying needs of consumers of individual narrow market segments.  The main argument is the ability to overcome the monopolization of the market by separate structures and ensure market price generation. General tendencies of agricultural development are determined by the prices which are formed by separate monopoly structure without cooperatives. Price is the main element of the market mechanism of production regulation. It is a benchmark that defines the directions of marketing activity of agricultural enterprise. There are lots of tendencies that should be expected in such condition. These are huge companies, which form their own distribution channels. They independently deliver products to consumers, passing the existing intermediary structures which monopolized market. They prefer production of products for export, as monopolistic tendencies in pricing are largely overcomed in foreign markets and prices for agricultural products are higher and more stable. Cooperative idea is aimed at formation on cooperative basis of the infrastructure of the agrarian market in some countries. Evidence of this is predominantly cooperative ownership of the wholesale markets for agricultural products, created in the places of raw material production. Government support of creation markets ensures market generation of prices and goods flows through the organization of auction tenders. The dissemination of information on the results of these trades will affect the price level generated by other channels, stabilizing prices.Аналізуються проблеми створення та ефективного функціонування обслуговуючих кооперативів у сільському господарстві. Показано особливості формування їх мікроекономічних цілей, які визначаються наявністю багатьох центрів оптимізації. Неналежна узгодженість цих цілей та напрямів державної фінансової підтримки була найвагомішим чинником стримування процесів становлення обслуговуючої кооперації в Україні. Обґрунтована помилковість поширених точок зору щодо абсолютних конкурентних переваг агроголдингів порівняно з обслуговуючими кооперативами. Обслуговуючі кооперативи можуть забезпечити формування таких же великих товарних партій, як і агроголдинги без надмірного укрупнення суб’єктів господарювання. Крім того, здійснюючи стратегію концентрованого маркетингу з орієнтацією на задоволення потреб споживачів окремих вузьких сегментів ринку, обслуговуючі кооперативи можуть, до певної міри, уникати конкуренції. Основним аргументом, що визначає  необхідність створення обслуговуючих кооперативів, є можливість подолання монополізації ринку окремими структурами і забезпечення ринкового генерування цін. Без таких кооперативів загальні тенденції розвитку сільського господарства визначаються ціною, сформованою окремою монопольною структурою. Ціна – основний елемент ринкового механізму регулювання виробництва. Вона є орієнтиром, що визначає напрями маркетингової діяльності сільськогосподарського підприємства. В Україні проявляються закономірні тенденції, які слід було очікувати в таких умовах – прискорено розвиваються особливо великі за розмірами підприємства, які формують власні канали розподілу, самостійно доводять продукцію до кінцевих споживачів, обминаючи існуючі посередницькі структури, що монополізували ринок. Вони віддають переваги виробництву продукції на експорт, оскільки на зарубіжних ринках монопольні тенденції у ціноутворенні в значній мірі подолані і ціни на сільськогосподарську продукцію вищі та стабільніші. У переважній більшості економічно розвинутих країн кооперативна ідея спрямовується на формування на кооперативних засадах інфраструктури аграрного ринку. Свідченням цього є переважно кооперативна власність оптових ринків сільськогосподарської продукції, що створені у місцях виробництва сировини. Державна підтримка створення таких ринків забезпечує ринкове генерування цін та товаропотоків на основі організації аукційних торгів. Поширення інформації про результати цих торгів вплине на рівень цін, що формуються за іншими каналами, стабілізує ціни

    Dephasing time of disordered two-dimensional electron gas in modulated magnetic fields

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    The dephasing time of disordered two-dimensional electron gas in a modulated magnetic field is studied. It is shown that in the weak inhomogeneity limit, the dephasing rate is proportional to the field amplitude, while in strong inhomogeneity limit the dependence is quadratic. It is demonstrated that the origin of the dependence of dephasing time on field amplitude lies in the nature of corresponding single-particle motion. A semiclassical Monte Carlo algorithm is developed to study the dephasing time, which is of qualitative nature but efficient in uncovering the dependence of dephasing time on field amplitude for arbitrarily complicated magnetic-field modulation. Computer simulations support analytical results. The crossover from linear to quadratic dependence is then generalized to the situation with magnetic field modulated periodically in one direction with zero mean, and it is argued that this crossover can be expected for a large class of modulated magnetic fields.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    A clinical case of small intestinal intussusception caused by metastatic melanoma

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    Intestinal obstruction is observed in about 9.0 % of patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity. The disease occurs at any age, but more often between 25–50 years. Mixed intestinal obstruction is only 3–7 %. The most common form of mixed intestinal obstruction is intestinal invasion. The most common cause of intussusception in adults is an intestinal tumor. Early diagnosis and the optimal amount of surgical treatment are the main components of successful treatment of the patient. Aim: to familiarize practitioners with a rare case of intestinal obstruction in adults and its management strategies in a surgical hospital. Materials and methods. The patient was treated in the surgical department of the Communal Non-Profit Enterprise “City Hospital No. 7” Zaporizhzhia City Consul. The patient underwent preoperative preparation and surgical intervention. Results. The patient underwent an emergency median laparotomy under total intravenous anesthesia with artificial lung ventilation. During the examination of the abdominal cavity, multiple distended loops of the small intestine were visualized. During the revision, at a distance of 1.5 meters from the ligament of Treitz, a volumetric formation of the small intestine of dense-elastic consistency, represented by small-intestinal invasion, up to 10 cm long, was detected. The proximal sections of the small intestine are distended, light purple in color. The sections of the small intestine that were distal to the site of invasion were inflamed. Manual disinvagination of the small intestine was performed. The visual examination showed that the intestine was viable. There was a tumor was found on the antrumeral margin, measuring 1.8 × 2.5 cm, dense in consistency, finely tuberculated, dark purple heterogeneous in color, infiltrating and deforming the wall of the small intestine. Resection of the invaded area of the small intestine with the tumor was performed with the imposition of a small-small intestinal anastomosis “side to side” with two-row nylon sutures. Conclusions. In this clinical case, it was possible to establish the final diagnosis and determine further surgical strategy only intraoperatively. Only early diagnosis of melanoma will allow avoiding the complications identified in this patient

    Визначення показань та протипоказань до симультанних оперативних втручань у пацієнтів з поєднанням ендокринної та іншої хірургічної патології

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    The aim of the work: to develop indications and contraindications for the implementation of simultaneous surgical interventions on the example of patients with combined pathology of the thyroid gland (TG) and cholelithiasis (CL) / gallbladder polyposis, using the scale of the functional state of P-POSSUM. Materials and Methods. During the period from January 2015 to September 2018, 35 patients with combined pathology of the TG and CL / gallbladder polyposis were examined and operated. At the preoperative stage, as well as on the first day of the postoperative period, all patients evaluated on the P-POSSUM scale. Results and Discussion. In 22 (62.9 %) patients, whose functional state before the intervention was assessed by physiological subscale (FS) ≤ 17 points, there were postoperative changes in health with an average difference of 0.13 points, T (Z) = 1.21, p = 0.225. In all these patients, the complexity of surgical intervention on the surgical sub-scale (SS) on the P-POSSUM scale was estimated ≤ 14 points. In 13 (37.1 %) patients, whose condition was estimated at 17 points by FS, significant changes in functional health before and after surgery were revealed, with a difference of average 1.15 points, T (Z) = 2.67; p = 0.0077. The complexity of their operations ranged from 14 to 16 points for SS.Цель работы: разработать показания и противопоказания к выполнению симультанных оперативных вмешательств на примере пациентов с сочетанной патологией щитовидной железы (ЩЖ) и желчнокаменной болезнью (ЖКБ) / полипозом желчного пузыря, с использованием шкалы функционального состояния P-POSSUM. Материалы и методы. За период с января 2015 по сентябрь 2018 года обследовано и прооперировано 35 пациентов с сочетанной патологией щитовидной железы и ЖКБ / полипозом желчного пузыря. На дооперационном этапе, а также на первые сутки послеоперационного периода, всем пациентам проводили оценку функционального состояния по шкале P-POSSUM. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. У 22 (62,9 %) пациентов, функциональное состояние которых до вмешательства оценивалось по физиологической субшкале (ФС) ≤ 17 баллов, имели место послеоперационные изменения состояния здоровья с разницей средних 0,13 баллов, Т (Z) = 1,21, р = 0,225. В этих больных сложность оперативного вмешательства по хирургической субшкале (ХС) шкале P-POSSUM была оценена ≤ 14 баллов. У 13 (37,1 %) больных, состояние которых было оценено в 17 баллов по ФС, выявлены значимые изменения функционального состояния здоровья до и после операции, с разницей средних 1,15 балла, Т (Z) = 2,67; р = 0,0077. Сложность операций у них колебалась от 14 до 16 баллов за ХС.Мета роботи: розробити показання та протипоказання до виконання симультанних оперативних втручань на прикладі пацієнтів з поєднаною патологією щитоподібної залози (ЩЗ) та жовчнокам’яною хворобою (ЖКХ) / поліпозом жовчного міхура, з використанням шкали функціонального стану P-POSSUM. Матеріали і методи. За період з січня 2015 до вересня 2018 року обстежено та прооперовано 35 пацієнтів з поєднаною патологією щитоподібної залози та ЖКХ / поліпозом жовчного міхура. На доопераційному етапі, а також на першу добу післяопераційного періоду всім пацієнтам проводили оцінку функціонального стану за шкалою P-POSSUM. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. У 22 (62,9 %) пацієнтів, функціональний стан яких до втручання оцінювався за фізіологічною субшкалою (ФС) ≤ 17 балів, мали місце післяопераційні зміни стану здоров’я з різницею середніх 0,13 бала, Т (Z) = 1,21, р = 0,225. У всіх цих хворих складність оперативного втручання за хірургічною субшкалою (ХС) шкали P-POSSUM була оцінена ≤ 14 балів. У 13 (37,1 %) хворих, стан яких був оцінений в ˃ 17 балів за ФС, виявлені значущі зміни функціонального стану здоров’я до та після операції з різницею середніх 1,15 бала, Т (Z) = 2,67; р = 0,0077. Складність операцій у них коливалася від 14 до 16 балів за ХС

    Marker-assisted identification of maize genotypes with improved protein quality

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    Currently, more than 70 % of maize is used for food and fodder; therefore, grain quality improvement can increase its nutritive and energy value. Deficiency of two essential amino acids (lysine and tryptophan) significantly reduces the nutritional quality of maize proteins. However, in comparison to conventional maize varieties, opaque2 (o2) mutants have greater contents of lysine and tryptophan in their endosperm proteins and their bioavailability is better. The aim of the study was identification of maize accessions with high-quality protein. A collection of maize accessions of various ecogeographical origins was studied by molecular methods. This approach was expected to improve maize breeding efficiency. We collected 54 maize genotypes differing in grain quality performance. Amplification with three specific markers to the opaque-2 gene (phi057, phi112 and umc1066) revealed homozygous recessive o2 genotypes, associated with improved nutritional quality of the protein. UREA-PAG electrophoresis of zein proteins was used for Quality Protein Maize (QPM) identification. In addition to the mutant o2 allele, QPM contains genetic modifiers that convert starchy endosperm of o2 mutant to the hard vitreous phenotype. The selected QPM accessions are of interest for maize breeding programs aimed at grain quality improvement. The use of the markers to o2 and modifier genes accelerates the development of QPM varieties and significantly reduces the labor and financial costs of their production

    Analysis of the surgical treatment results for an acute cholecystitis in the senile and elderly patients, depending on term of the operative intervention performance

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    Objective. To estimate the results of surgical treatment in the senile and elderly patients for an acute cholecystitis on background of biliary calculous disease in urgent abdominal surgery, depending on term of performance of operative intervention. Materials and methods. In the investigation there were included 89 patients, ageing 60-89 yrs old with diagnosis: an acute cholecystitis on background of biliary calculous disease. Median age of the patients have constituted (69.66 ± 7.30) yrs old. Results. All the patients were operated in urgent order, average duration of preoperative period was 20.00 (7.00; 27.00) h. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with abdominal drainage was performed in 70 (78.7%) patients; laparotomy, cholecystectomy with abdominal drainage- in 14 (15.7%); laparotomy, cholecystectomy with drainage of common biliary duct - in 5 (5.6%). In 3 (4.3%) patients while performing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy the necessity have emerged for conversion due to hemorrhage from the gallbladder bed. Preoperative preparation in the senile and elderly patients during more than 24 h have led to significant improvement of their general state, comparing with those, who were operated in terms up to 24 h from the moment of admittance to hospital (U-criterion = 749.50; p = 0.0286). As well, in accordance to data, concerning postoperative period analysis, there was noted significant improvement of the patients’ state, preoperative preparation of whom lasted more than 24 h, comparing with the patients, preoperative preparation of whom lasted lesser than 24 h (U-criterion = 491.00; p < 0.0001). Average duration of stationary stay have differed in this two Groups (U-criterion = 919.00; p = 0.3984). Conclusion. The surgery deferred performance for an acute cholecystitis in the senile and elderly patients permits to improve the results of postoperative treatment and to reduce the frequency of postoperative complications significantly

    Diagnostic criteria for cancer cachexia: Reduced food intake and inflammation predict weight loss and survival in an international, multi-cohort analysis

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    Abstract Background Cancer‐associated weight loss (WL) associates with increased mortality. International consensus suggests that WL is driven by a variable combination of reduced food intake and/or altered metabolism, the latter often represented by the inflammatory biomarker C‐reactive protein (CRP). We aggregated data from Canadian and European research studies to evaluate the associations of reduced food intake and CRP with cancer‐associated WL (primary endpoint) and overall survival (OS, secondary endpoint). Methods The data set included a total of 12,253 patients at risk for cancer‐associated WL. Patient‐reported WL history (% in 6 months) and food intake (normal, moderately, or severely reduced) were measured in all patients; CRP (mg/L) and OS were measured in N = 4960 and N = 9952 patients, respectively. All measures were from a baseline assessment. Clinical variables potentially associated with WL and overall survival (OS) including age, sex, cancer diagnosis, disease stage, and performance status were evaluated using multinomial logistic regression MLR and Cox proportional hazards models, respectively. Results Patients had a mean weight change of −7.3% (±7.1), which was categorized as: ±2.4% (stable weight; 30.4%), 2.5–5.9% (19.7%), 6.0–10.0% (23.2%), 11.0–14.9% (12.0%), ≥15.0% (14.6%). Normal food intake, moderately, and severely reduced food intake occurred in 37.9%, 42.8%, and 19.4%, respectively. In MLR, severe WL (≥15%) (vs. stable weight) was more likely (P  100 mg/L: OR 2.30 (95% CI 1.62–3.26)]. Diagnosis, stage, and performance status, but not age or sex, were significantly associated with WL. Median OS was 9.9 months (95% CI 9.5–10.3), with median follow‐up of 39.7 months (95% CI 38.8–40.6). Moderately and severely reduced food intake and CRP independently predicted OS (P < 0.0001). Conclusions Modelling WL as the dependent variable is an approach that can help to identify clinical features and biomarkers associated with WL. Here, we identify criterion values for food intake impairment and CRP that may improve the diagnosis and classification of cancer‐associated cachexia


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    The collection of 54 maize samples of different eco-geographical origin was evaluated for the key polymorphisms of the LcyE and CrtRB1 genes (LcyE 5′TE, LcyE 3′Indel and CrtRB1 3′TE) associated with the provitamin A content in maize grain. Favorable alleles of LcyE were not detected in the studied material. Selected genotypes with favorable allele 1 of СrtRB1 3′TE functional marker (35 % of the samples) are of interest for maize breeding programs aimed at improving the grain quality.Проведена оценка ключевых полиморфизмов генов LcyE и CrtRB1, ассоциированных с повышенным уровнем провитамина А в зерне кукурузы (LcyE 5′TE, LcyE 3′Indel и CrtRB1 3′TE), в коллекции из 54 образцов различного эколого-географического происхождения. В изученном материале не выявлено присутствия благоприятных аллелей гена LcyE. Выделены генотипы (35 % образцов), несущие благоприятный аллель 1 функционального маркера СrtRB1 3′TE, которые представляют интерес для селекционных программ кукурузы, направленных на повышение качества зерна

    Mapping first‐line health care providers' roles, practices, and impacts on care for workers with compensable musculoskeletal disorders in four jurisdictions: A critical interpretive synthesis

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    Background First-line health care providers are the primary access point for workers' benefits. However, little is known about their impact on quality of care and return-to-work. Our objective was to critically compare literature on the practices of first-line providers for workers with musculoskeletal injuries in Ontario and Quebec (Canada), Washington State (United States), and Victoria (Australia). Methods A critical interpretive synthesis of peer-reviewed scientific literature was conducted. The search across six databases yielded 59 relevant publications that were critically appraised. Results Three themes emerged: 1) how policies about first-line health care providers' modulate worker access to care, 2) how these providers' roles, practices, and training shape disability management, and 3) how the quality of care and disability outcomes are evaluated. Conclusions First-line health care providers have a critical influence on workers' trajectories of care. A focus on their role while taking the complexity of the context into account will help orient future policy changes