56 research outputs found

    Vnímanie fyziky žiakmi základných škôl so zameraním na vplyv genderu a ročníka

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    Predkladaná štúdia si dala za hlavný cieľ zistiť postoje českých žiakov druhého stupňa základných škôl k vyučovaciemu predmetu fyzika. Okrem toho bol skúmaný vplyv genderu a navštevovaného ročníka na úroveň postojov k fyzike. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 390 žiakov. Počet respondentov v jednotlivých ročníkoch bol približne vyrovnaný, najviac bolo z deviateho ročníka (n = 105), najmenej z ôsmeho (n = 88), potom zo šiesteho bolo 93 žiakov a zvyšok tvorili respondenti zo siedmeho ročníka (n = 104). Počet chlapcov bol o málo vyšší (n = 205), než počet dievčat (n = 185). Ako výskumný nástroj slúžil dotazník s 25 škálovanými položkami, ktoré boli rozdelené použitím faktorovej analýzy do 4 kategórií: 1. Budúci život a fyzika; 2. Fyzikálne experimenty; 3. Záujem o fyziku; 4. Význam fyziky. Na stanovenie rozdielov medzi skupinami premenných bola použitá analýza rozptylu (ANOVA). Chlapci dosiahli pozitívnejší postoj k fyzike ako dievčatá. Najvyššie skóre dosiahli žiaci šiesteho ročníka a najnižšie žiaci siedmeho ročníka.The main aim of the study is find out Czech lower secondary school pupils attitudes toward physics as a school subject. Next, the influence of gender and year of study was investigated. The sample size was created by 390 pupils. The number of respondents from the grades was approximately similar, the higher number was from 9th year of study (n = 105), the lowest one from 8th year of study (n = 88), from the 6th were 93 pupils and rest was from 7th (n = 104). The number of boys was 205, the rest was girls (n = 185). The questionnaire with 25 scaled items was as research tool, the items were divided into four categories by the using of factor analysis: 1. Future life and physics; 2. Physical experiments; 3. The interest in physics; 4. The relevance of physics. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the determination of differences among groups. The boys hag got the more positive attitudes toward physics in comparison with girls. The highest score achieved the pupils from the 6th year of study and the lowest one pupils from the 7th year of study

    Vliv používaní geoinformačních systémů na vnímání zeměpisu

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    Využívaní geoinformačných systémů (GIS) ve vyučování zeměpisu se stává důležitým aspektem vzdělávání, který podporuje motivaci, představivost a v neposlední řadě i úspěšnost žáků a studentů. Výzkumné šetření bylo realizováno u žáků druhého stupně základních škol a mělo za cíl zjistit vliv používání GIS v hodinách zeměpisu na vnímání zeměpisu jako vyučovacího předmětu. Jako další faktory, které vstupovaly do analýz, jsou gender a ročník studia. Celkově se zúčastnilo výzkumného šetření 348 žáků, přičemž u 96 z nich se v hodinách zeměpisu používaly GIS a u 252 ne. Ze statistických metod bylo použito Cronbachovo alfa pro stanovení reliability a analýza rozptylu na zjištění vlivu vybraných faktorů na vnímání zeměpisu.The using of geoinformation systems (GIS) in the geography teaching is becoming important aspect of the educational process, which support motivation, imagination and also success of pupils and students. The investigation was realized at the lower secondary school pupils and the main aim was to find out the influence of the GIS using in the geography lessons on the geography perception. As the other factors, which were analyzed, were gender and grade of study. The sample size was created by 348 pupils, 96 of them used GIS in the geography lesson and 252 not. As the statistical methods were used the determination of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the reliability purpose and analysis of variance for the determination of the influence of selected factors on the geography perceptio

    Faktory ovlivňující postoje studentů gymnázií k vyučovacímu předmětu chemie

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    Předkládaná studie je zaměřena na výzkum postojů studentů českých gymnázií k vyučovacímu předmětu chemie. Klade si za cíl zjistit zejména rozdíl v postojích z hlediska pohlaví, navštěvovaného ročníku a oblíbeného předmětu. Jako výzkumný nástroj byl použit dotazník s pětistupňovými škálovanými položkami Likertova typu, který byl administrován 552 studentům čtyř českých gymnázií. Pomocí faktorové analýzy byly položky rozděleny do čtyř kategorií: 1. Významnost chemie, 2. Oblíbenost a náročnost chemie, 3. Chemické pomůcky a laboratorní experimenty, 4. Zájem o chemii. Celkové skóre postojové části indikovalo neutrální postoj studentů k vyučovacímu předmětu chemie. Mezi chlapci a dívkami byl rozdíl ve skóre ve prospěch chlapců, s pozitivním postojem, a to v porovnání s dívkami, které již chemii vnímají neutrálně. Studenti prvního ročníku vnímají chemii neutrálně, s narůstajícím věkem studentů je patrný pokles, kdy se postoje k chemii stávají negativními, a to jak u studentů druhého, tak i třetího ročníku. V závěru jsou navrženy možnosti dalšího směřování výzkumu v této oblasti.The study is focused on the investigation of students attitudes to the subject of Chemistry on Czech secondary grammar schools. The partial aims are to find out differences between results with respect to gender, year of study and favourite subject. A questionnaire with 5-point Likert type items was used as a research tool. The sample size contained 552 Czech secondary grammar school students. By factor analysis the items were distributed into four categories: 1. The relevance of chemistry, 2. Popularity and difficulty of chemistry, 3. Chemical aids and laboratory experiments, 4. Interest in chemistry. The overall score indicated neutral students’ attitudes toward chemistry. There was a statistically significant difference between boys and girls. Boys achieved higher score in comparison with girls. Boys perceived chemistry positively and girls neutrally. The youngest students perceived chemistry positively, others had neutral attitude toward chemistry. The conclusion includes further possibilities of research in this area

    ERIDOB (European Researchers in Didactics of Biology) 2010 v Portugalsku

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    1 full delineat en paper polièster. Sense toponímia.50 x 70 cm.1:5 00

    Gender and Grade Level as Factors Influencing Perception of Geography

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    Pupils’ perception of any science subject significantly influences their achievement. Identification of perception of some subject is essential part of educational research. This study is focused on finding out differences in the four dimensions of geography perception (1. Geography as a school subject; 2. Geography and environment; 3 Importance of geography; 4. Relevance of geography lessons to pupils life) between gender and grade level of lower secondary school pupils. The research tool was questionnaire with 27 Likert type items; the data were obtained from 540 lower secondary pupils from Czech Republic. The data were analyzed by the method of descriptive (mean score, standard deviation)and inductive (analysis of variance) statistics. The gender had got significant influence in the first dimension and grade level in the fourth dimension. Results are discussed in the conclusion part and there is information about the possibility of future research

    Představy žáků základních škol o vnitřní stavbě lidské hlavy

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    Poznání stavby lidského těla je neodmyslitelnou součástí vzdělávání a brzká identifikace nesprávných představ může ovlivnit celkové vnímání lidského těla u žáků. Cílem bylo zjistit představy žáků základních škol o vnitřní stavbě lidské hlavy. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 359 respondentů, z prvního stupně základní školy jich bylo 174. Kromě zjištění úrovně představ bylo záměrem určit vliv genderu, přítomnosti lékaře v rodině, navštěvovaného ročníku, vnímané zranitelnosti a vnímaného odporu. Pro analýzu dat byly použity metody deskriptivní, induktivní a vícerozměrné statistiky. Gender, stupeň školy, vnímaná zranitelnost a vnímaný odpor se projevily jako významné faktory ovlivňující úroveň představ žáků o stavbě lidské hlavy. V závěru jsou uvedeny implikace do pedagogické praxe a návrhy pro další výzkum


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    The problematic of the biological skills is in the region of Czech Republic investigated on the very low level. The definition of the biological skill should be come out from the definition of general skill, but there are differences in the defining of this concept. Our research was focused on the importance of acquired skills in the biology at the end of the elementary schools according to pupils. The sample size contained from the 91 pupils from all grades of elementary schools in the Czech Republic. The age of respondents was from 11 to 16 years. The measurement tool was a questionnaire included 61 Likert type items dividing into four categories following: 1. Identification of biological questions and problems; 2. The acquiring of biological information; 3. The processing of biological information and 4. The evaluation of results and the determining of conclusions. All items were in the positive meaning. The effect of year of study, gender and final mark from biology was measured on the perceiving importance of biological skills. There was used methods of quantitative evaluation, from descriptive statistics it was mean score and standard deviation and from inductive statistic it was ANOVA, MANOVA and Cronbach's alpha coefficien

    Slovakian students' knowledge of and attitudes toward biotechnology

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    This study examined university students' knowledge of and attitudes (N = 378) toward biotechnology in Slovakia, a conservative country where the distribution of genetically engineered products are banned by law. We found a significant positive correlation between attitudes and the level of knowledge; however, although students enrolled in biology courses have better knowledge of biotechnology, their attitudes toward genetic engineering were similar than those of students who do not study biology. Females showed poorer knowledge and lower acceptance of genetically engineered products than did males. Overall, Slovakian students have poor knowledge and numerous misunderstandings about what genetic engineering means, which suggests that science curriculum with respect to this topic should be greatly re-evaluated and teaching strategies should be improved accordingly

    The Perception of Biology by Czech Lower Secondary School Students

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    Attitudes toward science are more frequently explored than attitudes toward particular science subjects, such as biology. In many countries, however, biology is taught separately from other science subjects. The main aim of this investigation was to detect students’ attitudes towards biology, by using a questionnaire as a research tool. Moreover, the partial aims were revelation of influence of gender, residence and grade level on the students’ attitudes towards biology. The sample size was created by 363 students from lower secondary schools. The questionnaire (BAQ) consisted of 31 items of Likert type, divided into four dimensions (1. Biology as a school subject; 2. Informal education; 3. Difficulty and 4. Interest in Biology). In addition, the influence of independent variables was observed in the four dimensions mentioned above. Furthermore, the correlation among dimensions was analyzed as well. Overall score in attitudes toward biology gained by lower secondary school students was neutral. Girls had more positive attitudes toward biology than boys. Mean score according to classes was decreasing with raising of grade level, but without statistically significant effect. More positive attitudes toward biology were revealed among rural students.Attitudes toward science are more frequently explored than attitudes toward particular science subjects, such as biology. In many countries, however, biology is taught separately from other science subjects. The main aim of this investigation was to detect students’ attitudes towards biology, by using a questionnaire as a research tool. Moreover, the partial aims were revelation of influence of gender, residence and grade level on the students’ attitudes towards biology. The sample size was created by 363 students from lower secondary schools. The questionnaire (BAQ) consisted of 31 items of Likert type, divided into four dimensions (1. Biology as a school subject; 2. Informal education; 3. Difficulty and 4. Interest in Biology). In addition, the influence of independent variables was observed in the four dimensions mentioned above. Furthermore, the correlation among dimensions was analyzed as well. Overall score in attitudes toward biology gained by lower secondary school students was neutral. Girls had more positive attitudes toward biology than boys. Mean score according to classes was decreasing with raising of grade level, but without statistically significant effect. More positive attitudes toward biology were revealed among rural students