123 research outputs found

    Medium modification of jet fragmentation in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV measured in direct photon-hadron correlations

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    The jet fragmentation function is measured with direct photon-hadron correlations in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV. The p_T of the photon is an excellent approximation to the initial p_T of the jet and the ratio z_T=p_T^h/p_T^\gamma is used as a proxy for the jet fragmentation function. A statistical subtraction is used to extract the direct photon-hadron yields in Au+Au collisions while a photon isolation cut is applied in p+p. I_ AA, the ratio of jet fragment yield in Au+Au to that in p+p, indicates modification of the jet fragmentation function. Suppression, most likely due to energy loss in the medium, is seen at high z_T. The fragment yield at low z_T is enhanced at large angles. Such a trend is expected from redistribution of the lost energy into increased production of low-momentum particles.Comment: 562 authors, 70 insitutions, 8 pages, and 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. v2 has minor changes to improve clarity. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems from sNN=7.7\sqrt{s_{NN}}=7.7 to 200 GeV

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    Measurements of midrapidity charged particle multiplicity distributions, dNch/dηdN_{\rm ch}/d\eta, and midrapidity transverse-energy distributions, dET/dηdE_T/d\eta, are presented for a variety of collision systems and energies. Included are distributions for Au++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200, 130, 62.4, 39, 27, 19.6, 14.5, and 7.7 GeV, Cu++Cu collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 and 62.4 GeV, Cu++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, U++U collisions at sNN=193\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=193 GeV, dd++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, 3^{3}He++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV, and pp++pp collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV. Centrality-dependent distributions at midrapidity are presented in terms of the number of nucleon participants, NpartN_{\rm part}, and the number of constituent quark participants, NqpN_{q{\rm p}}. For all AA++AA collisions down to sNN=7.7\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=7.7 GeV, it is observed that the midrapidity data are better described by scaling with NqpN_{q{\rm p}} than scaling with NpartN_{\rm part}. Also presented are estimates of the Bjorken energy density, εBJ\varepsilon_{\rm BJ}, and the ratio of dET/dηdE_T/d\eta to dNch/dηdN_{\rm ch}/d\eta, the latter of which is seen to be constant as a function of centrality for all systems.Comment: 706 authors, 32 pages, 20 figures, 34 tables, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012 data. v2 is version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Measurements of elliptic and triangular flow in high-multiplicity 3^{3}He++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV

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    We present the first measurement of elliptic (v2v_2) and triangular (v3v_3) flow in high-multiplicity 3^{3}He++Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV. Two-particle correlations, where the particles have a large separation in pseudorapidity, are compared in 3^{3}He++Au and in pp++pp collisions and indicate that collective effects dominate the second and third Fourier components for the correlations observed in the 3^{3}He++Au system. The collective behavior is quantified in terms of elliptic v2v_2 and triangular v3v_3 anisotropy coefficients measured with respect to their corresponding event planes. The v2v_2 values are comparable to those previously measured in dd++Au collisions at the same nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy. Comparison with various theoretical predictions are made, including to models where the hot spots created by the impact of the three 3^{3}He nucleons on the Au nucleus expand hydrodynamically to generate the triangular flow. The agreement of these models with data may indicate the formation of low-viscosity quark-gluon plasma even in these small collision systems.Comment: 630 authors, 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. v2 is the version accepted for publication by Physical Review Letters. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Thin films composed of Ag nanoclusters dispersed in TiO2: Influence of composition and thermal annealing on the microstructure and physical responses

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    Noble metal powders containing gold and silver have been used for many centuries, providing different colours in the windows of the medieval cathedrals and in ancient Roman glasses. Nowadays, the interest in nanocomposite materials containing noble nanoparticles embedded in dielectric matrices is related with their potential use for a wide range of advanced technological applications. They have been proposed for environmental and biological sensing, tailoring colour of functional coatings, or for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Most of these applications rely on the so-called localised surface plasmon resonance absorption, which is governed by the type of the noble metal nanoparticles, their distribution, size and shape and as well as of the dielectric characteristics of the host matrix. The aim of this work is to study the influence of the composition and thermal annealing on the morphological and structural changes of thin films composed of Ag metal clusters embedded in a dielectric TiO2 matrix. Since changes in size, shape and distribution of the clusters are fundamental parameters for tailoring the properties of plasmonic materials, a set of films with different Ag concentrations was prepared. The optical properties and the thermal behaviour of the films were correlated with the structural and morphological changes promoted by annealing. The films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering and in order to promote the clustering of the Ag nanoparticles the as-deposited samples were subjected to an in-air annealing protocol. It was demonstrated that the clustering of metallic Ag affects the optical response spectrum and the thermal behaviour of the films.This research was sponsored by FEDER funds through the COMPETE program (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade) and by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), under the projects PEST-C/FIS/UI607/2013 and PEst-C/EME/UI0285/2013. The authors also acknowledge the financial support by the project Nano4color – Design and develop a new generation of color PVD coatings for decorative applications (FP7 EC R4SME Project No. 315286). J. Borges also acknowledges the support by the European social fund within the framework of realising the project “Support of inter-sectoral mobility and quality enhancement of research teams at Czech Technical University in Prague”, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0034. C. Lopes acknowledges FCT for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/103373/2014. F.M. Couto acknowledges CAPES – Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasília – DF 70040-20, Brazil, funding by stage sandwich doctorate, through PDSE – Doctoral Program Sandwich

    Identified charged hadron production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 and 62.4 GeV

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    Transverse momentum distributions and yields for π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, pp and pˉ\bar{p} in p+pp+p collisions at s\sqrt{s}=200 and 62.4 GeV at midrapidity are measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). These data provide important baseline spectra for comparisons with identified particle spectra in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. We present the inverse slope parameter TinvT_{\rm inv}, mean transverse momentum and yield per unit rapidity dN/dydN/dy at each energy, and compare them to other measurements at different s\sqrt{s} in p+pp+p and p+pˉp+\bar{p} collisions. We also present the scaling properties such as mTm_T scaling, xTx_T scaling on the pTp_T spectra between different energies. To discuss the mechanism of the particle production in p+pp+p collisions, the measured spectra are compared to next-to-leading-order or next-to-leading-logarithmic perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations.Comment: 431 authors from 62 institutions, 32 pages, 23 figures, and 18 tables. Submitted to Physical Review C. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Cross section and double helicity asymmetry for eta mesons and their comparison to neutral pion production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV

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    Measurements of double-helicity asymmetries for inclusive hadron production in polarized p+p collisions are sensitive to helicity--dependent parton distribution functions, in particular to the gluon helicity distribution, Delta(g). This study focuses on the extraction of the double-helicity asymmetry in eta production: polarized p+p --> eta + X, the eta cross section, and the eta/pi^0 cross section ratio. The cross section and ratio measurements provide essential input for the extraction of fragmentation functions that are needed to access the helicity-dependent parton distribution functions.Comment: 432 authors from 62 institutions, 13 pages, 5 figures, and 3 tables. Submitted to Physical Review D. v2 has minor changes only to update references and reposition figures and tables. All data points plotted in Figs. 2, 4, and 5 are given in Tables I, II, and III, respectivel

    Charged hadron multiplicity fluctuations in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions from sqrt(s_NN) = 22.5 to 200 GeV

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    A comprehensive survey of event-by-event fluctuations of charged hadron multiplicity in relativistic heavy ions is presented. The survey covers Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV, and Cu+Cu collisions sqrt(s_NN) = 22.5, 62.4, and 200 GeV. Fluctuations are measured as a function of collision centrality, transverse momentum range, and charge sign. After correcting for non-dynamical fluctuations due to fluctuations in the collision geometry within a centrality bin, the remaining dynamical fluctuations expressed as the variance normalized by the mean tend to decrease with increasing centrality. The dynamical fluctuations are consistent with or below the expectation from a superposition of participant nucleon-nucleon collisions based upon p+p data, indicating that this dataset does not exhibit evidence of critical behavior in terms of the compressibility of the system. An analysis of Negative Binomial Distribution fits to the multiplicity distributions demonstrates that the heavy ion data exhibit weak clustering properties.Comment: 464 authors from 60 institutions, 17 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Physical Review C. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Quantitative Constraints on the Transport Properties of Hot Partonic Matter from Semi-Inclusive Single High Transverse Momentum Pion Suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV

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    The PHENIX experiment has measured the suppression of semi-inclusive single high transverse momentum pi^0's in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV. The present understanding of this suppression is in terms of energy-loss of the parent (fragmenting) parton in a dense color-charge medium. We have performed a quantitative comparison between various parton energy-loss models and our experimental data. The statistical point-to-point uncorrelated as well as correlated systematic uncertainties are taken into account in the comparison. We detail this methodology and the resulting constraint on the model parameters, such as the initial color-charge density dN^g/dy, the medium transport coefficient , or the initial energy-loss parameter epsilon_0. We find that high transverse momentum pi^0 suppression in Au+Au collisions has sufficient precision to constrain these model dependent parameters at the +/1 20%-25% (one standard deviation) level. These constraints include only the experimental uncertainties, and further studies are needed to compute the corresponding theoretical uncertainties.Comment: 422 authors, 13 pages text, RevTeX-4, 9 figures, 2 tables. This version is updated with changes made during the review process and is now the same as what was published in Physical Review C. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm

    Measurement of high-p_T Single Electrons from Heavy-Flavor Decays in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV

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    The momentum distribution of electrons from decays of heavy flavor (charm and beauty) for midrapidity |y| < 0.35 in p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV has been measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) over the transverse momentum range 0.3 < p_T < 9 GeV/c. Two independent methods have been used to determine the heavy flavor yields, and the results are in good agreement with each other. A fixed-order-plus-next-to-leading-log pQCD calculation agrees with the data within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties, with the data/theory ratio of 1.72 +/- 0.02^stat +/- 0.19^sys for 0.3 < p_T < 9 GeV/c. The total charm production cross section at this energy has also been deduced to be sigma_(c c^bar) = 567 +/- 57^stat +/- 224^sys micro barns.Comment: 375 authors from 57 institutions, 6 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letters. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm