12 research outputs found


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    The dissertation is focused on current issues in the connection with the rental price of land and construction land maps, which are addressed to practice. It deals with an overview of the development of rental and price charts in the Czech Republic and abroad. The basic precondition of the dissertation is the existence of data dealing with the relationship between rents and the usual (market, global) price of land in the price map in the Czech Republic. This area, the relationship of rents and land prices, has not yet been fully explored. The unavailability of this data can result in questioning the expert opinions for example in court proceedings. The conclusions of the dissertation illustrate, how interdependent ground rent with the price specified in price map constructions of land. The percentage of the relation I have determined to both individual cities (Prague, Brno, Olomouc), and all the Czech Republic as a whole

    Projekt automatického zakladače fixátorů pro výrobu stínítek barevné televizní obrazovky

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    Prezenční345 - Katedra mechanické technologieNeuveden


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    Disertační práce se zaměřuje na aktuálnost problémů, v souvislosti s nájemným z pozemku a cenovou mapou stavebních pozemků, které jsou v praxi řešeny. Zabývá se přehledem vývoje nájemného a cenových map v České republice a zahraničí. Základním předpokladem disertační práce je získat veškeré údaje o vztahu mezi nájemným a obvyklou (tržní, obecnou) cenou pozemku v cenové mapě v České republice. Tato oblast, vztah nájemného a ceny pozemku, není doposud zcela prozkoumána. Nedostupnost těchto dat může mít za následek zpochybňování znaleckých posudků např. při soudním řízení. Závěry disertační práce uvádějí, jak na sobě závisí nájemné z pozemku s cenou uvedenou v cenové mapě stavebních pozemků. Tento procentuální vztak jsem určil jak pro jednotlivá města (Praha, Brno, Olomouc), tak pro celou Českou republiku jako celek.The dissertation is focused on current issues in the connection with the rental price of land and construction land maps, which are addressed to practice. It deals with an overview of the development of rental and price charts in the Czech Republic and abroad. The basic precondition of the dissertation is the existence of data dealing with the relationship between rents and the usual (market, global) price of land in the price map in the Czech Republic. This area, the relationship of rents and land prices, has not yet been fully explored. The unavailability of this data can result in questioning the expert opinions for example in court proceedings. The conclusions of the dissertation illustrate, how interdependent ground rent with the price specified in price map constructions of land. The percentage of the relation I have determined to both individual cities (Prague, Brno, Olomouc), and all the Czech Republic as a whole.

    Relationship rent and land price according to the purpose of use for Prague, Brno and Olomouc

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    Článek navazuje svými výsledky na článek publikovaný v časopise Soudní inženýrství „Vztah nájemného a ceny pozemku určeného z CMSP“, který se soustředil na určení vztahu nájemného a ceny pozemků určených z CMSP jak pro jednotlivá města (Praha, Brno a Olomouc), tak pro celou Českou republiku v rozmezí let 2008–2013, a to celkem, bez zřetele ke způsobu využití pozemků. Následující článek se zaměřuje na závislost vztahu nájemného a ceny pozemků podle jejich účelu užívání.Article continues its results to an article published in the journal Forensic Engineering „Relationship rents and prices of land designated of price map of building land“, which focused on determining the relationship of rents and land prices of price map of building land intended both for individual cities (Prague, Brno and Olomouc) and the whole Czech Republic between 2008–2013, a total, regardless of the method of use of the lands. The following article focuses on the dependence of the rents and land prices for individual cities (Prague, Brno and Olomouc). The rent of land is obtained from internet servers. The price for such land parcels is being sought in the price maps of building lands for the aforementioned cities


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    The dissertation is focused on current issues in the connection with the rental price of land and construction land maps, which are addressed to practice. It deals with an overview of the development of rental and price charts in the Czech Republic and abroad. The basic precondition of the dissertation is the existence of data dealing with the relationship between rents and the usual (market, global) price of land in the price map in the Czech Republic. This area, the relationship of rents and land prices, has not yet been fully explored. The unavailability of this data can result in questioning the expert opinions for example in court proceedings. The conclusions of the dissertation illustrate, how interdependent ground rent with the price specified in price map constructions of land. The percentage of the relation I have determined to both individual cities (Prague, Brno, Olomouc), and all the Czech Republic as a whole

    Maize ear rot, Fusarium mycotoxins and ergosterol content in maize hybrids

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    A field experiment with 26 maize hybrids including two genetically modified (Bt-transformation) ones and their non-transgenic counterparts was aimed to observe infection by maize car rot caused by Fusarium species and infestation by European corn borer. After harvest, the content of mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, fumonisins) and ergosterol was determined. Climatic conditions of the harvest year 2007 were not favourable for the development of maize ear rot and the mycotoxin content was low. The ergosterol content was significantly correlated with disease extent and severity but there was no significant relationship between maize car rot and mycotoxins content. A significant relationship was found between zearalenone and European corn borer infestation. The content of mycotoxins; in Bt-hybrids was always lower than the mean of all hybrids. None of the tested Bt-hybrids was infested by European corn borer