71 research outputs found

    The supreme turbinate and the drainage of the posterior ethmoids: a computed tomographic study

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    Background: It is generally acknowledged that the posterior ethmoidal cells drain under the superior nasal turbinate (SorNT) or, rarely, under the supreme nasal turbinate (SmeNT), and the sphenoid ostium (SO) opens to the sphenoethmoidal recess. However, detailed relations between these structures are variable, complex and still not clear. There is no reliable data on the prevalence of SmeNT and drainage of the posterior ethmoidal cells under this structure. The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the anatomy of the aforementioned region. Materials and methods: Multiplanar and three-dimensional reconstruction analysis of 100 thin slice paranasal sinus computed tomography scans. Results: SmeNT was identified in 77 subjects (136 sides). It formed the ostium to the posterior ethmoidal cell adjacent to the skull base or orbit in 58 subjects (91 sides). This cell drained independently from the remaining posterior ethmoidal cells. The sphenoethmoidal (Onodi) cell drained to supreme meatus in 41 subjects (54 sides), and to superior meatus in 37 subjects (49 sides). SO was always located medial to the posteroinferior attachment of SmeNT, or SorNT (in absence of SmeNT). Conclusions: Patients with divergent drainage of the posterior ethmoids (with posterior ethmoidal cell draining to the supreme meatus) may require more extensive surgery to avoid persistence or recurrence of inflammatory disease. SmeNT is more common than thought, but due to its posterior and superior location to SorNT, it is rarely seen intraoperatively. If SmeNT is present, SO is always located medial to its posteroinferior attachment. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 1: 110–115

    KSZTAŁTOWANIE TOŻSAMOŚCI NARODOWEJ POPRZEZ JЕZYK W ASPEKCIE SPOŁECZNYM I LINGWISTYCZNYM (Формування національної ідентичності на основі мови в соціальному і лінгвістичному аспектах)(The influence of language over national identity cultivation – social and linguistic aspects)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі впливу мови на формування національної ідентичності. Авторка визначає поняття національної ідентичноті. Розглянуто також функції, які виконує мова в процесі формування національної ідентичності. Аналіз проблеми проведено в контексті існування двох видів націй: державницьких націй та культурних націй. Авторка статті здійснила характеристику цих націй. Багатомовність, а також існування національних символів було розглянуто в контексті появи та формування національної ідентичності (identity cultivation. The phenomenon was presented in the context of two types of nations: state nations and cultural nations. The starting point of paper is a definition of national identity. The most important mechanisms that are a meaning and tasks of language, which builds a national identity. The analysis has been carried out on the basis a historic events. Furthermore the author also characterizes the influence of national symbols and multilingualism over national identity cultivation

    The efficacy of isolated bacteriophages from pig farms against ESBL/AmpC- producing Escherichia coli from pig and Turkey farms

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    Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and AmpC β-lactamases are plasmid (but also chromosomally) encoded enzymes found in Enterobacteriaceae, determining resistance to a variety of important antibiotics including penicillins, cephalosporins, and monobactams. In recent decades, the prevalence of ESBL /AmpC-producing bacteria has increased rapidly across the world. Here, we evaluate the potential use of bacteriophages in terms of a reduction of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in healthy animals. The aim of our studies was to isolate bacteriophages capable of destroying ESBL/AmpC-producing Escherichia coli isolated from livestock habitats. The efficacy of isolated phages against ESBL/AmpC E. coli strains varies, but creation of a phage cocktail with broad activity spectrum is possible. This may indicate that the role of phages may not be limited to phage therapy, but bacterial viruses may also be applied against spread of bacteria with antibiotic resistance genes in the environment. We also addressed the hypothesis, that phages, effective for therapeutic purposes may be isolated from distant places and even from different environments other than the actual location of the targeted bacteria. This may be beneficial for practical purposes, as the construction of effective phage preparations does not require access to disease outbreaks

    Solvent-free temperature-facilitated direct extrusion 3D printing for pharmaceuticals

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    In an era moving towards digital health, 3D printing has successfully proven its applicability in providing personalised medicine through a technology-based approach. Among the different 3D printing techniques, direct extrusion 3D printing has been demonstrated as a promising approach for on demand manufacturing of solid dosage forms. However, it usually requires the use of elevated temperatures and/or the incorporation of an evaporable solvent (usually water). This can implicate the addition of a drying step, which may compromise the integrity of moisture- or temperature-sensitive drugs, and open the door for additional quality control challenges. Here, we demonstrate a new approach that simplifies direct extrusion 3D printing process with the elimination of the post-printing drying step, by merely adding a fatty glyceride, glyceryl monostearate (GMS), to a model drug (theophylline) and permeable water insoluble methacrylate polymers (Eudragit RL and RS). Indeed, rheological studies indicated that the addition of a combination of a plasticiser, (triethyl citrate), and GMS to theophylline: methacrylate polymer blends significantly reduced the extensional viscosity (to <2.5 kPa·Sec) at 90 °C. Interestingly, GMS demonstrated a dual temperature-dependant behaviour by acting both as a plasticiser and a lubricant at printing temperature (90–110 °C), while aiding solidification at room temperature. X-ray powder diffraction indicated incomplete miscibility of GMS within the polymeric matrix at room temperature with the presence of a subtle diffraction peak, at 2(Θ) = 20°. The 3D printed tablets showed acceptable compendial weight and content uniformity as well as sufficient mechanical resistance. In vitro theophylline release from 3D printed tablets was dependant on Eudragit RL:RS ratio. All in all, this work contributes to the efforts of developing a simplified, facile and low-cost 3D printing for small batch manufacturing of bespoke tablets that circumvents the use of high temperature and post-manufacturing drying step

    Temperature and Solvent Facilitated Extrusion Based 3D Printing for Pharmaceuticals.

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    On demand manufacturing of patient-specific oral doses provides significant advantages to patients and healthcare staff. Several 3D printing (3DP) technologies have been proposed as a potential digital alternative to conventional manufacturing of oral tablets. For additive manufacturing approach to be successful for on-demand preparation, a facile process with minimal preparation steps and training requirements is needed. A novel hybrid approach to the 3D printing process is demonstrated here based on combined both a solvent and heating to facilitate extrusion. The system employed a moderate elevated temperature range (65-100 C), a brief drying period, and a simple set-up. In this approach, a compact material cylinder is used as a pharmaceutical ink to be extruded in a temperature-controlled metal syringe. The process proved compatible with hygroscopic polymers [Poly(vinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)] and a number of pharmaceutical fillers (lactose, sorbitol and D-mannitol). The fabricated tablets demonstrated compendial acceptable weight and content uniformity as well as mechanical resistance. In vitro drug release of theophylline from 3D printed tablets was dependant on the nature of the polymer and its molecular weight. This reported approach offers significant advantages compared to other 3DP technologies: simplification of pre-product, the use of a moderate temperature range, a minimal drying period, and avoiding the use of mechanically complicated machinery. In the future, we envisage the use of this low-cost and facile approach to fabricate small batches of bespoke tablets. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Effective reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chickens using the UPWr_S134 phage cocktail

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    Salmonella is a poultry-associated pathogen that is considered one of the most important zoonotic bacterial agents of contaminated food of animal origin including poultry products. Many efforts are taken to eliminate it from the food chain, and phages are one of the most promising tools to control Salmonella in poultry production. We investigated the usefulness of the UPWr_S134 phage cocktail in reducing Salmonella in broiler chickens. For this purpose, we analyzed the survivability of phages in the harsh environment encountered in the chicken gastrointestinal tract, which has low pH, high temperatures, and digestive activity. Phages in the cocktail UPWr_S134 showed the ability to remain active after storage at temperatures ranging from 4 to 42°C, reflecting temperatures of storage conditions, broiler handling, and the chicken body, and exhibited robust pH stability. We found that although simulated gastric fluids (SGF) caused phage inactivation, the addition of feed to gastric juice allows maintenance of UPWr_S134 phage cocktail activity. Further, we analyzed UPWr_S134 phage cocktail anti-Salmonella activity in live animals such as mice and broilers. In an acute infection model in mice, the application of doses of 107 and 1014 PFU/ml UPWr_S134 phage cocktail resulted in delaying symptoms of intrinsic infection in all analyzed treatment schedules. In Salmonella-infected chickens orally treated with the UPWr_S134 phage cocktail the number of pathogens in internal organs in comparison to untreated birds was significantly lower. Therefore we concluded that the UPWr_S134 phage cocktail could be an effective tool against this pathogen in the poultry industry

    Vascular Polyurethane Prostheses Modified with a Bioactive Coating—Physicochemical, Mechanical and Biological Properties

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    This study describes a method for the modification of polyurethane small-diameter (5 mm) vascular prostheses obtained with the phase inversion method. The modification process involves two steps: the introduction of a linker (acrylic acid) and a peptide (REDV and YIGSR). FTIR and XPS analysis confirmed the process of chemical modification. The obtained prostheses had a porosity of approx. 60%, Young’s Modulus in the range of 9–11 MPa, and a water contact angle around 40°. Endothelial (EC) and smooth muscle (SMC) cell co-culture showed that the surfaces modified with peptides increase the adhesion of ECs. At the same time, SMCs adhesion was low both on unmodified and peptide-modified surfaces. Analysis of blood-materials interaction showed high hemocompatibility of obtained materials. The whole blood clotting time assay showed differences in the amount of free hemoglobin present in blood contacted with different materials. It can be concluded that the peptide coating increased the hemocompatibility of the surface by increasing ECs adhesion and, at the same time, decreasing platelet adhesion. When comparing both types of peptide coatings, more promising results were obtained for the surfaces coated with the YISGR than REDV-coated prostheses

    Leader or Leaderess? Consequences of Using Feminatives for the Perception of Leadership

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    Zgodnie z teorią utajonych teorii przywództwa role przywódcze nadawane są w procesie konstrukcji społecznej, w którym punkt odniesienia stanowi poziom zgodności ze schematem poznawczym lidera. Wcześniejsze badania wykazały, że w schemat lidera częściej wpisuje się bycie mężczyzną niż kobietą. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania eksperymentalnego, wstępnie weryfikującego czy wykorzystanie form żeńskich może doprowadzić do zwiększenia dostępności poznawczej wizerunku kobiety jako liderki. W eksperymencie 135 zespołów (N = 307 osób badanych) zostało losowo przydzielonych do jednego z dwóch warunków eksperymentalnych: 1) instrukcja generyczna (niewykorzystująca feminatywów, „Proszę, żebyście wspólnie narysowali lidera”); 2) instrukcja inkluzywna (wykorzystująca feminatywy, „Proszę, żebyście wspólnie narysowali lidera/liderkę”). Wyniki wykazały istotną interakcję pomiędzy manipulacją eksperymentalną a proporcją kobiet w zespole. Wykorzystanie form żeńskich okazało się istotnie przewidywać odsetek rysunków przedstawiających kobiety liderki jedynie dla zespołów o wysokiej proporcji kobiet do mężczyzn.According to the Implicit Leadership Theory, leadership roles are assigned in the process of social construction and depend upon the level of congruence with the cognitive representation of a leader. Previous studies show that this cognitive representation is much more likely to involve a leader being a male rather than a female. The article presents the results of an experiment aimed at tentatively verifying whether the use of the feminine forms could increase the cognitive availability of the representation of a woman as a leader. In the experiment, 135 teams (N = 307 respondents) were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions: 1) generic instruction (without the use of feminatives, “Please, draw a leader”), 2) inclusive instruction (using feminatives, “Please, draw a leader/leaderess”). The results showed a significant interaction between the experimental manipulation and the proportion of women in the team. The use of feminine forms increased the percentage of females drawn as leaders only in teams with a high female-to-male ratio

    The consequences of activation of categories associated with power and money

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    Artykuł powstał w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego o nr 2012/07/N/HS6/02252 finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki. Omawia on wykorzystanie aktywizacji w eksperymentach psychologicznych, skupiając się na kategoriach związanych z władzą i pieniędzmi. Odnosi się ponadto do obserwowanych w wielu badaniach różnic pomiędzy studentami zarządzania i ekonomii oraz innych kierunków, wyjaśniając je jako potencjalne skutki chronicznej aktywizacji kategorii władzy i pieniędzy. Prezentowane są wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na uczniach warszawskich szkół średnich (N = 134) sugerujące, że wspomniane różnice pomiędzy studentami wynikają z samoselekcji raczej niż socjalizacji.An article discusses the use of activation in experimental psychological research, focusing on the categories associated with power and money. It further addresses the issue of potential chronic power and money activation by relating to the observable differences between students of management and economics and those of other disciplines. Results of the study conducted on the students of three Warsaw high schools are presented (N = 134), suggesting that the abovementioned differences stem from self-selection rather than socialization