30 research outputs found

    What can a research library offer its users in the age of the increased computerisation of daily life?

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    Tradycyjnych czytelników ubywa we wszystkich typach bibliotek. Środowisko bibliotekarzy nieustannie pracuje nad kwestią zapobiegania temu procesowi. W artykule zasygnalizowano istotę metod badania jakości wraz z oceną ich skuteczności w dotychczasowej działalności dużej, dwuwydziałowej biblioteki oraz zaproponowano koncepcje służące poprawie jakości jej funkcjonowania. Biorąc pod uwagę głosy czytelników, ich potrzeby, jak również wyciągając wnioski z codziennych obserwacji w pracy z użytkownikami, omówiono dobre praktyki, które w tej bibliotece już zaistniały, i które przynoszą oczekiwane rezultaty. Zasygnalizowano również pomysł innych rozwiązań, służących próbie zwiększenia się liczby czytelników tradycyjnych.This article discusses the essence of library quality assessment methods and proposes some ways of measuring their effectiveness in running a large two-faculty library. It also looks at ways of improving the quality of service provided by such a library. Regarding our librarians daily work with various readers and taking into account our library users’ needs and their feedback, this article discusses good practices in the library management which have already been implemented and produced desired results. The article also promotes other good practices to be followed to increase the number of traditional [email protected] Filologiczna NOVUM Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuBabik W., Warzybok A.: O niektórych zjawiskach towarzyszących odbiorowi informacji: percepcja informacji w świetle ekologii informacji [dokument elektroniczny]. Tryb dostępu: http://www.up.krakow.pl/ktime/ref2008/ babik.pdf [18 lipca 2015].Bhattacharya P.: Advances in digital library initiatives: a developing country perspective. „The International Information & Library Review” Nr 36 (2004), s. 165-175.Biblioteka otwarta. Wczoraj i jutro Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Red. M. Kycler, D. Pawelec. Katowice 2008.Borkowski S., Corejowa T.: Instrumenty rozwiązywania problemów w zarządzaniu. Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Marketingu Sosnowiec. Sosnowiec 2006. Tryb dostępu: http://mfiles.pl/pl/index.php/Servqual [10 czerwca 2015 ].Czytanie, czytelnictwo, czytelnik. Red. A. Żbikowska-Migoń, przy współudziale A. Łuszpak. Wrocław 2011.Dokąd zmierzamy? Książka i jej czytelnik: Materiały z II Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej zorganizowanej przez Bibliotekę Główna Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Międzyzdroje, 20-22 września 2007 r. Pod red. R. Gazińskiego. Szczecin 2008.Dziadkowiec J.: Wybrane metody i oceny jakości usług. „Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie” Nr 717 (2006), s. 23-35.Mikołajczyk K.: Użytkownik czy współpracownik – potrzeby czytelnicze a polityka gromadzenia w bibliotece akademickiej. W: Bibliotekarze i czytelnicy w dobie nowych technologii i koncepcji organizacyjnych bibliotek. Pod red. M. Wojciechowskiej. Gdańsk 2013, s. 41-50.Ranganathan S. R.: The Five Laws of Library Science. London 1931. Tryb dostępu: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b99721;view=1up;seq=13, https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi%C4%99%C4%87_praw_Ranganathana [16 czerwca 2015].Stoma M.: Modele i metody pomiaru jakości usług. Lublin 2012. Tryb dostępu: http://www.qrpolska.pl/files/file/M3.pdf [14 czerwca 2015].Taraszkiewicz B.: Ukryty Internet- nieznane narzędzie pracy bibliotekarza. W: Bibliotekarze i czytelnicy w dobie nowych technologii i koncepcji organizacyjnych bibliotek. Pod red. M. Wojciechowskiej. Gdańsk 2013, s. 135-142.Tradycja i nowoczesność w bibliotece naukowej XXI wieku. Red. A. Januszko-Szakiel. Kraków 2012.317-32

    Parathyroid hormone, cognitive function and dementia: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Metabolic factors are increasingly recognized to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Abnormal parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels play a role in neuronal calcium dysregulation, hypoperfusion and disrupted neuronal signaling. Some studies support a significant link between PTH levels and dementia whereas others do not. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review through January 2014 to evaluate the association between PTH and parathyroid conditions, cognitive function and dementia. Eleven electronic databases and citation indexes were searched including Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library. Hand searches of selected journals, reference lists of primary studies and reviews were also conducted along with websites of key organizations. Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts of identified studies. Data extraction and study quality were performed by one and checked by a second reviewer using predefined criteria. A narrative synthesis was performed due to the heterogeneity of included studies. RESULTS: The twenty-seven studies identified were of low and moderate quality, and challenging to synthesize due to inadequate reporting. Findings from six observational studies were mixed but suggest a link between higher serum PTH levels and increased odds of poor cognition or dementia. Two case-control studies of hypoparathyroidism provide limited evidence for a link with poorer cognitive function. Thirteen pre-post surgery studies for primary hyperparathyroidism show mixed evidence for improvements in memory though limited agreement in other cognitive domains. There was some degree of cognitive impairment and improvement postoperatively in observational studies of secondary hyperparathyroidism but no evident pattern of associations with specific cognitive domains. CONCLUSIONS: Mixed evidence offers weak support for a link between PTH, cognition and dementia due to the paucity of high quality research in this area.NIHR PenCLAHRCAlzheimer’s AssociationRosetrees TrustMary Kinross Charitable TrustJames Tudor FoundationHalpin TrustNorman Family Charitable Trus

    Association Between Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and Incident Dementia in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer in Norfolk Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness may reflect cerebral status. OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the relationship between RNFL thickness and incident all-cause dementia in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer in Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Eye Study. METHODS: Glaucoma detection with variable corneal compensation (GDx-VCC) and Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph II (HRT II) derived global mean RNFL thickness from dementia-free participants at baseline within the EPIC-Norfolk Eye Study were analyzed. Incident dementia was identified through linkage to electronic medical records. Cox proportional hazard mixed-effects regression models adjusted for key confounders were used to examine the associations between RNFL thickness and incident dementia in four separate models. RESULTS: 6,239 participants were included with 322 cases of incident dementia and mean age of 67.5-years old, with 49.7% women (median follow-up 13.2-years, interquartile range (11.7 to 14.6 years). Greater RNFL thickness (GDx-VCC) was not significantly associated with a lower risk of incident dementia in the full adjusted model [HR per quartile increase 0.95; 95% CI 0.82-1.10]. Similarly, RNFL thickness assessed with HRT II was also not associated with incident dementia in any model (full adjusted model; HR per quartile increase: 1.06; [95% CI 0.93-1.19]. Gender did not modify any associations under study. CONCLUSION: GDx-VCC and HRT II derived RNFL thickness are unlikely to be useful predictors of incident dementia. Higher resolution optical imaging technologies may clarify whether there are useful relationships between neuro-retinal morphology and brain measures

    Plutonium, 90Sr and 241Am in human bones from southern and northeastern parts of Poland

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    The paper presents the results of our study on 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Am and 90Sr concentration in human bones carried out on a set of 88 individual samples of central Europe origin. Bone tissue samples were retrieved under surgery while introducing hip joint implants. The conducted surgeries tend to cover either southern or northeastern parts of Poland. While for the southern samples only global fallout was expected to be seen, a mixed global and Chernobyl fallout were to be reflected in the others. Alpha spectrometry was applied to obtain activity concentration for 238Pu, 239?240Pu, 241Am, while liquid scintillation spectrometry for 90Sr and mass spectrometry to receive 240Pu/239Pu mass ratio. Surprisingly enough, and to the contrary to our expectations we could not see any significant differences in either Pu activity or Pu mass ratio between the studied populations. In both populations Chernobyl fraction proved marginal. The results on 90Sr and 241Am confirm similarities between the two examined groups

    Associations of inner retinal layers with risk of incident dementia: An individual participant data analysis of four prospective cohort studies

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    INTRODUCTION - Our main objective was to investigate whether retinal neurodegeneration, estimated from lower thickness of inner retinal layers, was associated with incident all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS - We performed an individual participant data meta-analysis using unpublished data from four prospective cohort studies with a total of 69,955 participants (n = 1087 cases of incident all-cause dementia; n = 520 cases incident AD; follow-up time median [interquartile range] 11.3 [8.8–11.5] years). RESULTS - General baseline characteristics of the study population were mean (standard deviation) age, 58.1 (8.8) years; 47% women. After adjustment, lower baseline macular retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was significantly associated with a 10% and 11% higher incidence of all-cause dementia and AD, respectively. Lower baseline macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness was not significantly associated with these outcomes. DISCUSSION - These findings suggest that retinal neurodegeneration precedes the onset of clinical dementia. Retinal imaging tools may be informative biomarkers for the study of the early pathophysiology of dementia

    Associations of inner retinal layers with risk of incident dementia: An individual participant data analysis of four prospective cohort studies

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    INTRODUCTION: Our main objective was to investigate whether retinal neurodegeneration, estimated from lower thickness of inner retinal layers, was associated with incident all-cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: We performed an individual participant data meta-analysis using unpublished data from four prospective cohort studies with a total of 69,955 participants (n = 1087 cases of incident all-cause dementia; n = 520 cases incident AD; follow-up time median [interquartile range] 11.3 [8.8-11.5] years). RESULTS: General baseline characteristics of the study population were mean (standard deviation) age, 58.1 (8.8) years; 47% women. After adjustment, lower baseline macular retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was significantly associated with a 10% and 11% higher incidence of all-cause dementia and AD, respectively. Lower baseline macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness was not significantly associated with these outcomes. DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that retinal neurodegeneration precedes the onset of clinical dementia. Retinal imaging tools may be informative biomarkers for the study of the early pathophysiology of dementia

    The Everyday Life of Polish Immigrants in Belgium

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    The paper sought to show the question of mass migration of Poles to Belgium from 1989 onwards, especially from 1991, when Belgium repealed visas for the citizens of our country. The paper seeks to show causes of contemporary migration from Poland to Belgium, its character and effects, the family situation of migrants, positive and negatives aspects of a longer sojourn abroad, the role of the Catholic Church, and the plans for the future of Polish illegal workers. Contemporary migration of Poles to Belgium has a paid character, although apart from material motivations the non-economic factors are also important. This wave of exile is characterized by a double illegality: sojourn and work. Illegality is the determining trait of the Polish migrants, among other things, condemning them to work in the informal sector of economy, without insurance, or welfare benefit. The text describes the everyday life of Polish workers, who despite the fact that they do not exist in official files, yet they have stayed on the territory of Belgium often for many years, take illegal jobs, maintain their own informal services, participate in Polish devotions, lead social life etc. This description is based on a research material gathered by the author during her field research conducted in Brussels in April 1998. The situation of Polish illegal immigrants is an important issue due to its enormous scale, and due to the fact that it may persist in time. One should expect that as long as Polish employees are tolerated by the Belgian authorities, and the payments they receive are several times higher than an average payment in Poland, Belgium will remain an attractive destination for many Poles

    Effectiveness of rituximab in nephrotic syndrome treatment

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    Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is a common chronic illness characterized by massive proteinuria and hypo-albuminemia in children. Baseline treatment is 6 month-corticotherapy. In cases of steroid resistant/dependent INS several types of treatment are used, including course of methyloprednisolone “pulses”, alkylating agents, cyclosporin A, levamisole and mycophenolate mofetil. It has been suggested that children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome had a significantly longer relapse-free period if rituximab (RTX) treatment was additionally applied. We present a case of a 4.5 boy who due to steroid-sensitive, steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome has been successfully treated with RTX. Administration of the one dose of Rituximab in the patient caused immediate decrease of CD19/CD20 positive B lymphocyte population. The depletion of B cells has been observed for the next six months. With regard to the fact that RTX treatment may affect patient’s immune response, comprehensive immunodiagnostic has been conducted in a course of the Therapy

    Model fizjoterapii pacjentów z chorobą Huntingtona w krakowskiej Klinice Neurologii CM UJ

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) leads to the selective degeneration and progressive neuronal apoptosis in the brain, which are responsible for the postural control system, coordination and sensorimotor integration, and causes significant motor disorders. There are no effective causal treatments for HD, but the scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of rehabilitation in maintaining and improving mobility, independence, strength and balance in patients is known. The guidelines and procedures for rehabilitation of HD have not yet been developed, but they are being gradually assembled and recorded by the Huntington’s Disease Society of America and the European Huntington’s Disease Network. The methodology for exercises is similar to the general principles of rehabilitation and exercise programmes for neurological patients. With reference to the available scientific literature at the Department of Neurology, CM UJ in Cracow, a model of rehabilitation of patients with HD based on the method of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) has been created. The PNF method is based on the maximum stimulation of proprioceptors and external receptors in order to activate the damaged structures, and creates a model of patient rehabilitation concerns for the early and middle stages of HD, moving independently, and fully cooperating with the physiotherapist. The current study connected with clinical tests and VICON system gait analysis, proves the effectiveness of the model created by the Department of Neurology, CM UJ in Cracow.Choroba Huntingtona (HD) prowadzi do selektywnego zwyrodnienia i postępującej apoptozy neuronów mózgu, odpowiedzialnych za układ sterowania postawą, koordynację, a także integrację sensomotoryczną, a co za tym idzie ich degeneracja powoduje istotne zaburzenia motoryczne. Nie wynaleziono dotąd skutecznych metod leczenia przyczynowego HD, istnieją zaś dowody naukowe potwierdzające skuteczność rehabilitacji ruchowej w podtrzymywaniu, a nawet podnoszeniu sprawności ruchowej, samodzielności oraz siły i równowagi u pacjentów. Nie istnieją jeszcze szczegółowe wytyczne i opracowane procedury rehabilitacji HD, jednak są one stopniowo zbierane i przygotowywane przez Huntington’s Disease Society of America czy European Huntington’s Disease Network. Metodyczne wskazówki do prowadzenia ćwiczeń z chorymi nie różnią się w zasadzie od generalnych zasad usprawniania oraz programów ćwiczeń dla pacjentów neurologicznych. W oparciu o dostępną literaturę naukową, w Klinice Neurologii CM UJ w Krakowie stworzono model rehabilitacji chorych z HD, bazujący na metodzie proprioceptywnego torowania nerwowo-mięśniowego (PNF). Wspomniana metoda opiera się na maksymalnej stymulacji proprioreceptorów i eksteroreceptorów w celu uzyskania aktywacji uszkodzonych struktur, a stworzony model rehabilitacji dotyczy chorych we wczesnym i środkowym stadium HD, poruszających się samodzielnie, w pełni współpracujących z fizjoterapeutą. Obecnie prowadzone badania, z wykorzystaniem testów klinicznych oraz systemu analizy chodu VICON, mają na celu dowieść skuteczności modelu stworzonego w Klinice Neurologii CM UJ