59 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Functional State of Children with Congenital Clubfoot via Physical Rehabilitation

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    Praca w wersji wydawniczej dostępna w: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture 2014, Nr 3, s. 30-32.The formative experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the impact of the developed concept of physical rehabilitation on the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the children. Significant improvements were found in terms of timed expiratory and inspiratory capacity tests in children of the main group: the Stange’s test was 20,74 ± 0,45 s, but became 30,85 ± 0,65 (p<0.05); the Genche’s test was 10,03 ± 0.23, but became 11,97 ± 0,24 (p<0.05) s. The results confirm the positive effect of physical rehabilitation on the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of children

    Moulding of professional and personal features of a character of future specialists on health

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    Peer-reviewed articleThe following article is studding and considering the results of the research work on the subject matter: personal example on the part of specialists on health in their activities in institutions of physical rehabilitation as well as their acquiring both physical and personal features of a character by the virtue of traditional Vedic (ancient Indian) knowledge such as Ayurveda and BhagavataPurana, which in turn contain some practical recommendations pertaining to support of health and development of consciousness on the basis of profound unity both of spiritual, psychological as well as physical state of a person

    Improving the physical health of students with physical expercises proposed by type of autonomic nervous system

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    Level of physical education in high school is not conducive to the effective reduction of the deficit of motive activity of students, which is one of the reasons various deviations in their health. The health of young people is essential and defining moment of well-being of society and its progressive development. The basic principle of the impact physical activity core group of students with different types of autonomic nervous system was the principle of individualization of physical activity, not dropping the weights regularity and consistency. The load volume was optimal, at the level of preparedness that much depended on the type of dominance of the autonomic nervous system. All students conducted a rapid assessment of the overall level of physical health by Apanasenko G.L. at the beginning and end of the study. With the prevalence of type counting of the autonomic nervous system, significantly higher levels of physical health were found among students at the end of the study the main group in which the overall assessment of physical health reached a level above the average.Poziom wychowania fizycznego w szkole średniej nie sprzyja efektywnej redukcji deficytu aktywności napędowej studentów, co jest jednym z powodów, dla odchylenia różne w ich zdrowie. Zdrowia młodzieży jest niezbędna i momentem dobrobytu społeczeństwa i jego stopniowy rozwój. Podstawową zasadą oddziaływania grupy podstawowej aktywności fizycznej uczniów z różnymi rodzajami autonomicznego układu nerwowego była zasada indywidualizacji aktywności fizycznej, nie obciąża upuszczenie prawidłowości i spójności. Objętość wsadu było optymalne, w gotowości, że wiele zależało od rodzaju dominacji autonomicznego układu nerwowego. Wszyscy studenci przeprowadzili szybką ocenę ogólnego poziomu zdrowia fizycznego przez Apanasenko G.L. na początku i na końcu badania. Z występowaniem liczenia typu autonomicznego układu nerwowego, znacznie wyższy poziom zdrowia fizycznego znaleziono wśród studentów na koniec badania grupy głównej, w którym całkowita ocena stanu zdrowia fizycznego osiągnęła poziom powyżej średniej

    Mechanical properties of Ni-Fe-Cu-P-B alloy produced by two component melt spinning (TCMS)

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the two-component melt-spun (TCMS) alloy produced from Ni40Fe40B20 and Ni70Cu10P20 melts. The Ni40Fe40B20, Ni70Cu10P20, Ni55Fe20Cu5P10B10 alloys were arc-melted. Then the alloys were melt-spun in the two different ways i.e.: by casting from a single-chamber crucible and from the two-chamber crucible. All of the above mentioned alloys were processed in the first way and the Ni40Fe40B20 and Ni70Cu10P20 were simultaneously cast on the copper roller from the two-chamber crucible. The microstructure of the alloy was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and light microscopy. The mechanical properties were investigated using tensile testing and nanoindentation. The two-component melt-spun (TCMS) amorphous Ni55Fe20Cu5P10B10 alloy present hardness, tensile strength and Young modulus on the significantly higher level than for a single phase amorphous Ni55Fe20Cu5P10B10 alloy and slightly below the corresponding values for the Ni40Fe40B20

    Evaluation of the quality of life of men undergoing stationary cardiac rehabilitation

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    The aim of the study is to assess the quality of life of patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. Evaluation were subjected to 27 men in the Division of Cardiac Rehabilitation Wieżyca in 2014. Stay patients lasted from two to five weeks. The test using the questionnaire evaluating the quality of life of SF-36 was performed twice - at the beginning and end of the cycle rehabilitation.By analyzing and comparing the results between patients we concluded that comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation can significantly raise the performance quality of life in all its aspects. The largest increase in the value of quality of life was reported in the area of physical health. Obesity and smoking was accompanied by a significant part of the study group. On this basis, it can be said that these two risk factors for heart disease also reduce the quality of life of patients. Cardiac rehabilitation can reduce the risk of developing depression due to poor health. The effects of rehabilitation are greatest in patients after heart attacks. It can be presumed that the cause of this phenomenon is the minimally invasive treatment of the acute phase of the disease as compared with other cardiovascular diseases, for example. CABG, the heart valve prosthesis implantation. It has been observed relationship in which younger patients achieved better results in the area of physical health, but older people more has improved mental health. Based on the research it can be stated that a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation is needed after the improvement of the quality of life of people with heart disease

    Magnetic properties of Tb(Ni1-xFex)3 (x = 0.2,0.6) crystalline compounds and powders

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    In the paper we present and discuss magnetic properties of the Tb(Ni1xFex)3 (x = 0:2, 0.6) crystalline compounds and their ball-milled powders. The investigated samples are polycrystalline and crystallize in the rhombohedral PuNi3 type of crystal structure. The Curie temperature of the material seems to be independent of particle size and is constant. The coercivity depends on the amount of iron dopant. The saturation magnetization decreases after mechanical grinding which is connected with the reduction in particle size. After 6 h milling time the SEM results show the presence of nano akes with thickness up to 100 nm or even smaller. Moreover, the pulverization leads to the observed decrease of magnetocaloric e ect

    The respiratory practical persons: new understanding and approaches.

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    It is analysed modern information about existent respiratory practices. The methodological, physiological and psychological aspects of respiratory practices are examined. 2 groups of students of higher humanitarian institute are participated in experiment: healthy (students of basic group, n1=180) and with different chronic pathology in the stage of remission (students of group of medical physical education, n2=50). Duration of experiment made about two months. Frequency of the controlled respiratory practice - 1-2 times per a week. The algorithm of respiratory practice is presented. Exercises and recommendations are resulted on their application

    Influence of substitution and milling on structural and magnetic properties of selected Sm(Ni1-xCox)3 compounds

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    Rare earth and transition metals intermetallic compounds such as alloys were widely studied in previous years because of interesting 3d-4f effects and a possibility of application in different branches of industry and technique [1,2]. Generally, the magnetic properties of rare earth and transition metals depend on crystal structure because the atoms of transition elements have an exposed 3d shell and are susceptible on their nearest surrounding. In recent years, nanocrystalline RE/3d alloys have attracted an increasing interest because of their enhanced magnetic parameters while compared to their bulk counterparts [3,4,5]. As an example, one can mention a high coercivity of 33 kOe for the nanocrystalline SmCo3 compound. In this paper, we focus on structural and magnetic changes in a SmNi3compound upon the Ni/Co substitution and pulverization to a size of approximately 100 nm[…

    Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ = Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+

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    Prusik Katarzyna, Ossowski Zbigniew, Bielawa Łukasz, Wiech Monika, Kortas Jakub, Konieczna Seweryna, Prusik Krzysztof. Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ = Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(3):113-124. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.47896 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3425 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/721276 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 27.02.2016. Zróżnicowane programy aktywizujące a sprawność funkcjonalna kobiet w wieku 60+ Diverse activation programs and the efficiency of functional women aged 60+ Katarzyna Prusik1, Zbigniew Ossowski1, Łukasz Bielawa1, Monika Wiech1, Jakub Kortas1, Seweryna Konieczna2, Krzysztof Prusik1 1Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk 2Medical University of Gdansk Keywords: Nordic Walking, health training, occupational therapy. Słowa kluczowe: Nordic Walking, trening zdrowotny, terapia zajęciowa. Abstract One of the many forms of activity may be physical activity dressed in costume popular in Poland and in the world of Nordic Walking. Another way to stimulate the occupational therapy, which involves the realm of the physical, mental and social man usually less active in general. The objectives of occupational therapy are similar to the general objectives underlying any form of physical activity, and that is the behavior of self-reliance, independence and efficiency. The aim of the study is to analyze different activation programs in relation to the functional capacity of women aged 60+. We analyzed two fundamentally different activation programs seniors: occupational therapy program implemented in the Daily Nursing Home for the Elderly in Gdansk and health training program in the form of Nordic Walking realized within statutory research. The material tested is 48 women over the age of 60, after 24 people training Nordic Walking 3 times a week for 60 minutes, and 24 people participating in occupational therapy. Physical activity is an effective means to maintain physical for a long time, it can also be an effective means of shaping it during aging. Physical activity should begin early. Then you can expect spectacular effects of training, and thus a high physical translates directly to high levels of positive physical health. You can expect to achieve in this area, the leader among his peers. You can go ahead and prepare for old age, efficient, independent and self

    Biomechanical study athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles (on example of phase of flight)

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    Purpose: To design a theoretical biomechanical model of athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles and then check there movements on real athletes. Material: In the practical part of the study participated 10 smortsmen. Results: Showing the possibility of constructing a theoretical model of hurdling technique. The basis of cons tructing a model using the known approaches in theoretical mechanics. Shows the calculated and actual performance movement of the athlete. Conclusions: The developed model provides a good theoretical understanding of the interactions of individual elements of movement and the ability to simulate different situations and to determine the optimal values of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the athlete. The model allows the individual elements of motion correction directly in the process of training. When analyzing art movement should consider specific features of physical development and anthropometric characteristics of the athlete's body