806 research outputs found

    A Multimedia Interactive Environment Using Program Archetypes: Divide-and-Conquer

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    As networks and distributed systems that can exploit parallel computing become more widespread, the need for ways to teach parallel programming effectively grows as well. Even though many colleges and universities provide courses on parallel programming [1], most of those courses are reserved for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. There is a demand for ways to teach fundamental parallel programming concepts to people with just a working knowledge of programming. By using the idea of a software archetype, and providing a learning environment that teaches both concept and coding, we hope to satisfy this need. This paper presents an overview of the multimedia approach we took in teaching parallel programming and offers Divide-and-Conquer as an example of its use

    Concept of love in Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s „The curious case of Benjamin Button“ short story and the film

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    Ethical Aspects Of The Journalistic And Advertising Texts’ Analysis

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    Article is devoted to a problem of media texts (journalistic and advertising) compliance to ethical standards: to ethical standards of professional community and norms of media ethics.The research is conducted with the use of the "humanitarian expertise» principles and the semantic analysis method.In journalistic texts professional ethics standards violation is revealed. Advertising texts contain intended elocution violations.Non-compliance with ethical standards can be motivated by a divergence between them and other professional requirements to the journalistic and advertising text. In case of such divergences authors neglect requirements of ethics. The inattention reasons to ethical aspects of media texts: insufficiently accurate wording of ethical standards in Codes of professional ethics.Violations of professional ethics standards and language ethics demand discussion by professional community for improvement of professional standards and developing prevention mechanisms for such violations

    Coating combustion synthesis controlled by moving electron beam

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    The model of the coating synthesis on the substrate is suggested at the conditions of electron beam controlling. The detailed reaction scheme in the treated layer is taken into account. Reaction kinetics is described based on mass action law. Reaction retardation by solid reaction products is taken into consideration. The review of similar models, simple and coupled, is made. Asymptotical solution of the particular coupled problem with summary reaction scheme is obtained. It was found that self sustaining mode is possible when the coating is synthesized on the substrate. The example of maximal temperature establishment is illustrated for the detailed reaction scheme in the Ti-C-Al system when the conversion is initiated by electron beam

    An Algorithm for Distributed Location Management in Networks of Mobile Computers

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    In a network supporting mobile communication devices, a mechanism to find the location of a device, wherever it may be, is needed. In this paper, we present a distributed algorithm for this purpose along with its formal specification and proof sketch. Inspired by our experiences with Wang's algorithm [9], one goal of this paper is to demonstrate that the process of formalization together with careful attention to abstraction and presentation can yield significant benefits in algorithm design. In this case, we obtained a more regular, general, and robust algorithm with a clearer description. An incidental contribution is a useful theorem for proving progress properties in distributed algorithms that use tokens

    Simulation of oxide phases formation under pulsed electron beam

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    This paper presents the mathematical model of evolution phase composition in the TiNi+Si system under impulsive electron beam. It was assumed that the initial coating contains small concentration of molecular oxygen. This model is one-demensional, and takes into account the phenomena of diffusion, chemical reactions, and thermal effects of chemical reactions. Results of the numerical modeling had show that the oxide of titanium and triple solution TiNiSi formed in significant amounts, and triple solution preferentially forms in the substrate. Other oxides must be formed in trace amounts

    Социально-демографические параметры и речевое поведение российских немцев в иноязычной среде (на примере немецкого этнического меньшинства Кировской области)

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    Over the past 20 years, academic interest in the relationship between language and environment has significantly increased due to mounting concern about national minorities living in the territory of Russia and the CIS. As a result, numerous studies have been conducted on their history, culture and language. Linguistic diversity and extinction of some languages became the research subject of numerous scientific works at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The fate of languages, their current state and future is top priority for humankind since language is a system of knowledge about the world that embodies the global philosophy in its linguistic structure and grammatical rules. In this sense, language is the world itself and its extinction will cause irreparable damage to people and their surrounding environment. The article aims to present the results of studying the speech behavior of the German ethnic minority living in the Kirov Region. The conducted research reflects the specific features manifested in foreign-language environment under the influence of social and demographic factors. The authors of the article use the following methods: field methods for collecting linguistic materials; the method of continuous recording of dialect materials with the subsequent transcription of texts; the method of sociolinguistic questionnaire and interviewing, etc. While using these methods for analyzing the above-mentioned materials, the authors ensured a high degree of objectivity and reliability. According to their studies, the distribution of German and Russian among ethnic Germans living in the Kirov Region, as well as the choice of their native language, is determined by various extralinguistic factors, in particular, social and demographic: age, education, marital status and gender. The authors believe that this article will be of interest to scholars studying island German dialects.En los últimos 20 años, el interés académico en la relación entre el idioma y el medio ambiente ha aumentado significativamente debido a la creciente preocupación por las minorías nacionales que viven en el territorio de Rusia y la CEI. Como resultado, se han realizado numerosos estudios sobre su historia, cultura e idioma. La diversidad lingüística y la extinción de algunos idiomas se convirtieron en el tema de investigación de numerosos trabajos científicos a finales de los siglos XX y XXI. El destino de los idiomas, su estado actual y futuro es la máxima prioridad para la humanidad, ya que el lenguaje es un sistema de conocimiento sobre el mundo que incorpora la filosofía global en su estructura lingüística y sus reglas gramaticales. En este sentido, el lenguaje es el mundo mismo y su extinción causará daños irreparables a las personas y a su entorno. El artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados del estudio del comportamiento del habla de la minoría étnica alemana que vive en la región de Kirov. La investigación realizada refleja las características específicas manifestadas en el entorno de lenguas extranjeras bajo la influencia de factores sociales y demográficos. Los autores del artículo utilizan los siguientes métodos: métodos de campo para recopilar materiales lingüísticos; el método de grabación continua de materiales de dialecto con la posterior transcripción de textos; el método de cuestionario sociolingüístico y entrevistas, etc. Al usar estos métodos para analizar los materiales mencionados anteriormente, los autores aseguraron un alto grado de objetividad y confiabilidad. Según sus estudios, la distribución del alemán y el ruso entre los alemanes étnicos que viven en la región de Kirov, así como la elección de su idioma nativo, está determinada por varios factores extralingüísticos, en particular, sociales y demográficos: edad, educación, estado civil. y género. Los autores creen que este artículo será de interés para los estudiosos que estudian los dialectos alemanes de la isla.За последние 20 лет, произошел всплеск академического интереса к проблеме взаимосвязи языка и окружающей среды, вызванный большой озабоченностью ученых судьбой национальных меньшинств в России и СНГ. Это вызвало рост количества исследований их истории, культуры, языка. Изучение взаимоотношений между лингвистическим многообразием, отмиранием и исчезновением языков становится темой многочисленных работ на рубеже XX–XXI вв. Судьба языков, их сегодняшнее бытование и будущее – вот первоочередная задача для человечества, так как язык – это философия мира, это запечатленная в его лингвистической структуре, в его правилах система знаний о мире. В этом смысле язык – это и есть сам мир, гибель которого будет невосполнимой утратой как для самого человека, так и для окружающего его мира. Целью данной статьи является представление результатов исследования речевого поведения немецкого этнического меньшинства Кировской области, в котором отражаются особенности, проявляющиеся под влиянием социально-демографических факторов в условиях иноязычного окружения. В работе используются следующие методы: полевые методы при сборе лингвистического материала; метод сплошной фиксации диалектологического материала с последующим транскрибированием текстов; метод социолингвистического анкетирования и интервьюирования анкетируемых и др. Привлечение данных методов к анализу материала позволяет рассмотреть обнаруженные явления с большой степенью объективности и достоверности.  Как показывают наши исследования, распределение сфер употребления немецкого и русского языков среди этнических немцев Кировской области, а также выбор языка в качестве родного определяется различными экстралингвистическими факторами, в частности, социально-демографическими: возрастом, образованием, семейным положением, гендерной принадлежностью информантов. Считаем, что данная статья будет интересна ученым, занимающимся проблемами немецкой островной диалектологии