35 research outputs found

    Nova formula za izračun koeficijenta korelacije u geodetskim mjerenjima za mali broj opažanja

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    When performing geodetic surveys, the number of measurements is usually small, which in the case of dependent series of measurements leads to an underestimation of the correlation coefficient calculated by the standard formula. A new formula for determining the correlation coefficient is proposed. The values of correlation coefficients calculated by the new formula and by the known ones were compared for the number of measurements . It was found that the correlation coefficient values calculated by the new formula will have higher values as compared to the values calculated by the known formulas, i.e. these values will be less biased with respect to the true values of the correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula will be maximal at an appropriate level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. With a large number of measurements, the values of correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula and by the formulas that are widely used in geodesy and photogrammetry will not differ significantly.Prilikom izvođenja geodetskih izmjera, broj mjerenja je obično mali što u slučaju serije ovisnih mjerenja dovodi do niske procjene koeficijenta korelacije izračunatog pomoću standardne formule. Predlaže se nova formula za određivanje koeficijenta korelacije. Uspoređene su vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate pomoću nove formule i pomoću poznatih formula za broj mjerenja . Utvrđeno je da će vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate novom formulom biti veće u usporedbi s vrijednostima izračunatima pomoću poznatih formula, odnosno te vrijednosti će biti manje pristrane u odnosu na prave vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije. Koeficijenti korelacije dobiveni pomoću nove formule bit će maksimalni na odgovarajućoj razini značaja i broja stupnjeva slobode. Za veliki broj mjerenja, vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije dobivene novom formulom i formulama čija je upotreba raširena u geodeziji i fotogrametriji neće se značajno razlikovati

    Nova formula za izračun koeficijenta korelacije u geodetskim mjerenjima za mali broj opažanja

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    When performing geodetic surveys, the number of measurements is usually small, which in the case of dependent series of measurements leads to an underestimation of the correlation coefficient calculated by the standard formula. A new formula for determining the correlation coefficient is proposed. The values of correlation coefficients calculated by the new formula and by the known ones were compared for the number of measurements . It was found that the correlation coefficient values calculated by the new formula will have higher values as compared to the values calculated by the known formulas, i.e. these values will be less biased with respect to the true values of the correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula will be maximal at an appropriate level of significance and number of degrees of freedom. With a large number of measurements, the values of correlation coefficients obtained by the new formula and by the formulas that are widely used in geodesy and photogrammetry will not differ significantly.Prilikom izvođenja geodetskih izmjera, broj mjerenja je obično mali što u slučaju serije ovisnih mjerenja dovodi do niske procjene koeficijenta korelacije izračunatog pomoću standardne formule. Predlaže se nova formula za određivanje koeficijenta korelacije. Uspoređene su vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate pomoću nove formule i pomoću poznatih formula za broj mjerenja . Utvrđeno je da će vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije izračunate novom formulom biti veće u usporedbi s vrijednostima izračunatima pomoću poznatih formula, odnosno te vrijednosti će biti manje pristrane u odnosu na prave vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije. Koeficijenti korelacije dobiveni pomoću nove formule bit će maksimalni na odgovarajućoj razini značaja i broja stupnjeva slobode. Za veliki broj mjerenja, vrijednosti koeficijenata korelacije dobivene novom formulom i formulama čija je upotreba raširena u geodeziji i fotogrametriji neće se značajno razlikovati

    Comparative analysis for methods of building digital elevation models from topographic maps using geoinformation technologies

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    The article considers the question of estimating the accuracy of interpolation methods for building digital elevation models using Soviet topographic maps. The territory of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation was used as the study area, because it is located on the Central Russian Upland and characterized by the complex structure of the vertical and horizontal dissection of the relief. Contour lines automatically obtained using a Python algorithm were used as the initial elevation data to build a digital elevation model. Digital elevation models obtained by thirteen different interpolation methods in ArcGIS and Surfer software were built and analyzed. Special attention is paid to the ANUDEM method, which allows to obtain hydrologically correct digital elevation models. Recommendations for the use of one or another method of interpolation are given. The results can be useful for professionals who use topographic maps in their work and deals with the design using digital elevation models

    IGHV3-21 gene expression in patients with b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Ukraine

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of IGHV3-21 gene usage and its clinical significance for patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in Ukraine. Patients and Methods: Immunoglobulin variable heavy chain (IGHV) gene repertoire was studied in 189 CLL patients using reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction and direct sequence of amplified products. Results: IGHV3-21 gene expression was found in 11 cases (5.8%), and its frequency was intermediate between Scandinavian (11.7%) and Mediterranean CLL (2.9%) cohorts. The most of cases (9 of 11) belonged to subset with heterogeneous HCDR3 (heteroHCDR3 subset), and only 2 cases – to subset with classical short ARDANGMDV motif (homHCDR3 subset). Six IGHV3-21 cases were mutated and 5 cases were unmutated. All unmutated cases (all were from heteroHCDR3 subset) had similarity of their HCDR3s with previously published sequences. The differences in overall (OS), progression-free (PFS) and treatment-free survival (TFS) for IGHV3-21 positive patients in comparison with CLL patients expressing the other IGHV genes were statistically insignificant. These survival parameters were comparable also for CLL patients with mutated IGHV3-21 gene usage and expression the others mutated IGHV genes. But remarkable feature of IGHV3-21 expressing patients was high incidence of solid tumors. They have developed in 4 IGHV3-21 positive cases (36.4%) and in 10 cases with expression of the others IGHV genes (5.6%, p = 0.0002). Furthermore, in small group of 6 patients with mutated IGHV3-21 gene expression, 3 patients had solid tumors and one underwent Richter transformation. Unmutated IGHV3-21 gene expressed patients had worse OS and PFS in comparison with CLL patients that expressed the others unmutated IGHV genes. Conclusion: Presented data are in agrement with the opinion about negative prognostic significance of IGHV3-21 gene expression regardless its mutation status. IGHV3-21 expression was associated with development of secondary solid tumors. Revealed high level of homology in heteroHDR3s subset might suggest about possible antigenic influence also, in addition to homHCDR3 subset that was proposed earlier.Цель: оценить частоту использования гена IGHV3-21 и его клиническое значение для больных B-клеточным хроническим лимфолейкозом (ХЛЛ) в Украине. Больные и методы исследования: репертуар генов вариабельных участков тяжелых цепей иммуноглобулинов (IGHV) изучали у 189 больных с ХЛЛ с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции на базе обратной транскрипции и прямого сиквенса амплифицированных продуктов. Результаты: экспрессия гена IGHV3-21 выявлена у 11 пациентов (5,8%), что занимает промежуточное положение между Скандинавской (11,7%) и Средиземноморской (2,9%) когортами. Большинство случаев (9 из 11) относились к подгруппе с гетерогенным третьим комплементарнымрегионом (heteroHCDR3 подгуппа) и только 2 случая — к подгруппе с коротким классическим ARDANGMDV мотивом (homHCDR уппа). есть IGHV3-21-позитивных случаев были мутированными и 5 — немутированными. Все немутированные случаи (все из heteroHCDR уппы) имели сходство HCDR3 с анее описанными последовательностями. Различия в общей выживаемости (OS), длительности периода до прогрессии заболевания (PFS) и начала лечения (TFS) для IGHV3-21-позитивных больных были статистически незначимы по сравнению с пациентами с ХЛЛ с экспрессией других IGHV-генов. Указанные параметры также сравнивали между больными ХЛЛ с экспрессией мутированных IGHV3-21- и других IGHV-генов. Отличительной чертой пациентов с экспрессией IGHV3-гена была высокая встречаемость солидных опухолей. Они развились в 4 IGHV3-21-позитивных случаях (36,4%) и в 10 случаях с экспрессией других IGHV-генов (5,6%, p = 0,0002). Кроме того, в небольшой группе больных (6) с экспрессией мутированного IGHV3-21-гена у 3 возникли солидные опухоли и 1 пациента — синдром Рихтера. У больных с экспрессией немутированного IGHV3-21-гена определяли худшие показатели OS и PFS по савнению с пациентами с экспрессией других немутированных IGHV-генов. Выводы: представленные данные согласуются с мнением о самостоятельном негативном прогностическом значении для больных с ХЛЛ экспрессии IGHV3-21-гена вне зависимости от его мутационного статуса. IGHV3-21-экспрессия была ассоциирована с развитием вторичных солидных опухолей. Выявленный высокий уровень гомологии в heteroHDR3s-подгруппе может свидетельствовать о возможном антигенном влиянии в дополнение к антигенному влиянию в homHCDR уппе, что было установлено ране

    Analysis of development tendencies of metrological technologies to control rangefinders of an electronic distance measurement instruments

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    The article analyses the development of metrological control technologies for electronic distance measurement rangefinders to determine their main characteristic of accuracy – the root mean square error of distance measurement. It is established that the current reference linear bases are reliable and serve as the main means of transmitting a unit of length from the standards to the working means of measuring length. The article describes the existing linear reference bases and specifies their accuracy and disadvantages. It is concluded that the disadvantages of linear reference bases are deprived of the reference linear bases built in special laboratories. They use distances measured by the differential method with laser interferometers as reference distances. The application of such technology allowed to automate the processes of measurements and calculations. There is development of fibre-optic linear bases, in which optical fibres of known length are used as model lines. The article offers a new technical solution – a combination of fiber-optic and interference linear bases, which allows to qualitatively improve the system of metrological support of laser rangefinders. This is achieved by having a fiber-optic unit, which allows you to create baselines of increased length, while ensuring small dimensions of the baseline, and relative interference base, which provides high accuracy of linear measurements and does not require calibration of the base with a precision rangefinder, which eliminates several difficulties associated with changes in the refractive index, makes measurements independent of the wavelength of the radiation source and almost independent of the ambient temperature

    Influence of exogenous, physiological and factors of chronic inflammatory process on indicators of disturbances of adaptive processes of the person

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    Changes in laboratory parameters can be caused by physical, chemical, biological and other external factors, depending on physiological conditions, in most cases they have an adaptive nature, and it is not always possible to distinguish them from physiological fluctuations. At the same time, obvious shifts in laboratory parameters may indicate a violation of adaptation processes and damage of tissues and organs, despite the absence of clinical manifestations of a disease


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    Первинна лімфома кістки(ПЛК) є рідкісним захворюванням, складаючи менше 1 % усіх лімфом, близько 7 % злоякісних пухлин кістки і до 5 % випадків екстранодальних лімфом. Складність даного випадку полягає у тому, що клінічна картина та радіологічна презентація первинної лімфоми кістки не має специфічних ознак. Діагноз ПЛК встановлюють шляхом верифікації ураження кістки і виключення будь-яких позакісткових вогнищ ураження. У лікуванні ПЛК можливе застосування променевої терапії (ПТ) на зону пухлини, системна терапія (поліхіміотерапія) та їх комбінація. Ряд досліджень, що охоплює період спостереження з 1960-х і на сьогодні, показав перевагу комбінації поліхіміотерапії (ПХТ) і ПТ. У статті представлено огляд досліджень з діагностики і терапії пацієнтів із первинною лімфомою кістки, а також власне спостереження – етапи діагностики та результати лікування пацієнта зпервинною лімфомою кістки, якому проведено 6 курсів поліхіміотерапії за протоколом R-CHOP і променеву терапію

    Features of Indicators of Blood General Clinical Analysis and the Summary Analysis of an Organism’s General Reactivity at Chronic Inflammatory Process

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    Inflammatory diseases cause health disorders which result in a reduction of the population. That is why this medical problem is considered to be a very important one. The human immune system is responsible for protecting the body from infections of various origins, while inducing chronic inflammation (characterized by a long, often invisible course) which can result in proneness to recurrence, complications and resistance to therapy. The authors of the article analyzed and proved that there are immune status shifts in patients with chronic nonspecific inflammatory processes depending on the pathogen, phase and level of damage

    Assessment of the State of Platelet Haemostasis and Adhesive - Aggregation Properties of Platelets as a Factor of Increasing the Tendency to Thrombosis in Chronic Inflammation

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    In recent decades, considerable progress has been made in understanding the functional mechanisms of platelets and the correction of platelet haemostasis. Platelets are considered the most important participants in both the normal and pathological thrombotic processes characteristic of a variety of diseases and conditions. Alterations in various limbs of haemostasis are found in many somatic diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke), surgical procedures, oncological and immunological diseases. Inflammation underlies most diseases and remains an urgent problem in medicine. In the leukocyte infiltration of the inflammatory focus, the mechanism of its self-preservation is of great importance. The activation of haematopoiesis during inflammation is triggered by factors released by stimulated leukocytes of the focus and peripheral blood. Therefore, the problem of the state of the haemostasis system should be the focus of constant attention of clinicians, and with the help of laboratory monitoring of the state of the haemostasis system, it is possible to carry out drug correction of the haemocoagulation potential

    Assessment of the Nature of Dyslipoproteinemias and Correlations of Indicators of General Reactivity and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Inflammation of the Reproductive System

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    Metabolic disorders can occur at all levels of biological organization - from molecular and cellular to the level of the organism as a whole. These changes may result from disruptions in hormonal mechanisms, actions of pathogenic factors, or infections. Primary metabolic disorders are the basis of many diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and atherosclerosis, while secondary disorders accompany most pathological processes. Disruption of lipid metabolism leads to changes in their functions and the development of pathological processes, such as dyslipoproteinemia, and also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Various intracellular infectious agents play a significant role in the development of dyslipoproteinemias and atherosclerosis, for example, chlamydia can alter the lipid metabolism in macrophages under the influence of low-density lipoproteins, leading to the formation of 'foam-like' cells. This, in turn, contributes to the development of atheromatous plaques-a favorable environment for chlamydia, where it can survive for an extended period and trigger immunopathological mechanisms