188 research outputs found

    Modelowanie procesów szlifowania.

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    Różne metody modelowania operacji szlifowania powierzchni cylindrycznych zewnętrznych, powierzchni płaskich oraz szlifowania kół zębatych. Zastosowanie metody elementów skończonych, sztucznych sieci neuronowych oraz analizy regresji. Modelowanie sił szlifowania, rozkładu temperatury oraz jakości powierzchni obrobionej. Przykłady obliczeń przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem opracowanych modeli

    Zastosowanie metod eksploatacji danych do nadzorowania procesu szlifowania kłowego wałków.

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    W pracy przedstawiono przegląd metod eksploracji danych w zastosowaniu do diagnostyki i optymalizacji procesu szlifowania kłowego wałków. Omówiono metody analizy sygnałów w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości w celu wyznaczenia różnych miar rejestrowanych sygnałów. Przeanalizowano różne metody wydobywania wiedzy w celu selekcji najbardziej istotnych miar z punktu widzenia identyfikacji niepożądanych stanów procesu i estymacji parametrów wynikowych procesu szlifowania.This paper presentsan overview ofdata mining methodsin application to diagnostics and optimization of the cylindrical plungegrinding process. Time-frequency signal analysis methods are described to extract different features of measured signals. Different knowledge extraction methods are presented in order to determine the most important features for the purpose of estimation of grinding process state and part quality parameters

    Influence of Cutting Speed on the Hob Wear in Hobbing with the Minimum Quantity Lubrication

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    In the paper the influence of cutting speed on the hob wear in gear hobbing when minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) cutting fluid supply method was applied, is described. Gears made of C45 steel were cut with the use of the hobs made of HS6-5-2 high-speed steel. For comparison, some tests with flood cutting fluid supply mode were performed. The investigations were carried out for four cutting speeds with constant feed rate and the full depth of tooth spaces. The tool wear was measured in a direct way, as the width of the flank wear land (VBC parameter). The results of the investigations were presented in the form of the diagrams of the distribution of tool wear on consecutive hob teeth vs. time, and also as the diagrams of the tool wear changes for the most loaded hob\u27s tooth. By the use of the Taylor\u27s equation the influence of the cutting speed on the hob tool life T period was determined. Based on the results obtained it was found that the MQL method can be an alternative solution for the cutting fluid supply in hobbing

    Quantum families of maps and quantum semigroups on finite quantum spaces

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    Quantum families of maps between quantum spaces are defined and studied. We prove that quantum semigroup (and sometimes quantum group) structures arise naturally on such objects out of more fundamental properties. As particular cases we study quantum semigroups of maps preserving a fixed state and quantum commutants of given quantum families of maps.Comment: update: last section generalized to non-tracial state


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    The article discusses the logistic utility of registration data of automated measuring systems in the practice of operational management of national roads, expressways and motorways, as well as the shaping of the quality of logistic services.The analysis of the key problem is presented in the article on the example of the automatic toll collection system Viatoll, operating on the indicated roads.The publication draws attention to the key and extramural information character of data registered, stored and offered by specialized, automated record systems. He points to the multifaceted and simultaneous usefulness of this data to the organization and management of the scale of road logistics processes, regardless of the chief, specialized function assigned to a specific automated recording system involved in the recording of specific road incidents

    Exploration of Cd(II)/pseudohalide/di-2-pyridyl ketone chemistry - rational synthesis, structural analysis and photoluminescence

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    A systematic investigation of CdIJII)–(py)2CO–X systems (X = N3 −, NCO− and NCS−) was conducted, and the following cadmium(II) coordination compounds [Cd(SCN)2{(py)2C(OCH3)(OH)}]n (1), [Cd2(SCN)4{(py)2- C(OCH3)(OH)}2] (2), [Cd4(SCN)4{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}4] (3), [Cd4(N3)4{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}4] (4), [Cd4(N3)4{(py)2- C(OH)(O)}2{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}2] (5), [Cd4(NCO)4{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}4] (6), [Cd4(NCO)4{(py)2C(OH)(O)}2{(py)2- C(OCH3)(O)}2] (7), [Cd4(N3)2(NO3)2{(py)2C(OH)(O)}2{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}2] (8) and [Cd4(NCO)2(NO3)2{(py)2C(OH)(O)}2{(py)2C(OCH3)(O)}2] (9a and 9b) were successfully synthesized and characterized by single-crystal diffraction, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis and IR spectroscopy. The fluorescence properties of 1–9 were studied in the solid state and compared to the fluorescence of di-2-pyridyl ketone. The photoluminescence behaviour of 2–9 was also investigated in acetonitrile solution. The X-ray studies demonstrated a cooperative impact of the organic ligand and auxiliary inorganic ion on the final molecular architectures of the cadmium(II) coordination compounds. Also, the essential roles of intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, π–π stacking interactions and weak O⋯S contacts) in the creation of molecular architectures were discussed

    Uwagi Tadeusza Skowrońskiego, posła RP w Rio de Janeiro, na temat wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego położenia Brazylii (1943 r.)

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    Despite the fact that the bilateral Polish-Brazilian relations did not belong - obviously - to the main one area of interest of the interwar Ministry of Foreign Affairs and this matter did not change after 1939, contacts with the state under the Southern Cross were based on great courtesy and diplomatic cordiality. Tadeusz Skowroński, head of legation the Republic of Poland in Rio de Janeiro (1938 - 1945), left behind interesting analyzes related to the internal and external functioning of the host country. The one printed here dates from 1943 and deals with the situation in Brazil under President Getúlio Vargas in a multi-faceted and long-term perspective.Pomimo że bilateralne relacje polsko-brazylijskie nie należały – co oczywiste – do głównej przestrzeni zainteresowań międzywojennego MSZ i rzecz ta nie zmieniła się także po 1939 r., kontakty z państwem pod Krzyżem Południa były oparte na dużej kurtuazji oraz dyplomatycznej serdeczności. Tadeusz Skowroński, poseł RP w Rio de Janeiro (1938–1945), zostawił po sobie ciekawe analizy związane z wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym funkcjonowaniem państwa-gospodarza. Ta drukowana tutaj pochodzi z 1943 r. i wieloaspektowo oraz w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej porusza sytuację panującą w Brazylii pod rządami prezydenta Getúlio Vargasa

    Zastosowanie eksperymentalnej i numerycznej analizy modalnej do określenia właściwości dynamicznych szlifierki kłowej do wałków.

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    W przypadku szlifierek istotnym parametrem decydującym o wynikowych parametrach geometrycznych szlifowanych przedmiotów oraz trwałości narzędzia są ich właściwości dynamiczne. W pracy przedstawiono eksperymentalną i numeryczną analizę modalną zastosowaną do identyfikacji częstotliwości i postaci drgań własnych szlifowanego przedmiotu oraz wrzeciennika ściernicy. Uzyskane rezultaty odniesiono do wyników analizy sygnału drgań wywołanych rozwojem falistości na ściernicy i przedmiocie.In the case of grinding machines an important parameter which affect final part geometrical quality are their dynamic properties. The paper presents experimental and numerical modal analysis to identify the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the ground part and grinding wheel headstock. The results were compared with the results of the analysis of the vibration signal for grinding wheel and workpiece chatter vibrations

    Kampania wyborcza i jej przebieg w wyborach samorządowych 2006 r. w Koninie i powiecie konińskim

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    The article presents the course and character of the political electoral rivalry conducted during the self­government campaign in 2006 in Konin town and Konin Poviat. The starting point for the analysis and the electoral fight waged by the campaign participants was the domination of the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) in wielding power in the town since 1992. It focused on the following program issues: construction investments in the town and the region, and from the side of the opposition - the fight for decommunization of the town office. Observers of the local political stage agreed that the results of the discussed self­government elections depended on the new electoral regulations based on blocking electoral registers. In Konin, three election blocs were established, and 5 people ran for mayor. The further part of the text presents the election results, in which the result of achieved electoral attendance proved to be particularly important as it attested to the strengthening of democratic standards and customs. The winner of the self­government elections in Konin was the Civic Platform (PO), whereas further fight for mayor was waged by a politician of SLD and a woman candidate from PO. However, the negative campaign conducted by the latter before the second round of the elections was not accepted by Konin residents, who opted for keeping the left­wing government in the town