8,693 research outputs found

    Polariton lasing in high-quality Selenide-based micropillars in the strong coupling regime

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    We have designed and fabricated all-epitaxial ZnSe-based optical micropillars exhibiting the strong coupling regime between the excitonic transition and the confined optical cavity modes. At cryogenic temperatures, under non-resonant pulsed optical excitation, we demonstrate single transverse mode polariton lasing operation in the micropillars. Owing to the high quality factors of these microstructures, the lasing threshold remains low even in micropillars of the smallest diameter. We show that this feature can be traced back to a sidewall roughness grain size below 3 nm, and to suppressed in-plane polariton escape.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Chromospheric Variability in SDSS M Dwarfs. II. Short-Timescale H-alpha Variability

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    [Abridged] We present the first comprehensive study of short-timescale chromospheric H-alpha variability in M dwarfs using the individual 15 min spectroscopic exposures for 52,392 objects from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our sample contains about 10^3-10^4 objects per spectral type bin in the range M0-M9, with a total of about 206,000 spectra and a typical number of 3 exposures per object (ranging up to a maximum of 30 exposures). Using this extensive data set we find that about 16% of the sources exhibit H-alpha emission in at least one exposure, and of those about 45% exhibit H-alpha emission in all of the available exposures. Within the sample of objects with H-alpha emission, only 26% are consistent with non-variable emission, independent of spectral type. The H-alpha variability, quantified in terms of the ratio of maximum to minimum H-alpha equivalent width (R_EW), and the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (sigma_EW/), exhibits a rapid rise from M0 to M5, followed by a plateau and a possible decline in M9 objects. In particular, R_EW increases from a median value of about 1.8 for M0-M3 to about 2.5 for M7-M9, and variability with R_EW>10 is only observed in objects later than M5. For the combined sample we find that the R_EW values follow an exponential distribution with N(R_EW) exp[-(R_EW-1)/2]; for M5-M9 objects the characteristic scale is R_EW-1\approx 2.7, indicative of stronger variability. In addition, we find that objects with persistent H-alpha emission exhibit smaller values of R_EW than those with intermittent H-alpha emission. Based on these results we conclude that H-alpha variability in M dwarfs on timescales of 15 min to 1 hr increases with later spectral type, and that the variability is larger for intermittent sources.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 20 pages, 15 figure

    An integral method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems

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    We propose a numerical method for computing all eigenvalues (and the corresponding eigenvectors) of a nonlinear holomorphic eigenvalue problem that lie within a given contour in the complex plane. The method uses complex integrals of the resolvent operator, applied to at least kk column vectors, where kk is the number of eigenvalues inside the contour. The theorem of Keldysh is employed to show that the original nonlinear eigenvalue problem reduces to a linear eigenvalue problem of dimension kk. No initial approximations of eigenvalues and eigenvectors are needed. The method is particularly suitable for moderately large eigenvalue problems where kk is much smaller than the matrix dimension. We also give an extension of the method to the case where kk is larger than the matrix dimension. The quadrature errors caused by the trapezoid sum are discussed for the case of analytic closed contours. Using well known techniques it is shown that the error decays exponentially with an exponent given by the product of the number of quadrature points and the minimal distance of the eigenvalues to the contour

    Robust formation of morphogen gradients

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    We discuss the formation of graded morphogen profiles in a cell layer by nonlinear transport phenomena, important for patterning developing organisms. We focus on a process termed transcytosis, where morphogen transport results from binding of ligands to receptors on the cell surface, incorporation into the cell and subsequent externalization. Starting from a microscopic model, we derive effective transport equations. We show that, in contrast to morphogen transport by extracellular diffusion, transcytosis leads to robust ligand profiles which are insensitive to the rate of ligand production

    Screening recurrence and lymph node metastases in head and neck cancer: the role of computer tomography in follow-up

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    Introduction Follow-up of patients with oral cancer is being questioned with regard to financial costs and effectiveness. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate whether local recurrence and cervical lymph node metastases were first discovered clinically or by routine computer tomography. Materials and methods The records of all 317 patients that were treated for an oral cancer between 1998 and 2008 were systematically reviewed. Criteria for inclusion were tumor histology with a squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, and regular follow-up examinations with a minimum follow-up time of 12 months, including clinical and radiological (CT) controls. All patients had the first CT after 6 months, followed by yearly CT controls. Results Out of 315 patients with an oral squamous cell carcinoma, 294 were evaluated. Those experiencing neither recurrence of the tumor nor lymph node metastases constituted 62%. Local recurrence was seen in 36 (12%), lymph node metastases in 32 (11%), and both in 16 (6%). Of the 32 patients with lymph node metastases, 25 were recognized first clinically, and 7 were detected by routine CT scans; concerning local recurrence, 32 appeared clinically, and 4 were detected by routine CT scans. Conclusion Routine CT for follow-up is still indicated for detecting lymph node metastases as well as local recurrence

    Model validation for a noninvasive arterial stenosis detection problem

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    Copyright @ 2013 American Institute of Mathematical SciencesA current thrust in medical research is the development of a non-invasive method for detection, localization, and characterization of an arterial stenosis (a blockage or partial blockage in an artery). A method has been proposed to detect shear waves in the chest cavity which have been generated by disturbances in the blood flow resulting from a stenosis. In order to develop this methodology further, we use both one-dimensional pressure and shear wave experimental data from novel acoustic phantoms to validate corresponding viscoelastic mathematical models, which were developed in a concept paper [8] and refined herein. We estimate model parameters which give a good fit (in a sense to be precisely defined) to the experimental data, and use asymptotic error theory to provide confidence intervals for parameter estimates. Finally, since a robust error model is necessary for accurate parameter estimates and confidence analysis, we include a comparison of absolute and relative models for measurement error.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Deopartment of Education and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    Retroviral replicating vector-mediated gene therapy achieves long-term control of tumor recurrence and leads to durable anticancer immunity.

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    BackgroundProdrug-activator gene therapy with Toca 511, a tumor-selective retroviral replicating vector (RRV) encoding yeast cytosine deaminase, is being evaluated in recurrent high-grade glioma patients. Nonlytic retroviral infection leads to permanent integration of RRV into the cancer cell genome, converting infected cancer cell and progeny into stable vector producer cells, enabling ongoing transduction and viral persistence within tumors. Cytosine deaminase in infected tumor cells converts the antifungal prodrug 5-fluorocytosine into the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil, mediating local tumor destruction without significant systemic adverse effects.MethodsHere we investigated mechanisms underlying the therapeutic efficacy of this approach in orthotopic brain tumor models, employing both human glioma xenografts in immunodeficient hosts and syngeneic murine gliomas in immunocompetent hosts.ResultsIn both models, a single injection of replicating vector followed by prodrug administration achieved long-term survival benefit. In the immunodeficient model, tumors recurred repeatedly, but bioluminescence imaging of tumors enabled tailored scheduling of multicycle prodrug administration, continued control of disease burden, and long-term survival. In the immunocompetent model, complete loss of tumor signal was observed after only 1-2 cycles of prodrug, followed by long-term survival without recurrence for >300 days despite discontinuation of prodrug. Long-term survivors rejected challenge with uninfected glioma cells, indicating immunological responses against native tumor antigens, and immune cell depletion showed a critical role for CD4+ T cells.ConclusionThese results support dual mechanisms of action contributing to the efficacy of RRV-mediated prodrug-activator gene therapy: long-term tumor control by prodrug conversion-mediated cytoreduction, and induction of antitumor immunity

    On the monotone stability approach to BSDEs with jumps: Extensions, concrete criteria and examples

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    We show a concise extension of the monotone stability approach to backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) that are jointly driven by a Brownian motion and a random measure for jumps, which could be of infinite activity with a non-deterministic and time inhomogeneous compensator. The BSDE generator function can be non convex and needs not to satisfy global Lipschitz conditions in the jump integrand. We contribute concrete criteria, that are easy to verify, for results on existence and uniqueness of bounded solutions to BSDEs with jumps, and on comparison and a-priori L∞L^{\infty}-bounds. Several examples and counter examples are discussed to shed light on the scope and applicability of different assumptions, and we provide an overview of major applications in finance and optimal control.Comment: 28 pages. Added DOI https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-22285-7_1 for final publication, corrected typo (missing gamma) in example 4.1

    Human-aware navigation for autonomous mobile robots for intra-factory logistics

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    This paper presents a human-aware navigation system for mobile robots targeted to cooperative assembly in intra-factory logistics scenarios. To improve overall efficiency of the operator-robot ensemble, assembly stations and operators are modelled as cost functions in a layered cost map supporting the robot navigation system. At each new sensory update, the system uses each operator’s estimated location to affect the cost map accordingly. To promote predictability and comfort in the human operator, the cost map is affected according to the Proxemics theory, properly adapted to take into account the layout activity space of the station in which the operator is working. Knowledge regarding which task and station are being handled by the operator are assumed to be given to the robot by the factory’s computational infrastructure. To foster integration in existing robots, the system is implemented on top of the navigation system of the Robot Operating System (ROS).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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