473 research outputs found

    Segmentation of Sedimentary Grain in Electron Microscopy Image

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    This paper describes a novel method developed for the segmentation of sedimentary grains in electron microscopy images. The algorithm utilizes the approach of region splitting and merging. In the splitting stage, the marker-based watershed segmentation is used. In the merging phase, the typical characteristics of grains in electron microscopy images are exploited for proposing special metrics, which are then used during the merging stage to obtain a correct grain segmentation. The metrics are based on the typical intensity changes on the grain borders and the compact shape of grains. The experimental part describes the optimal setting of parameter in the splitting stage and the overall results of the proposed algorithm tested on available database of grains. The results show that the proposed technique fulfills the requirements of its intended application

    Synthesis of Benzylidene and Azo Containing Polymers for Photophisical Application

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    In the present work, the polymers built with the use of the free radical polymerization of methacrylic monomers incorporating an azobenzene side-group and monomers with benzylidene fragments have been synthesized. The polymerization was carried out in DMF with AIBN as initiator. The products of polymerization were characterized by HNMR. The results of investigations of photochemical and optical activities of the corresponding polymers are presented

    Reversible recording medium based on optical storage of information, method of reversible recording on such a medium.

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    A reversible recording medium based on optical storage of at least one item ofinformation within a support material, includes at least one layer of support material having: base molecules able to take, in a local zone, a first collective state of molecules able to generate a first signal of second harmonic characteristic of this first collective state of molecules when excited by electromagnetic reading radiation; the base molecules having the first collective state of molecules able to transform, at least in part, into transformed molecules so as to pass to a second collective state of molecules when excited by electromagnetic writing radiation, the molecules having the second collective state of molecules able to generate a second signal of second harmonic characteristic of this second collective state of molecules when excited by the electromagnetic reading radiation. The molecules exhibit a molecular structure based on a coumarin skeleton of Formula (I)

    Reversible Two-Photon Optical Data Storage in Coumarin-Based Copolymers

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    A functionalized polymer film allowing for a complete and straightforward second-harmonic generation (SHG)-assisted high-contrast writing?reading?erasing?writing sequence is proposed. The whole process is supported by the reversible photoinduced dimerization of a coumarin chromophore and enables efficient optical data storage that can be detected only by SHG imaging

    Precise microwave characterization of MgO substrates for HTS circuits with superconducting post dielectric resonator

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    Accurate data of complex permittivity of dielectric substrates are needed for efficient design of HTS microwave planar circuits. We have tested MgO substrates from three different manufacturing batches using a dielectric resonator with superconducting parts recently developed for precise microwave characterization of laminar dielectrics at cryogenic temperatures. The measurement fixture has been fabricated using a SrLaAlO3 post dielectric resonator with DyBa2Cu3O7 end plates and silver-plated copper sidewalls to achieve the resolution of loss tangent measurements of 2 {\times} 10-6. The tested MgO substrates exhibited the average relative permittivity of 9.63 and tan {\delta} from 3.7 {\times} 10-7 to 2 {\times} 10-5 at frequency of 10.5 GHz in the temperature range from 14 to 80 K.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Influence of roughness on ZDDP tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated fretting

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    Influence of initial surface topography on tribofilm formation in ZDDP lubricated contact was analysed. A small displacement fretting tests with sinusoidal motion were carried out in classical sphere/plane configuration. A range of surfaces with different initial roughness were prepared by milling and grinding processes. Tests were carried out using variable displacement method where amplitude of imposed displacement was gradually increased after every 1000 cycles from 2 to 30 µm. The surfaces after tribological tests were measured by interferometric profiler. Main findings confirm that initial roughness has a significant influence on antiwear tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated contact. Tribofilm form faster and require less energy to activate in case of rough surface obtained by milling process than in case of smooth grinded surface. However, in contact lubricated by ZDDP additive a significant transfer of material occurred from plane to sphere specimen

    Third-order nonlinear optical response of push-pull azobenzene polymers

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    The nonlinear optical response of a series of azo-containing side-chain polymers is investigated using Z-scan technique, employing 35 ps and 4 ns laser pulses, at 532 nm. The systems were found to exhibit strong nonlinear optical response, dominated by nonlinear refraction. In all cases, the nonlinear absorption and refraction have been determined and are compared with those of disperse red 1 considered as reference. The corresponding third-order susceptibilities chi((3)) were determined to be as large as 10 (7) and 10 (5) esu under ps and ns laser excitation, respectively. Finally, the results are discussed and compared with other reported data