38 research outputs found

    Wife and daughter: an ambivalent social role of a sexually precocious girl in relationships with a father figure

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    The article considers an ambivalent image of a Victorian girl — infantile or mature beyond her years — in relationships with her father, in which she often at an early age adopts an adult social woman’s role and replaces for the father either the mistress of the house or his wife and mother. In Victorian literary discourse, this type of relationship between father and daughter has no open sexual side but is characterized by dependence, tenderness, affection, altruism, love. An ambivalent girl–woman’s role in the nineteenth-century proceeds from the accepted social era’s norms about the idealized woman’s image

    ПРОБЛЕМИ КУЛЬТУРНОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ І КУЛЬТУРНИХ СУПЕРЕЧНОСТЕЙ ЗА МАТЕРІАЛАМИ ВКЛЮЧЕНОГО СПОСТЕРЕЖЕННЯ В ІРАКСЬКОМУ КУРДИСТАНІ. (Problems of cultural identity and cultural contradictions: adapted from participant observation in iraqi kurdistan.)

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    У цій статті на матеріалах включеного спостереження аналізуються проблеми культурних суперечностей в Іракському Курдистані, що виникають через освоєння запозичених елементів матеріальної і нематеріальної західної культури та зумовлені сутнісними характеристиками культурної ідентичності курдів. (In this article on the materials included observation analyzes the problems of cultural contradictions in Iraqi Kurdistan, arising through the development of borrowed material and immaterial elements of Western culture and the resulting essential characteristics of cultural identity of the Kurds.

    Комплексные лабораторные исследования при профессиональных заболеваниях органов дыхания

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    Results of complex laboratory examination of 103 patients with dust related bronchitis caused by exposure of various industrial dusts, 22 patients with pneumoconiosis and 12 subjects not having respiratory pathology and not exposed to quartz dust or any other occupational hazards are presented in this article. Laboratory examination included morphological investigations of sputum and bronchial brush biopsy specimens, cytochemical characterization of bronchial ciliated epithelium and blood cells, and bacteriological and serological investigations of bronchial mucus. Our results demonstrated that morphological lesions of bronchial epithelium cells leading to their death followed cell dysfunction, disorders of enzyme activity, hypoxemia, predominance of Haemophilus influenzae in microflora, and significant inflammatory and allergic response in blood. These changes were found in different clinical stages of dust related bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. The findings obtained are of great importance for understanding pathogenic mechanisms of dust related lung diseases as well as from clinical point of view such as diagnosis and development of individual treatment strategies.В статье представлены результаты комплексного лабораторного обследования 103 больных с пылевым бронхитом, вызванным различными видами производственной пыли, 22 пациентов с пневмокониозом различной степени выраженности и 12 человек, не имевших в анамнезе заболеваний органов дыхания и не подвергавшихся воздействию кварцсодержащей пыли и других профессиональных вредностей. Комплекс лабораторного обследования включал морфологическое изучение мокроты, соскоб слизистой бронхов, цитохимическую характеристику функционального состояния мерцательного эпителия, а также клеток крови в сочетании с бактериологической и серологической оценкой отделяемого бронхов. Исследования показали, что изменения морфологической структуры клеток бронхиального эпителия, приводящие к их гибели, связаны с нарушением функционального состояния, ферментативной активности клеток, гипоксемией, изменением микробной флоры с преобладанием Haemophilus influenzae, выраженной воспалительной и аллергической реакцией крови и характерны для различной степени выраженности клинических проявлений пылевого бронхита и пневмокониоза. Полученные данные имеют значение как с позиции уточнения патогенетических механизмов развития пылевых заболеваний легких, так и с практической точки зрения – в диагностике и при формировании индивидуальных лечебных комплексов при этой патологии


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    The study examines the perception of a leader among students. The aim of the research was to reveal discrepancy in students’ perceptions of actual and ideal leaders. The objectives of the study included collecting data of students’ leadership perceptions, identifying formal and informal leaders in the studied student groups, examining the categorical structure of leadership perception among students, comparing actual and ideal leaders’ images, studying their psychological and pedagogical specifics based on Trait Theory of Leadership and Implicit Leadership Theory. The sample population consisted of students aged 18–19 specializing in law and social security maintenance, studying the third final full-time course in the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization of Professional Education “Humanitarian and Technical College ‘Knowledge’ in the Russian Federation. The research was carried out in three stages and involved a questionnaire survey among students. One was used to identify the leadership qualities that students themselves have in their perception; another one was aimed to define the imaginary qualities of a leader among students. After the conducted analysis, one more questionnaire was used to identify informal leaders in the groups. The results are presented and analyzed in sociometric tables. All the questionnaire surveys were conducted in Russian and then were translated into English. In two weeks after identifying the leaders, the Cattell’s Personality Factor (16 PF) in its adapted Russian version was used to reveal the qualities of actual group leaders and to further compare the images of leaders, both actual and imagined ones.The study has revealed clear discrepancy in the images of real and ideal student leaders and has identified the main characteristics of effective student leadershi

    The parallel approach to issue of operational management optimization problem on transport gateway system

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    The universal parallelization software shell for joint data processing, implemented in combination with a distributed computing system, is considered. The research purpose – to find the most effective solution for the navigable canal management information system organizing. One optimization option is to increase computer devices computing power by combining them into a single computing cluster. The management optimizing task of a locked shipping channel for execution to adapt in a multi-threaded environment is proposed with constraints on a technologically feasible schedule. In article shows algorithms and gives recommendations for their application in the subtasks formation in parallel processing case, as well as on a separate thread. The proposed approach to building a tree of options allows you to optimally distribute the load between all resources multi-threaded system any structure

    The Marginal Excess Burden of Taxes in the Russian Transition

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    Taxes distort the equilibrium prices and allocation, the result is efficiency losses, i.e. the decrease of household's utility levels. If taxes change the utility levels also change and additional income is required to compensate these changes. This additional income excesses the increment of tax collection. The difference between additional compensated income (ACI) and increment of collected taxes is called the excess tax burden. Marginal excess burden of tax (MEB) is the ratio of ACI to the increment of tax levies. Here we study MEB on the base of single product static equilibrium models. We have got formula of MEB for all federal taxes in Russian economy. On the base of economic data the efficiency losses were estimated for Russian economy in 1996. The Russian society losses in average 67 kop on each ruble of tax collection. The losses of distributive pension system were equal to 48 kop on every ruble of pension fund. These numbers show that the tax reform is necessary. They show also that excess burden has to be taken in consideration in cost benefit analysis.additional compensatory income; efficacy of the tax system; marginal burden taxation time; single-product statistical model of equilibrium