51 research outputs found

    The competitive position of Poland in bio-based products trade on the European Union market

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    Theoretical background: The strategies for the development of the European Union presented at the beginning of the new century portrayed bioeconomy as a modern concept of ensuring the sustainable and dynamic development of EU member states and bioeconomy itself became an important area of interest to the EU authorities. At present, the development of bioeconomy is a significant element of implementing the economic development strategies of respective EU member states.Purpose of the article: This article aimed to examine the international competitive position of Poland in the bio-based products trade on the common EU market in comparison to other member states of the EU.Research methods: The competitive position in bio-based products trade was evaluated based on the following indicators: balance of trade, Poland’s share in EU exports and imports, trade coverage ratio, import penetration ratio, relative export orientation ratio, intra-industry trade intensity ratio, and export specialisation index. Groups of bio-based products identified based on an official classification of products according to CPA, version 2.1, consistent with NACE. The analysis was based on data derived from the Eurostat database for the years 2008–2017.Main findings: The surveys imply that in 2008–2017, the competitive position of Poland improved mostly in the Forestry, Wood products, Paper and paper products, and Food sector, and in particular in the Tobacco products sector, which has been in line with the bioeconomy development strategy of the European Union.Theoretical background: The strategies for the development of the European Union presented at the beginning of the new century portrayed bioeconomy as a modern concept of ensuring the sustainable and dynamic development of EU member states and the bioeconomy itself became an important area of interest to the EU authorities. At present, the development of bioeconomy is a significant element of implementing the economic development strategies of respective EU member states.Purpose of the article: This article aimed to examine the international competitive position of Poland in the bio-based products trade on the common EU market in comparison to other member states of the European Union.Research methods: The competitive position in bio-based products trade was evaluated based on the following indicators: balance of trade, Poland’s share in EU exports and imports, trade coverage ratio, import penetration ratio, relative export orientation ratio, intra-industry trade intensity ratio, and export specialisation index. Groups of bio-based products identified based on an official classification of products according to CPA, version 2.1, consistent with NACE. The analysis was based on data derived from the Eurostat database for the years 2008-2017.Main findings: The surveys imply that in 2008-2017 the competitive position of Poland improved mostly in the Forestry, Wood products, Paper and paper products, and Food sector, and in particular in the Tobacco products sector, which has been in line with the bioeconomy development strategy of the European Union

    Competitiveness of agriculture in new member states of the European Union

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    Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate the competitiveness of agriculture in new member states of the European Union. Design/Methodology/Approach: The competitiveness of agriculture was evaluated based on characteristics describing relations between production factors, their productivity, and the significance of agriculture in international trade. The survey was carried out for 2007 and 2017 using selected cluster analysis methods and principal component analysis (PCA). Findings: In both analyzed years, two groups of countries having similar characteristics describing the competitiveness of agriculture were identified. A clear difference was observed between new and old EU member states in terms of the agricultural sector's competitiveness. The first group characterized by better values adopted for the analysis of variables in 2007 was countries of the so-called "old Union," consisting of 15 member states (excluding Portugal and Greece), and in 2017 this group did not include Austria. An additional value of the survey was that it identified the characteristics that had the largest share in explaining the variability of the analyzed phenomenon, creating grounds for formulating recommendations concerning measures in the European Union's agricultural policy. Practical Implications: Considering the diagnosed factors that, to the largest extent, determined the classification of the countries to a specific group according to the level of agricultural competitiveness, it is possible to formulate recommendations regarding measures undertaken under CAP. They should be oriented at boosting the dynamics of structural changes in the agriculture of new member states. Originality/Value: This paper focuses on a wide range of variables. Groups of countries most similar in terms of agricultural competitiveness were identified, and the characteristics of countries that had the largest influence on the above-mentioned classification were compared and defined.peer-reviewe

    Wielowymiarowe postawy wobec zmian organizacyjnych pracowników organizacji publicznych

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    Change is a phenomenon inherent in the functioning of all organizations, including public organizations. Introducing changes is inextricably connected with reluctance and resistance from employees. For the purpose of this article, it was assumed that resistance should be perceived as a multidimensional attitude towards change, including affective, cognitive and behavioral components. The aim of the conducted research is to identify statements describing attitudes towards changes and their assessment by employees of public organizations. A survey questionnaire, including 14 statements that were evaluated by employees of various public organizations, was applied. The obtained research results in most cases indicated pessimistic attitudes of employees towards the introduced changes resulting primarily from: fatigue with the changes introduced, not taking into account the fact that constant changes destroy relationships between people, and the fear of loss of employees as a result of the changes. The assessment of attitudes varied significantly, in particular through the type of institution and the level of involvement of employees in the implementation of the changes resulting from the functions performed or qualifications.Zmiana jest zjawiskiem nieodłącznie związanym z funkcjonowaniem wszystkich organizacji, w tym także organizacji publicznych. Wprowadzanie zmian wiąże się z niechęcią i oporem ze strony pracowników. Na użytek badań zawartych w niniejszym artykule przyjęto, że opór należy postrzegać jako wielowymiarową postawę wobec zmiany, obejmującą komponenty afektywne, poznawcze i behawioralne. Celem przeprowadzonych badań jest identyfikacja stwierdzeń opisujących postawy wobec zmian i ich ocena przez pracowników organizacji publicznych. Kwestionariusz ankiety zawierał 14 stwierdzeń, które oceniane były przez pracowników różnych organizacji publicznych. Uzyskane wyniki badań w większości przypadków wskazują na pesymistyczne postawy pracowników wobec wprowadzonych zmian wynikające przede wszystkim ze zmęczenia wprowadzanymi zmianami, nieuwzględniania przez organizacje faktu, że ciągłe zmiany niszczą relacje między ludźmi, oraz obawy przed utratą pracowników na skutek przeprowadzanych zmian. Ocena postaw jest istotnie zróżnicowane w szczególności poprzez rodzaj instytucji oraz poziom zaangażowania pracowników w implementację zmian, będący wynikiem pełnionych funkcji czy kwalifikacji

    The Significance of a Body in Contemporary Arts

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    This paper discusses the role and significance of a body in Performance Art. Considering that Art reflects social, cultural and sometimes political realities, we identify types of messages that an artwork using advanced technological might transmit to us, spectators or artists. This paper focuses on the Cyborg Theatre, whereby the technology is its inherent element without which the performance could not happen. Such a technological performance cannot occur without a body. We refer here to a cyborg body as a human organism extended with mechanical parts, which integrate non organic components in order to gain meaning within the artwork. By focusing on such a theatrical performance, we observe a relationship developing between the performer and the spectator. This is an unusual interaction, which deserves our attention. We claim that both the performer and the spectator take part in a social event that does not only represent societal realities, but also indicates future ones

    Digital models of test objects captured by RFSAT Ltd using 3D photogrammetry

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    <p>This data set contains a number of digital models produced via 3D photogrammetric scanning as part of the SCAN4RECO project, funded by the European Horizon'2020 program. Scanning and processing of models was done with Pix4D Mapper and Autodesk ReMake software from images captured with Canon 5DS camera in 50 Megapixel image resolution. Example objects include Byzantine icons painted on wood, oil paintings on canvas and painted Venetian carnival paper masks.</p> <p>Selected models can be also seen in the SCAN4RECO Virtual Museum developed by CERTH-ITI:<br> http://scan4reco.eu/scan4reco/content/scan4reco-virtual-museum</p