7 research outputs found


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    У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку державно-приватного партнерства, місце аграрного сектору економіки України у формуванні валового внутрішнього продукту та досліджено ключові напрями співробітництва держави та приватного власника на основі реалізації проектів у аграрному секторі. Метою статті – є аналіз реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі економіки та розробка підходів щодо активізації стратегічних напрямів розвитку партнерства державного та приватного власника в аграрному секторі. В основі сучасних підходів до розвитку аграрного сектору мають знаходитися пріоритети, спрямовані на пошук додаткових ресурсів, які можливо залучити у процесі реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства. У дослідженні визначено основні напрями розвитку державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі, що передбачає обмін знаннями, розроблення комплексних стратегій, концесійні угоди, створення особливих економічних зон, технопарків і технополісів, формування інтегрованих структур, кластерів та інвестиційних фондів, розвиток ланцюгів створення вартості. Виокремлено, на основі існуючого практичного досвіду, основні форми реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства. Запропоновано напрями реалізації проєктів державно-приватного партнерства у окремих галузях аграрного сектору на основі створення та модернізації об’єктів інфраструктури та технологій просування продукції на ринку. Розроблено модель реалізації стратегічного планування розвитку сфер діяльності, пов’язаних з аграрним сектором, на основі можливого використання проєктів державно-приватного партнерства. В якості основних інструментів у розвитку проєктів державно-приватного партнерства в аграрному секторі запропоновано формування Стратегії розвитку сільського господарства, реалізацію сільськогосподарських кластерних проєктів та ланцюгів доданої вартості, податкове стимулювання інноваційної діяльності в аграрному секторі, поліпшення інвестиційного клімату, створення технологічних парків та бізнес-інкубаторів, удосконалення законодавчої бази, інноваційний розвиток та ін

    State Control Mechanisms as Means of Improving the Quality of Public Services of Local Self-Government Bodies

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    The article deals with the state control mechanisms and their role in improving the quality of public services provided by local self-government bodies. The aim of the article is to identify key state control mechanisms, opportunities for improving the level of public services of local self-government bodies, and provide recommendations for improving the system of state control. Different state control mechanisms were studied, including inspections, performance evaluation, financial audit, quality standards, legal oversight, and citizen feedback mechanisms. Contextual analysis, comparison, and graphic methods were used as research methods. Satisfaction with services in the EU countries was determined by different areas of public services. The study emphasizes the importance of state control in promoting transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in local government service delivery. The results of the study demonstrate ways of optimization of state control mechanisms by public authorities to improve the overall quality of public services. Attention is focused on the need for effective state control to increase the level of satisfaction and well-being of citizens at the local level. A model of comprehensive implementation of state control mechanisms over the quality of public services of local self-government bodies was developed

    Development of a method for selected financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted capital investment in the development of innovative technologies

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    The problem of supporting scientific and educational institutions is considered. A method of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions that create innovative technologies taking into account their investment in innovative developments is proposed. On the basis of statistical data on the indicators for assessing the activities of scientific and educational institutions and the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations (PNn), their rating was calculated. The essence of PNn is to compare the indicators of the volumes of income of the special fund Dsfn and the volume of expenditures of the scientific and educational institution Vn. In order to stimulate scientific and educational institutions to create innovative technologies, it was proposed to introduce targeted investments. The problem of quantifying the rate of premium on the basis of an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innovative potential from the production of innovations and the rating of a scientific and educational institution for 2 institutions (namely: K and H) has been solved. Institution K will receive a large increase, and institution N will receive a smaller increase, the value of which will be 56.23 % and 43.76 %, respectively. The results showed the independence of the indicator of the innovative potential of a scientific and educational institution from the production of innovations from the previous rating of a scientific and educational institution, or vice versa. The proposed methodology has been tested by an experimental method, targeted investments have been determined based on an integrated approach in terms of indicators of innovative potential and the rating of a scientific and educational institution. This study is of practical interest to government authorities and grantors when allocating funds according to the vector of selective financing of scientific and educational institutions through targeted investments in the development of innovative technologies, and theoretically – to researchers dealing with issues of financial security, protectionism and public administratio

    The Re-engineering of Process of the State Regulation of Public-Private Partnership in Ukraine

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    The article is aimed at formation of a mechanism for re-engineering the State regulation of public-private partnership (PPP). Re-engineering of business process concludes transit to a customer-oriented organization, based on the restructuring of the organizational structure of administration and introduction of current information technologies. The procedure for public administration on the basis of process approach provides for allocation and construction of a network of business-processes. The publication proposes developing of a graphical model of re-engineering of the public-administrative process «the State regulation in the sphere of public-private partnership». The functional model of processes of the State regulation in the sphere of public-private partnership consists of charts that display the interrelated administration functions. The developed graphic model has provided an opportunity to determine decompositions of 1. and 2. levels together with allocation of functional blocks. This model of re-engineering determines the direction of further regulation of the sphere of PPP, namely: the process of creating a single public specialized body in the sphere of public-private partnership

    Revitalizacija ukrajinskih mest

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    Purpose: The article examines the role of public-private partnership (PPP) as a key tool for urban infrastructure restoration and the development of Ukrainian cities within the framework of the Smart City concept. It underscores the urgent need for effective mechanisms to restore urban infrastructure, especially in light of the challenges associated with the Russian military aggression and the resulting destruction in Ukrainian cities. The study explores key aspects of smart cities development, including the integration of digital technologies, the use of data, and innovative business models aimed at optimizing city functions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research employs a multi-stage methodological approach, encompassing elements such as gauging urban population satisfaction with municipal services, graphical analysis using CIMI, assessing the relevance of revitalizing Ukrainian cities and the need for mobilizing business resources, sociological surveys, developing a Smart City model based on PPP project outcomes, and formulating key elements of the national Smart City development strategy. Findings: Emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and cooperation between public and private sectors, the study demonstrates the advantages offered by PPP-based projects. The obtained results highlight the pivotal role of PPPs in promoting urban development initiatives basedon the Smart City concept. The study emphasises the potential of PPPs in shaping stable and prosperous smart cities in Ukraine. Through effective PPP utilisation, local governments can restore urban infrastructure,improve service quality, and enhance the quality of life for their citizens. Practical Implications: The research results can serve as the basis for strategic planning and investment in infrastructure projects necessary for the creation of a smart city. The envisioned strategy will allow for the improvement of legislative acts covering a wide range of aspects of smart cities development while promoting collaboration between public and private entities. This includes bolstering the transportation system, deploying digital technologies, modernizing social institutions, and enhancing the efficiency of urban resource management. Originality/Value: The originality and value of the study lie in its multifaceted approach to assessing and promoting the Smart City concept in Ukrainian urban development. It combines various research methods, including satisfaction assessments, CIMI-based graphical analyses, sociological surveys, and the development of a Smart City model based on PPP project results. This approach not only provides a comprehensive understanding of the state of urban infrastructure and citizen satisfaction but also offers a strategic framework for smart cities development. Purpose: The article examines the role of public-private partnership (PPP) as a key tool for urban infrastructure restoration and the development of Ukrainian cities within the framework of the Smart City concept. It underscores the urgent need for effective mechanisms to restore urban infrastructure, especially in light of the challenges associated with the Russian military aggression and the resulting destruction in Ukrainian cities. The study explores key aspects of smart cities development, including the integration of digital technologies, the use of data, and innovative business models aimed at optimizing city functions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research employs a multi-stage methodological approach, encompassing elements such as gauging urban population satisfaction with municipal services, graphical analysis using CIMI, assessing the relevance of revitalizing Ukrainian cities and the need for mobilizing business resources, sociological surveys, developing a Smart City model based on PPP project outcomes, and formulating key elements of the national Smart City development strategy. Findings: Emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and cooperation between public and private sectors, the study demonstrates the advantages offered by PPP-based projects. The obtained results highlight the pivotal role of PPPs in promoting urban development initiatives basedon the Smart City concept. The study emphasises the potential of PPPs in shaping stable and prosperous smart cities in Ukraine. Through effective PPP utilisation, local governments can restore urban infrastructure,improve service quality, and enhance the quality of life for their citizens. Practical Implications: The research results can serve as the basis for strategic planning and investment in infrastructure projects necessary for the creation of a smart city. The envisioned strategy will allow for the improvement of legislative acts covering a wide range of aspects of smart cities development while promoting collaboration between public and private entities. This includes bolstering the transportation system, deploying digital technologies, modernizing social institutions, and enhancing the efficiency of urban resource management. Originality/Value: The originality and value of the study lie in its multifaceted approach to assessing and promoting the Smart City concept in Ukrainian urban development. It combines various research methods, including satisfaction assessments, CIMI-based graphical analyses, sociological surveys, and the development of a Smart City model based on PPP project results. This approach not only provides a comprehensive understanding of the state of urban infrastructure and citizen satisfaction but also offers a strategic framework for smart cities development.Namen: Članek obravnava vlogo javno-zasebnega partnerstva kot ključnega orodja za obnovo mestne infrastrukture in razvoj ukrajinskih mest v okviru koncepta »pametnih mest«. Poudarja potrebo po učinkovitih mehanizmih za obnovo mestne infrastrukture, zlasti v luči izzivov, povezanih z rusko vojaško agresijo in posledičnim uničenjem v ukrajinskih mestih. Študija obravnava ključne vidike razvoja pametnih mest, vključno z uvedbo digitalnih tehnologij, uporabo podatkov in inovativnimi poslovnimi modeli, namenjenimi optimizaciji mestnih funkcij. Zasnova/metodologija/pristop: Uporabljen je večstopenjski metodološki pristop, ki med drugim vključuje merjenje zadovoljstva mestnega prebivalstva z občinskimi storitvami, grafično analizo z uporabo indeksa CIMI, oceno pomembnosti oživljanja ukrajinskih mest in potreb po mobilizaciji poslovnih virov, sociološke raziskave, razvoj modela pametnega mesta na podlagi rezultatov projektov javno-zasebnega partnerstva ter oblikovanje ključnih elementov nacionalne strategije razvoja pametnih mest. Ugotovitve: Študija izpostavlja pomen strateškega načrtovanja in sodelovanja med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem ter poudarja prednosti projektov, ki temeljijo na javno-zasebnem partnerstvu. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo na ključno vlogo javno-zasebnih partnerstev pri spodbujanju pobud za razvoj mest, ki temeljijo na konceptu pametnega mesta. Predstavljen je potencial javno-zasebnih partnerstev za oblikovanje stabilnih in uspešnih pametnih mest v Ukrajini. Z učinkovitimi javno-zasebnimi partnerstvi bodo lokalne oblasti uspešneje obnovile mestno infrastrukturo ter izboljšale kakovost storitev in življenja svojih državljanov. Vpliv v praksi: Rezultati raziskave lahko služijo kot podlaga za strateško načrtovanje in naložbe v infrastrukturne projekte, potrebne za oblikovanje pa-metnih mest. Predvidena strategija bo omogočila izboljšanje zakonodajnih aktov, ki se nanašajo na razvoj pametnih mest, hkrati pa spodbuja sodelovanje med javnimi in zasebnimi subjekti. To vključuje krepitev prometnega sistema, uvajanje digitalnih tehnologij, posodabljanje družbenih institucij in izboljšanje učinkovitosti upravljanja mestnih virov. Izvirnost/vrednost: Izvirnost in vrednost študije vidimo v njenem večplastnem pristopu k presoji in spodbujanju koncepta pametnih mest v urbanem razvoju v Ukrajini. Združuje različne raziskovalne metode, vključno z ocenami zadovoljstva, grafičnimi analizami na podlagi indeksa CIMI, sociološkimi raziskavami in razvojem modela pametnega mesta na podlagi rezultatov projektov javno-zasebnega partnerstva. Ta pristop ne omogoča le celovitega razumevanja stanja mestne infrastrukture in zadovoljstva državljanov, temveč ponuja tudi strateški okvir za razvoj pametnih mest

    Державно-приватне партнерство у сфері природокористування та управління природними ресурсами як основа реалізації доктрини еколого-економічної безпеки розвитку України

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    This article aims to identify the main tendencies and features of public-private partnerships in the environmental sphere regarding developing environmental and economic security in Ukraine. Business cost savings when implementing the latest technologies in pursuit of economic results are accompanied by a deterioration of the environmental situation at the regional and national levels, increased risks of negative impact on population health, and reduced labor productivity, which, accordingly, causes a potential increase in public healthcare costs. As a result, the search for forms and methods to ensure effective cooperation between the state and business in solving natural resources management problems is intensifying. The study used analytical and bibliographic methods to study the scientific literature on implementing the ecological and economic security doctrine and the features of various types of public-private partnerships related to it, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and a questionnaire survey conducted by the research authors online to clarify the most critical issues related to this issue practically. The study identified the principal and most important theoretical aspects of publicprivate partnership issues in the environmental sector. Also, it examined the opinion of representatives of public environmental organizations and executives of local government departments on the critical aspects of the problem. One of the most effective forms of combining the efforts of all stakeholders is a public-private partnership, which in a market economy allows directing limited resources of business and the state to solve the most pressing problems of both certain regions and the country as a whole through the mechanism of joint implementation of socially significant projects.Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as principais tendências e características das parcerias público-privadas na esfera ambiental em relação ao desenvolvimento da segurança ambiental e econômica na Ucrânia. A economia de custos das empresas ao implementar as tecnologias mais recentes em busca de resultados econômicos é acompanhada por uma deterioração da situação ambiental nos níveis regional e nacional, maiores riscos de impacto negativo sobre a saúde da população e redução da produtividade do trabalho, o que, consequentemente, causa um possível aumento nos custos de saúde pública. Como resultado, a busca por formas e métodos para garantir uma cooperação eficaz entre o Estado e as empresas na solução de problemas de gerenciamento de recursos naturais está se intensificando. O estudo utilizou métodos analíticos e bibliográficos para estudar a literatura científica sobre a implementação da doutrina de segurança ecológica e econômica e as características de vários tipos de parcerias público-privadas relacionadas a ela, bem como indução, dedução, análise, síntese de informações, métodos sistêmicos e estruturais, comparativos, lógicos e linguísticos, abstração, idealização para estudar e processar dados, e uma pesquisa por questionário realizada pelos autores da pesquisa on-line para esclarecer as questões mais críticas relacionadas a esse assunto na prática. O estudo identificou os principais e mais importantes aspectos teóricos das questões de parceria público-privada no setor ambiental. Além disso, o estudo examinou a opinião de representantes de organizações ambientais públicas e executivos de departamentos do governo local sobre os aspectos críticos do problema. Uma das formas mais eficazes de combinar os esforços de todas as partes interessadas é a parceria público-privada, que, em uma economia de mercado, permite direcionar os recursos limitados das empresas e do Estado para resolver os problemas mais urgentes de determinadas regiões e do país como um todo por meio do mecanismo de implementação conjunta de projetos socialmente significativos