21 research outputs found

    Digitalization of the economy in Ukraine and its impact on entrepreneurial activity

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    Стаття присвячена питанням розвитку діджиталізації національної економіки. Особлива увага приділена факторам, які впливають на розвиток діджиталізації в Україні. Висвітлено головні аспекти впливу цифровізації на розвиток підприємницької діяльності.The article is devoted to the development of digitalization of the national economy. Particular attention is paid to the factors influencing the development of digitalization in Ukraine. The main aspects of the impact of digitalization on the development of entrepreneurial activity are reflected

    Realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine

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    The paper deals with the issue of realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine. Distance learning in Ukraine has been implementing for more than twenty years and distant learning technologies are used at most Ukrainian higher education institutions, but the necessity and feasibility of the introduction and development of remote technology is questionable both to faculty and students. The main purpose of this paper is to synthesize the real state of distance learning in Ukraine and outline its development prospects at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The paper represents the analysis of the survey results of student answers of four classical, pedagogical, maritime and agrotechnological higher education institutions regarding the practical implementation of distance learning in their institutions. The study of the realities of distance learning in the practice of higher education institutions in Ukraine has been conducted among 102 students. The questions concerned student attitude to distance learning, distance learning organisation, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

    Modeling training content for software engineers in parallel computing

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    This study proposes a robust framework for the training of software engineers specializing in parallel computing. We first curated essential content for parallel computing education based on international standards and evolving recommendations from Computing Curricula. We then systematically structured the content and designed a well-defined learning pathway for aspiring software engineers. Concurrently, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the current state of training for parallel computing in Ukrainian higher education institutions. We analyzed bachelor’s programs in Information Technologies and scrutinized individual course syllabi to identify valuable insights. By merging our findings with the review of educational programs, we formulated a comprehensive model for training in parallel computing. We also examined the pivotal role of the course ”Parallel and Distributed Computing” in the developed curriculum and identified essential tools and methodologies for developing parallel and distributed programs. Our research contributes to the advancement of parallel computing education and provides a valuable reference point for curriculum designers and educators

    Modeling training content for software engineers in parallel computing

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    This study proposes a robust framework for the training of software engineers specializing in parallel computing. We first curated essential content for parallel computing education based on international standards and evolving recommendations from Computing Curricula. We then systematically structured the content and designed a well-defined learning pathway for aspiring software engineers. Concurrently, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the current state of training for parallel computing in Ukrainian higher education institutions. We analyzed bachelor’s programs in Information Technologies and scrutinized individual course syllabi to identify valuable insights. By merging our findings with the review of educational programs, we formulated a comprehensive model for training in parallel computing. We also examined the pivotal role of the course ”Parallel and Distributed Computing” in the developed curriculum and identified essential tools and methodologies for developing parallel and distributed programs. Our research contributes to the advancement of parallel computing education and provides a valuable reference point for curriculum designers and educators

    Model of blended learning in higher educational institutions: development, implementation and evaluation

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    The paper examines the problem of blended learning modeling to ensure high-quality vocational training of specialists-to-be of various profiles at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to develop a model of blended learning for higher education institutions and to analyze the results of its implementation in the educational process. It was concluded that there are quite a few approaches to the development and practical implementation of blended learning models. In the paper blended learning is considered as a reasonable combination of the traditional educational process in classrooms with distance learning, students' self-study and the use of digital technologies, which takes place according to a certain scheme. The concepts of "blended learning" and "hybrid learning" as well as several existing models of blended learning are analyzed. The generalized model of blended learning at higher education institutions along with its visual representation has been developed. The implementation of this model allows practitioners to combine different types of educational activities in the process of face-to-face and remote classes in exactly the combination that is necessary to achieve the expected results under the conditions of a specific higher education institution. The results of a survey conducted at Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University are given. During the survey attention has been paid to the following aspects: how students understand the essence of blended learning as well as the difference between the use of distance learning elements in the face-to-face learning process and the full application of distance and blended learning technologies during quarantine; students' attitude to traditional, blended and distance learning; how students perceive the educational process organized on the basis of the proposed generalized model of blended learning. In addition, it has been found out which digital technologies are used at universities for the organization of blended learning. In general, according to the results of the survey, the expediency of using the developed model has been confirmed and promising directions of scientific research in the field of blended learning have been determined

    Hazelcast Vs. Ignite: Opportunities for Java Programmers

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    Storing large amounts of data has always been a big problem from the beginning of computing history. Big Data has made huge advancements in improving business processes by finding the customers’ needs using prediction models based on web and social media search. The main purpose of big data stream processing frameworks is to allow programmers to directly query the continuous stream without dealing with the lower-level mechanisms. In other words, programmers write the code to process streams using these runtime libraries (also called Stream Processing Engines). This is achieved by taking large volumes of data and analyzing them using Big Data frameworks. Streaming platforms are an emerging technology that deals with continuous streams of data. There are several streaming platforms of Big Data freely available on the Internet. However, selecting the most appropriate one is not easy for programmers. In this paper, we present a detailed description of two of the state-of-the-art and most popular streaming frameworks: Apache Ignite and Hazelcast. In addition, the performance of these frameworks is compared using selected attributes. Different types of databases are used in common to store the data. To process the data in real- time continuously, data streaming technologies are developed. With the development of today's large-scale distributed applications handling tons of data, these databases are not viable. Consequently, Big Data is introduced to store, process, and analyze data at a fast speed and also to deal with big users and data growth day by da

    Модель змішаного навчання у закладах вищої освіти: розробка, впровадження та оцінювання

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    The paper examines the problem of blended learning modeling to ensure high-quality vocational training of specialists-to-be of various profiles at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to develop a model of blended learning for higher education institutions and to analyze the results of its implementation in the educational process. It was concluded that there are quite a few approaches to the development and practical implementation of blended learning models. In the paper blended learning is considered as a reasonable combination of the traditional educational process in classrooms with distance learning, students' self-study and the use of digital technologies, which takes place according to a certain scheme. The concepts of "blended learning" and "hybrid learning" as well as several existing models of blended learning are analyzed. The generalized model of blended learning at higher education institutions along with its visual representation has been developed. The implementation of this model allows practitioners to combine different types of educational activities in the process of face-to-face and remote classes in exactly the combination that is necessary to achieve the expected results under the conditions of a specific higher education institution. The results of a survey conducted at Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University are given. During the survey attention has been paid to the following aspects: how students understand the essence of blended learning as well as the difference between the use of distance learning elements in the face-to-face learning process and the full application of distance and blended learning technologies during quarantine; students' attitude to traditional, blended and distance learning; how students perceive the educational process organized on the basis of the proposed generalized model of blended learning. In addition, it has been found out which digital technologies are used at universities for the organization of blended learning. In general, according to the results of the survey, the expediency of using the developed model has been confirmed and promising directions of scientific research in the field of blended learning have been determined.У статті розглядається проблема моделювання змішаного навчання для забезпечення якісної професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців різних профілів у закладах вищої освіти України. Мета дослідження: розробити модель змішаного навчання для закладів вищої освіти і проаналізувати результати її впровадження в освітній процес. На основі аналізу наукових публікацій зроблено висновок, що існує досить багато підходів до побудови та практичної реалізації моделей змішаного навчання, які враховують концептуальні погляди авторів та особливості певного освітнього середовища. Змішане навчання розглядається у статті як доцільне поєднання традиційного освітнього процесу в аудиторіях з дистанційним навчанням, самостійною роботою студентів і використанням цифрових технологій, яке відбувається за певною схемою. Проаналізовано поняття «змішане навчання» та «гібридне навчання», а також декілька існуючих моделей змішаного навчання. Розроблено узагальнену модель змішаного навчання в закладах вищої освіти, а також її візуальне подання. Впровадження цієї моделі дозволяє поєднувати різні види навчальної діяльності (набуття знань, формування практичних умінь, самостійне навчання, оцінювання тощо) під час очних та дистанційних занять саме в тій комбінації, яка необхідна для досягнення очікуваних результатів в умовах конкретного закладу вищої освіти. Наведено результати опитування, проведеного в Мелітопольському державному педагогічному університеті імені Богдана Хмельницького. Під час опитування було приділено увагу таким аспектам: як студенти розуміють сутність змішаного навчання, а також відмінність між використанням елементів дистанційного навчання під час очного навчання та повним використанням технологій дистанційного та змішаного навчання під час карантину; ставлення студентів до традиційного, змішаного та дистанційного навчання; як студенти сприймають навчальний процес, організований на основі запропонованої узагальненої моделі змішаного навчання. Окрім того, було з’ясовано, які цифрові технології використовуються в закладах вищої освіти для організації змішаного навчання. Загалом, за результатами опитування, підтверджено доцільність застосування розробленої моделі та визначено перспективні напрями наукових розвідок у царині змішаного навчання


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    The issues of introduction of electronic textbooks are examined in the article. A concept of digitizing levels of content is introduced. A concept of semantic textbook is introduced. A role of electronic textbooks in granting access to educational content is represented. The issues of electronic textbook formats are examined. A background and problems of wide introduction and spreading of electronic textbooks are considered


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    A concept of software support of learning programming language and technologies is regarded in the article. Present systems of independent study of subjects, related to programming, are examined. Necessary components of a system of support learning programming languages and technologies, which is oriented on independent study, are considered


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    An issue of creating and introduction of work organization support software for students and teachers at universities is topical. The article describes requirements of student and teacher information system for Ukrainian universities. The aim of the article is to examine, analyze and offer general approaches to building services of work organization support system for teachers and students at universities