226 research outputs found

    «Большой академический словарь русского языка» как продолжатель традиций русской академической лексикографии

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    In article the new multivolume Academy dictionary which was published in Russia is exposed to the analysis from a position of one of founders. The features pulling together this dictionary with predecessors and distinguishing it from them are considered. On concrete examples is shown, how founders solved these or those questions arising in the course of preparation of the dictionary. The analysis of a material of the dictionary allowed to reveal some tendencies in development of language of the last time.В статье подвергается анализу с позиции одного из создателей издающийся в России новый многотомный академический словарь. Рассматриваются особенности, сближающие данный словарь с предшественниками и отличающие его от них. На конкретных примерах показывается, каким образом создатели решали те или иные вопросы, возникающие в процессе подготовки словаря. Анализ материала словаря позволил выявить некоторые тенденции в развитии языка последнего времени

    The concept of “North-South Divide” and prospects of its development

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    The paper is devoted to some aspects of the problem of the gap between the wealthy developed Northern countries and poor and developing Southern ones. It also demonstrates the number of unsolved issues in the countries of the “third world” and processes of backwardness there. The article investigates some causes of the emergence of this problem, as well as ways of solution that were already implemented at the global level, and describes some future prospects concerning the concept of “North - South divide”.В статье рассматривается проблема разрыва между богатыми развитыми странами Севера и бедными развивающимися странами Юга. Показан ряд нерешенных проблем в странах "третьего мира". В статье приведены причины появления данной проблемы и пути ее решения, которые были уже воплощены в жизнь; а также описаны перспективы развития данной проблемы в будущем

    Current problems of banking supervision and regulation : a new evidence

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    At present, in the era of globalization, the banking sector failure in one country can cause negative externalities for the financial institutions of other states. The fundamental problem of implementing standards based on Basel II is that these standards contribute to the development of pro-cyclicality of banking regulation. The authors emphasize the need to design such a regulatory system, which should contribute to innovative development and at the same time restrain socially dubious novelties. Therefore, the article substantiates the need to increase the size of the capital “buffer”, which is intended to address the problem of improving the financial situation and increasing the financial viability of the largest banks and banking systems. This reduces risks and increases the capital “safety cushion”, as well as optimizes the impact on the commercial banks behavior caused by the use of counter-cyclical capital regulation requirements. The conducted research supported the hypothesis put forward by the authors that when forming a countercyclical capital buffer it is necessary to focus on indicators of: return on assets of the banking system (ROА) and return on equity (ROE), depending on GDP growth, but this dependence does not become evident immediately, but with a time lag of 1 year. The object of the research is the banking system of Russia.peer-reviewe

    The Cultural Heritage of the Urals: Preservation of Historical Memory (to the Statement of the Problem)

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    The article considers the problem of preservation of cultural heritage at the present stage of development of Russian society. The theoretical aspects of the concept of cultural heritage are updated. The complexity and ambiguity of the phenomenon of cultural heritage itself led to its understanding through the prism of the well-known formula “culture, first of all, memory” explaining the diverse internal contacts between the problem of preserving cultural heritage and the problem of perceiving culture itself as its bearer. The situation with the protection of cultural heritage in the Middle Urals is analyzed. Cultural heritage is shown as a factor in historical memory and an important component of public consciousness.В статье рассматривается проблема сохранения культурного наследия на современном этапе развития российского общества. Актуализированы теоретические аспекты понятия культурного наследия. Сложность и неоднозначность самого феномена культурного наследия обусловили его понимание сквозь призму известной формулы «культура – прежде всего память», объясняющей многообразные внутренние контакты между проблемой сохранения культурного наследия и проблемой восприятия самой культуры ее носителем. Проанализирована ситуация с охраной культурного наследия на Среднем Урале. Культурное наследие показано как фактор исторической памяти и важная составляющая общественного сознания

    Culture and revolution: historical events first post revolutionary years

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    В статье раскрыты основные мероприятия советской власти в области музейного строительства и охраны памятников истории и культуры. Показано влияние политики на развитие культуры.The article covers the main activities of Soviet power in the field of museum building and protection of historical and cultural monuments. Shows the effect of policies on the development of culture

    The peculiarities of preschool children upbringing in Japan

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    The paper demonstrates some peculiarities of Japanese preschool children upbringing at the present time and investigates some forms of children education which have a significant influence on development of some features of the character of Japanese people and the mentality at all.В статье показаны особенности и формы воспитания детей дошкольного возраста в настоящее время в Японии, оказывающие значительное влияние на развитие определенных черт характера и менталитета японцев

    Late Quaternary Distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana Radiolarian Species: Reflection of Possible Ventilation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    A comparison of micropaleontological data on the distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana radiolarian species in the surface sediment layer and the Late Quaternary sediments from the Subarctic Pacific and Far East marginal seas allowed conclusions concerning the possible conditions and occurrence of intermediate waters during the last glacial maximum. We used the modern data on the C. davisiana species, which is a micropaleontological indicator of the cold oxygen-rich upper intermediate water mass, which is now forming only in the Sea of Okhotsk. The high amount of C. davisiana in sediments of the last glacial maximum may point to the possible formation and expansion of the ventilated intermediate water in the most part of the Subarctic paleo-Pacific: the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, within the NW Gyre, and in the Gulf of Alaska

    Cultural heritage in the modern world: conceptualization of concepts and issues educational space

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    The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the study and preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Substantive aspects of the concept of “monument” are presented. The importance of protecting monuments of history and culture in modern society is noted. The emphasis is on the interaction of cultural heritage and educational space. In the framework of the historical and cultural concept, special material and spiritual conditions apply for the formation and development of the individual in a situation of cultural continuity. The role of museums in the cultural and educational space, which focuses on the socio-cultural needs of the population, is shown. The author notes the process of involving museum visitors in interaction with the museum exposition. As a result of this, the historical memory of the people is preserved and passed on to subsequent generations.В статье рассмотрены теоретические и практические аспекты изучения и сохранения историко-культурного наследия. Представлены содержательные аспекты понятия "памятник", "культурное наследие". Отмечена важность охраны памятников истории и культуры в современном обществе. Акцент сделан на взаимодействии культурного наследия и образовательного пространства. В рамках историко-культурной концепции действуют особые материальные и духовные условия для формирования и развития личности в ситуации преемственности культуры. Показана роль музеев в культурно-образовательном пространстве, которая ориентируется на социокультурные потребности населения. Автором отмечается процесс вовлечения посетителей музея во взаимодействие с музейной экспозицией. В результате этого происходит сохранение исторической памяти народа и передача ее последующим поколениям