131 research outputs found

    Utvrđivanje uzroka nastanka havarije motora SUS na osnovu retrospektivne funkcije dijagnostike

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    The was a failure on the drive engine of the road vehicle. On it, maintenance procedures were carried out in the service. After an extremely short period of operation, engine failure by the same mechanism of occurrence occurred again. The paper sheds light on the problem of engine malfunctions, establishes cause-and-effect relationships and proposes measures to eliminate the causes of failure.Publishe

    Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

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    The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs

    Uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u majmuna - klinička studija

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    Management of the affected pulp in teeth with incomplete root formation is still an issue. Calcium hydroxide and other materials have been employed for this purpose to a greater or lesser success. Bioceramic materials are in the last decades well established in a number of different medical fields. Having its constituents the same as those of the unorganic portion of bone tissue, hydroxiapatite (HAP), one of the two forms of calcium-phosphate ceramics, is already accepted in endodontic treatment of teeth with completed root formation. The aim of this study was to examine apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots, following the use of HAP on their affected pulp. Examination was performed on eight young monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) with incomplete root development. The 100 Ī¼m synthetic HAP material was applied on 32 teeth divided into two groups of 16 teeth each. In one group teeth underwent pulpotomy, in the other high pulpotomy. Evaluation of root growth was recorded from radiographs (pre-treatment, 3 and 12 months following treatment) and by Demjrian's scale for dental maturity and tooth age determination. On the basis of radiographic analysis, immature teeth with affected pulp treated with HAP, both with pulpotomy and high pulpotomy, reached the same stage of root development as control teeth in 50% of cases at 3-months radiographic assessment. After 12 months all tested teeth had the same rate of root development as control teeth, except for 1 of 8 with high pulpotomy. Dentinal bridge was radiographically visible in 50% and 87.5% of pulpotomized teeth after 3 and 12 months, respectively. Neither obliteration of the root canal, presence of denticles nor the presence of deformities in the periapical region were found in any of the observed teeth.Lečenja aficirane pulpe zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena je joÅ” uvek predmet stručnih i naučnih rasprava, između ostalog i zbog neželjenih efekata tradicionalnih preparata na bazi kalcijum hidroksida. Biokeramički materijali se već nekoliko decenija primenjuju u različitim granama medicine, a hidroksiapatit, kao jedna od dve forme kalcijum-fosfatne keramike, ima gotovo istovetan sastav kao neorganski deo kosti, pa je već prihvaćen u endodontskom lečenju zuba sa zavrÅ” enim rastom korena. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena i aficiranom pulpom. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno na osam mladih majmuna Cercopithecus Aethiops sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena zuba. Sintetički hidroksiapatit, veličine čestica od 100 Ī¼m je primenjen na trideset dva zuba, podeljenih u dve jednake grupe kod kojih je vÅ”ena apulpotomija, odnosno visoka pulpotomija. RendgenoloÅ” ka evaluacija rasta korena zuba je vrÅ”ena pre terapije, kao i tri i dvanaest mesici posle primene HAP, a na osnovu Demjrianove skale za određivanje zrelosti zuba. Na osnovu rendgenoloÅ”ke analize posle 3 meseca je nađeno da je brzina razvoja korena kako pulpotomisanih, tako i visoko pulpotomisanih zuba kod kojih je primenjen HAP bila u 50% slučajeva ista kao kod kontrolnih zuba. Posle 12 meseci stepen razvoja korena zuba je u svih ispitivanih zuba (osim kod jednog od osam zuba sa izvrÅ”enom visokom pulpotomijom) bio isti kao u kontrolnih zuba. Dentinski most je bio vidljiv radioloÅ”kom analizom u 50% odnosno 87,5% eksperimentalnih zuba posle 3, odnosno posle 12 meseci. Ni u jednom pregledanom zubu rendgenoloÅ”ki nije uočena obliteracija kanala korena, kao ni dentikli ni deformiteti u periapeksnom predelu

    Uticaj eksperimentalno zračene hipofize na rast potkolenice, lobanje, gornje i donje vilice pacova

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    Background/Aim. The reaction of an organism to radiation depends on the level of irradiation and the sensitivity of the affected tissue cells. The biological effects on the cells and tissues are proportional to the absorbed radiation energy. The aim of our study was to examine the effects of hypofunction of the pituitary gland, previously irradiated with x-rays, on the growth of ratā€™s craniofacial and stomatognathic system as well as ratā€™s tibia. Methods. A total dose of x-rays of 27.92 Gy was applied in eight sessions in the period from 8 to 63 days of animal age on their heads and the effects of irradiation-induced hypofunction of the pituitary gland on the growth of ratā€™s craniofacial and stomatognathic system and tibia were examined. In order to differentiate the effects of the irradiated pituitary gland from the direct effects of x-rays on the head, the experiment was set as a double study. One group of animals had the pituitary gland protected with a lead plate set beneath the projection of the gland, while the second group was irradiated with the same dose, but without the protection. The control group of animals were non-irradiated. Results. Growth measurements of numerous parameters of the craniofacial and stomatognathic system as well as tibia in rats with the entire locally irradiated head showed a statistically significant delay, compared to both the non-irradiated control group and the group with the protected pituitary gland. Conclusion. The damage of the stomatognathic and craniofacial system was greater in animals with irradiated head without pituitary gland protection compared to those with the gland protection whereby the growth of the craniofacial system was most affected. Irraduition-induced pituitary gland hypofunction and irradiation itself showed a stronger effect on the lower jaw growth rate impairment compared to the upper jaw. Similarly, the delay in tibia growth was more pronounced in animals without pituitary gland protection during irradiation of their heads compared to non-protected ones.Uvod/Cilj. Reakcija organizma na zračenje zavisi od doze zračenja i osetljivosti ćelija tretiranog tkiva. BioloÅ”ki efekti zračenja na ćelije i tkiva proporcionalni su apsorbovanoj radijacionoj energiji. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju efekti hipofunkcije prethodno x-zracima ozračene hipofize na rast kraniofacijalnog i stomatognatnog sistema pacova. Metode. Primenjena doza x-zračenja od 27,92 Gy aplicirana je na dve grupe pacova u 8 seansi tokom perioda od 8 do 63 dana njihove starosti, uz praćenje efekata zračenja na rast kraniofacijalnog i stomatognatog sistema. U nameri da u merenju brojnih parametara pomenutih sistema razdvojimo efekte ozračene hipofize od direktnih efekata x zraka koje smo primenili na glavu, postavljen je eksperiment sa ozračivanjem glave dvema grupama životinja istim dozama x zraka, ali je jednoj zaÅ”tićena hipofiza olovnom pločicom postavljenom iznad hipofiza. Rezultati. Zaostajanje u rastu stomatognatog sistema kod pacova kojima je lokalno ozračena cela glava u odnosu na kontrolne životinje predstavlja zbirni efekat delovanja zračenjem izazvane hipofunkcije hipofize i direktnog delovanja x zračenja, dok zaostajanje u rastu stomatognatog sistema kod pacova sa ozračenom glavom i hipofizom zaÅ”tićenom od zračenja predstavlja isključivo efekat x zraka. Zaključak. OÅ”tećenja stomatognatog i kraniofacijalnog sistema bila su veća kod životinja kojima hipofiza tokom zračenja glave nije bila zaÅ”tićena u odnosu na one sa zaÅ”titom žlezde prilikom zračenja, pri čemu je rast kraniofacijalnog sistema u sagitalnom pravcu bio najviÅ”e pogođen. Veći zaostatak u rastu usled kombinovanoig dejstva hipofunkcije hipofize izazvane zračenjem i samog zračanje ustanovljen je na donjoj vilici u odnosu na gornju vilicu. Slično ovome, zao stajanje u rastu tibije bilo je izraženije kod životinja kojima tokom zračenja cele glave hipofiza nije bila zaÅ”tićena u odnosu na neÅ”tićene životinje

    How journalists in Serbia deal with online attacks ā€“ normalization of digital violence as a consequence of lack of institutional support

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    U ovom radu predstavljamo rezultate i uvide iz kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja sa novinarima u Republici Srbiji o digitalnom nasilju kojem su izloženi. Istraživačko pitanje na koje pokuÅ”avamo da damo odgovor odnosi se na to kako se na digitalno nasilje odgovara i reaguje na ličnom-profesionalnom nivou pojedinačnog novinara, a kako na digitalno nasilje i ugrožavanje bezbednosti novinara reaguje sistem, kako medijski, tako i pravno-institucionalni. Osnovna hipoteza naÅ”eg rada je da usled izostanka adekvatne institucionalne podrÅ”ke u slučajevima digitalnog nasilja, novinari i novinarke razvijaju specifične mehanizme samozaÅ”tite. U prvom delu rada, analiziramo medijski kontekst, dok u drugom delu rada izlažemo metodoloÅ”ki dizajn sprovedenog istraživanja. U trećem delu rada predstavljamo podatke iz kvantitatvne studije, dok u četvrtom delu rada predstavljamo uvide iz kvalitativne studije, odnosno intervjua sa novinarima i novinarkama.In this paper, we present the results and insights from quantitative and qualitative research with journalists in the Republic of Serbia about the digital violence they are exposed to. The research question that we are trying to answer relates to how digital violence is answered and reacted at the personal-professional level of an individual journalist, and how the system, both media and legal-institutional, reacts to digital violence and endangering safety of journalists. The hypothesis of our work is that due to the lack of adequate institutional support in cases of digital violence, journalists develop specific self-protection mechanisms. In the first part of the paper, we analyze the media context, while in the second part we present the methodological design of the conducted research. In the third part of the paper, we analyze data from the quantitative study, while in the fourth part we present insights from the qualitative research, interviews with journalists

    Rendgenska, ultrazvučna i endoskopska dijagnostika određenih oboljenja želuca kod pasa

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    In order to broaden the range of diagnostic methods for determining stomach diseases and to make these methods a greater part of the daily clinical practice, the procedures of radiological, ultrasound and endoscopic examinations should be worked out in more detail, their limits and possibilities should be established, the topographic-anatomical and morphological status of the stomach should be described in a radiological, ultrasound and endoscopic picture, and the most represented stomach diseases should be defined as well. The paper presents the results of six-month investigations of stomach diseases in dogs of different breeds and ages. A total of 20 animals were examined: seven German Shepherds, four golden retrievers, three rottweilers, two dobermans, two big schauzers, and two mixed-breed dogs. Cases of acute gastritis, chronic ulcerous gastritis, foreign body cases, and stomach tumors have been described.Da bi se spektar dijagnostičkih metoda oboljenja želuca proÅ”irio i bio prisutniji u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi, poželjno je da se detaljnije razradi postupak radioloÅ”kog, ultrazvučnog i endoskopskog pregleda, utvrde njihove granice i mogućnosti, opiÅ”e topografsko-anatomski i morfoloÅ”ki status želuca u radioloÅ”koj, ultrazvučnoj i endoskopskoj slici i da se utvrdi koja su to najzastupljenija oboljenja ovog organa. U radu su prikazani rezultati Å”etomesečnih ispitivanja oboljenja želuca na psima različitih rasa i uzrasta. Ukupno je pregledano dvadeset jedinki i to: sedam nemačkih ovčara, četiri zlatna retrivera, tri rotvajlera, dva dobermana, dva velika Å”naucera i dva meÅ”anca. Opisani su slučajevi akutnog gastritisa, hroničnog ulceroznog gastritisa, stranog tela i tumora želuca

    MorfoloŔke, imunofenotipske i kliničke karakteristike limfocitno - plazmocitnog duodenitisa pasa

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    The most important morphological feature of the immune response in lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis (LPD) in dogs is the presence of a mononuclear infiltrate in the duodenal mucosa. The ethiopatogenesis of this disease is still unknown, nor are known all the immunophenotypic characteristics of the infiltrate cells, which would be of help in the elucidation of the pathogenesis of LPD. The study involved 60 adult dogs of different breeds and both sexes: 54 dogs with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting that lasted longer than three weeks and six clinically healthy dogs that served as controls. Hematological and biochemical analysis of blood, radiology, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnosis were carried out. Samples of duodenal mucosal biopta were examined by histopathological and immunohistochemical methods. During endoscopic examination, duodenal wall thickening, mucosal edema and hyperemia were observed in 46 dogs. Microscopic studies showed on the epithelial cells of the duodenum degenerative changes, and sometimes desquamation. Most of the intestinal crypts were dilated, irregularly shaped and filled with detritus. On immunohistochemical examination of samples of the duodenum in a number of dogs with LPD a predominant expression of CD3 + T lymphocytes was observed.Najvažnija morfoloÅ”ka karakteristika imunskog odgovora kod limfocitnoplazmocitnog duodenitisa (LPD) pasa je nalaz infiltrata mononuklearnih ćelija krvi u sluzokoži duodenuma. Do danas etiopatogeneza ove bolesti pasa nije u svemu poznata, a nisu poznate ni sve imunofenotipske karakteristike ćelija u infiltratu, koje bi bile značajne za razumevanje etiopatogeneze LPD. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 60 odraslih pasa, različitih rasa i oba pola: 54 psa sa simptomima dijareje i povraćanja koje je trajalo duže od tri nedelje i Å”est klinički zdravih pasa koji su služili kao kontrola. Urađene su hematoloÅ”ke i biohemijske analize krvi, a zatim je sprovedena radioloÅ”ka, ultrazvučna i endoskopska dijagnostika. Uzorci mukoze duodenuma, uzeti biopsijom, ispitani su histopatoloÅ”kim i imunohistohemijskim metodama. Pri endoskopskom pregledu, kod 46 pasa je zapažen zadebljali zid duodenuma, hiperemičnost i edem sluznice. Mikroskopskim ispitivanjima, na epitelnim ćelijama duodenuma uočene su degenerativne promene, a nekada i deskvamacija. Većina crevnih kripti je bila dilatirana, nepravilnog oblika i ispunjena detritusom. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjem uzoraka duodenuma kod većine pasa sa LPD uočena je dominacija CD3+T limfocita

    Responsibility to the employees' health unavoidable in the creative and innovative design of office spaces

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    Office space should be designed to provide better productivity and creativity of employees, while preserving their health. Majority of the employees spend most of the day in the office. Workspaces greatly affect the psychological well-being and activities and abilities of employees. Health of employees, which directly affects productivity, is conditioned by the office type. The main objective of this paper is to show the influence of innovative office space design on the employeesā€™ health and to highlight the harmful environmental factors that affect human health. The findings of this study show that office design is very vital in terms of causing or preventing physiological and psychological reactions. Functional features of various types of offices have a different effect on the employeeā€™s ability to perform the personal control. In the case of different types of offices, there are different perceptions of stress in men and women. Some negative health outcomes, like stress, decreasing ability of personal control and TMD-related symptoms are considered

    Influence of silver addition on textural properties of new synthetic activated carbon

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    Starting from macroreticular styrene/divinylbenzene sulfonic acid ion exchange resin the two samples of synthetic activated carbons (SAC), with and without silver, were obtained through carbonization in controlled regime. Detailed sample preparation procedure is described. Characterizations of synthesized samples were conducted using XRD, SEM and N2 physisorption at ā€“196 Ā°C measurements. The influence of applied silver on textural properties of CAS was discussed.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Ispitivanje efekata različitih elektroterapijskih procedura u tretmanu ankilozirajućeg spondilitisa kod pasa

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    This paper presents the results of studies on the effects of suppression of chronic pain by currents with low (TENS), medium (Intf) and high (MT) frequencies, in dogs with ankylosing spondilytis. Prior to imaging diagnostics the dogs were clinically observed, trias was estimated, as well as habitus, neurological signs and degree of pain. After a 10 day treatment it was clear that all three treatments resulted in a significant decrease of pain at rest, during activity or during palpation. TENS currents have shown the highest degree of effect. All treated animals have shown improved motility after a few months of therapy. Despite the fact that all animals had an improved clinical picture none of the applied currents resulted in a complete loss of limping. Dogs treated with Intf currents displayed a decrease in muscular atrophy. Motility of the coxofemoural joint was most evident in the group treated with microwaves.U radu su prikazana ispitivanja supresije hroničnog bola pod uticajem struja niske (TENS), srednje (Intf) i visoke (MT) frekvence, kod pasa sa ankilozirajućim spondilitisom. Psi su pre rendgenskog snimanja opservirani, urađena im je procena trijasa, habitusa, a zatim neuroloÅ”ki pregled i određivanje stepena bola. Nakon desetodnevnog tretmana, uočeno je da su sva tri postupka dovela do visoko značajnog smanjenja bola u toku mirovanja ili aktivnosti i pri palpaciji, pri čemu su se isticale TENS struje u odnosu na Intf struje i mikrotalase. Kod tretiranih jedinki je zapažena izraženija motorna aktivnost, a nekoliko meseci od početka lečenja, uz određene kineziterapijske vežbe, psi su bili sa bitno redukovanim simptomima oboljenja. Iako je u svakoj grupi ispitivanih jedinki doÅ”lo do poboljÅ” anja stanja, ni jedan terapijski postupak nije doveo do potpunog gubitka hromosti. Jedino je u grupi pacijenata tretiranih sa Intf strujama, doÅ”lo do značajnog smanjenja stepena miÅ”ićne atrofije, a pokretljivost koksofemoralnih zglobova je bila najizraženija kod pacijenata tretiranih mikrotalasima
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