3,688 research outputs found
Effekt av rÞdklÞverbeite eller botanisk allsidig beite pÄ kvalitetsegenskaper hos melk i Þkologisk drift
Et kontinuerlig beiteforsÞk med 3 perioder à 3 uker ble gjennomfÞrt med 16 NRF-kyr i midtlaktasjonen. MÄlsetningen var Ä sammenligne melkequalitet nÄr kyrne beitet rÞdklÞvergras (RB) eller botanisk allsidig beite (AB). beitetype hadde ingen effekt pÄ ytelse, melkas fettinnhold eller proteininnhold. Kyr som beitet RB hadde en hÞyere andel av fettsyrene C18:0 (22.41 vs. 9.96, P<0.05) og C18:1t11 (0.58 vs. 0.44 g/100g FAME, P<0.05) og lavere andel C16:0 (27.83 vs. 30.92, P<0.05) i melkefettet sammenlignet med kyr som beitet AB. Innholdet av alfatokoferol var hÞyere i melk fra RB enn AB (3.01 vs. 2.64 ”g/ml, P<0.05). Den oksidative stabiliteten av melkas lipider ble bare i mindre grad pÄvirket av beitetype
Effect of pasture botanical composition on milk quality in organic production
A continuous grazing experiment with three measurement periods, 3 weeks each, was conducted with 16 Norwegian Red dairy cows in mid lactation to compare milk quality when grazing red clover-grass (R) or botanical diverse pasture (D). The cows were offered either R or D from the start of grazing season in mid May until beginning of September 2008. Milk yield was measured and milk samples were collected in the last week in each period (end of June, beginning of August and end of August). Pasture type had no effect on milk yield and milk content of fat or protein. Cows grazing R had higher proportion of the fatty acids C18:0 (22.41 vs. 9.96, P<0.05) and C18:1t11 (0.58 vs. 0.44 g/100g FAME, P<0.05) and lower proportion of C16:0 (27.83 vs. 30.92, P<0.05) in their milk fat than the cows grazing D. The milk content of α-tocopherol was higher in milk from R than D (3.01 vs. 2.64 Όg/ml,P<0.05). The oxidative stability of the milk lipids were only minor affected by pasture typ
Some comments about Schwarzschield black holes in Matrix theory
In the present paper we calculate the statistical partition function for any
number of extended objects in Matrix theory in the one loop approximation. As
an application, we calculate the statistical properties of K clusters of D0
branes and then the statistical properties of K membranes which are wound on a
torus.Comment: 15 page
Nonperturbative dynamics for abstract (p,q) string networks
We describe abstract (p,q) string networks which are the string networks of
Sen without the information about their embedding in a background spacetime.
The non-perturbative dynamical formulation invented for spin networks, in terms
of causal evolution of dual triangulations, is applied to them. The formal
transition amplitudes are sums over discrete causal histories that evolve (p,q)
string networks. The dynamics depend on two free SL(2,Z) invariant functions
which describe the amplitudes for the local evolution moves.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, epsfig, 7 figures, minor change
Social Interactions vs Revisions, What is important for Promotion in Wikipedia?
In epistemic community, people are said to be selected on their knowledge
contribution to the project (articles, codes, etc.) However, the socialization
process is an important factor for inclusion, sustainability as a contributor,
and promotion. Finally, what does matter to be promoted? being a good
contributor? being a good animator? knowing the boss? We explore this question
looking at the process of election for administrator in the English Wikipedia
community. We modeled the candidates according to their revisions and/or social
attributes. These attributes are used to construct a predictive model of
promotion success, based on the candidates's past behavior, computed thanks to
a random forest algorithm.
Our model combining knowledge contribution variables and social networking
variables successfully explain 78% of the results which is better than the
former models. It also helps to refine the criterion for election. If the
number of knowledge contributions is the most important element, social
interactions come close second to explain the election. But being connected
with the future peers (the admins) can make the difference between success and
failure, making this epistemic community a very social community too
Zero-Mode Dynamics of String Webs
At sufficiently low energy the dynamics of a string web is dominated by zero
modes involving rigid motion of the internal strings. The dimension of the
associated moduli space equals the maximal number of internal faces in the web.
The generic web moduli space has boundaries and multiple branches, and for webs
with three or more faces the geometry is curved. Webs can also be studied in a
lift to M-theory, where a string web is replaced by a membrane wrapped on a
holomorphic curve in spacetime. In this case the moduli space is complexified
and admits a Kaehler metric.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 5 eps figures; v2: references adde
Moduli Space Dimensions of Multi-Pronged Strings
The numbers of bosonic and fermionic zero modes of multi-pronged strings are
counted in super-Yang-Mills theory and compared with those of the
IIB string theory. We obtain a nice agreement for the fermionic zero modes,
while our result for the bosonic zero modes differs from that obtained in the
IIB string theory. The possible origin of the discrepancy is discussedComment: 15 pages, 2 figure
Wasp Hawking Induces Endothermic Heat Production in Guard Bees
When vespine wasps, Vespa velutina Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), hawk (capture) bees at their nest entrances alerted and poised guards of Apis cerana cerana F. and Apis mellifera ligustica Spinola (Hymenoptera: Apidae) have average thoracic temperatures slightly above 24° C. Many additional worker bees of A. cerana, but not A. mellifera, are recruited to augment the guard bee cohort and begin wing-shimmering and body-rocking, and the average thoracic temperature rises to 29.8 ± 1.6° C. If the wasps persist hawking, about 30 guard bees of A. cerana that have raised their thoracic temperatures to 31.4 ± 0.9° C strike out at a wasp and form a ball around it. Within about three minutes the core temperature of the heat-balling A. cerana guard bees reaches about 46° C, which is above the lethal limit of the wasps, which are therefore killed. Although guard bees of A. mellifera do not exhibit the serial behavioural and physiological changes of A. cerana, they may also heat-ball hawking wasps. Here, the differences in the sequence of changes in the behaviour and temperature during ârestingâ and âheat-ballingâ by A. cerana and A. mellifera are reported
MetaGeneAnnotator: Detecting Species-Specific Patterns of Ribosomal Binding Site for Precise Gene Prediction in Anonymous Prokaryotic and Phage Genomes
Recent advances in DNA sequencers are accelerating genome sequencing, especially in microbes, and complete and draft genomes from various species have been sequenced in rapid succession. Here, we present a comprehensive gene prediction tool, the MetaGeneAnnotator (MGA), which precisely predicts all kinds of prokaryotic genes from a single or a set of anonymous genomic sequences having a variety of lengths. The MGA integrates statistical models of prophage genes, in addition to those of bacterial and archaeal genes, and also uses a self-training model from input sequences for predictions. As a result, the MGA sensitively detects not only typical genes but also atypical genes, such as horizontally transferred and prophage genes in a prokaryotic genome. In this paper, we also propose a novel approach for analyzing the ribosomal binding site (RBS), which enables us to detect species-specific patterns of the RBSs. The MGA has the ingenious RBS model based on this approach, and precisely predicts translation starts of genes. The MGA also succeeds in improving prediction accuracies for short sequences by using the adapted RBS models (96% sensitivity and 93% specificity for 700 bp fragments). These features of the MGA expedite wide ranges of microbial genome studies, such as genome annotations and metagenome analyses
Friend or foe? The current epidemiologic evidence on selenium and human cancer risk.
Scientific opinion on the relationship between selenium and the risk of cancer has undergone radical change over the years, with selenium first viewed as a possible carcinogen in the 1940s then as a possible cancer preventive agent in the 1960s-2000s. More recently, randomized controlled trials have found no effect on cancer risk but suggest possible low-dose dermatologic and endocrine toxicity, and animal studies indicate both carcinogenic and cancer-preventive effects. A growing body of evidence from human and laboratory studies indicates dramatically different biological effects of the various inorganic and organic chemical forms of selenium, which may explain apparent inconsistencies across studies. These chemical form-specific effects also have important implications for exposure and health risk assessment. Overall, available epidemiologic evidence suggests no cancer preventive effect of increased selenium intake in healthy individuals and possible increased risk of other diseases and disorders
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