17 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Quantum Optics with Trion Polaritons in 2D Monolayers: Conventional and Unconventional Photon Blockade

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    This is the final version. Available from the American Physical Society via the DOI in this recordWe study a 2D system of trion-polaritons at the quantum level and demonstrate that for monolayer semiconductors they can exhibit a strongly nonlinear optical response. The effect is due to the composite nature of trion-based excitations resulting in their nontrivial quantum statistical properties, and enhanced phase space filling effects. We present the full quantum theory to describe the statistics of trion-polaritons, and demonstrate that the associated nonlinearity persists at the level of few quanta, where two qualitatively different regimes of photon antibunching are present for weak and strong single photon-trion coupling. We find that single photon emission from trion-polaritons becomes experimentally feasible in state-of-the-art transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) setups. This can foster the development of quantum polaritonics using 2D monolayers as a material platform.Government of the Russian FederationITMO Fellowship and Professorship ProgramRussian Science FoundationEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Observation of bright polariton solitons in a semiconductor microcavity

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    Microcavity polaritons are composite half-light half-matter quasi-particles, which have recently been demonstrated to exhibit rich physical properties, such as non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation, parametric scattering and superfluidity. At the same time, polaritons have some important advantages over photons for information processing applications, since their excitonic component leads to weaker diffraction and stronger inter-particle interactions, implying, respectively, tighter localization and lower powers for nonlinear functionality. Here we present the first experimental observations of bright polariton solitons in a strongly coupled semiconductor microcavity. The polariton solitons are shown to be non-diffracting high density wavepackets, that are strongly localised in real space with a corresponding broad spectrum in momentum space. Unlike solitons known in other matter-wave systems such as Bose condensed ultracold atomic gases, they are non-equilibrium and rely on a balance between losses and external pumping. Microcavity polariton solitons are excited on picosecond timescales, and thus have significant benefits for ultrafast switching and transfer of information over their light only counterparts, semiconductor cavity lasers (VCSELs), which have only nanosecond response time

    Vortices in polariton OPO superfluids

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    This chapter reviews the occurrence of quantised vortices in polariton fluids, primarily when polaritons are driven in the optical parametric oscillator (OPO) regime. We first review the OPO physics, together with both its analytical and numerical modelling, the latter being necessary for the description of finite size systems. Pattern formation is typical in systems driven away from equilibrium. Similarly, we find that uniform OPO solutions can be unstable to the spontaneous formation of quantised vortices. However, metastable vortices can only be injected externally into an otherwise stable symmetric state, and their persistence is due to the OPO superfluid properties. We discuss how the currents charactering an OPO play a crucial role in the occurrence and dynamics of both metastable and spontaneous vortices.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figure

    Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction in photonic graphene

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Nature Photonics on 30/11/2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566-020-00729-z The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.The concept of gauge fields plays a significant role in many areas of physics, from particle physics and cosmology to condensed-matter systems, where gauge potentials are a natural consequence of electromagnetic fields acting on charged particles and are of central importance in topological states of matter1. Here, we report on the experimental realization of a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field for photons2 in a honeycomb microcavity lattice3. We show that the effective magnetic field associated with transverse electric–transverse magnetic splitting has the symmetry of the Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction around Dirac points in the dispersion, and can be regarded as an SU(2) gauge field4. The symmetry of the field is revealed in the optical spin Hall effect, where, under resonant excitation of the Dirac points, precession of the photon pseudospin around the field direction leads to the formation of two spin domains. Furthermore, we observe that the Dresselhaus-type field changes its sign in the same Dirac valley on switching from s to p bands, in good agreement with the tight-binding modelling. Our work demonstrating a non-Abelian gauge field for light on the microscale paves the way towards manipulation of photons via spin on a chip.Published versio

    Quantum-fluid dynamics of microcavity polaritons

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    Semiconductor microcavities offer a unique system to investigate the physics of weakly interacting bosons. Their elementary excitations, polaritons--a mixture of excitons and photons--behave, in the low density limit, as bosons that can undergo a phase transition to a regime characterised by long range coherence. Condensates of polaritons have been advocated as candidates for superfluidity; and the formation of vortices as well as elementary excitations with a linear dispersion are actively sought after. In this work, we have created and set in motion a macroscopically degenerate state of polaritons and let it collide with a variety of defects present in the sample. Our experiments show striking manifestations of a coherent light-matter packet that displays features of a superfluid, although one of a highly unusual character as it involves an out-of-equilibrium dissipative system where it travels at ultra-fast velocity of the order of 1% the speed of light. Our main results are the observation of i) a linear polariton dispersion accompanied with diffusion-less motion, ii) flow without resistance when crossing an obstacle, iii) suppression of Rayleigh scattering and iv) splitting into two fluids when the size of the obstacle is comparable with the size of the wavepacket. This work opens the way to the investigation of new phenomenology of out-of-equilibrium condensates.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Polariton Condensation and Lasing

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    The similarities and differences between polariton condensation in microcavities and standard lasing in a semiconductor cavity structure are reviewed. The recent experiments on "photon condensation" are also reviewed.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; Based on the book chapter in Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities, (Springer Series in Solid State Sciences vol. 172), V. Timofeev and D. Sanvitto, eds., (Springer, 2012

    Measurement of local optomechanical properties of a direct bandgap 2D semiconductor

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    Strain engineering is a powerful tool for tuning physical properties of 2D materials, including monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)—direct bandgap semiconductors with strong excitonic response. Deformation of TMD monolayers allows inducing modulation of exciton potential and, ultimately, creating single-photon emitters at desired positions. The performance of such systems is critically dependent on the exciton energy profile and maximum possible exciton energy shift that can be achieved under local impact until the monolayer rupture. Here, we study the evolution of two-dimensional exciton energy profile induced in a MoSe2 monolayer under incremental local indentation until the rupture. We controllably stress the flake with an atomic force microscope tip and perform in situ spatiospectral mapping of the excitonic photoluminescence in the vicinity of the indentation point. In order to accurately fit the experimental data, we combine numerical simulations with a simple model of strain-induced modification of the local excitonic response and carefully account for the optical resolution of the setup. This allows us to extract deformation, strain, and exciton energy profiles obtained at each indentation depth. The maximum exciton energy shift induced by local deformation achieved at 300 nm indentation reaches the value of 36.5 meV and corresponds to 1.15% strain of the monolayer. Our approach is a powerful tool for in situ characterization of local optomechanical properties of 2D direct bandgap semiconductors with strong excitonic response

    Ultra-low-power hybrid light-matter solitons.

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    New functionalities in nonlinear optics will require systems with giant optical nonlinearity as well as compatibility with photonic circuit fabrication techniques. Here we introduce a platform based on strong light-matter coupling between waveguide photons and quantum-well excitons. On a sub-millimetre length scale we generate picosecond bright temporal solitons at a pulse energy of only 0.5 pJ. From this we deduce a nonlinear refractive index three orders of magnitude larger than in any other ultrafast system. We study both temporal and spatio-temporal nonlinear effects and observe dark-bright spatio-temporal polariton solitons. Theoretical modelling of soliton formation in the strongly coupled system confirms the experimental observations. These results show the promise of our system as a high speed, low power, integrated platform for physics and devices based on strong interactions between photons

    Spin Textures of Exciton-Polaritons in a Tunable Microcavity with Large TE-TM Splitting.

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    We report an extended family of spin textures of zero-dimensional exciton-polaritons spatially confined in tunable open microcavity structures. The transverse-electric-transverse-magnetic (TE-TM) splitting, which is enhanced in the open cavity structures, leads to polariton eigenstates carrying quantized spin vortices. Depending on the strength and anisotropy of the cavity confining potential and of the TE-TM induced splitting, which can be tuned via the excitonic or photonic fractions, the exciton-polariton emissions exhibit either spin-vortex-like patterns or linear polarization, in good agreement with theoretical modeling

    Valley coherent exciton-polaritons in a monolayer semiconductor

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    Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provide a unique possibility to generate and read-out excitonic valley coherence using linearly polarized light, opening the way to valley information transfer between distant systems. However, these excitons have short lifetimes (ps) and efficiently lose their valley coherence via the electron-hole exchange interaction. Here, we show that control of these processes can be gained by embedding a monolayer of WSe2 in an optical microcavity, forming part-light-part-matter exciton-polaritons. We demonstrate optical initialization of valley coherent polariton populations, exhibiting luminescence with a linear polarization degree up to 3 times higher than displayed by bare excitons. We utilize an external magnetic field alongside selective exciton-cavity-mode detuning to control the polariton valley pseudospin vector rotation, which reaches 45° at B = 8 T. This work provides unique insight into the decoherence mechanisms in TMDs and demonstrates the potential for engineering the valley pseudospin dynamics in monolayer semiconductors embedded in photonic structures