299 research outputs found

    Managing change in the holding company as a factor in solving strategic problems of the Region

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the necessity of changes in holding company’s management systems to address the strategic problems of the region. The purpose of the study is to develop a method of forming teams at the corporate level for the coordination and implementation of programs for the implementation of reforms and their subsequent impact on the institutional environment of the region. The leading approach to the study of the problem is systemic and situational approach in the framework of the theory and methodology of innovation management that allow to analyze the change management features in the company. The following results were obtained from the study: analyzed regionally significant holding companies which have a significant impact on the socio-economic indicators. Article Submissions may be useful for organizations engaged in development, as well as consultants and experts on issues of innovation and production management. with the proposed mechanism can plan and implement economic development, in which the organization will be ensured current stability, long-term sustainability, the pace of development of the relevant market situation. © 2016 Krivtsov, Polinova and Chupina

    Corporate information management system and its influence on increase of changes productivity

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    The urgency of the problem under investigation due to constant changes in the external business environment requires organizations to establish a mechanism to manage change and increase the impact of these changes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the change management concepts and their applicability in the strategically important holdings in the region, as well as identifying features of reforming of the enterprises in the crisis through the creation of change management system. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic approach to identify the main features allowing for the formation of the mechanism of change management in the regional holding companies. The main results: systematization and analysis of the existing change management concepts, and identified particular changes in the company based on the use of change management system. Article Submissions may be useful for the regional and federal holding companies with constant changes in the external business environment. © 2016 Krivtsov et al

    Particular features of interrelation of motivation, values and sense of life’s meaning as subjective factors of individualizing trajectory in the system of continuous education

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the fact that, as regards methodological and theoretical aspects, the problem of value and motivational sphere is poorly elaborated regarding the interrelation between professional education and professional activity and on the empirical level there is no clear understanding of how the sense of purpose of life and own professional values is related to the professional motivation. The aim of the article is to identify the specific features of the interrelation and effects of meaning of life to the professional values and motivation. The leading method of research is questionnaire method which makes it possible to identify the following: level of sense of life’s purpose – method of life-meaning orientations, specific features of professional motivation – method “Motivation of professional activity” and method “Level of correlation between value and availability of value”. The article presents and discusses the results of empirical study of the interrelation between professional values, professional motivation and life-meaning orientations, as well as the effects of the level of life’s meaning on professional motivation. The practical value is the possibility to use the results of the research in developing programs for correcting and increasing professional motivation, as well as for developing technologies of psychology-pedagogical assistance to sense-making and professional self-identification in projecting and implementing individual educational trajectories in the continuous vocational education system. The article can be useful for specialists in professiology, teachers of technical subjects and professional consultants for forecasting professional development of a person. © 2016 Zavodchikov et al

    Further development of The Ebbsfleet Water Management System Dynamics Model: Adjusting representation of processes and system boundaries, incentivising stakeholder re-engagement, and exploring the potential for University teaching

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    This is the final version. Available from WIT Press via the DOI in this record. System Dynamics Model (SDM) that explores sustainable urban water management. The model is open-source compiled using Vensim software, which is free for non-commercial use. This paper demonstrates that the current SDM and the modelling approach are open to adjustment, which is illustrated by introducing a link between water tariffs and environmental awareness. The increase in water tariffs leads not only to the obvious increase in water bills, but also to an increase in Environmental Awareness, and consequently, to increases in the use of water efficiency devices, grey water acceptability, and grey water reuse. A range of further modifications is suggested, including expanding representation of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to consider resultant improvements in stormwater quality as well as quantity. This would recognise the indirect benefits of improved stormwater quality on biodiversity in the River Ebbsfleet, which is the receiving watercourse. This study intends to encourage knowledge transfer, by facilitating and incentivising the use and further development of the SDM by stakeholders and a wider community of end-users, including practitioners, academics and the public. While SDM is particularly suited to analysis of indirect relations, benefits and trade-offs among system constituents, other approaches provide viable alternatives and we discuss the potential for re-implementing our findings in other interactive modelling software packages and programming languages. We also explore the scope for linking the adapted SDM to other models. Finally, we consider the utility of the Ebbsfleet SDM in teaching, learning and knowledge transfer. We conclude that students, practitioners and other stakeholders could not only enhance their understanding of urban water management complexity, but also gain valuable system modelling skills based on using the SDM to support kinaesthetic learning. Ultimately, society benefits when the level of knowledge and analytical thinking skills of its members are enhanced.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Pathprinting: An integrative approach to understand the functional basis of disease

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    New strategies to combat complex human disease require systems approaches to biology that integrate experiments from cell lines, primary tissues and model organisms. We have developed Pathprint, a functional approach that compares gene expression profiles in a set of pathways, networks and transcriptionally regulated targets. It can be applied universally to gene expression profiles across species. Integration of large-scale profiling methods and curation of the public repository overcomes platform, species and batch effects to yield a standard measure of functional distance between experiments. We show that pathprints combine mouse and human blood developmental lineage, and can be used to identify new prognostic indicators in acute myeloid leukemia. The code and resources are available at http://​compbio.​sph.​harvard.​edu/​hidelab/​pathprin

    Homoleptic Poly(nitrato) Complexes of Group 14 Stable at Ambient Conditions

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    Using a novel approach in homoleptic nitrate chemistry, Sn(NO3)62− (3c) as well as the previously unknown hexanitrato complexes Si(NO3)62− (1c), Ge(NO3)62− (2c) were synthesized from the element tetranitrates as salt-like compounds which were isolated and characterized using 1H, 14N, and 29Si NMR and IR spectroscopies, elemental and thermal analyses, and single-crystal XRD. All hexanitrates are moderately air-sensitive at 298 K and possess greater thermal stability toward NO2 elimination than their charge-neutral tetranitrato congeners as solids and in solution. The complexes possess distorted octahedral coordination skeletons and adopt geometries that are highly symmetric (3c) or deformed (1c, 2c) depending on the degree of steric congestion of the ligand sphere. As opposed to the κ2O,O′ coordination mode reported for Sn(NO3)4 previously,1 all nitrato ligands of 3c coordinate in κ1O mode. Six geometric isomers of E(NO3)62− were identified as minima on the PES using DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of which two were observed experimentally

    Original Russian Text c

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    Abstract-The aim of the present paper is to construct and study a model of pair moment interaction between carbon atoms in the two-dimensional graphite lattice. The carbon atom is modeled by a structure consisting of three rigidly connected mass points located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The interaction between mass points is described by a pair force potential, but the total interatomic interaction contains moment components owing to the finite size of the structure modeling the atom. We compute rank 4 tensors characterizing the elastic properties of the graphite crystal lattice constructed on the basis of our model. We determine lattice stability criteria depending on the number of coordination spheres taken into account. We show that this model permits one to ensure stability of the graphite lattice but significantly underestimates the transverse-tolongitudinal interatomic coupling rigidity ratio. We construct a generalized moment potential that permits one to obtain a rigidity ratio consistent with experimental data. DOI: 10.3103/S0025654407050020 1. INTRODUCTION A well-known problem in modeling lattices with low packing density is that the use of pair potentials for describing interatomic interactions does not always result in stable lattice models. There are two alternative approaches to resolve the issue. The first approach is based on the use of multiparticle potentials This study is based on the theoretical considerations presented i

    A participatory process to support sustainable water resources management in the Ebbsfleet Garden City

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IAHR via the link in this recordThe present work describes the development of a participatory System Dynamics Model (SDM) aiming to explore sustainable urban water management (UWM) in a structured way and to understand where policy interventions might be best focused. The proposed multi-step process is useful for supporting decision-making at a strategic, system-wide level and for exploring the long-term consequences of alternative strategies. The strongly participatory base of the SDM allows both to include local knowledge held by relevant stakeholders, and to support a collective learning process, which should improve the effectiveness of the selected strategies. In the following sections on the SDM co-development to enhance sustainable urban water management in the Ebbsfleet Garden City are provided.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    3′UTR-Mediated Gene Silencing of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) Gene

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    Translocations involving the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) gene generate in-frame fusions of MLL with more than 50 different partner genes (PGs). Common to all MLL translocations is the exchange not only of coding regions, but also of MLL and PG 3′-untranslated regions (3′UTRs). As a result, the MLL-PG fusion is normally highly expressed and considered the main driver of leukemia development, whereas the function of the PG-MLL fusions in leukemic disease is unclear. As 3′UTRs have been recognized as determinant regions for regulation of gene expression, we hypothesized that loss of the MLL 3′UTR could have a role in generating high MLL-PG levels and leukemia development. Here, we first tested the MLL-PG and PG-MLL mRNA levels in different leukemic cells and tumours and uncovered differential expression that indicates strong repression by the MLL-3′UTR. Reporter assays confirmed that the 3′UTR of MLL, but not of its main PGs, harbours a region that imposes a strong gene silencing effect. Gene suppression by the MLL 3′UTR was largely microRNA independent and did not affect mRNA stability, but inhibited transcription. This effect can at least partially be attributed to a tighter interaction of the MLL 3′UTR with RNA polymerase II than PG 3′UTRs, affecting its phosphorylation state. Altogether, our findings indicate that MLL translocations relieve oncogenic MLL-PG fusions from the repressive MLL 3′UTR, contributing to higher activity of these genes and leukaemia development