41 research outputs found

    Mikroplanktonske i mikrobentoske alge obalnog boćatog jezera Fiesa i ušća Dragonje (Slovenija)

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    Between 1998 and 2000, microplanktonic and microbenthic algal communities were sampled and analysed in the coastal lake Fiesa and in the Dragonja estuary. The purpose of the investigation was to establish qualitative composition and the relative abundance of algal communities. In 1999 and 2000, basic physical and chemical parameters were measured. Altogether, 159 algal taxa were determined, 83 in the coastal lake Fiesa and 120 in the Dragonja estuary. Most of the taxa belonged to the Bacillariophyceae. Thirty four percent of all taxa were typical brackish taxa. Achnanthes septata, Amphora angusta, Gyrosigma tenuissimum, Gyrosigma wansbeckii and Pleurosigma strigosum (all Bacillariophyceae) were marine species. Brackish and marine taxa were almost exclusively Bacillariophyceae. Nineteen taxa were the first citations for Slovenia, 15 of them belonging to the Bacillariophyceae and four to the Cyanophyceae. Most new taxa belong to the genus Navicula (4).U razdoblju od 1998. do 2000. uzorkovane su i analizirane mikroplanktonske i mikrobentoske zajednice algi u obalnom jezeru Fiesa i na ušću Dragonje. Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti kvalitativni sastav i relativnu abundanciju zajednica algi. Osnovni fizikalni i kemijski parametri mjereni su 1999. i 2000. Utvrđeno je 159 svojta algi, 83 u jezeru Fiesa te 120 u ušću Dragonje. Većina taksona pripadala je porodici Bacillariophyceae, a 34% od ukupnog broja bile su tipične vrste boćatih voda. Morske vrste bile su Achnanthes septata, Amphora angusta, Gyrosigma tenuissimum, Gyrosigma wansbeckii i Pleurosigma strigosum (sve Bacillariophyceae). Boćati i morski taksoni bili su gotovo isključivo Bacillariophyceae. Po prvi puta za Sloveniju zabilježeno je 19 svojti, 15 iz porodice Bacillariophyceae i 4 iz porodice Cyanophyceae. Većina novih svojti pripada rodu Navicula (4)

    Alge na sedrenim barijerama rijeke Krke kod Žužemberka, Slovenija

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    Algal occurrence, with particular emphasis on diatoms, was investigated over a two-year period on the travertine barriers of the Krka River in Slovenia. The purpose of the investigation was to establish qualitative composition and the relative abundance of the periphyton. In 1999 and 2000, basic physical and chemical parameters were measured. Altogether, 81 algal taxa were determined. Most of them belonged to Bacillariophyceae. Fifteen species and subspecies were new to Slovenia, 14 of them belonging to Bacillariophyceae and one to Cyanobacteria. Most of the new species and subspecies belonged to genera Nitzschia (5) and Navicula (4).Tijekom dvije godine istraživana je prisutnost algi s posebnim naglaskom na dijatomeje na sedrenim barijerama rijeke Krke u Sloveniji. Cilj je bio utvrđivanje kvalitativnog sastava i relativne brojnosti perifitona. Tijekom 1999. i 2000. mjereni su temeljni fizikalni i kemijski parametri. Utvrđen je 81 takson algi. Većina pripada u Bacillariophyceae. Petnaest vrsta i podvrsta bilo je novo za Sloveniju, od čega 14 spada u Bacillariophyceae i 1 u Cyanobacteria. Većina novih vrsta i podvrsta pripadalo je rodovima Nitzschia (5) i Navicula (4)

    Alge u cretovima Lovrenška jezera i Šijec u Sloveniji

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    In the years 1998, 1999 and 2000, samples were taken seasonally in the peat bogs of Lovren{ka jezera and [ijec. The purpose of the investigation was to establish the qualitative species structure and abundance of the periphyton and the phytoplankton. The paper presents the first complete algological research in this area. In the year 1999, some physical and chemical parameters were also measured. Altogether, 116 species and subspecies of algae were determined. Most of them belonged to Bacillariophyceae, followed by Conjugatophyceae and Cyanobacteria. 17 species and subspecies are new to Slovenia, most of them belonging to Bacillariophyceae.Iz cretova Lovrenška jezera i Šijec sezonski su uzimani uzorci tijekom 1998., 1999. i 2000. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi kvalitativni sastav vrsta i brojnost perifitona i fitoplanktona. Rad prikazuje prvo cjelovito algološko istraživanje tog područja. Tijekom 1999. mjereni su i neki fizikalni i kemijski parametri. Ukupno je determinirano 116 vrsta i podvrsta algi. Većina je pripadala skupini Bacillariophyceae, slijedile su Conjugatophyceae i Cyanobacteria. Sedamnaest vrsta je novih za Sloveniju, a uglavnom su iz skupine Bacillariophyceae

    Recycling of textile wastewaters treated with various combinations of advanced oxidation processes (AOP)

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    Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are widely used for treatment of wastewaters containing recalcitrant\ud organic compounds from industrial and municipal wastewater; many advantages over other technologies\ud have been found and good treatment results have been obtained so far. Approaches which reduce fresh water\ud consumption are especially important for regions with shortage in fresh water resources and in high waterconsuming\ud industries. Within AOP4Water (a multinational project funded under the CORNET programme),\ud combinations of different AOP methods are being tested with the final aim to enable cost-efficient reuse of\ud AOP-treated effluents from textile industry. The key to wastewater reuse lies in increasing the efficiency of\ud AOP treatment that ensures the required water quality and decreasing operational costs. In the present study\ud a series of experiments was performed with real textile industry effluents using a single AOP method as well\ud as combinations. Following AOP treatments were applied: ozone (O3); O3+ UV irradiation (UV); O3 +\ud hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); and O3 + H2O2 + UV. The most effective combination for colour and COD\ud removal was O3 + H2O2 + UV with 75% - 86% of colour removal and 15% of COD removal

    Vpliv naprednih oksidacijskih procesov (AOPs) na biorazgradljivost komunalne odpadne\ud vode za njeno ponovno uporabo v tekstilni industriji

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    Reuse of treated municipal wastewater to supplement part of fresh water is becoming more and more\ud important. However, treated water can contain some pollutants that cannot be successfully removed with\ud classical biological wastewater treatment processes. Aim of the study presented was to assess whether\ud advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and special enzymes enhance biodegradation of municipal wastewater\ud and if treated municipal wastewater can be reused in the production process of textile industry. To test\ud biodegradability we used a small-scale pilot wastewater treatment plant (PWWTP) consisting of six parallel\ud bioreactors with suspended activated sludge (CAS type). Bioreactors were supplied with untreated municipal\ud wastewater, AOP-treated municipal wastewater and AOP-treated municipal wastewater with addition of\ud special enzymes. The results showed that AOPs contributed to better biodegradation while enzymes did not.\ud Municipal wastewater treated by a combination of AOP and biological treatment was not suitable for reuse\ud in the dyeing process, but could potentially be reused in some other processes in the textile industry

    Effect of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the biodegradability of municipal wastewater for its reuse in the textile industry

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    Reuse of treated municipal wastewater to supplement part of fresh water is becoming more and more\ud important. However, treated water can contain some pollutants that cannot be successfully removed with\ud classical biological wastewater treatment processes. Aim of the study presented was to assess whether\ud advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and special enzymes enhance biodegradation of municipal wastewater\ud and if treated municipal wastewater can be reused in the production process of textile industry. To test\ud biodegradability we used a small-scale pilot wastewater treatment plant (PWWTP) consisting of six parallel\ud bioreactors with suspended activated sludge (CAS type). Bioreactors were supplied with untreated municipal\ud wastewater, AOP-treated municipal wastewater and AOP-treated municipal wastewater with addition of\ud special enzymes. The results showed that AOPs contributed to better biodegradation while enzymes did not.\ud Municipal wastewater treated by a combination of AOP and biological treatment was not suitable for reuse\ud in the dyeing process, but could potentially be reused in some other processes in the textile industry

    Raziskava onesnaženosti odpadnih voda v slovenski tekstilni industriji in ekonomska upravičenost učinkovitega čiščenja

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    Wastewaters from textile industry are generally highly loaded. Their load can be determined by engineering standards, stand­ards of best available technologies and annual operational monitoring. Investigation presented covers all textile factories in Slovenia obligated by the Directive 96/61/ES on integrated pollution prevention and pollution control; two textile factories in Slovenia were studied in details. In the majority of discussed textile factories significantly higher pollution emissions that would be expected on the basis of engineering and Best Available Techniques (BAT) standards were found. The reason is outdated technological equipment which departs significantly from BAT standards. As the textile factories in Slovenia are mostly con­nected to public sewer networks which are terminated by central treatment facility, economic viability of installing treatment plants for efficient wastewater pre-treatment is questionable. It is mandatory to achieve the required criteria for discharge into public sewers. More efficient treatment is justified only when it is cost efficient. Economic viability is assessed in terms of costs, which consist of expenses for fresh water supply, environmental taxes, charges for wastewater collection and wastewater treatment and expenses of effective treatment within the factories.Odpadne vode iz tekstilne industrije so praviloma zelo obremenjene. Njihovo obremenitev lahko ugotavljamo preko inženirskih normativov, normativov najboljših razpoložljivih tehnologij ter z letnimi obratovalnimi monitoringi. Raziskava zajema vse zavezance na podlagi Direktive 96/61/ES o celovitem preprečevanju in nadzorovanju onesnaževanja okolja iz tekstilne industrije v Sloveniji, podrobneje pa smo raziskali dve tekstilni tovarni. Pri večini obravnavanih tekstilnih tovarn smo ugotovili bistveno večje emisije, kot bi jih pričakovali na podlagi inženirskih in Best Available Techniques (BAT) normativov. Razlog je zastarela tehnološka oprema, ki znatno odstopa od BAT normativov. Ker so v Sloveniji tekstilne tovarne večinoma priključene na javna kanalizacijska omrežja, ki se zaključijo s centralnimi čistilnimi napravami, se pojavlja vprašanje ekonomske upravičenosti postavitve učinkovitih čistilnih naprav za predhodno čiščenje odpadnih voda. Obvezno je doseganje pred­pisanih kriterijev za izpust v javno kanalizacijo. Bolj učinkovito čiščenje pa je upravičeno le, če je to ekonomsko upravičeno. Ekonomsko upravičenost presojamo iz vidika stroškov, ki so sestavljeni iz cene sveže vode, okoljske dajatve, cene za odva­janje in čiščenje odpadne vode ter stroškov za učinkovito lastno čiščenje

    The possibility of removal of endocrine disrupters from paper mill waste waters using anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment, membrane bioreactor, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation processes

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    Producción CientíficaAn endocrine disrupter is an exogenous agent that interferes with the synthesis, binding, secretion, transport, action or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis, reproduction, development, and behaviour. Some of them are suspected of causing abnormalities in sperm and increasing hormone-related cancers in humans. Studies have also been published on the estrogen-like responses of endocrine disrupters in wildlife, such as birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Endocrine disrupters include a wide variety of pollutants such as alkylphenols, bisphenol A, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, heavy metals, and natural or synthetic hormones. They may be released into the environment in different ways. One of the most important sources of endocrine disrupters are industrial waste waters. The conventional waste water treatment processes are not specifically designed to remove traces of dangerous organic contaminants (except for heavy metals) so the latter are consequently consumed by aquatic organisms and through them may also enter human food chain. In the presented research the following treatments for removing of organic endocrine disrupting compounds from paper mill waste waters were compared: anaerobic biological treatment, membrane bioreactor, and reverse osmosis (pilot plant A), and combined (anaerobic and aerobic) biological treatment, ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis (pilot plant B) at pilot scale and advanced oxidation processes (Fenton, photo-Fenton, photo-catalysis with TiO2 and ozonation) at laboratory scale. The results indicated that the concentrations of organic endocrine compounds from paper mill waste waters were efficiently reduced (100%) by both combinations of pilot plants, photo-Fenton oxidation (95%) while the ozonation, photo-catalysis with TiO2 reagent and Fenton reaction was less effective (70–80%).Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto S-0505/AMB-0100)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Proyecto CTM2008-06886-C02- 01)Unión Europea - (Project 211534

    Potentially toxic planktic and benthic Cyanobacteria in Slovenian freshwater bodies: detection by quantitative PCR

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    Due to increased frequency of cyanobacterial blooms and emerging evidence of cyanotoxicity in biofilm, reliable methods for early cyanotoxin threat detection are of major importance for protection of human, animal and environmental health. To complement the current methods of risk assessment, this study aimed to evaluate selected qPCR assays for detection of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in environmental samples. In the course of one year, 25 plankton and 23 biofilm samples were collected from 15 water bodies in Slovenia. Three different analyses were performed and compared to each other; qPCR targeting mcyE, cyrJ and sxtA genes involved in cyanotoxin production, LC-MS/MS quantifying microcystin, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin concentration, and microscopic analyses identifying potentially toxic cyanobacterial taxa. qPCR analyses detected potentially toxic Microcystis in 10 lake plankton samples, and potentially toxic Planktothrix cells in 12 lake plankton and one lake biofilm sample. A positive correlation was observed between numbers of mcyE gene copies and microcystin concentrations. Potential cylindrospermopsin- and saxitoxin-producers were detected in three and seven lake biofilm samples, respectively. The study demonstrated a potential for cyanotoxin production that was left undetected by traditional methods in both plankton and biofilm samples. Thus, the qPCR method could be useful in regular monitoring of water bodies to improve risk assessment and enable timely measures