96 research outputs found

    Barreiras e facilitadores à integração dos serviços de depressão e tuberculose na rede de atenção primária no Brasil

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    Mental disorders can affect up to 70% of individuals with tuberculosis (TB). The World Health Organization (WHO) End TB Strategy explicitly calls for TB and mental health service integration. The goal of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to integrating depression treatment in the TB Control Program and primary care system in the municipality of Itaboraí - Rio de Janeiro, using Interpersonal Counseling (IPC). IPC is an evidence-based treatment for depression that can be delivered by non-mental health specialists with expert supervision. This study was conducted between 2016 and 2017 in the municipality of Itaboraí. Data collection consisted of six focus groups (n = 42) with health professionals (n = 29), program coordinators (n = 7) and TB patients (n = 6). The main potential barriers identified were poverty, political instability, an overburdened and under-resourced health system, high levels of distress among professionals, violence in the community and stigma related to mental health and TB. Potential facilitators included a high receptivity to, and demand for, mental health training; strong community relationships through the Community Health Workers (CHW); overall acceptability of IPC delivered by non-specialists for the treatment of depression among individuals with and without comorbid TB. Despite many challenges, integrating depression treatment into primary care in Itaboraí using IPC was perceived as an acceptable and feasible option.Os transtornos mentais podem afetar até 70% dos indivíduos com tuberculose (TB). A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), como estratégia para o fim da TB, exige a integração do seu tratamento com a saúde mental. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar as barreiras e facilitadores para integrar serviços de saúde mental no Programa de Controle de Tuberculose (PCT) e em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) do município de Itaboraí – Rio de Janeiro, com a aplicação do Aconselhamento Interpessoal (AIP). O AIP é um tratamento para depressão baseado em evidências que pode ser aplicado por não especialistas em saúde mental com supervisão especializada. Seis grupos focais foram realizados entre 2016 e 2017 no município de Itaboraí. A amostra (n=42) incluiu profissionais de saúde (n=29), coordenadores de programas (n=7) e pacientes com TB (n=6). Os grandes desafios encontrados foram: pobreza, instabilidade política, um sistema de saúde sobrecarregado e com poucos recursos, alta frequência de estresse entre os profissionais, violência na comunidade e estigma relacionado à saúde mental e à TB. Os facilitadores potenciais incluíram uma grande receptividade e demanda para capacitações em saúde mental; boa relação com a comunidade pelos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) e; aceitação geral do AIP aplicado por não especialistas em saúde mental para o tratamento de depressão em pessoas com e sem TB. Apesar de muitos desafios, integrar o tratamento de depressão na atenção primária de Itaboraí aplicando o AIP foi percebido como uma alternativa aceitável e factível

    Avaliação de um escore clínico para rastreamento de suspeitos de tuberculose pulmonar

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy (sensitivity) of a clinical score for presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis cases during screening. METHODS: Descriptive cross-sectional study comprising 1,365 patients attending the department of lung diseases at a secondary care outpatient clinic in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, during 2006 and 2007. All respondents answered a standardized questionnaire administered by the clinic's nursing staff. Information on age, weight and clinical symptoms were collected. The presumptive diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was made by summing up the scores of the data collected. The diagnosis of active tuberculosis was based on bacteriological findings and medical criteria. There were estimated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for a set prevalence, and 95% confidence intervals for different score cutoffs. The score performance was assessed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: For the diagnosis of tuberculosis, cough for more than one week and cough for more than three weeks showed a sensitivity of 88.2% (86.2, 90.2) and 61.1% (57.93, 64.3), specificity 19.2% (16.6, 21.8) and 51.3% (48.1, 54.5), respectively. The clinical score of 8 had a sensitivity of 83.13% (77.8, 87.6), specificity of 51.8% (48.5, 55.1), positive predictive value of 91.6% (90.0, 83.2) and negative predictive value of 32.9% (30.1, 35.7). CONCLUSIONS: Cough for more than three weeks showed low sensitivity and specificity. A highly sensitive clinical score can be an alternative tool for screening pulmonary tuberculosis as it allows early care of suspected cases and standard nursing care approach.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la exactitud de escore clínico (sensibilidad) en el diagnostico presuntivo de tuberculosis pulmonar en pesquisa. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo-analítico transversal con 1.365 pacientes atendidos en el sector de pneumonologia en Unidad Básica de Salud de nivel secundario de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, de 2006 a 2007. Los participantes respondieron un cuestionario estandarizado, aplicado por equipo de enfermería, conteniendo informaciones referentes a la edad, peso y síntomas clínicos. El resultado presuntivo del diagnostico de tuberculosis pulmonar fue obtenido por la suma de puntuación de los datos colectados. Diagnostico de tuberculosis activa se basó en los resultados bacteriológicos y en la decisión medica. Se calcularon sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivos negativos para una prevalencia especificada, e intervalos de 95% de confianza para diversos puntos de corte del escore. El desempeño del escore fue evaluado por la curva receiver operating characteristic (ROC). RESULTADOS: Para diagnostico de tuberculosis, tos >; 1 semana y >; 3 semanas mostró sensibilidad respectivamente de 88,2% (86,2;90,2) y de 61,1% (57,93;64,3), especificidad de 19,2% (16,6;21,8) y 51,3% (48,1;54,5). El escore clínico con 8 puntos mostró una sensibilidad de 83,13%(77,8;87,6), especificidad de 51,8% (48,5;55,1), valor predictivo positivo de 91,6% (90,0;83,2) negativo 32,9% (30,1;35,7). CONCLUSIONES: Tos (>;3 sem) presentó baja sensibilidad y especificidad. Escore clínico con elevada sensibilidad puede ser una herramienta alternativa en la detección de tuberculosis pulmonar, pues además de agilizar la atención del caso sospechoso en la unidad, permite estandarizar el primer abordaje por la enfermera.OBJETIVO: Avaliar acurácia de escore clínico (sensibilidade) no diagnóstico presuntivo de tuberculose pulmonar em triagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo-analítico transversal com 1.365 pacientes atendidos no setor de pneumologia em Unidade Básica de Saúde de nível secundário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, de 2006 a 2007. Os participantes responderam um questionário padronizado, aplicado por equipe de enfermagem, contendo informações referentes à idade, peso e sintomas clínicos. O resultado presuntivo do diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar foi obtido pela soma da pontuação dos dados coletados. Diagnóstico de tuberculose ativa baseou-se nos resultados bacteriológicos e na decisão médica. Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos para uma prevalência especificada, e intervalos de 95% de confiança para diversos pontos de corte do escore. O desempenho do escore foi avaliado pela curva receiver operating characteristic (ROC). RESULTADOS: Para o diagnóstico de tuberculose, tosse >; 1 semana e >; 3 semanas mostrou sensibilidade respectivamente de 88,2% (86,2;90,2) e de 61,1% (57,93;64,3), especificidade de 19,2% (16,6;21,8) e 51,3% (48,1;54,5). O escore clínico com 8 pontos mostrou uma sensibilidade de 83,13% (77,8;87,6), especificidade de 51,8% (48,5;55,1), valor preditivo positivo de 91,6% (90,0;83,2) e negativo 32,9% (30,1;35,7). CONCLUSÕES: Tosse (>; 3 sem) apresentou baixa sensibilidade e especificidade. Escore clínico com elevada sensibilidade pode ser uma ferramenta alternativa na detecção de tuberculose pulmonar, pois, além de agilizar o atendimento do caso suspeito na unidade, permite padronizar a primeira abordagem pela enfermagem


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     Objetivo:Este estudo trata de responder a seguinte questão de investigação: como é o dia-a-dia do doente que faz o tratamento de tuberculose no HUCFF? Os objetivos foram identificar como o doente enfrenta seu dia-a-dia e discutir esses enfrentamentos para a adesão ao tratamento, por meio da Terapia Ocupacional.Método: Esta investigação se baseou na análise de conteúdo de Bardin, método que se preocupa com os aspectos da realidade e com o universo de significados. Para responder as questões, realizou-se processo de exploração do material das dez entrevistas gravadas por meio da pré-análise dos dados. Resultados:Os indicadores de enfrentamentos foram obtidos a partir de 76 evocações e que após a exploração e tratamento dos dados, os mesmos foram categorizados em três categorias: 1ª enfrentar a doença e suas conseqüências no cotidiano do tratamento; 2ª enfrentar a doença e as emoções cotidianas do tratar e a 3ª enfrentar a doença com espiritualidade e fé. ConclusãoConcluiu-se que existem diversos elementos vividos pelos pacientes, afetando seu corpo e que a Terapia Ocupacional propicia a adesão e o vínculo ao tratamento

    Proposta de vigilância de óbitos por tuberculose em sistemas de informação

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    OBJECTIVE: To propose a tuberculosis-related death surveillance strategy based on the Brazilian Mortality Information System. METHODS: Data on 55 tuberculosis-related deaths, which occurred in two large hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, between September 2005 and August 2006, were obtained from the SIM. These cases were searched and compared with cases in the National Notification System (Sinan). The increment in the number of notifications and completeness of data were evaluated, as well as entry type and outcome in Sinan. RESULTS: Of the 55 deaths, 28 were registered in Sinan. Comparison between systems allowed for the following corrections: 27 new cases were notified, 14 new notifications performed by the hospitals where death occurred and ten outcomes corrected. This represented an increment of 41/144 (28%) notifications by these two hospitals in 2006. Nine cases, previously classified as unconfirmed tuberculosis were reclassified as bacteriologically confirmed, and another five cases were reclassified from tuberculosis to AIDS as the primary cause of death. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed surveillance system for tuberculosis-related death was useful to increase data completeness, decrease under-notification and cases with unknown outcome, to evaluate epidemiological surveillance and death certificate quality and to trace previously unidentified contacts.OBJETIVO: Proponer estrategia de vigilancia de óbitos relacionados con tuberculosis con base en el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. MÉTODOS: Datos sobre 55 óbitos relacionados con tuberculosis, ocurridos en dos hospitales de grande porte en Rio de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil) entre septiembre de 2005 y agosto de 2006, fueron obtenidos en el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. En seguida, tales casos fueron confrontados con los registros en el Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación (SINAN). El incremento en el número de notificaciones y en la completitud de los datos fue evaluado, así como el tipo de entrada y resultado en el SINAN. RESULTADOS: De los 55 óbitos, 28 estaban notificados en el SINAN. La relación entre los sistemas posibilitó las siguientes correcciones: 27 nuevos casos notificados, 14 nuevas notificaciones realizadas por la unidad donde ocurrió el óbito y el encerramiento de diez notificaciones. Esto representó incremento de 41(28%) notificaciones de las 144 realizadas por los dos hospitales en 2006. Nueve casos fueron reclasificados para la condición de tuberculosis sin confirmación para tuberculosis con confirmación diagnóstica, y cinco casos fueron reclasificados de tuberculosis para Aids como causa básica de muerte. CONCLUSIÓN: La vigilancia de óbitos por tuberculosis propuesta permitió aumentar la completitud de los sistemas de información, disminuir la subnotificación y el número de casos no encerrados, supervisar la Vigilancia Epidemiológica de las unidades y la calidad del llenado de las Declaraciones de Óbito y buscar contactos no evaluados por el equipo de salud.OBJETIVO: Propor estratégia de vigilância de óbitos relacionados à tuberculose com base no Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade. MÉTODOS: Dados sobre os 55 óbitos relacionados à tuberculose, ocorridos em dois hospitais de grande porte do Rio de Janeiro entre setembro de 2005 e agosto de 2006, foram obtidos no Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade. Esses casos foram confrontados com os registros no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan). O incremento no número de notificações e na completitude dos dados foi avaliado, bem como o tipo de entrada e desfecho no Sinan. RESULTADOS: Dos 55 óbitos, 28 estavam notificados no Sinan. O relacionamento dos sistemas possibilitou as seguintes correções: 27 casos novos notificados, 14 novas notificações realizadas pela unidade em que ocorreu o óbito e o encerramento de dez notificações. Isso representou incremento de 41 (28%) notificações às 144 realizadas pelos dois hospitais em 2006. Nove casos foram reclassificados da condição de tuberculose sem confirmação para tuberculose com confirmação diagnóstica, e cinco casos foram reclassificados de tuberculose para Aids como causa básica de morte. CONCLUSÕES: A vigilância de óbitos por tuberculose proposta permitiu aumentar a completitude dos sistemas de informação, diminuir a subnotificação e o número de casos não encerrados, supervisionar a vigilância epidemiológica das unidades e a qualidade do preenchimento das declarações de óbito, além de buscar contatos não avaliados pela equipe de saúde

    IS1245 genotypic analysis of Mycobacterium avium isolates from patients in Brazil

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    AbstractObjective: Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection is an emerging opportunistic disease among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Brazil. The mode of transmission of M. avium in a developing country setting needs to be better characterized.Methods: Mycobacterium avium strain collections in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were analyzed according to the strains' IS1245 DNA gel electrophoretic migration patterns. Medical records of the patients from whom M. avium isolates were available were reviewed, and their demographic characteristics were stratified according to the isolates' IS1245 DNA fingerprint patterns.Results: Of 105 patients, 33 (31 %) with M. avium isolated between 1990 and 1994 had strains having IS1245 patterns identical in patterns seen in isolates from two or more patients (designated as cluster pattern strains). Cluster pattern strains were isolated from 21 (39%) of 54 patients with disseminated infection (defined as infection due to M. avium isolated from a sterile site in an adult patient). Six of the cluster pattern strains were isolated only from sterile sites. In São Paulo, cluster pattern strains were significantly more likely to be isolated from patients with disseminated disease.Conclusions: These preliminary observations suggest that in large cities of Brazil, a high proportion (at least 39%) of disseminated M. avium infections in patients with AIDS results from a recent transmission. Some strains of M. avium may be more likely to cause disseminated disease than others after an infection

    Avaliação audiométrica de pacientes em tratamento para tuberculose pulmonar

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    Objective: To evaluate the hearing status of patients being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis at referral hospitals in Brazil. Methods: This was a descriptive study involving 97 male and female inpatients/outpatients between 18 and 60 years of age who were undergoing treatment for active pulmonary tuberculosis at one of two referral hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro. After being interviewed, all of the patients underwent pure tone audiometry. Results: OF the 97 patients studied, 65 (67%) were male, 52 (54%) were receiving first-line treatment, and 45 (46%) were receiving second-line treatment, which included aminoglycosides. Smoking, alcohol consumption, exposure to noise, and ototoxic medication use were identified in 65 (67%), 51 (53%), 53 (55%), and 45 (46.4%) of the patients, respectively. The most common auditory and vestibular complaints were dizziness, in 28 patients (28.8%); tinnitus, in 27 (27.8%); and hypoacusis, in 23 (23.7%). Conclusions: Due to the great number of patients with hearing loss in the present study, we recommend that all patients under tuberculosis treatment be submitted to auditory monitoring.OBJETIVO: Analisar a condição auditiva de uma população em tratamento para tuberculose pulmonar em dois hospitais de referência no Brasil. \ud MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo envolvendo 97 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 anos e 60 anos, que estivessem em tratamento para tuberculose pulmonar ativa, internados ou em acompanhamento ambulatorial em dois hospitais de referência no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os participantes foram entrevistados e realizaram audiometria tonal liminar. \ud RESULTADOS: Na população estudada, 65 pacientes (67%) eram homens, 52 (54%) estavam em tratamento de primeira linha e 45 (46%) estavam em tratamento de segunda linha, o qual incluía aminoglicosídeos. Tabagismo, uso de bebidas alcoólicas, exposição a ruído e uso de medicamentos ototóxicos foram identificados respectivamente em 65 (67%), 51 (53%), 53 (55%) e 45 (46,4%) pacientes. As queixas auditivas e vestibulares mais frequentemente mencionadas foram tontura, em 28 (28,8%); zumbido, em 27 (27,8%); e hipoacusia, em 23 (23,7%). \ud CONCLUSÕES: Devido ao elevado número de casos de perda auditiva encontrado neste estudo, recomenda-se que todos os pacientes em tratamento para tuberculose sejam submetidos a monitoramento auditivo

    Classification and regression tree (CART) model to predict pulmonary tuberculosis in hospitalized patients

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health issue worldwide. The lack of specific clinical symptoms to diagnose TB makes the correct decision to admit patients to respiratory isolation a difficult task for the clinician. Isolation of patients without the disease is common and increases health costs. Decision models for the diagnosis of TB in patients attending hospitals can increase the quality of care and decrease costs, without the risk of hospital transmission. We present a predictive model for predicting pulmonary TB in hospitalized patients in a high prevalence area in order to contribute to a more rational use of isolation rooms without increasing the risk of transmission. Methods: Cross sectional study of patients admitted to CFFH from March 2003 to December 2004. A classification and regression tree (CART) model was generated and validated. The area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were used to evaluate the performance of model. Validation of the model was performed with a different sample of patients admitted to the same hospital from January to December 2005. Results: We studied 290 patients admitted with clinical suspicion of TB. Diagnosis was confirmed in 26.5% of them. Pulmonary TB was present in 83.7% of the patients with TB (62.3% with positive sputum smear) and HIV/AIDS was present in 56.9% of patients. The validated CART model showed sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 60.00%, 76.16%, 33.33%, and 90.55%, respectively. The AUC was 79.70%. Conclusions: The CART model developed for these hospitalized patients with clinical suspicion of TB had fair to good predictive performance for pulmonary TB. The most important variable for prediction of TB diagnosis was chest radiograph results. Prospective validation is still necessary, but our model offer an alternative for decision making in whether to isolate patients with clinical suspicion of TB in tertiary health facilities in countries with limited resources.Fogarty/NIHFogarty/NIH [3 D43 TW000018-16S3, 5 U2R TW006883-02]CNPq [504162/2008-0, 308889/2007-0]CNP

    String test: a potentially useful tool in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Brazilian children and adolescents

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    This study investigated the potential use of the String Test (ST) for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in children and adolescents. This is a case series of patients aged 4-15 years presenting with clinically presumed PTB and submitted to ST in three pediatric TB referral centers in Brazil, between November 2017 and July 2020. The ST was performed in the morning, after 4-12 h of fasting, followed by ingestion of the capsule by the patient, which was attached to the patient’s malar region. The material was collected for simultaneous smear microscopy (acid-fast bacilli - AFB), culture and the molecular investigation by the GeneXpert MTB/RIF®. Thirty-three patients with presumed PTB were included and ST was performed in 26 (78.8%) of them and 7 (21.2%) patients could not swallow the cord. The diagnosis of PTB was established in 11 (42.3%) of the 26 patients who underwent the ST. The diagnosis of PTB was confirmed (by culture or GeneXpert MTB/RIF®) in 5 patients, 4 of whom were also positive by the ST. Two of them showed positivity by the GeneXpert MTB/RIF® only in the ST sample. Two other patients had a positive ST following the induced sputum test (AFB, GeneXpert MTB/RIF®, and positive culture in both specimens). Thus, ST was positive in 36.4% of the patients in whom PTB was diagnosed. ST could be a useful test for diagnosing PTB in children and adolescents

    The presence of a booster phenomenon among contacts of active pulmonary tuberculosis cases: a retrospective cohort

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Assuming a higher risk of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection in the population of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in October of 1998 the TB Control Program of Clementino Fraga Filho Hospital (CFFH) routinely started to recommend a two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) in contacts of pulmonary TB cases in order to distinguish a boosting reaction due to a recall of delayed hypersensitivity previously established by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) or BCG vaccination from a tuberculin conversion. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of boosted tuberculin skin tests among contacts of individuals with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud Retrospective cohort of TB contacts ≥ 12 years old who were evaluated between October 1st, 1998 and October 31st 2001. Contacts with an initial TST ≤ 4 mm were considered negative and had a second TST applied after 7–14 days. Boosting reaction was defined as a second TST ≥ 10 mm with an increase in induration ≥ 6 mm related to the first TST. All contacts with either a positive initial or repeat TST had a chest x-ray to rule out active TB disease, and initially positive contacts were offered isoniazid preventive therapy. Contacts that boosted did not receive treatment for latent TB infection and were followed for 24 months to monitor the development of TB. Statistical analysis of dichotomous variables was performed using Chi-square test. Differences were considered significant at a p < 0.05.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud Fifty four percent (572/1060) of contacts had an initial negative TST and 79% of them (455/572) had a second TST. Boosting was identified in 6% (28/455). The mean age of contacts with a boosting reaction was 42.3 ± 21.1 and with no boosting was 28.7 ± 21.7 (p = 0.01). Fifty percent (14/28) of individuals whose test boosted met criteria for TST conversion on the second TST (increase in induration ≥ 10 mm). None of the 28 contacts whose reaction boosted developed TB disease within two years following the TST.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud \ud The low number of contacts with boosting and the difficulty in distinguishing boosting from TST conversion in the second TST suggests that the strategy of two-step TST testing among contacts of active TB cases may not be useful. However, this conclusion must be taken with caution because of the small number of subjects followed.The authors are grateful to Anne Efron and Dr. Richard Chaisson for their assistance and support to this manuscript. Cristiane G Salles and Michelle Cailleaux-Cesar were recipients of a scholarship from Cornell/Fogarty/NIH project # 3 D43 TW000018-16S3.The authors are grateful to Anne Efron and Dr. Richard Chaisson for their assistance and support to this manuscript. Cristiane G Salles and Michelle CailleauxCesar were recipients of a scholarship from Cornell/Fogarty/NIH project # 3 D43 TW00001816S3