44 research outputs found

    On the Possibilities of and for Persistent Objection

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    Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka lÀrares uppfattningar om taluppfattning, undervisningsmetoder och arbetssÀtt, samt Àven undersöka hur förankringen till Lgr 11 synliggörs, och om eleverna Àr delaktiga i sina lÀrandemÄl. Den undersöker lÀrarnas varierade uppfattningar kring taluppfattning inom respektive skolform, grundskola, grundsÀrskola, samt grundsÀrskola inriktning trÀningsskola. Taluppfattning handlar mycket om att det Àr ett verktyg och grunden i all matematik, men Àven om sifferpositioner och att det hör till kroppen. Variationerna i studien ligger delvis till grund för resultatmodellen i analysen. Studien utgÄr frÄn ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, dÀr lÀrande utvecklas i samspel med andra och att lÀrandet utvecklas inom Vygotskijs proximala utvecklingszon. Den fenomenografiska metodansats som anvÀnts har inspirerat till semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har gjorts i sju olika steg, dÀr resultatet blir ett utfallsrum. Resultatet diskuteras utifrÄn studiens frÄgestÀllningar och visar att det finns en hel del likheter mellan skolformerna och undervisningen, men ocksÄ en del stora variationer. En av de stora skillnaderna Àr att undervisningen inom grundsÀrskolan och inriktning trÀningsskolan, oftare sker i mindre grupper eller enskilt. Att göra en förankring till Lgr 11 sÄ att eleverna blir delaktiga i sina lÀrandemÄl, visar den största variationen mellan skolformerna. Alla intervjuade lÀrare Àr eniga om att det Àr viktigt att anvÀnda sig av olika undervisningsmetoder som gynnar elevernas lÀrande

    On the Possibilities of and for Persistent Objection

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    Public International Law and Its Territorial Imperative

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    Territory, or the concept of territory, thus asserts itself throughout the discipline of public international law, and its influences can be felt either through direct means or discrete

    The Power of International Law as Language

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    The Contingencies of Piracy

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    Public International Law and Its Territorial Imperative

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    Territory, or the concept of territory, thus asserts itself throughout the discipline of public international law, and its influences can be felt either through direct means or discrete

    The Contingencies of Piracy

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    Fourteen ways of looking back at the Treaty of Versailles

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    This article examines the idea of the Treaty of Versailles as a readily quantifiable corpus of provisions as set down in a readily identifiable document that was signed at the Palace of Versailles on 28 June 1919. It does so by recalling the pre-history to that peace that stretches as far back as US President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points of January 1918, for the German Government accepted these Fourteen Points as well as subsequent pronouncements of President Wilson as the basis for the peace that ended the Great War. Through a close engagement with diplomatic correspondence from October and November 1918, the article considers how impressions came to form that a ‘contract’ had been made with the enemy (John Maynard Keynes) by the time of the Armistice of Compiùgne of November 1918—an apparent ‘charter for our future activity’ (Harold Nicolson) or a localized lex pacificatoria for its time. The article explores the amenability of each of the Fourteen Points to international normativity and, in its final section, it provides a broader account of how this set of positions shaped Germany’s official response to the draft treaty (‘Observations of the German Delegation on the Conditions of Peace’) that was released in May 1919

    A Symposium on Confronting Global Terrorism and American Neo-Conservatism: The Framework of a Liberal Grand Strategy. By Tom Farer. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.

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    A review of: Confronting Global Terrorism and American Neo-Conservatism: The Framework of a Liberal Grand Strategy. By Tom Farer. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008

    Self-Defence against Non-state Actors: The Interaction between Self-Defence as a Primary Rule and Self-Defence as a Secondary Rule

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    This article examines the law of self-defence as applied to non-state attacks in light of the coalition air strikes against ISIL in Syria. It critiques the two current interpretations of the law of self-defence – one based on attribution and the other on the ‘unable or unwilling’ test – for failing to address adequately the security threat posed by non-state actors or for not addressing convincingly the legal issues arising from the fact that the self-defence action unfolds on the territory of another state. For this reason, it proposes an alternative framework which combines the primary rule of self-defence to justify the use of defensive force against non-state actors, with the secondary rule of self-defence to excuse the incidental breach of the territorial state's sovereignty