15 research outputs found

    Ökat hot och vĂ„ld i arbetslivet – en följd av förĂ€ndrade arbetsförhĂ„llanden? : En studie utifrĂ„n de svenska Arbetsmiljöundersökningarna 1991–2005

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    Increase in work related violence. A reflection of changes in working conditions? An analysis based on the Swedish Work Environment surveys. Victim surveys from Sweden show that the proportion reporting exposure to work related violence has increased. On the basis of the Swedish Work Environment surveys 1991–2005 this article focuses on the following questions: What kind of situations and working conditions are related to workplace violence? And, has the number of employees exposed to these working conditions increased parallel to the rise of reported workplace violence? Logistic regression analysis shows that some situations and working conditions are indeed related tothe risk of violence. To some extent exposure to these working conditions co-varies with exposure to violence. This result is more prominent for women than for men. Further research is needed to understand how changes in working conditions affect the risk of violence and the development thereof, not least from a gender perspective. Even so, changes in working conditions can not alone explain the increase of reported workplace violence in Sweden during this period. It seems that the influence of changed working conditions offers an interesting complement to criminological theories of broadened definitions and decreasing tolerance against violence in problematizing how an increase in reported workplace violence should and could be understood.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Ska strÀngare straff dömas ut vid Äterfall? - AllmÀnhetens instÀllning till Äterfallsstraff enligt en nationell vinjettstudie

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    English title: Harsher punishments for repeat offenders? The public's opinion according to a Swedish vignette study The principle of punishing repeat offenders more severely is widespread. A recurring justification in the public debate for this principle is that »public sentiment« demands harsher punishments for recidivists. In this study survey participants are asked to propose appropriate sanctions for five different criminal cases described in vignettes. The offender in each case is described as either having or not having previous convictions. There is little difference in the sanctions given to previously convicted and non-convicted offenders. According to the results, »public sentiment« does not come across as sufficiently homogeneous, on its own, to legitimize a system where repeat offenders are systematically and consistently punished more severely than offenders with no previous convictions. If we are to justify enhanced punishments for repeat offenders, we should seek a more solid basis for doing so than simply relying on routine referrals to public opinio

    Ökat hot och vĂ„ld i arbetslivet – en följd av förĂ€ndrade arbetsförhĂ„llanden? : En studie utifrĂ„n de svenska Arbetsmiljöundersökningarna 1991–2005

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    Increase in work related violence. A reflection of changes in working conditions? An analysis based on the Swedish Work Environment surveys. Victim surveys from Sweden show that the proportion reporting exposure to work related violence has increased. On the basis of the Swedish Work Environment surveys 1991–2005 this article focuses on the following questions: What kind of situations and working conditions are related to workplace violence? And, has the number of employees exposed to these working conditions increased parallel to the rise of reported workplace violence? Logistic regression analysis shows that some situations and working conditions are indeed related tothe risk of violence. To some extent exposure to these working conditions co-varies with exposure to violence. This result is more prominent for women than for men. Further research is needed to understand how changes in working conditions affect the risk of violence and the development thereof, not least from a gender perspective. Even so, changes in working conditions can not alone explain the increase of reported workplace violence in Sweden during this period. It seems that the influence of changed working conditions offers an interesting complement to criminological theories of broadened definitions and decreasing tolerance against violence in problematizing how an increase in reported workplace violence should and could be understood

    AkutvÄrdsdata som indikator pÄ vÄldsbrottslighetens utveckling : En analys av samtliga patientbesök av vÄlds- och misshandelsskadade pÄ Södersjukhusets akutklinik i Stockholm 1996 - 2006

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    VĂ„ldsbrottslighetens utveckling Ă€r stĂ€ndigt omdebatterad. Olika sĂ€tt att mĂ€ta utvecklingen pĂ„ ger olika bilder av det som undersöks dĂ„ olika metoder antas fĂ„nga upp olika delar av brottsligheten. VĂ„ld Ă€r dessutom ett begrepp som definierats olika genom historien och i olika kontexter. Detta sammantaget gör att det finns all anledning att stĂ€ndigt ompröva och pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt mĂ€ta vĂ„ldsbrottsligheten och dess utveckling. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att presentera akutvĂ„rdsdata som en tĂ€nkbar indikator pĂ„ vĂ„ldsbrottslighetens struktur, omfattning och utveckling. Dessutom diskuteras huruvida en analys av öppenvĂ„rdsdata kan fungera som en validering av slutenvĂ„rdsdata som kriminologiskt instrument att mĂ€ta vĂ„ldsbrottsligheten pĂ„. Data till föreliggande studie omfattas av samtliga patienter som sökt vĂ„rd pĂ„ Södersjukhusets akutmottagning för skador frĂ„n vĂ„ld- eller misshandel dĂ€r gĂ€rningsmannen Ă€r nĂ„gon som den vĂ„rdsökande inte har eller har haft en relation med. Studien avser perioden 1996 – 2005 samt första halvĂ„ret 2006. Antalet besök pĂ„ Södersjukhuset av vĂ„lds- eller misshandelspatienter har, bortsett frĂ„n första och sista helĂ„ret, legat relativt oförĂ€ndrat pĂ„ cirka 1500 – 1600 patientbesök per Ă„r. Unga kvinnor som sökt vĂ„rd för skador frĂ„n vĂ„ld mellan obekanta har ökat nĂ„got i antal. Antalet knivskadade har legat stabilt runt hundra fall per Ă„r medan antalet skottskador sĂ„ gott som halveras efter 2001. HjĂ€rnskakning och sĂ„rskador Ă€r de vanligaste sökorsakerna och överkroppen inklusive de övre extremiteterna Ă€r de mest utsatta delarna av kroppen. Andelen vĂ„lds- och misshandelspatienter som skrivits in i slutenvĂ„rd har i stort sett varit oförĂ€ndrad under den studerade perioden. Ur akutvĂ„rdsdata framkommer en bild som uppvisar bĂ„de skillnader och likheter med andra mer etablerade indikatorer pĂ„ vĂ„ldsbrottligheten. För att kunna dra mer lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende slutsatser om den bild av vĂ„ldsbrottslighetens omfattning, struktur och utveckling inom en viss region som akutvĂ„rdsdata kan ge, samt om validiteten i slutenvĂ„rdsdata utifrĂ„n en analys av öppenvĂ„rdsdata, krĂ€vs en mer omfattande datainsamling och analys

    AkutvÄrdsdata som indikator pÄ vÄldsbrottslighetens utveckling : En analys av samtliga patientbesök av vÄlds- och misshandelsskadade pÄ Södersjukhusets akutklinik i Stockholm 1996 - 2006

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    VĂ„ldsbrottslighetens utveckling Ă€r stĂ€ndigt omdebatterad. Olika sĂ€tt att mĂ€ta utvecklingen pĂ„ ger olika bilder av det som undersöks dĂ„ olika metoder antas fĂ„nga upp olika delar av brottsligheten. VĂ„ld Ă€r dessutom ett begrepp som definierats olika genom historien och i olika kontexter. Detta sammantaget gör att det finns all anledning att stĂ€ndigt ompröva och pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt mĂ€ta vĂ„ldsbrottsligheten och dess utveckling. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att presentera akutvĂ„rdsdata som en tĂ€nkbar indikator pĂ„ vĂ„ldsbrottslighetens struktur, omfattning och utveckling. Dessutom diskuteras huruvida en analys av öppenvĂ„rdsdata kan fungera som en validering av slutenvĂ„rdsdata som kriminologiskt instrument att mĂ€ta vĂ„ldsbrottsligheten pĂ„. Data till föreliggande studie omfattas av samtliga patienter som sökt vĂ„rd pĂ„ Södersjukhusets akutmottagning för skador frĂ„n vĂ„ld- eller misshandel dĂ€r gĂ€rningsmannen Ă€r nĂ„gon som den vĂ„rdsökande inte har eller har haft en relation med. Studien avser perioden 1996 – 2005 samt första halvĂ„ret 2006. Antalet besök pĂ„ Södersjukhuset av vĂ„lds- eller misshandelspatienter har, bortsett frĂ„n första och sista helĂ„ret, legat relativt oförĂ€ndrat pĂ„ cirka 1500 – 1600 patientbesök per Ă„r. Unga kvinnor som sökt vĂ„rd för skador frĂ„n vĂ„ld mellan obekanta har ökat nĂ„got i antal. Antalet knivskadade har legat stabilt runt hundra fall per Ă„r medan antalet skottskador sĂ„ gott som halveras efter 2001. HjĂ€rnskakning och sĂ„rskador Ă€r de vanligaste sökorsakerna och överkroppen inklusive de övre extremiteterna Ă€r de mest utsatta delarna av kroppen. Andelen vĂ„lds- och misshandelspatienter som skrivits in i slutenvĂ„rd har i stort sett varit oförĂ€ndrad under den studerade perioden. Ur akutvĂ„rdsdata framkommer en bild som uppvisar bĂ„de skillnader och likheter med andra mer etablerade indikatorer pĂ„ vĂ„ldsbrottligheten. För att kunna dra mer lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende slutsatser om den bild av vĂ„ldsbrottslighetens omfattning, struktur och utveckling inom en viss region som akutvĂ„rdsdata kan ge, samt om validiteten i slutenvĂ„rdsdata utifrĂ„n en analys av öppenvĂ„rdsdata, krĂ€vs en mer omfattande datainsamling och analys

    The Public's Sense of Justice in Sweden - a Smorgasbord of Opinions

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    The public’s views on what constitute appropriate reactions to crime, have come to assume an increasingly central position in the crime policy rhetoric of western countries. In Sweden this manifests itself in recurrent referrals to the public’s sense of justice. Any clear definitions of what the public’s sense of justice is, how it is expressed and how it can be read are however absent from these referrals. In this thesis the use of referrals to the public’s sense of justice as a legitimizing ground for penal legislation is problematized from an empirical perspective. Paper I points out the substantial variation found in the public’s view on what constitutes appropriate sentences. According to Paper II society’s reactions to crime are expected to fulfill different, and often contradictory, objectives simultaneously. Paper III also points to the assumption that views on what constitutes appropriate sentences are based on deliberations where different dimensions of society’s reaction are weighed against each other. The public’s sense of justice, thus, consists of diverse, variable and complex opinions. Referrals to it as a legitimizing ground for changes in penal legislation becomes a matter of choice between whose and which opinion it is that should be emphasized. For this choice to be perceived as legitimate it should not be made without at the same time motivating it. If crime policy is to be both knowledge-based and fitted to the public’s sense of justice the public must be given the opportunity to develop an informed and well-grounded sense of justice. Especially since, compared to other political matters, crime policy and its consequences are something that only a small portion of the public comes into direct contact with. The suggestion is that the public criminal policy debate is framed so that it matches the complexity of the public’s sense of justice itself.At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Accepted.</p

    The Public's Sense of Justice in Sweden - a Smorgasbord of Opinions

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    The public’s views on what constitute appropriate reactions to crime, have come to assume an increasingly central position in the crime policy rhetoric of western countries. In Sweden this manifests itself in recurrent referrals to the public’s sense of justice. Any clear definitions of what the public’s sense of justice is, how it is expressed and how it can be read are however absent from these referrals. In this thesis the use of referrals to the public’s sense of justice as a legitimizing ground for penal legislation is problematized from an empirical perspective. Paper I points out the substantial variation found in the public’s view on what constitutes appropriate sentences. According to Paper II society’s reactions to crime are expected to fulfill different, and often contradictory, objectives simultaneously. Paper III also points to the assumption that views on what constitutes appropriate sentences are based on deliberations where different dimensions of society’s reaction are weighed against each other. The public’s sense of justice, thus, consists of diverse, variable and complex opinions. Referrals to it as a legitimizing ground for changes in penal legislation becomes a matter of choice between whose and which opinion it is that should be emphasized. For this choice to be perceived as legitimate it should not be made without at the same time motivating it. If crime policy is to be both knowledge-based and fitted to the public’s sense of justice the public must be given the opportunity to develop an informed and well-grounded sense of justice. Especially since, compared to other political matters, crime policy and its consequences are something that only a small portion of the public comes into direct contact with. The suggestion is that the public criminal policy debate is framed so that it matches the complexity of the public’s sense of justice itself.At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Accepted.</p