27 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Orang Tua Siswa Memilih SD Kasatriyan Surakarta

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    The Kasatriyan elementary school (SD Kasatriyan) is one of the oldest elementary schools in Surakarta and was founded on November 1, 1901 by Sinuhun Pakubowono X. Located in the neighborhood of Surakarta Palace, in the beginningonly accepts male students from the members of the royal family. However, in 1983 developed to accept female students and the general students from outside the royalfamily members. In the 2000s, the Kasatriyan elementary school has decreased the number of students. This problem may have happened because the establishment ofnew schools which have advantages in terms of facilities, curriculum development and the hiring of foreign teachers. The elementary school is the business of educational services that using the marketing mix to introduce the services offered.Therefore, in this research used the marketing mix to determine the factors that influence the decision to choose SD Kasatriyan. This study used a sample of 50respondents from the parents of elementary school students Kasatriyan. The results showed that variables such as promotions, services, and accreditation status has aninfluence on the decision of parents to choose the SD Kasatriyan. Meanwhile, other variables such as product, cost, and location, are not shown to affect the decision of parents to choose the SD Kasatriyan

    The Correlation Between Metakognitive Skill and Cognitive Learning Result of Students in Scientific Learnings in the Subject Biology High School Curriculum 2013

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    Metacognitive skills is seen as one of the factors that influence the cognitive learning. Relations metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes can be achieved through the use of specific instructional strategies. Thus the relationship has been much studied. However, the study of the relationship of metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes in learning biology curriculum implemented in 2013 is still lacking. This study is a correlational study revealing the relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes on the use of scientific learning strategies. The study was conducted during the semester. The study population was class X SMA Negeri 1 Malang, Indonesia. Samples taken as a single class taught using scientific learning strategy which is often known as 5M. The results show that there is a relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes in the application of scientific learning. The regression equation based on the results of the data analysis is y = 0,493x + 20.37 with the reliability value of 0.549 which means donations metacognitive skills of students on the cognitive learning is 54.9%, while 45.1% are other factors besides metacognitive skills. Conclusions based on these results that the students' metacognitive skills associated with cognitive achievement on the use of scientific learning

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Pola Pbmp (Pemberdayaan Berpikir melalui Pertanyaan) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Metakognisi dalam Pembelajaran Biologi pada Siswa Kelas X Mia-2 SMA Negeri 8 Malang

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    This research is a class act. This study aims to determine the application of learning patterns PBMP (Empowerment Through Thinking Questions) to increase awareness of metacognition in learning Biology MIA in class X - 2 at SMAN 8 Malang . This research was conducted during two cycles , each cycle includes stages : 1) initial Reflection / pre-action, 2) action planning, 3) Implementation and observation , 4) Reflection. The number of students in the class XMIA - 2 as many as 34 students . After analyzing the data , metacognition skills in the first cycle was 56.8 while the second cycle of 70.5. This metacognition skills measured using metacognition rubric (adapted from Corebima, 2011). This column is used to determine the metacognition skills by analyzing the answers to the written test in narrative form of KD 3.7 and 3.8. The conclusion of this research study PBMP patterns can improve the skills of metacognition in learning biology at XMIA - 2 grade students of SMAN 8 Malang . The author gives advice to other researchers to integrate pattern into PBMP teaching models on Curriculum 2013

    Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri dan Permasalahannya dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi SMA di Kota Malang

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif sub-kategori survei. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri dan permasalahannya dalam pembelajaran biologi SMA di Kota Malang.Secara umum penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yakni:1) Menentukan masalah penelitian; 2) Membuat desain survei; 3) Mengembangkan instrumen survei; 4) Menentukan sampel; 5) Melakukan penyebaran instrumen penelitian; 6) Mengumpulkan data; 7) Memeriksa data (editing); 8) Mengkode data; 9) Data entry; 10) Pengolahan dan analisis data; 11) Interpretasi data; dan 12) Membuat kesimpulan serta rekomendasi.Populasi penelitian sebanyak 41 sekolah terdiri dari 10 sekolah negeri dan 31 sekolah swasta. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara berlapis (stratified sampling). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) pembelajaran inkuiri yang diterapkan oleh guru biologi SMA di Kota Malang tidak sesuai dengan sintaks inkuiri yang benar, 2) pemahaman tentang inkuiri terbimbing tidak tepat, 3) permasalahan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terjadi akibat miskonsepsi terhadap sintaks pembelajaran berbasis inkuri dan pemahaman terhadap konsep inkuiri terbimbing. 4) penilaian pembelajaran berbasis inkuri yang dilaksanakan oleh guru biologi SMA di Kota Malang tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik penilaian inkuiri. Saran sebagai tindak lanjut agar diadakan kegiatan yang memberikan pengalaman kepada pengajar non inkuiri menjadi pengajar inkuri melalui pemodelan padakegiatan lesson study. Penulis juga memberikan rekomendasi kepada peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan guna menghilangkan miskonsepsi terhadap pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri dan pengembangan asesmen yang tepat untuk pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri

    The Effect of Pretreatment by using Electron Beam Irradiation on Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch

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    Oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) is a potential type of lignocellulosic biomass for second-generation bioethanol production. The pretreatment process is an important process in the series of processes to produce bioethanol. This research aims to study the effects of pretreatment process by using electron beam irradiation to OPEFB’s characterization as raw materials for the hydrolysis reaction to produce monomer sugars which will be fermented into ethanol. The untreated and treated OPEFB are characterized in terms of their physical and chemical properties. Analysis results of the compositional analysis by using NREL/TP-510-42618 method show that after pretreatment by using electron beam irradiation, OPEFB's total lignin content is changed little while its cellulose and hemicellulose contents tend to decrease with increasing irradiation dose. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that there is a decrease of crystallinity compared to untreated OPEFB, except for 200-kGy irradiated OPEFB. The highest decrease of crystallinity was shown by 300-kGy irradiated OPEFB. Further, crystallite sizes of treated OPEFBs are not significantly different from the untreated, except for the 200-kGy irradiated OPEFB. Irradiation pretreatment also increases specific surface area, pore volume, and pore size. The IR spectra analysis show the absorption of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.Received: 07 January 2015; Revised:15 May 2015; Accepted: 17 May 2015

    Managing Rewards to Enhance Customer Value: Empirical Study of Frequent Flyer Program

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    . The goal of relational program is to retain customers who are profitable to the organization. Reward point is a form of customer loyalty widely used by many industries including airline industry. Airline loyalty program, notorious as Frequent Flyer Program (FFP), is the most sophisticated marketing strategic used by airline industries nowadays. However most airlines have very little understanding of their FFP members yet have a little knowledge about their most valuable customers. Most airlines have inaccurately determined the customer values by only considering business worth of nominal profit generated by FFP members. The value of customers beyond purchasing behavior - called relational worth - has not been commonly captured yet. This non-financial value is predicted as a driver in retaining customers, hence becomes one of crucial factors in preserving the profitability of the organization. For this reason, this paper aims to examine the customer non-financial valuations of FFP members to the airline. The hypotheses are empirically tested with a sample of FFP members of respected airline conducted through online survey (n=475). The data were statistically analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results indicate that perceived rewards generate higher value of relational worth through indirect relationship by intervening variable of relationship quality than that of generated by a direct relationship

    Modul pelatihan kurikulum 2013 bagi kepala sekolah tahun 2018 : manajemen implementasi kurikulum 2013 jenjang SMA

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    Modul ini dibuat dalam rangka membantu mempersiapkan semua sekolah dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013, akan dilakukan pelatihan kurikulum 2013 bagi kepala sekolah pada jenjang satuan pendidikan SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK


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    Abstract.This research aims to know how the process and the result of developing mathematics learning materials based on NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) of trigonometry topic at grade X senior high school. This study developessyllabus, lesson plan,worksheet, evaluation test, and Studentbook.The development mathematics learning materials standardized NCTM. This development model refers to 4-D Thiagarajan and Sammel & Samel models. This four steps are defining step, designing step, developing step, and disseminating step.The product of learning materials development standardized by NCTMfortrigonometry topic has fulfilled the validation criteria, practicability, and effectiveness. Key Words:Learning Materials, NCTM, Trigonometry

    Modeling dengue disease transmission for juvenile in bandung, indonesia

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    Dengue disease is the most common mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world, especially in Bandung, Indonesia. Juvenile age group is important to be considered in dengue management since the number of cases in this age group is significantly increasing year by year especially in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Another concern to pay special attention to this age group is because dengue infection among juveniles shall hinder their growing process and influence their academic achievement at schools. Apart from that, it will lower parents’ productivity as they have to be absent from work, and they have to spend expenses for medication. One of the effective and efficient strategies to prevent the transmission is by analysing the spatial and temporal distribution of dengue disease incidence and its trend. In this study, the random effect Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) is applied and numerical Bayesian method through Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) is used. The models are applied to dengue disease incidence in year 2013 for the juvenile group in Bandung