18 research outputs found


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    Kali Code adalah kali yang berada di tengah Kota Yogyakarta. Lokasinya yang strategis membuat bantaran kalinya pun menarik untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal. Dengan lokasinya yang berada di tengah Kota Yogyakarta terlebih di bantaran kali, permukiman di tepian Kali Code memiliki risiko bencana. Selain itu, menurut PP No. 38 tahun 2011, rumah-rumah lapis pertama dari Kali Code sudah masuk ke area yang seharusnya menjadi sempadan sungai. Lahar hujan tahun 2010 adalah bencana besar yang menimpa permukiman bantaran Kali Code. Walaupun begitu, setelah bertahun-tahun lahar hujan terjadi, warga tetap bertahan tinggal di permukiman yang berisiko tersebut. Kampung Jogoyudan termasuk ke area terdampak lahar hujan 2010 yang paling parah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses terbentuknya ketahanan warga RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan pasca bencana lahar hujan dan bagaimana teori lokal ketahanan bagi warga RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fenomenologi. Data diambil dengan wawancara mendalam dengan tokoh-tokoh kunci dan warga RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan. Data diambil pada tahun 2014 yang terhitung empat tahun sejak terjadinya bencana lahar hujan. Data kemudian diinduksi dan menghasilkan pembahasan mengenai teori lokal ketahanan di RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan Kota Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap data, RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan telah melalui masa sulit pasca bencana lahar hujan dan telah masuk dalam fase ketahanan. Kemudian, berdasarkan analisis lebih lanjut, didapatkan sebuah teori lokal bahwa ketahanan warga RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan berasal dari proses yang merupakan gabungan dari keterpaksaan, tercipta keguyuban yang semakin baik, bantuan pihak eksternal yang mendukung, keterbiasan menghadapi bencana dan dilengkapi dengan konsep ketawakalan yang dimiliki warga. Teori lokal tersebut menunjukkan unsur manusia sebagai pemeran utama pembentuk ketahanan. Teori lokal ini berlaku secara terbatas dan hanya akan terbentuk dengan kondisi masyarakat yang serupa dengan RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan Kota Yogyakarta. Kata Kunci : Ketahanan, permukiman bantaran kali, Kali Code, lahar hujan tahun 2010, Kota Yogyakart


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    Informal-like settlements such as urban kampong is a human habitat which has similar characteristics as an urban slum. They co-exist within urban ecosystem but progressing backward to sub-standard living quality. The recent status of urban kampong is worsened due to lack of basic service and sometimes neglected from spatial plan and program. Spatial reconfiguration is seen as an alternative model to revitalize informal-like urban kampong by creating the condition where the positive loop is available within the kampong. This model can be built by connecting and integrating the inner structure of the kampong's spatial layout to the network of city structure. This research aims to re-configure the spatial arrangement of urban kampong for gradual changes from informal condition to be a more formal, vibrant, and robust neighborhood. This method involves several approaches such as acknowledging the informality of urban kampong, understanding the favorite place and place attachment, reconfiguring new spatial layout, and comparing syntactical properties between existing and new spatial plan. The research result depicts a new spatial design proposal for urban kampong becoming more integrated and connected with the city structure, resulting in the progress of self-regeneration works by itself

    Kajian Terhadap Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tumbuhnya Pedagang Kakilima Pada Suatu Kawasan: Studi Kasus Kawasan Monumen Perjuangan 45 Banjarsari Surakarta (a Study on the Factors Accelerating the Growth of Vendors in a Region: a Case Study)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentitikasitaktor-faktor yang mempercepat pertumbuhan pedagang kaki lima di kawasan Monumen Perjuangan 45 Banjarsari Surakarta, serta mempelajari dampak faktor-taktor tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berfokus pada paradigma fenomenologi, serta menggunakan metode eksplorasi untuk pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempercepat tumbuhnya pedagang kaki lima dan diklasifikasikan menjadi (I) taktor eksternal (dari kota Surakarta dan sekitarnya), dan (2) faktor internal (daerah yang bersangkutan) Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut dengan kuat mempercepat pertumbuhan. Semua faktor mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dalam hal jumlah, perkembangan spesial kios permanen, jenis ruang yang ditempati, dan interaksi antar pedagang kaki lima di Monumen Perjuangan Banjarsari


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    This study uses cross-case analysis, this study aims to provide an innovation on housing policy which is frequently fail. Housing becomes a part of the basic needs for all citizen, especialy for those who have low incomes and poor citizens as mandated on the State constitution. The decentralization era is threathenedby a massive intervention of the Central Government which only creates the Local Government to be a charity chain and burden its potential innovation of both institutions and partnerships. Besides that, housing is a part of city. Therefore, it is necessary to build a strong relationship between fulfilling theneed of housing and the concept of urban planningThis study uses cross-case analysis, this study aims to provide an innovation on housing policy which is frequently fail. Housing becomes a part of the basic needs for all citizen, especialy for those who have low incomes and poor citizens as mandated on the State constitution. The decentralization era is threathened by a massive intervention of the Central Government which only creates the Local Government to be a charity chain and burden its potential innovation of both institutions and partnerships. Besides that, housing is a part of city. Therefore, it is necessary to build a strong relationship between fulfilling the need of housing and the concept of urban planning


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentitikasitaktor-faktor yang mempercepat pertumbuhan pedagang kaki lima di kawasan Monumen Perjuangan 45 Banjarsari Surakarta, serta mempelajari dampak faktor-taktor tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berfokus pada paradigma fenomenologi, serta menggunakan metode eksplorasi untuk pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempercepat tumbuhnya pedagang kaki lima dan diklasifikasikan menjadi (I) taktor eksternal (dari kota Surakarta dan sekitarnya), dan (2) faktor internal (daerah yang bersangkutan) Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut dengan kuat mempercepat pertumbuhan. Semua faktor mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dalam hal jumlah, perkembangan spesial kios permanen, jenis ruang yang ditempati, dan interaksi antar pedagang kaki lima di Monumen Perjuangan Banjarsari. ABSTRACTThe objevtives of this research are to identify factors that accelerate the growth of vendors at the Monumen Perjuangan 45 area in Banjarsari, and to study the impacts of those factors. The research adopted a qualitative approach by focusing on the phenomenology paradigm, and it used exploration method for data collection. The results identify that the factors accelerating the growth of vendors can be classified into (1) external factors (of Surakarta city and its hinterland), and (2) internal factors (of the area and vendors concerned). The research concluded that the factors strongly accelerating the growth. All of factors affect the growth of vendor in terms of the growth of the number, spatial development, degree of permanent building (kiosk), type of space occupied, width of area used, and the interaction among vendors at the Monumen Perjuangan 45 area in Banjarsari

    Kajian Terhadap Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tumbuhnya Pedagang Kaki Lima Pada Suatu Kawasan: Studi Kasus Kawasan Monumen Perjuangan 45 Banjarsari Surakarta

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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitianini adalah untuk pengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempercepat pertumbuhan pedagang kaki lima di kawasan Monumen Perjuangan 45 Banjarsari Surakarta, serta mempelajari dampak faktor-faktor tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berfokus pada paradigma fenomenologi, serta menggunakan metode eksplorasi untuk pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempercepat tumbuhnya pedagang kaki lima dan diklasifikasikan menjadi (1) faktor eksternal (dari kota Surakarta dan sekitarnya), dan (2) faktor internal (daerah yang bersangkutan) Penelitian menyimpulkanbahwa faktor-faktor tersebut dengan kuat mempercepat pertumbuhan. Semua faktor mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dalam hal jumlah, perkembangan spesial kios permanen, jenis ruang yangditempati,dan interaksi antarpedagang kaki limadi MonumenPerjuanganBanjarsari. Kata kunci: fenomenologi, pedagang kaki lim


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    Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan are part of Kotagede District. As part of Kotagede, it should be imply the images of Kotagede identity. Besides that, in Yogyakarta City Development Plan (RTRW) 2010-2029, Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan are pointed as street corridor which imply culture and tourism images. However, overtime, Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan definitely was changing, both in terms of physical, social and culture. All of those change absolutely effect to the image of that street corridor. Therefore, this research is an effort to identificate the image of Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan. It is done by observing the condition of land use and perceptions of local community. The result of this research shows that traditional spaces on Jalan Tegalgendu and Mondorakan are undergoing a transformation. The transformation of which are the reduction of traditional buildings, growth of economic activity and shift in silver production activity. The cause of that transformation is change of community lifestyles in this more modern era. The change of community lifestyles, evidently give a significant effect to spaces on Jalan tegalgendu and Mondorakan. Various conservation efforts to overcome this is already done but the results shown are not optimal yet


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    Ambarukmo region posseses several urban problems. The problems are road parkings that cause traffic jam, street vendors that occupy the pedestrian area, the cramped Nogopuro street, and the vile neighborhood. These problems need to be resolved through a development plan. Therefore, the development of parking lot and urban plaza as the catalisator is urgently needed in order to boost up the growth of this area. The development project goes by the name of �Taman Tawon Ambarukmo�. The development plan is concepted on the urban catalyst. Urban catalyst is purposed to extend its effect to other areas by producing social and economical activity placed in the comercial development site. The effect is also meant to be accessible by foot or bike. Meanwhile, some activists also become magnet in this project for international batik trade, traditional foodcourt, crative economy, exhibition of industrial art and culture of Yogyakarta (gamelan, pantomime, painting, and fashion show). Moreover, this project is tested for its feasibility by using benefit cost ratio (BCR) and net present value (NPV). The calculated BCR value is 3.65 with NPV of Rp. 126,269,618,620,-. Needless to say, this project is feasible, economically beneficial, and directly or indirectly providing social impact. Keywords: Parking lot and Urban Plazz, Urban Catalisator, BCR and NP


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    Plaza Benteng Kuto Besak has become one of public space as well as landmark of Palembang city on the Musi Riverside, and being a place or space that is formed due to the need of public for a place to communicate or recreation both individually or groups. The purpose of this research is to identify the tendency of space utilization occurs and the factors that affect of public doing activity in Plaza Benteng Kuto Besak This research method used is the deductive method with qualitative � descriptive approaches. the data of the visitor activities are described in the form of behavior mapping, place center mapping and and is completed with the results of the questionnaires and interviews with visitors and is analyzed in order to obtain the tendency of space utilization. The result demonstrates that relations between the behaviors/ activities, users (visitor), physical setting and time of visit interact with each other so giving rise to the characteristic spaces activities in Plaza Benteng Kuto Besak and also give special characteristic for Palembang city. While the factors that influence the public to make use of the space is open space and public access, views, historic character and accessibility easy. Keyword: plaza, public space, the tendency of space utilization, activity, visitor, physical setting, time of visi

    KAJIAN DAYA TARIK WISATA TERKAIT PERKEMBANGAN OBYEK WISATA GOA PINDUL (Desa Wisata Bejiharjo, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul)

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    Goa Pindul is the popular of new tourism in Gunung Kidul in particular and in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region in general. This tourist attraction has a unique tourist attraction that is cave tubing, where this attraction can only be encountered in the three countries in the world , namely New Zealand, Mexico, and Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of tourism components and identify the dominant factors in the development of Goa Pindul. The method used in this study is the deductive method explorative approach, in which the position of the theory used in the determination of the variables that support research in the field will then be examined. In identifying conditions sights Goa Pindul used the theory of triple A 's : attractions , aksesibilitasm and amenitas, also uses the theory of marketing and personal selling advertising. Goa Pindul viewed using life cycle theory Butler tourist destinations, namely exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, and post stagnation. Personal selling is a part of marketing theory holds the most important role in efforts to disseminate information about these attractions. So it is said that the promotion (marketing) are the main factors that influence the development of Goa Pindul