150 research outputs found

    Computer Vision Metrics: Survey, Taxonomy, and Analysis

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    Computer Vision Metrics provides an extensive survey and analysis of over 100 current and historical feature description and machine vision methods, with a detailed taxonomy for local, regional and global features. This book provides necessary background to develop intuition about why interest point detectors and feature descriptors actually work, how they are designed, with observations about tuning the methods for achieving robustness and invariance targets for specific applications. The survey is broader than it is deep, with over 540 references provided to dig deeper. The taxonomy includes search methods, spectra components, descriptor representation, shape, distance functions, accuracy, efficiency, robustness and invariance attributes, and more. Rather than providing ‘how-to’ source code examples and shortcuts, this book provides a counterpoint discussion to the many fine opencv community source code resources available for hands-on practitioners

    Vision Pipelines and Optimizations

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    This chapter explores some hypothetical computer vision pipeline designs to understand HW/SW design alternatives and optimizations. Instead of looking at isolated computer vision algorithms, this chapter ties together many concepts into complete vision pipelines. Vision pipelines are sketched out for a few example applications to illustrate the use of different methods. Example applications include object recognition using shape and color for automobiles, face detection and emotion detection using local features, image classification using global features, and augmented reality. The examples have been chosen to illustrate the use of different families of feature description metrics within the Vision Metrics Taxonomy presented in Chap. 5. Alternative optimizations at each stage of the vision pipeline are explored. For example, we consider which vision algorithms run better on a CPU versus a GPU, and discuss how data transfer time between compute units and memory affects performance. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Framgångsfaktorer för mediastreamingtjänster – styrs dessa av konsumenters behov?

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    Media har tidigare konsumerats genom tv, bio, hyrfilm radio osv. Konsumenten har fått köpa film och musik i butik eller titta på tv och lyssna på radio. Med Internets framfart har denna traditionella mediakonsumption fått konkurens. I dag konsumeras media alltmer via internet genom playtjänster och liknande mediastreamingtjänster. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om kritiska framgångsfaktorer för en mediastreamingtjänsts framgång. Studien besvarar följande forskningsfrågor: “Vilka är de nyckelfaktorer som konsumenter tittar på när de väljer en mediastreamingtjänst?”, “Vilka faktorer är ur ett ledningstperspektiv avgörande för om en mediastreamingtjänst blir framgångsrik eller ej?”, “Hur påverkar konsumentens behov det som ur ett ledningsperspektiv definieras som framgång för en mediastreamingtjänst?”. Studiens undersökning använde en kvantitativ metod då ett brett urval eftersträvades. 38 enkäter besvarades där konsumentens behov av en mediastreamingtjänst framkom. För att beskriva framgångsfaktorerna hos mediastreamingtjänster användes enkäternas svar och befintliga framgångsfaktorer för Informationssystem och E-Handelstjänster enligt DeLone och McLeans IS Framgångsmodell. Resultatet blev en beskrivning av framgångsfaktorerna i form av en mediastreamingtjänstanpassad version av DeLone och McLeans framgångsmodell samt två olika tillvägagångssätt för att beräkna framgång för dessa typer av tjänster

    A tutorial on the implementations of linear image filters in CPU and GPU

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    This article presents an overview of the implementation of linear image filters in CPU and GPU. The main goal is to present a self contained discussion of different implementations and their background using tools from digital signal processing. First, using signal processing tools, we discuss different algorithms and estimate their computational cost. Then, we discuss the implementation of these filters in CPU and GPU. It is very common to find in the literature that GPUs can easity reduce computational times in many algorithms (straightforward implementations). In this work we show that GPU implementations not always reduce the computational time but also not all algorithms are suited for GPUs. We beleive this is a review that can help researchers and students working in this area. Although the experimental results are not meant to show which is the best implementation (in terms of running time), the main results can be extrapolated to CPUs and GPUs of different capabilities.XV Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Epstein-Barr virus transcription factor Zta acts through distal regulatory elements to directly control cellular gene expression

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    Lytic replication of the human gamma herpes virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is an essential prerequisite for the spread of the virus. Differential regulation of a limited number of cellular genes has been reported in B-cells during the viral lytic replication cycle. We asked whether a viral bZIP transcription factor, Zta (BZLF1, ZEBRA, EB1), drives some of these changes. Using genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to next-generation DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) we established a map of Zta interactions across the human genome. Using sensitive transcriptome analyses we identified 2263 cellular genes whose expression is significantly changed during the EBV lytic replication cycle. Zta binds 278 of the regulated genes and the distribution of binding sites shows that Zta binds mostly to sites that are distal to transcription start sites. This differs from the prevailing view that Zta activates viral genes by binding exclusively at promoter elements. We show that a synthetic Zta binding element confers Zta regulation at a distance and that distal Zta binding sites from cellular genes can confer Zta-mediated regulation on a heterologous promoter. This leads us to propose that Zta directly reprograms the expression of cellular genes through distal elements

    Discriminative motif discovery in DNA and protein sequences using the DEME algorithm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Motif discovery aims to detect short, highly conserved patterns in a collection of unaligned DNA or protein sequences. Discriminative motif finding algorithms aim to increase the sensitivity and selectivity of motif discovery by utilizing a second set of sequences, and searching only for patterns that can differentiate the two sets of sequences. Potential applications of discriminative motif discovery include discovering transcription factor binding site motifs in ChIP-chip data and finding protein motifs involved in thermal stability using sets of orthologous proteins from thermophilic and mesophilic organisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe DEME, a discriminative motif discovery algorithm for use with protein and DNA sequences. Input to DEME is two sets of sequences; a "positive" set and a "negative" set. DEME represents motifs using a probabilistic model, and uses a novel combination of global and local search to find the motif that optimally discriminates between the two sets of sequences. DEME is unique among discriminative motif finders in that it uses an informative Bayesian prior on protein motif columns, allowing it to incorporate prior knowledge of residue characteristics. We also introduce four, synthetic, discriminative motif discovery problems that are designed for evaluating discriminative motif finders in various biologically motivated contexts. We test DEME using these synthetic problems and on two biological problems: finding yeast transcription factor binding motifs in ChIP-chip data, and finding motifs that discriminate between groups of thermophilic and mesophilic orthologous proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using artificial data, we show that DEME is more effective than a non-discriminative approach when there are "decoy" motifs or when a variant of the motif is present in the "negative" sequences. With real data, we show that DEME is as good, but not better than non-discriminative algorithms at discovering yeast transcription factor binding motifs. We also show that DEME can find highly informative thermal-stability protein motifs. Binaries for the stand-alone program DEME is free for academic use and is available at <url>http://bioinformatics.org.au/deme/</url></p

    Epigenotyping in Peripheral Blood Cell DNA and Breast Cancer Risk: A Proof of Principle Study

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    Background: Epigenetic changes are emerging as one of the most important events in carcinogenesis. Two alterations in the pattern of DNA methylation in breast cancer (BC) have been previously reported; active estrogen receptor-a (ER-a) is associated with decreased methylation of ER-a target (ERT) genes, and polycomb group target (PCGT) genes are more likely than other genes to have promoter DNA hypermethylation in cancer. However, whether DNA methylation in normal unrelated cells is associated with BC risk and whether these imprints can be related to factors which can be modified by the environment, is unclear.Methodology/Principal Findings: Using quantitative methylation analysis in a case-control study (n = 1,083) we found that DNA methylation of peripheral blood cell DNA provides good prediction of BC risk. We also report that invasive ductal and invasive lobular BC is characterized by two different sets of genes, the latter particular by genes involved in the differentiation of the mesenchyme (PITX2, TITF1, GDNF and MYOD1). Finally we demonstrate that only ERT genes predict ER positive BC; lack of peripheral blood cell DNA methylation of ZNF217 predicted BC independent of age and family history (odds ratio 1.49; 95% confidence interval 1.12-1.97; P = 0.006) and was associated with ER-a bioactivity in the corresponding serum.Conclusion/Significance: This first large-scale epigenotyping study demonstrates that DNA methylation may serve as a link between the environment and the genome. Factors that can be modulated by the environment (like estrogens) leave an imprint in the DNA of cells that are unrelated to the target organ and indicate the predisposition to develop a cancer. Further research will need to demonstrate whether DNA methylation profiles will be able to serve as a new tool to predict the risk of developing chronic diseases with sufficient accuracy to guide preventive measures