592 research outputs found

    Globalizzazione e denazionalizzazione

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    Oggi, il processo di globalizzazione contemporaneo concerne l'ampliamento, l'approfondimento e l'accelerazione delle interconnessioni globali attraverso i confini esterni. Ciò comporta in primo luogo un allargamento delle relazioni e transazioni militari, politico-amministrative, culturali ed economiche attraverso i confini che gli avvenimenti, le decisioni e le attività che si verificano in una regione del mondo possono risultare significativi per individui e comunità collocati in regioni distanti del globo. In altri termini, il processo contemporaneo di globalizzazione può essere concepito come un processo di "denazionalizzazione" un processo che conduce sia all'indebolimento che alla "disarticolazione" dei confini degli stati nazionali

    Les mouvements sociaux et le système politique : quelques remarques sur les limites de l’approche du processus politique

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    Dans cette contribution au débat lancé par les éditeurs de ce numéro spécial, j’aimerais clarifier les limites de l’approche du processus politique et en discuter les conséquences. De mon point de vue, qui est celui d’un représentant de cette approche, ses limites sont souvent exagérées et ne concernent en tout cas pas la question du changement systémique. En tant que représentant de cette approche, j’aimerais proposer quelques modifications aux concepts incriminés à juste titre par les éditeurs, afin de les rendre plus aptes à tenir compte des tendances fondamentales dans le domaine de la contestation politique dans la société contemporaine. Pour conclure, j’aimerais souligner que cette approche n’a pas que des limites, mais qu’elle permet d’ouvrir des portes, de jeter des ponts et de créer des synergies.In this contribution to the debate launched by the editors of this special issue, we wish to clarify the limits to the political process approach and discuss inherent consequences. As an adherent to this approach I frequently see its limits exaggerated while the question of systematic change is neglected. In representing the political process approach, I propose certain changes to the concepts justly queried by the editors to better align them with the basic trends affecting political protest in contemporary society. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that this approach does not only have limits, but also serves to open doors, build bridges and create synergies.En este aporte al debate lanzado por los editores de este número especial, quisiera clarificar los límites del enfoque del proceso político y discutir sobre sus consecuencias. Desde mi punto de vista, que es el de un representante de dicho enfoque, considero que sus límites han sido a menudo exagerados y no se refieren en todo caso a la cuestión del cambio sistémico. Como representante de este enfoque, quisiera proponer algunas modificaciones a los conceptos puestos en duda con mucha pertinencia por los editores, con la finalidad de volverlos más aptos a tomar en cuenta las tendencias fundamentales en el ámbito del conflicto político en la sociedad contemporánea. Para concluir, quisiera destacar que este enfoque no solo presenta límites, sino que permite abrir puertas, tender puentes y crear sinergias

    Die Rolle der Öffentlichkeit im politischen Entscheidungsprozess: Ein konzeptueller Rahmen für ein international vergleichendes Forschungsprojekt

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    Angesichts der zunehmenden Bedeutung, welche der öffentlichen Meinung und der Bevölkerungsmeinung für die politischen Entscheidungsträger in liberalen Demokratien zukommt, überrascht es, dass die Frage, wie die öffentliche Meinung/Bevölkerungsmeinung die politischen Entscheidungsprozesse beeinflussen und wie sie ihrerseits durch politische Kommunikation und Mobilisierung beeinflusst werden, bisher nicht systematischer untersucht worden ist. In diesem Papier wird ein konzeptueller Rahmen für ein international vergleichendes Forschungsprojekt entwickelt, der die Strategien von etablierten politischen Akteuren, Medien und Außenseitern zur Mobilisierung der öffentlichen Meinung bzw. der Bevölkerungsmeinung ins Zentrum der Analyse stellt. Aus der hier skizzierten Perspektive stellt die Mobilisierung der öffentlichen Meinung/der Bevölkerungsmeinung das zentrale Scharnier zwischen den Bürgerinnen und Bürger einerseits und ihren Repräsentanten im politischen Entscheidungsprozess andererseits dar. Das Papier präsentiert die Grundbausteine eines akteurzentrierten Ansatzes zur Analyse dieser Zusammenhänge und benennt die themenspezifischen und nationalen Kontextbedingungen, welche die Strategien der beteiligten Akteure und ihre Wirkungen maßgeblich beeinflussen. Ohne auf Details einzugehen, werden abschließend einige Elemente eines möglichen Forschungsdesigns zur Analyse dieser Zusammenhänge skizziert.Given the increasingly central importance of the two faces of public opinion – the effective public opinion and the opinion of the population – for political decision-making in liberal democracies, it is surprising that the question of how public opinion influences the political decision-making process and how it is, in turn, influenced by political communication and mobilization has not received more systematic attention. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for an internationally comparative research project, which focusses on the strategies of established political actors, outsiders and the media to mobilize public opinion. From the perspective adopted here, the mobilization of public opinion constitutes the key link between the citizen public, on the one hand, and its representatives in the political decision process, on the other. The paper presents the basic elements of an actor-oriented approach for the analysis of these relationships and it specifies the issue-specific and national context conditions, which are supposed to have a determining influence on the strategies of the actors involved and on the impact they are able to achieve. Without going into the details, the paper finally sketches some elements of a possible research design for the analysis of these strategies and their impact

    War, States, and Citizenship: A Comment on Sidney Tarrow's War, States, and Contention

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    The structure of belief systems in the Dutch general public

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    Several new concepts and measures for the analysis of political belief systems of citizens in liberal democracies are proposed. These concepts make a systematic distinction between values and beliefs about the status quo, and between the differentiation and integration of political belief systems. Applying the proposed instruments to the Dutch general public, the political beliefs of the average Dutch turn out to be fragmented, but not inconsistent. Traces of the two classic dimensions of ideological space could still be identified, as could indications of the existence of a third, ‘new' dimension concerning political conflicts in ‘new' issue areas. Moreover, even if the belief structures to be found are predominantly fragmented ones, taking them into account allows for more parsimonious explanations of important aspects of political attitudes and political behavior. The results are consistent with the present state of ideological flux in the Netherland

    Crisis pressures and European integration

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    Previous studies have applied theories of European integration to interpret crisis-led policymaking processes and integration outcomes in the EU. However, there has been little attempt to appraise the analytical leverage offered by major integration theories as a function of different crisis pressures. We theorize that diverse combinations of crisis pressures generate four decision-making scenarios in the EU, each of which can be ascribed to different combinations of analytical insights from neofunctionalism, intergovernmentalism, postfunctionalism, and federalism. We illustrate the value of our framework in relation to four EU crises concerning the euro area, refugees, Brexit and Covid-19. Overall, the paper makes a theoretical contribution to advance the debate on crisis-led integration in the EU
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