10 research outputs found

    Current state of selective prevention practice of drug abuse in Croatia

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    Drug use is a phenomenon which seriously disturbs the health and the ability to function socially and in a balanced manner for a large number of young people in Croatia who are at the most sensitive stage of their individual development (Petrović, 1983; as cited in Bouillet, 2007). The perspective of developmental psychopathology helps to create all-encompassing theoretical models that explain the development of problems related to drug abuse, identify the groups that have the highest risk and guide the creation of logical models for prevention programs. This paper offers a hypothesized model of development of addiction problems in adolescence from the perspective of developmental psychopathology and uses it as a tool to analyse the current state of selective prevention practice in Croatia. The national focal point for drugs and drug addiction is located within the Office for Combating Drug Abuse of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This Office also runs a Database of projects and programs administered in the field of drug demand reduction. According to the database review performed by the authors on June 26th 2016, 57 selective prevention programs were identified that fit the criteria for being “selective” (according to the definition by Mrazek & Haggerty, 1994). Among these, 15 selective prevention programs were identified as matching the criteria of “program” used by the US Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS, 2013a & 2013b). The suggested theoretical model was subsequently compared to the goals and activities of these programs

    Life satisfaction: individual and family perspective

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikaz razvoja i aktualnog razumijevanja konstrukta zadovoljstva životom u svrhu njegove operacionalizacije u okviru projekta „Specifična obilježja obitelji u riziku: doprinos planiranju kompleksnih intervencija“. Pregled literature ukazuje na nepostojanje općeprihvaćenog razgraničenja u definiranju i operacionalizaciji različitih konstrukata koji se nerijetko sinonimno koriste, poput zadovoljstva životom, dobrobiti i kvalitete života. Stoga se u radu kreće od razgraničavanja zadovoljstva životom od konstrukata kvalitete života i dobrobiti. Prema aktualnom razumijevanju, konstrukt zadovoljstva životom se pozicionira u područje šireg konstrukta subjektivne dobrobiti koja se istražuje u okviru krovnog termina kvalitete života. Subjektivna dobrobit sadrži dvije komponente – afektivnu i kognitivnu. Zadovoljstvo životom je mjera kognitivne komponente subjektivne dobrobiti obzirom da se odnosi na procjenu zadovoljstva životom. Osim pitanja koja se pojavljuju u shvaćanju i istraživanjima individualnog zadovoljstva životom, mjerenje zadovoljstva obiteljskim životom donosi dodatna pitanja koja se također problematiziraju u radu. Obiteljska perspektiva zadovoljstva životom rijetko je istraživana pa rad donosi pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o kvaliteti života obitelji, zadovoljstvu životom obitelji te određeni broj instrumenata razvijenih za mjerenje zadovoljstva životom i zadovoljstva obiteljskim životom.The aim of this paper is to present the development and the current understanding of the life satisfaction construct in order to make it operational for the project “Specific characteristics of families at risk: a contribution to the planning of complex interventions”. The literature review points to a lack of generally accepted demarcations and operationalizations of various constructs that are often used synonymously, such as life satisfaction, well-being and quality of life. Therefore, this paper begins with a differentiation of life satisfaction from the constructs of quality of life and well-being. According to current understanding, the construct of life satisfaction is positioned inside the area of the broader construct of subjective well-being that is being researched as part of the umbrella term: quality of life. Subjective well-being has two components: an affective and a cognitive one. Life satisfaction is a measure of the cognitive component of subjective well-being as it relates to the assessment of life satisfaction. Besides the issues that arise in the understanding and research of individual life satisfaction, the measurement of satisfaction with family life raises additional questions that are also discussed in this paper. The family perspective of life satisfaction is seldom investigated so this paper gives an overview of recent studies on the quality of family life and family life satisfaction, but also discusses some instruments developed to measure life satisfaction and satisfaction with family life

    Regionalne i sociodemografske odrednice učestalosti prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine u djece u dobi od 7-9 godina u Hrvatskoj

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and analyze the determinants of overweight and obesity among Croatian schoolchildren aged 7-9 years in relation to sociodemographic factors. This study used data that were gathered as part of the WHO Europe Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in 2015/2016. The sample for the study was nationally representative. Anthropometric measurements of 5591 children, 2811 boys and 2780 girls, were collected during 8 weeks using standardized equipment. Studied variables included child’s anthropometric measurements and demographics, maternal education and employment status. The results showed a 35.9% prevalence of overweight and obesity in Croatian 7-9-year-old children. Overweight and obesity were more frequent in boys in comparison to girls, especially among boys from the Adriatic region (42.1%). The risk of overweight and obesity was increased in boys living in the Adriatic region (ORadj=1.33; 95% CI 1.03-1.71) and in girls with high-school educated mothers (ORadj=1.36; 95% CI 1.11-1.66). Girls with unemployed mothers had a lower risk of overweight and obesity (ORadj=0.73; 95% CI 0.58-0.92). The observed prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity warrants national and local time-bound targets for reduction of childhood obesity, accompanied by detailed action plans and monitoring mechanisms.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost i analizirati odrednice prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine kod školske djece u dobi od 7-9 godina u Hrvatskoj u odnosu na sociodemografske čimbenike. U istraživanju su korišteni podaci prikupljeni u sklopu istraživanja SZO Europa ”Europska inicijativa praćenja debljine u djece, Hrvatska 2015./2016.”. Uzorak u ovom istraživanju bio je nacionalno reprezentativan. Antropometrijska mjerenja 5591 djeteta, 2811 dječaka i 2780 djevojčica, provedena su standardiziranom opremom kroz 8 tjedana. Proučavane varijable bili su antropometrijski i demografski podaci djece, obrazovanje i zaposlenost majki. Prema rezultatima, učestalost prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine u hrvatske djece u dobi od 7-9 godina iznosi 35,9%. Učestalost prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine veća je kod dječaka nego kod djevojčica, a izrazito je velika kod dječaka iz jadranske regije (42,1%). Rizik za prekomjernu tjelesnu masu i debljinu veći je za dječake koji žive u jadranskoj regiji (ORadj=1,33; 95% CI 1,03-1,71) i djevojčice čije majke imaju srednjoškolsko obrazovanje (ORadj=1,36; 95% CI 1,11-1,66). Djevojčice čije su majke nezaposlene imaju manji rizik od prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine (ORadj=0,73; 95% CI 0,58-0,92). Uočena učestalost prekomjerne tjelesne mase i debljine zahtijeva vremenski ograničene, nacionalne i lokalne, ciljeve za smanjenje debljine kod djece, praćene detaljnim akcijskim planovima i mehanizmima praćenja

    Socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep patterns among 6- to 9-year-old children from 24 countries in the WHO European region

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    Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep are important predictors of children's health. This paper aimed to investigate socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep across the WHO European region. This cross-sectional study used data on 124,700 children aged 6 to 9 years from 24 countries participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative between 2015 and 2017. Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured through parental education, parental employment status, and family perceived wealth. Overall, results showed different patterns in socioeconomic disparities in children's movement behaviors across countries. In general, high SES children were more likely to use motorized transportation. Low SES children were less likely to participate in sports clubs and more likely to have more than 2 h/day of screen time. Children with low parental education had a 2.24 [95% CI 1.94-2.58] times higher risk of practising sports for less than 2 h/week. In the pooled analysis, SES was not significantly related to active play. The relationship between SES and sleep varied by the SES indicator used. Importantly, results showed that low SES is not always associated with a higher prevalence of "less healthy" behaviors. There is a great diversity in SES patterns across countries which supports the need for country-specific, targeted public health interventions.The authors gratefully acknowledge support from a grant from the Russian Government in the context of the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs. Data collection in the countries was made possible through funding from: Croatia: Ministry of Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health and WHO Regional Office for Europe. Albania: World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office Albania and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Bulgaria: WHO Regional Office for Europe. Czech Republic: Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, grant nr. AZV MZČR 17-31670 A and MZČR–RVO EÚ 00023761. Denmark: The Danish Ministry of Health. France: Santé publique France, the French Agency for Public Health. Georgia: WHO. Ireland: Health Service Executive. Italy: Italian Ministry of Health; Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità). Kazakhstan: the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the scientific and technical program. Kyrgyzstan: World Health Organization. Latvia: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health, Latvia. Lithuania: Science Foundation of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Lithuanian Science Council and WHO. Malta: Ministry of Health. Montenegro: WHO and Institute of Public Health of Montenegro. Poland: National Health Programme, Ministry of Health. Portugal: Ministry of Health Institutions, the National Institute of Health, Directorate General of Health, Regional Health Directorates and the kind technical support from the Center for Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Health (CEIDSS). Romania: Ministry of Health. Russian Federation: WHO. San Marino: Health Ministry. Spain: the Spanish Agency for Food Safety & Nutrition. Tajikistan: WHO Country Office in Tajikistan and Ministry of Health and Social Protection; Turkmenistan: WHO Country Office in Turkmenistan and Ministry of Health. Turkey: Turkish Ministry of Health and World Bank. Austria: Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection of Austria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Mehanizam djelovanja odabranih antitumorskih lijekova

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    Tumori nastaju nekontroliranim rastom i diobom stanica koja je posljedica disregulacije kontrolnih mehanizama. Ako tumor ostane lokaliziran, riječ je o benignoj izraslini, no ako se stanica tumora odvoji od primarnog tumora, putovat će krvotokom te se pričvrstiti na drugo mjesto i započeti sekundarni tumor. U tom slučaju radi se o malignom tumoru koji je opasan jer metastazira i to najčešće na dobro prokrvljena mjesta čime remeti njihovo funkcioniranje, ali i ugrožava život. Stoga je potrebno poduzeti neki od koraka: operacija, radioterapija, kemoterapija ili čak kombinacija. Često se primjenjuju i kombinacije antitumorskih lijekova koji imaju različite mehanizme djelovanja ili djeluju na različite mete. Postoji nekoliko vrsta antitumorskih lijekova: lijekovi koji djeluju izravno na nukleinske kiseline, antimetaboliti, hormonske terapije, inhibitori signalnih puteva i enzima, antitijela, konjugati antitijela, genska terapija te fotodinamička terapija.1 U ovom radu posebna pozornost posvećena je monoklonskim antitijelima, imunomodulatorima, inhibitorima kinaza, inhibitorima signalnih puteva i hormonskoj terapiji. Prikazana je njihova struktura (za neke i sinteza), mehanizam djelovanja te je navedeno za što se koriste. Potom su ukratko opisani nedavni napretci u pristupu liječenja raka i aspekti koji se još razvijaju


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    Delo diplomskega seminarja je zgrajeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili različne metode ustvarjalnega razmišljanja, in metode za definiranje problema in priložnosti in za generiranje idej. V delu diplomskega seminarja smo poudarili spremembe v podjetju ob vstopu Hrvaške v Evropsko Unijo, ter kako bo to vplivalo na poslovanje podjetja. Teoretičen del dela diplomskega seminarja je razdeljen na tri poglavja. V prvem delu smo opredelili problem, namen, cilje, teze, predpostavke in metode dela, ki smo jih uporabili. V drugem poglavju smo predstavili nekatere metode ustvarjalnega razmišljanja in metode za definiranje problemov in priložnosti. Špeditersko dejavnost smo obravnavali v tretjem poglavju. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na špedicijo v Sloveniji in v Evropski Uniji. Prav tako pa smo vzeli pod drobnogled in raziskali vstop Hrvaške v Evropsko Unijo, ter kako bo ta dogodek vplival na poslovno in finančno uspešnost v podjetju. Praktičen del dela diplomskega seminarja vsebuje predvsem iskanje rešitev za boljše poslovanje z uporabo metod zapisovanja idej, ribje kosti in miselnega vzorca. Predstavili smo tudi podjetje in njegovo poslovno in finančno uspešnost. S primerjavo metod smo prišli do ugotovitve, da smo s tehniko zapisovanja idej dobili največ rešitev. Tehnika miselnega vzorca je poleg razčlenitve problema omogočila tudi generiranje idej. Ugotovili smo, da bo podjetje moralo zapreti poslovalnice najprej na manjših mejnih prehodih, nato pa tudi na večjih.Our diploma seminar consists of two partsa theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part we present various methods of creative thinking, and methods for defining problems and opportunities for generating ideas. In our diploma research project we highlighted changes in the company after Croatia will accede to the European Union and how this action will affect the company\u27s operations. The theoretical part of the diploma research project is divided into three sections. In the first part, we have identified the problem, purpose, goals, theses, assumptions and methods that we have used. In the second chapter we present some methods of creative thinking and methods for defining problems and opportunities. The forwarding business is being discussed in chapter three. We focused primarily on forwarding business in Slovenia and in the European Union. Also we took a closer look at Croatia\u27s accession to the European Union and explored how this event will affect the business and financial performance in the company. The practical part of the diploma seminar contains problem solving for better business performance byusing the methods of idea writing, fish bone diagrams and mind mapping. By comparing the considered methods can be concluded that with the idea writing technique we obtained the maximal number of solutions. Besides decomposing a problem, mind mapping technique was used in idea generation. It can be concluded that the company will have to close offices at border crossings, starting with the small ones

    Physical activity risk behaviour in school-aged children is associated with overweight and maternal characteristics

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    Given the importance of physical activity for the prevention of overweight, this study sought to determine the type and number of physical activity risk behaviours that were associated with overweight in Croatian school children and their association with maternal characteristics – mothers’ formal education, employment, and weight status. This paper used data from the Croatian Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative study from 2015/2016. During an eight-week period, anthropometric measurements of children were taken. Data on children’s physical activity risk behaviours and their mothers’ characteristics were provided by the mothers of 4,045 children from the second and third grade (median age 8.6 years) who were included in the analysis. Insufficient active play outdoors, excessive screen time and exhibiting two or three physical activity risk behaviours were significantly associated with childhood overweight. Children of less educated mothers had lower odds for insufficient active play outdoor and higher odds for insufficient frequenting of a sports or dancing club and exhibiting one, two or three physical activity risk behaviours. Children of mothers who were overweight had higher odds for insufficient sleeping, insufficient frequenting of a sports or dancing club and exhibiting two risk behaviours. Children of unemployed mothers had higher odds for insufficient frequenting of a sports or dancing club and for exhibiting two or three risk behaviours. Physical activity risk behaviours in school children were associated with overweight, as well as mother\u27s characteristics. This finding should be taken into consideration when planning and implementing health promotion and childhood overweight prevention activities

    Socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep patterns among 6- to 9-year-old children from 24 countries in the WHO European region

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    Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep are important predictors of children's health. This paper aimed to investigate socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep across the WHO European region. This cross-sectional study used data on 124,700 children aged 6 to 9 years from 24 countries participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative between 2015 and 2017. Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured through parental education, parental employment status, and family perceived wealth. Overall, results showed different patterns in socioeconomic disparities in children's movement behaviors across countries. In general, high SES children were more likely to use motorized transportation. Low SES children were less likely to participate in sports clubs and more likely to have more than 2 h/day of screen time. Children with low parental education had a 2.24 [95% CI 1.94–2.58] times higher risk of practising sports for less than 2 h/week. In the pooled analysis, SES was not significantly related to active play. The relationship between SES and sleep varied by the SES indicator used. Importantly, results showed that low SES is not always associated with a higher prevalence of “less healthy” behaviors. There is a great diversity in SES patterns across countries which supports the need for country-specific, targeted public health interventions.</p

    Socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep patterns among 6- to 9-year-old children from 24 countries in the WHO European region

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    Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep are important predictors of children's health. This paper aimed to investigate socioeconomic disparities in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep across the WHO European region. This cross-sectional study used data on 124,700 children aged 6 to 9 years from 24 countries participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative between 2015 and 2017. Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured through parental education, parental employment status, and family perceived wealth. Overall, results showed different patterns in socioeconomic disparities in children's movement behaviors across countries. In general, high SES children were more likely to use motorized transportation. Low SES children were less likely to participate in sports clubs and more likely to have more than 2 h/day of screen time. Children with low parental education had a 2.24 [95% CI 1.94-2.58] times higher risk of practising sports for less than 2 h/week. In the pooled analysis, SES was not significantly related to active play. The relationship between SES and sleep varied by the SES indicator used. Importantly, results showed that low SES is not always associated with a higher prevalence of "less healthy" behaviors. There is a great diversity in SES patterns across countries which supports the need for country-specific, targeted public health interventions