143 research outputs found

    Emissions Trading for Cleaner Production in the Old and New EU Member States?

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    This paper examines the success of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in inducing cleaner production in the EU based on the first two trading periods. It fills a literature gap by constructing a measure of clean production and conducting an ex-post macro-level analysis of the EU ETS impacts in EU15 compared to EU12. Results of panel regression analysis robustly show that EU ETS in both EU12 and EU15 (i) has positive impact on clean production of regulated industries, (ii) does not induce spillovers of cleaner technologies and processes to non-regulated industries, and (iii) does not affect clean production at the national level. In addition, share of renewables in energy consumption has a positive and crisis a negative impact on the clean production. Results support further tightening and broader coverage of EU ETS regulation and provision of funds from the EU ETS for development of renewable energy technologies


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    The main goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of zombie companies on the performance of healthy companies, economies, and economic sentiment (ESI) in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe between 2008 and 2016. Zombie companies are companies whose sustainability is uncertain and whose competitiveness is very limited, and such companies can potentially transfer losses to the companies they are associated with. In this paper, they are defined as companies with negative return on assets, negative net investments and interest rates coverage below 1.5. The results of the panel model with fixed effects show that the market congestion by zombie companies has a negative effect on productivity and profit per employee, a positive impact on investments and no impact on employment growth of healthy companies. Dynamic panel model results suggest that market congestion by zombie companies does not have a significant impact on the GDP of selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe while there is a positive relation with ESI. By analyzing the zombie companies issue in the Central and Eastern Europe countries, and their impact on ESI in general this paper contributes to the existing body of literature.Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecaj zombi poduzeća na performanse zdravih poduzeća te gospodarstava i ekonomskog sentimenta (ESI) odabranih zemalja srednje i istočne Europe od 2008. do 2016. godine. Zombi poduzeća su poduzeća čija je održivost neizvjesna i konkurentnost vrlo ograničena te potencijalno mogu prenijeti gubitke poduzećima s kojima su povezana. U radu su definirana kao poduzeća s negativnim povratom na imovinu, negativnim neto investicijama te pokrivenošću kamatnih stopa nižom od 1,5. Rezultati panel modela s fiksnim efektima pokazuju kako zagušenost tržišta zombi poduzećima negativno utječe na produktivnost i profit po zaposlenome, a pozitivno na investicije dok na rast zaposlenosti zdravih poduzeća nema utjecaja. Rezultati dinamičke panel analize sugeriraju da zagušenost tržišta zombi poduzećima nema značajan utjecaj na BDP odabranih zemalja srednje i istočne Europe, dok postoji pozitivna veza s ESI. Istraživanjem problematike zombi poduzeća u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe te analizom njihova utjecaja na ESI općenito, rad doprinosi postojećoj literaturi


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    Vance Martin, Stan Hurn and David Harris New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, 887 page

    Promjena glikozilacije immunoglobulina G tijekom starenja

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    In this thesis, glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was examined in 5818 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 100 years from five different populations – four European populations and a Han Chinese population by using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in IgG glycosylation through lifetime. The results demonstrated that glycan profiles change in a similar way through lifetime across all examined populations. Nearly all IgG glycans were significantly associated with age. Sex differences in age-related changes in IgG glycosylation were observed. The combination of several IgG glycans was able to explain from 30 to 58% of variance in chronological age, with the remaining variance in the glycans attributed to physiological parameters. Analysis of IgG glycosylation in nearly 600 mice from the Collaborative Cross cohort ranging in age from 20 to 80 weeks showed that, generally, only the level of IgG glycan with alpha-1,3-galactose changed with age.U ovom doktorskom radu analizirana je glikozilacija imunoglobulina G (IgG) kod 5818 osoba starosti od 16 do 100 godina iz pet različitih populacija – četiri europske populacije i populacije Han Kineza, koristeći tekućinsku kromatografiju vrlo visoke djelotvornosti (UPLC), kako bi se pružio detaljan pregled promjena u glikozilaciji IgG-a tijekom starenja. Rezultati su pokazali da se glikanski profili tijekom starenja mijenjaju na sličan način u svim istraživanim populacijama. Gotovo svi IgG glikani pokazali su se povezanima s dobi. Uočene su razlike između spolova u promjenama koje se događaju s glikozilacijom IgG-a tijekom starenja. Kombinacijom nekoliko IgG glikana bilo je moguće objasniti od 30 do 58% varijacije u kronološkoj dobi, a ostatak varijacije u glikanima pripisan je fiziološkim parametrima. Analiza glikozilacije IgG-a kod gotovo 600 miševa starosti od 20 do 80 tjedana iz Collaborative Cross populacije miševa pokazala je da se, sveobuhvatno gledajući, samo razina IgG glikana koji sadrži alfa-1,3 vezanu galaktozu promijenila s dobi

    Određivanje prostorne raspodjele jakosti magnetskog polja

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    U uvodu je dan povijesni pregled razvoja magneta od drevnih naroda do pojave elektromotora. U daljnjem tekstu je dan opis magnetskog polja, pojmova vezanih uz magnetsko polje i načina mjerenja jakosti magnetskog polja. Na kraju je prikaz provedenih mjerenja uzoraka od konstrukcijskog i dupleks čelika,koja su popraćena pripadajućim grafikonima i komentarima

    Institutions and the Efficiency of the European Union Product Market with an Emphasis on Croatia – Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

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    The positive relationship between product market efficiency (PME) and productivity has been established in the existing literature. An important component of productivity is the PME, which is significantly affected by the quality of institutions. Weaker quality of institutions, higher levels of corruption and lower efficiency of product markets have been confirmed in countries that share similar characteristics with Croatia. The results show a positive relationship between the quality of institutions and PME while the link between corruption control and PME is negative. Exports and taxes were also significantly correlated with PME. The text additionally comments on the direction of this connection. The link between PME, institutional quality and corruption is particularly commented on in the context of Croatia and Slovenia as these are two areas that share a common past of approximately 500 years. To improve the PME, a prerequisite for greater productivity and consequently economic growth, it is necessary to change the institutional framework


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati mjerenja buke traktora LANDINI POWERFARM DT100A. Mjerenje buke obavljeno je na tri različite agrotehničke podloge, a to su makadamska, asfaltna i travnata podloga tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine. Mjerenje je obavljeno uređajem proizvođača METREL tipa Multinorm MI 620I EU. Isto je obavljeno prema normi HRN ISO 6396 koji se odnosi na mjerenje buke s lijeve i desne strane rukovatelja, pri čemu se traktor kretao oko 7,5 km/h, te prema normi HRN ISO 5131, koja nalaže kako se uređaj postavlja u odnosu na referentnu točku sjedala rukovatelja od sredine glave rukovatelja do razine sjedala na visini 790 ±20 mm i odmaknut od sredine glave 200±20 mm s lijeve i desne strane. Iz rezultata je vidljivo kako ispitivani traktor najveću razinu buke proizvodi na makadamskoj površini, dok najmanju razinu buke proizvodi na travnatoj površini. Također se utvrdilo kako je razina buke koju proizvodi ispitivani traktor manja od 90 dB, prema tome, pretpostavka je kako kod ispitivanog traktora ne postoji opasnost od oštećenja sluIn this work are shown measurement results of noise of tractor LANDINI POWERFARM DT100A. Noise was measured on three different agrotehnical bases – macadam base, asphaltic base and grassy base, during the 2015 – 2016. The measurement is made with device brand METREL type Multinorm MI 620I EU. Noise measurement was made according to the HRN ISO 6396 norm, which refers to the noise measurement from the left and the right side of the handler, where the tractor drove 7,5 km/h. The measurement is also made according to HRN ISO 5131, in which the device must be in relation to a reference point of the seat of the handler to the level of the seat at a height 790 ± 20 mm, and away from the middle of the head 200±20 from the left and the right side. In these results we can see that analyzed tractor the highest level of the noise produces on macadam surface, while the lowest level of the noise produces on a grassy surface. We can also see that the noise produced by this tractor is less than 90 dB, and therefore, we can assume that with this tractor there is no risk of hearing impairment and it is not necessary to wear protective equipment

    A model for optimal selection of machinery sizes within the agricultural economy

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    Postoje različiti modeli racionalnog opremanja poljoprivrednom mehanizacijom. U ovom su radu opisana 5 modela: Mješoviti cjelobrojni linearni programski model odabira strojeva za Multifarm sustave, nelinearni model odabira optimalne razine mehanizacije poljoprivrednog gospodarstva, model koji povezuje emisije ugljičnog dioksida s radom traktora i poljoprivrednih strojeva, PC model za biranje sustava poljoprivrednih strojeva za različite usjeve i računalni model za izbor optimalne veličine gospodarstva i strojeva. Za svaki od modela opisani su pokusi, načini istraživanja, te primijenjeni metode i programi. Zatim su prikazani rezultati sa procjenom njihove vrijednosti. Nakon toga su objašnjeni i raspravljeni dobiveni rezultati te uspoređeni sa pretpostavkama.There are different models of rational equipping with agricultural mechanization. In this paper five models are described: a mixed linear programmatic model for Multifarm machines selection, a nonlinear model for selecting the optimal level of farm machinery, a model that links carbon dioxide emissions to the work of tractors and agricultural machines, a PC model for selecting multicropping farm machinery systems and a computer model for optimizing the size of the farm and machines. For each of the models are described experiments, methods of research, and applied methods and programs. Results are then presented with an estimate of their value. After that the obtained results were explained and discussed and compared with the assumptions

    Promjena glikozilacije immunoglobulina G tijekom starenja

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    In this thesis, glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was examined in 5818 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 100 years from five different populations – four European populations and a Han Chinese population by using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in IgG glycosylation through lifetime. The results demonstrated that glycan profiles change in a similar way through lifetime across all examined populations. Nearly all IgG glycans were significantly associated with age. Sex differences in age-related changes in IgG glycosylation were observed. The combination of several IgG glycans was able to explain from 30 to 58% of variance in chronological age, with the remaining variance in the glycans attributed to physiological parameters. Analysis of IgG glycosylation in nearly 600 mice from the Collaborative Cross cohort ranging in age from 20 to 80 weeks showed that, generally, only the level of IgG glycan with alpha-1,3-galactose changed with age.U ovom doktorskom radu analizirana je glikozilacija imunoglobulina G (IgG) kod 5818 osoba starosti od 16 do 100 godina iz pet različitih populacija – četiri europske populacije i populacije Han Kineza, koristeći tekućinsku kromatografiju vrlo visoke djelotvornosti (UPLC), kako bi se pružio detaljan pregled promjena u glikozilaciji IgG-a tijekom starenja. Rezultati su pokazali da se glikanski profili tijekom starenja mijenjaju na sličan način u svim istraživanim populacijama. Gotovo svi IgG glikani pokazali su se povezanima s dobi. Uočene su razlike između spolova u promjenama koje se događaju s glikozilacijom IgG-a tijekom starenja. Kombinacijom nekoliko IgG glikana bilo je moguće objasniti od 30 do 58% varijacije u kronološkoj dobi, a ostatak varijacije u glikanima pripisan je fiziološkim parametrima. Analiza glikozilacije IgG-a kod gotovo 600 miševa starosti od 20 do 80 tjedana iz Collaborative Cross populacije miševa pokazala je da se, sveobuhvatno gledajući, samo razina IgG glikana koji sadrži alfa-1,3 vezanu galaktozu promijenila s dobi

    Promjena glikozilacije immunoglobulina G tijekom starenja

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    In this thesis, glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was examined in 5818 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 100 years from five different populations – four European populations and a Han Chinese population by using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in IgG glycosylation through lifetime. The results demonstrated that glycan profiles change in a similar way through lifetime across all examined populations. Nearly all IgG glycans were significantly associated with age. Sex differences in age-related changes in IgG glycosylation were observed. The combination of several IgG glycans was able to explain from 30 to 58% of variance in chronological age, with the remaining variance in the glycans attributed to physiological parameters. Analysis of IgG glycosylation in nearly 600 mice from the Collaborative Cross cohort ranging in age from 20 to 80 weeks showed that, generally, only the level of IgG glycan with alpha-1,3-galactose changed with age.U ovom doktorskom radu analizirana je glikozilacija imunoglobulina G (IgG) kod 5818 osoba starosti od 16 do 100 godina iz pet različitih populacija – četiri europske populacije i populacije Han Kineza, koristeći tekućinsku kromatografiju vrlo visoke djelotvornosti (UPLC), kako bi se pružio detaljan pregled promjena u glikozilaciji IgG-a tijekom starenja. Rezultati su pokazali da se glikanski profili tijekom starenja mijenjaju na sličan način u svim istraživanim populacijama. Gotovo svi IgG glikani pokazali su se povezanima s dobi. Uočene su razlike između spolova u promjenama koje se događaju s glikozilacijom IgG-a tijekom starenja. Kombinacijom nekoliko IgG glikana bilo je moguće objasniti od 30 do 58% varijacije u kronološkoj dobi, a ostatak varijacije u glikanima pripisan je fiziološkim parametrima. Analiza glikozilacije IgG-a kod gotovo 600 miševa starosti od 20 do 80 tjedana iz Collaborative Cross populacije miševa pokazala je da se, sveobuhvatno gledajući, samo razina IgG glikana koji sadrži alfa-1,3 vezanu galaktozu promijenila s dobi