32 research outputs found

    Space shuttle: Basic supersonic force data for a Grumman delta wing orbiter configuration ROS-NB1

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    Supersonic force data for scale model of space shuttle delta wing orbite

    Space shuttle: Static aerodynamic characteristics and control effectiveness of the GAC H-33 orbiter at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 4.96

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    A .003366 scale model of the Grumman H-33 orbiter was tested in the MSFC 14 inch Trisonic Wind Tunnel. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment data was recorded over a Mach number range of 0.6 to 4.96. Both pitch runs and yaw runs at various constant angles of attack were completed. The basic model configuration was investigated. The effects of a component build-up and of various control deflections were obtained. The elevons were deflected symmetrically and asymmetrically to determine elevator and aileron effectiveness. The rudder was tested both flared and unflared and the effects of deflections were determined in the flared case. The model was tested in pitch in two intervals. The first interval was from 0 to 20 deg. Then an adaptor was set to give the sting an offset angle and 20 to 40 deg angle of attack was obtained. Characteristics in sideslip were determined by varying sideslip angle from -4 deg to 10 deg with angle of attack set at 0 deg, 10 deg, 15 deg, and 30 deg

    Study of aerodynamic technology for VSTOL fighter attack aircraft

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    Vertical short takeoff aircraft capability, supersonic dash capability, and transonic agility were investigated for the development of Fighter/attack aircraft to be accommodated on ships smaller than present aircraft carriers. Topics covered include: (1) description of viable V/STOL fighter/attack configuration (a high wing, close-coupled canard, twin-engine, control configured aircraft) which meets or exceeds specified levels of vehicle performance; (2) estimates of vehicle aerodynamic characteristics and the methodology utilized to generate them; (3) description of propulsion system characteristics and vehicle mass properties; (4) identification of areas of aerodynamic uncertainty; and (5) a test program to investigate the areas of aerodynamic uncertainty in the conventional flight mode

    Evidence for early life in Earth鈥檚 oldest hydrothermal vent precipitates

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    Although it is not known when or where life on Earth began, some of the earliest habitable environments may have been submarine-hydrothermal vents. Here we describe putative fossilized microorganisms that are at least 3,770 million and possibly 4,280 million years old in ferruginous sedimentary rocks, interpreted as seafloor-hydrothermal vent-related precipitates, from the Nuvvuagittuq belt in Quebec, Canada. These structures occur as micrometre-scale haematite tubes and filaments with morphologies and mineral assemblages similar to those of filamentous microorganisms from modern hydrothermal vent precipitates and analogous microfossils in younger rocks. The Nuvvuagittuq rocks contain isotopically light carbon in carbonate and carbonaceous material, which occurs as graphitic inclusions in diagenetic carbonate rosettes, apatite blades intergrown among carbonate rosettes and magnetite鈥揾aematite granules, and is associated with carbonate in direct contact with the putative microfossils. Collectively, these observations are consistent with an oxidized biomass and provide evidence for biological activity in submarine-hydrothermal environments more than 3,770 million years ago

    Inpact of small dam on chnges of fish fauna in sitna stream during period of nine years (buffer zone Of Drawie艅ski National Park)

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    Wielu autor贸w wskazuje na negatywny wp艂yw budowli hydrotechnicznych na struktur臋 nie tylko ichtiofauny, ale r贸wnie偶 innych organizm贸w wodnych [14梅16]. Dotyczy to szczeg贸lnie poprzecznych przegr贸d w贸d p艂yn膮cych dziel膮cych ciek na dwie r贸偶ne pod wzgl臋dem hydrologicznym, biologicznym i ekologicznym cz臋艣ci [2, 13]. W wyniku zabudowy rzeki dochodzi do zasadniczych dla organizm贸w wodnych zmian. Powstaje w贸wczas bariera ekologiczna z siedliskiem niesprzyjaj膮cym do wymaga艅 wi臋kszo艣ci organizm贸w typowych dla w贸d p艂yn膮cych [11]. Zdecydowana wi臋kszo艣膰 bada艅 oddzia艂ywania zap贸r wodnych na stan ichtiofauny dotyczy raczej du偶ych konstrukcji hydrotechnicznych. Pomija si臋 przy tym, ma艂膮 zabudow臋 hydrotechniczn膮 przegradzaj膮c膮 ma艂e rzeki i cieki [11], kt贸re dla wi臋kszo艣ci ryb anadromicznych stanowi膮 najwa偶niejsze miejsce w ich ca艂ym cyklu 偶yciowym - tarlisko. Ma艂a zabudowa poprzeczna, podobnie jak zapory przegradzaj膮ce du偶e rzeki w podobnym stopniu zmieniaj膮 warunki hydrologiczne i biologiczne cieku, powoduj膮c ca艂kowity zanik miejsc do odbycia tar艂a przez cenne ryby reofilne oraz zdecydowanie zmieniaj膮c sk艂ad jako艣ciowy i ilo艣ciowy ichtiofauny. Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu niewielkiej zapory na zmiany struktury jako艣ciowej i ilo艣ciowej ichtiofauny w niewielkim cieku Sitna.Many authors point out the negative impact of hydraulic engineering constructions, not only on the structure of fish fauna, but also other aquatic organisms. This applies particularly to transverse bulkheads dividing the flowing waters into two different parts in terms of hydrological, biological and environmental components. Most studies relate to large rivers, where with no doubt it was found that the dams change physicochemical conditions of water. Research in this study was conducted in Sitna stream located in the buffer zone of Drawie艅ski National Park (DNP), a part of the central Drava basin. This fiveorder, right tributary of middle Drawa river, flows into Adamowo Lake. Drawa river flowing out from Adamowo Lake is the northern border of the DNP (Fig. 1). In 2005, on kilometers section of stream water swelling dam was built by the State Forests plantation forest. During the year the water swells to a height of about 50 to 100 cm. The study of fish fauna of Sitna were conducted in August 2000, 2006 and 2009. In order to determine the species composition of fish fauna and the length of individual fish, the fish were obtained using the battery unit IUP 12. Catches were conducted throughout the length of watercourse. The results of the research show that a small dam influences very negatively on changes in the composition of fish fauna in small stream. Results also show that a small dam on a small watercourse, significantly affects the fish fauna. After the building of river dam the number of cyprinids significantly increased. While the number of typical river species, particularly brown trout and gudgeon essentially decreased. Besides, in the watercourse the rapid increase of pike was observed. This species found in the watercourse good spawning conditions. In last year of the study, 2009 in stream section over the dam the river species were absent. Currently, the section suitable for salmonids is the section below the dam. It seems that also in this section, the hydrological conditions will be worse and river fish will be absent in the whole watercourse. It is expected that a progressive changes will lead in consequence to the total extinction of valuable species of fish and to irreversible changes both biological and abiotic

    Zooplankton trzech przymiejskich jezior na tle wybranych warunk贸w abiotycznych

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    Badania prowadzono w trzech eutroficznych jeziorach po艂o偶onych w p贸艂nocno-zachodniej Polsce: jeziorze Adamowo, Gra偶yna i Klasztorne. Z ka偶dego stanowiska pobierano pr贸b臋 zooplanktonu oraz pr贸b臋 wody do okre艣lenia wybranych parametr贸w fizyko-chemicznych. W odniesieniu do uzyskanych wynik贸w mo偶na uzna膰, 偶e pomimo takiego samego statusu troficznego badane jeziora r贸偶ni艂y si臋 pod wzgl臋dem struktur jako艣ciowych i ilo艣ciowych zooplanktonu, na co mia艂y wp艂yw r贸偶ne warunki 艣rodowiskowe badanych jezior. Podobie艅stwo jako艣ciowe zooplanktonu pomi臋dzy jeziorami nie by艂o zbyt wysokie. W najmniejszym jeziorze obserwowano najwi臋ksze liczebno艣ci zooplanktonu, szczeg贸lnie ma艂ych plankter贸w. Pozwala to wnioskowa膰, 偶e im mniejsza powierzchnia jeziora tym wi臋ksza jest liczebno艣膰 zasiedlaj膮cego je zooplanktonu. Biomasa zooplanktonu osi膮ga艂a najwi臋ksze warto艣ci w najwi臋kszym jeziorze Adamowo, co by艂o spowodowane licznym wyst臋powaniem dojrza艂ych skorupiak贸w planktonowych. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy warunkami 艣rodowiskowymi jezior a zag臋szczeniem zooplanktonu, stwierdzi膰 mo偶na 偶e najwi臋kszy wp艂yw na kszta艂towanie struktur zooplanktonu maj膮 nieorganiczne zwi膮zki biogenne