303 research outputs found

    Phase-contrast zoom tomography reveals precise locations of macrophages in mouse lungs

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    Importància de les cases d'acollida en l'afrontament de les repercussions de la violència envers les dones

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    L'objectiu de les cases d'acollida per a dones en situació de violència en la parella és assegurar l'ajuda i la protecció de la integritat física i psicològica de les dones i els seus fills i filles menors que estan en risc imminent de mort. A partir d'entrevistes a 12 dones que havien viscut situacions de violència i havien estat en cases d'acollida al Brasil, aquest estudi ha analitzat les repercussions del procés d'acollida sobre la dinàmica relacional familiar de les dones en situació de violència per tal de conèixer l'eficàcia d'aquests serveis

    Significant social networks and violence against women : perspective of professionals from a shelter

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    This qualitative study identified the structural characteristics of the significant social networks constituted in the context of the sheltering of women in situations of violence. Ten professionals were interviewed from a shelter located in the South of Brazil. The organization and analysis of the data was based on the Grounded Theory and software Atlas.ti 7.0. During the women's stay, the professionals noted networks that: (a) wanted to offer help but were unable to ensure safety, (b) made it difficult to leave the shelter for religious or cultural reasons, (c) could help with these women's social reintegration. The professionals considered the significant social networks as key elements for the rescue of bonds broken by the situation of violenceEste estudio cualitativo identificó las características estructurales de las redes sociales significativas en torno al proceso de acogida de mujeres en situación de violencia. Se entrevistó 10 profesionales de una casa de acogida de la región Sur de Brasil. La organización y análisis de los datos tuvieran como referencia la teoría fundamentada (grounded theory) y el software Atlas ti.7.0. Las profesionales observaron que las redes: (a) querían ofrecer ayuda, pero no podían proporcionar seguridad, (b) dificultaron la salida de la casa-abrigo por cuestiones religiosas o culturales, (c) podrían ayudar en la reinserción social de las mujeres. Para estos profesionales, las redes sociales significativas son elementos claves para el rescate de los lazos rotos por la situación de violenciaEste estudo qualitativo identificou as características estruturais das redes sociais significativas, configuradas em torno do processo de abrigamento de mulheres em situação de violência. Foram entrevistadas 10 profissionais de uma casa-abrigo localizada na Região Sul do Brasil. A organização e análise dos dados baseou-se na Teoria Fundamentada (Grounded Theory) e software Atlas.ti 7.0. Durante a permanência no local, as profissionais visualizaram redes que: (a) queriam oferecer ajuda, mas não podiam proporcionar segurança, (b) dificultaram a saída da casa-abrigo por questões religiosas ou culturais, (c) poderiam auxiliar na reinserção social das mulheres. As profissionais visualizaram as redes sociais significativas como elemento-chave para o resgate dos vínculos, rompidos pela situação de violênci

    Resting motor threshold and magnetic field output of the figure-of-8 and the double-cone coil

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    The use of the double-cone (DC) coil in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is promoted with the notion that the DC coil enables stimulation of deeper brain areas in contrast to conventional figure-of-8 (Fo8) coils. However, systematic comparisons of these two coil types with respect to the spatial distribution of the magnetic field output and also to the induced activity in superficial and deeper brain areas are limited. Resting motor thresholds of the left and right first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and tibialis anterior (TA) were determined with the DC and the Fo8 coil in 17 healthy subjects. Coils were orientated over the corresponding motor area in an angle of 45 degrees for the hand area with the handle pointing in posterior direction and in medio-lateral direction for the leg area. Physical measurements were done with an automatic gantry table using a Gaussmeter. Resting motor threshold was higher for the leg area in contrast to the hand area and for the Fo8 in contrast to the DC coil. Muscle by coil interaction was also significant providing higher differences between leg and hand area for the Fo8 (about 27%) in contrast to the DC coil (about 15%). Magnetic field strength was higher for the DC coil in contrast to the Fo8 coil. The DC coil produces a higher magnetic field with higher depth of penetration than the figure of eight coil

    Технологии нанесения изоляционных покрытий при капитальном ремонте магистрального нефтепровода «Александровское-Анжеро-Судженск»

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    Объектом исследования является (ются) магистральный нефтепровод «Александров-ское – Анжеро – Судженск» км 440 – 441. Цель работы – Выявление оптимальных технологий нанесения изоляционных покрытий в трассовых условиях, участка линейной части магистрального нефтепровода «Александров-ское - Анжеро – Судженск» км 440 – 441, проложенного по заболоченной местности. В процессе исследования проводились Анализ переходного сопративления нефтепро-вода, расчет срока службы остаточного ресурсThe object of this study is (are) the main oil pipeline "Alexandrov - Anzhero - Sudzhensk" km 440 - 441. Objective - Identify optimal insulation coating technologies in the field conditions, the linear portion of the main oil pipeline "Alexandrov - Anzhero - Sudzhensk" km 440 - 441, laid on marshland The study carried out analysis of the transition soprativleniya pipeline calculation lifetime residual life of the insulating coating of the pipeline operated. The problems of insulation coating technologies. Presents measures for health and safety of the work, environmental protection, technical and economic part. The study was carried out a comparative analysis of transition soprativleniya pipeline in time. Based on these results, it was found that the use of insulation. "Transkor" Litkor - Tax Code has a number of advantages, one of which is to increase the life of the pipeline. The basic constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics: Technology and organization of works and preparatory works, earthworks, insulating - styling work. Degree of implementation: On osnovonaii studies it was concluded that the needed overhaul with the replacement of the insulation portion of the current main oil pipeline "Alexandrov - Anzhero - Sudzhensk» 440-441 km. Scope: Main oil pipeline "Alexandrov - Anzhero - Sudzhensk 440-441 km, Tomsk region. Cost-effectiveness / value of the work effort with insulation coating during overhaul of the pipeline mechanized method is less than with manual application

    Resonances arising from sheltering in the family dynamics of Brazilian women in situations of violence

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    This study aimed to analyze the repercussions of sheltering in the family dynamics of women in situations of violence. This is a qualitative study in which 12 Brazilian women who were given shelter due to have suffered from violence were interviewed. The data organization and analysis was supported by the Grounded Theory, with the help of Atlas.ti software. Before being in the shelter, the study revealed the hardening of family relations and breaking of affectional bonds as well feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, fear and humiliation. Their permanence in the shelter helped the women to create strategies of coping with violence, which in turn, contributed to their reintegration in society as well as the recovery of their dignity and citizenshipEste estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos del proceso de acogimiento en la dinámica familiar de mujeres brasileñas en situaciones de violencia. Es un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas a doce mujeres que sufrieron violencia y que estuvieron en casa de acogida. La organización y el análisis de los datos tuvieron como referencia la teoría fundamentada y el auxilio del software Atlas.ti 7.0. En el período anterior al proceso de acogida, los resultados mostraron el endurecimiento de las relaciones familiares y la ruptura de lazos afectivos, así como la presencia de ansiedad, estados depresivos, vergüenza, miedo y humillación. El proceso de acogimiento hizo posible la creación de estrategias de afrontamiento al problema de la violencia, promoviendo la reinserción social de las mujeres y el rescate de su dignidad y ciudadaní

    Itinerant G-type antiferromagnet SrCr2As2 studied by magnetization, heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and NMR measurements

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    The physical properties of itinerant antiferromagnetic (AFM) SrCr2As2 with body-centered tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure were investigated in single crystalline and polycrystalline forms by electrical resistivity rho, heat capacity C-P, magnetic susceptibility chi versus temperature T, and magnetization M versus applied magnetic field H isotherm measurements as well as As-75 and Cr-53 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements in the wide temperature range T = 1.6-900 K. From the chi(T) and As-75 NMR measurements, the G-type AFM state below T-N = 615(15) K has been determined, consistent with the previous neutron-diffraction measurements. Direct evidence of magnetic ordering of the Cr spins was shown by the observation of the( 53)Cr NMR spectrum under H = 0. From the chi(T) measurements on single-crystal SrCr2As2 under the two different magnetic field directions H parallel to ab and H parallel to c in the AFM state, the Cr ordered moments are shown to align along the c axis in the G-type AFM state. The metallic state is directly evidenced by the rho, C-p, and NMR measurements, and the density of states at the Fermi energy D(E-F) in the AFM state is estimated to be 7.53 states/eV f.u. for both spin directions which is almost twice the bare D(E-F) estimated from first-principles calculations, suggesting an enhancement of the conduction-carrier mass by a factor of two in the AFM state. The D(E-F) is found to be nearly constant below at least 100 K and is independent of H. The rho(T) is found to show T-linear behavior above T-N and exhibits positive curvature below T-N where significant loss of spin-disorder scattering upon magnetic ordering is observed. The resistivity anisotropy of the compound remains moderate rho(c)/rho(a )similar to 9 through most of the magnetically ordered phase but shows a rapid increase below 50 K.This article is published as Ding, Q-P., Santanu Pakhira, N. S. Sangeetha, E. H. Krenkel, E. I. Timmons, M. A. Tanatar, R. Prozorov, D. C. Johnston, and Y. Furukawa. "Itinerant G-type antiferromagnet SrCr 2 As 2 studied by magnetization, heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and NMR measurements." Physical Review B 105, no. 13 (2022): 134408. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.134408. Copyright 2022 American Physical Society. Posted with permission. DOE Contract Number(s): AC02-07CH11358

    Implants in the severely resorbed mandibles: whether or not to augment? What is the clinician’s preference?

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    Contains fulltext : 96000.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to inventory in the Netherlands which therapy is the clinician's first choice when restoring the edentulous mandible. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to all Dutch Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. As part of this, the surgeons were invited to treat five virtual edentulous patients, differing only in mandibular residual height. RESULTS: In cases of a sufficient residual height of 15 mm, all surgeons were in favour to insert solely two implants to anchor an overdenture. In case of a residual height of 12 mm, 10% of the surgeons choose for an augmentation procedure. If a patient was presented with a mandibular height of 10 mm, already 40% of the OMF surgeons executed an augmentation procedure. Most (80%) surgeons prefer the (anterior) iliac crest as donor site. The choice of 'whether or not to augment' was not influenced by the surgeon's age; however, the hospital, where he was trained, did. Surgeons trained in Groningen were more in favour of installing short implants in mandibles with reduced vertical height. DISCUSSION: As the option overdenture supported on two interforaminal implants is reimbursed by the Dutch health assurance, this treatment modality is very popular in the Netherlands. From a point of costs and to minimize bypass comorbidity, surgeons should be more reluctant in executing augmentation procedures to restore the resorbed edentulous mandible as it is dated in literature that also in mandibles with a residual height of 10 mm or less, solely placing implants, thus without an augmentation procedure in advance, is a reliable treatment option