301 research outputs found

    Efficient tunable generic model for fluid bilayer membranes

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    We present a model for the efficient simulation of generic bilayer membranes. Individual lipids are represented by one head- and two tail-beads. By means of simple pair potentials these robustly self-assemble to a fluid bilayer state over a wide range of parameters, without the need for an explicit solvent. The model shows the expected elastic behavior on large length scales, and its physical properties (eg fluidity or bending stiffness) can be widely tuned via a single parameter. In particular, bending rigidities in the experimentally relevant range are obtained, at least within 3−30kBT3-30 k_{\text{B}}T. The model is naturally suited to study many physical topics, including self-assembly, fusion, bilayer melting, lipid mixtures, rafts, and protein-bilayer interactions.Comment: 4 Pages 4 Figure

    Computational studies of biomembrane systems: Theoretical considerations, simulation models, and applications

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    This chapter summarizes several approaches combining theory, simulation and experiment that aim for a better understanding of phenomena in lipid bilayers and membrane protein systems, covering topics such as lipid rafts, membrane mediated interactions, attraction between transmembrane proteins, and aggregation in biomembranes leading to large superstructures such as the light harvesting complex of green plants. After a general overview of theoretical considerations and continuum theory of lipid membranes we introduce different options for simulations of biomembrane systems, addressing questions such as: What can be learned from generic models? When is it expedient to go beyond them? And what are the merits and challenges for systematic coarse graining and quasi-atomistic coarse grained models that ensure a certain chemical specificity

    Colloids dragged through a polymer solution: experiment, theory and simulation

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    We present micro-rheological measurments of the drag force on colloids pulled through a solution of lambda-DNA (used here as a monodisperse model polymer) with an optical tweezer. The experiments show a violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation based on the independently measured viscosity of the DNA solution: the drag force is larger than expected. We attribute this to the accumulation of DNA infront of the colloid and the reduced DNA density behind the colloid. This hypothesis is corroborated by a simple drift-diffusion model for the DNA molecules, which reproduces the experimental data surprisingly well, as well as by corresponding Brownian dynamics simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Markus Lange - Morning Dew: 12. Oktober bis 17. November 2011

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    Ausstellung kuratiert von Gwendolin KremerDie Ausstellungsbroschüren des „Projektraum am Weißen Hirsch. Galerie Grafikladen“ dokumentieren die Ausstellungstätigkeit eines nicht institutionellen Ausstellungsraumes in Dresden zwischen 2010 und 2016. Die Galerie widmete sich dem Werk zeitgenössischer junger Künstler, vorwiegend Meisterschüler und Absolventen, die in der Regel einen biografischen Bezug zu Dresden haben. Das Ausstellungskonzept war offen für die verschiedensten künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen – von Malerei über Fotografie bis zu performativen Ansätzen. Jährlich fanden vier bis fünf, von wechselnden Kuratoren entwickelte Ausstellungen statt. Im August 2016 eröffnete die vorerst letzte Ausstellung.© bei den Rechteinhabern, Lizenz: Zugang frei – Rechte vorbehalten. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Hinweise zum Urheberrecht

    Frequent Follow-Up of Delisted Liver Transplant Candidates Is Necessary: An Observational Study about Characteristics and Outcomes of Delisted Liver Transplant Candidates

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    This observational study focuses on the characteristics and survival of patients taken off of the liver transplant waiting list. Assessment of post-delisting survival and a frequent follow-up of patients after delisting are important keys to improve the survival rate of patients with liver failure after being delisted. Within this study, delisted liver transplant candidates were divided into the following groups: (1) "too good" (54%) or (2) "too sick" (22%) for transplantation, (3) adherence issues (12%) or (4) therapy goal changed (11%). The 5-year survival after delisting within these groups was 84%, 9%, 50%, and 68%, respectively. Less than 3% of the delisted patients had to be relisted again. The clinical expert decision of the multidisciplinary transplant team was sufficiently accurate to differentiate between patients requiring liver transplantation and those who were delisted after a stable recovery of liver function. The assessment of post-delisting survival may serve as a complementary metric to assess differences in center practices and to estimate cumulative post-delisting mortality risk

    Deglacial upslope shift of NE Atlantic intermediate waters controlled slope erosion and cold-water coral mound formation (Porcupine Seabight, Irish margin)

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    Highlights • Holocene cold-water coral mound formation started non-synchronous in Belgica province. • Coral mounds and slope sediments record changes in intermediate water mass dynamics. • Increased turbulent bottom currents steered slope erosion and mound formation. • Internal waves at the ENAW-MOW boundary enhance energy supply and particle flux. • Transition zone between the ENAW-MOW shifted 250 m upslope during the last deglacial. Abstract Turbulent bottom currents significantly influence the formation of cold-water coral mounds and sedimentation processes on continental slopes. Combining records from coral mounds and adjacent slope sediments therefore provide an unprecedented palaeo-archive to understand past variations of intermediate water-mass dynamics. Here, we present coral ages from coral mounds of the Belgica province (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic), which indicate a non-synchronous Holocene re-activation in mound formation suggested by a temporal offset of ∼2.7 kyr between the deep (start: ∼11.3 ka BP at 950 m depth) and shallow (start: ∼8.6 ka BP at 700 m depth) mounds. A similar depth-dependent pattern is revealed in the slope sediments close to these mounds that become progressively younger from 22.1 ka BP at 990 m to 12.2 ka BP at 740 m depth (based on core-top ages). We suggest that the observed changes are the consequence of enhanced bottom-water hydrodynamics, caused by internal waves associated to the re-invigoration of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and the development of a transition zone (TZ) between the MOW and the overlying Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW), which established during the last deglacial. These highly energetic conditions induced erosion adjacent to the Belgica mounds and supported the re-initiation of mound formation by increasing food and sediment fluxes. The striking depth-dependent patterns are likely linked to a shift of the ENAW-MOW-TZ, moving the level of maximum energy ∼250 m upslope since the onset of the last deglaciation

    Deglacial upslope shift of NE Atlantic intermediate waters controlled slope erosion and cold-water coral mound formation (Porcupine Seabight, Irish margin)

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    Highlights • Holocene cold-water coral mound formation started non-synchronous in Belgica province. • Coral mounds and slope sediments record changes in intermediate water mass dynamics. • Increased turbulent bottom currents steered slope erosion and mound formation. • Internal waves at the ENAW-MOW boundary enhance energy supply and particle flux. • Transition zone between the ENAW-MOW shifted 250 m upslope during the last deglacial. Abstract Turbulent bottom currents significantly influence the formation of cold-water coral mounds and sedimentation processes on continental slopes. Combining records from coral mounds and adjacent slope sediments therefore provide an unprecedented palaeo-archive to understand past variations of intermediate water-mass dynamics. Here, we present coral ages from coral mounds of the Belgica province (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic), which indicate a non-synchronous Holocene re-activation in mound formation suggested by a temporal offset of ∼2.7 kyr between the deep (start: ∼11.3 ka BP at 950 m depth) and shallow (start: ∼8.6 ka BP at 700 m depth) mounds. A similar depth-dependent pattern is revealed in the slope sediments close to these mounds that become progressively younger from 22.1 ka BP at 990 m to 12.2 ka BP at 740 m depth (based on core-top ages). We suggest that the observed changes are the consequence of enhanced bottom-water hydrodynamics, caused by internal waves associated to the re-invigoration of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and the development of a transition zone (TZ) between the MOW and the overlying Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW), which established during the last deglacial. These highly energetic conditions induced erosion adjacent to the Belgica mounds and supported the re-initiation of mound formation by increasing food and sediment fluxes. The striking depth-dependent patterns are likely linked to a shift of the ENAW-MOW-TZ, moving the level of maximum energy ∼250 m upslope since the onset of the last deglaciation
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