63 research outputs found

    Strukturni razlogi nasilja v soli in edukacijske strategije

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    For the purposes of the research, we developed a concept of structural reasons that we theoretically assume appear as typical structural reasons for violence in schools. With empirical research, we determined how primary school teachers recognise violent behaviour and how they execute moral education in the areas of the specific structural reasons for violence. We found that the majority of teachers have appropriate pedagogical knowledge to recognise the specific structural reasons for violence and are able to identify the appropriate moral education or support strategy to address the identified violent or disruptive behaviour. However, even in cases of repeating acts of violence, teachers only begin to engage with the factors or reasons behind violent incidents in individual cases, and not systematically. We therefore suggest that schools introduce the systematic differentiation of structural reasons for violence and incorporate this approach in the school moral education plan and the work of teachers. Within such frameworks, violence and disruptive behaviour would be eliminated through moral education and/or support strategies appropriate to the specific structural reasons. (DIPF/Orig.

    Organizacijska kultura na javni univerzi: študija primera na Kosovu

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    In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in research that focuses on organisational culture as an important construct that can support or hinder the implementation of changes in higher education. In developing countries of Europe, limited studies are assessing organisational culture and its alignment with planned changes in higher education institutions. Hence, the objective of this research was to identify the dominant organisational culture types in higher education and understand how the planned changes are aligned with the dominant cultures. The research was conducted in a large public university in Kosovo. The Competing Values Framework was used to assess the organisational culture. The study adopted a quantitative research approach. The sample consisted of 102 academic staff from a population of approximately 960. The data were collected using a standardised instrument (The Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)) to identify the dominant organisational culture based on four organisational culture types: clan, hierarchy, adhocracy, and market. The data related to the planned changes of the university were collected through document analysis. The research identified hierarchy and market cultures as the dominant cultures. The results also show that the dominant organisational cultures militate against the main planned changes. The findings confirm the relevance of the Competing Values Framework in assessing the organisational culture in higher education institutions and provide direction to academic leaders about how they can align their planned changes with the organisational culture to achieve better outcomes. (DIPF/Orig.

    Bürgerbildung in Slowenien und Diskurs der Permissivität

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    Tekst ima dva dijela koji predstavljaju dva različita koncepta odnosa između građanskog obrazovanja i prihvaćenog vrijednosnog sustava u državnim školama. U prvom dijelu analizirat ćemo javne rasprave koje se odnose na građansko obrazovanje: želimo provjeriti koliko su izložene utjecaju javnih i političkih očekivanja i stajalištima koja se formiraju kroz mehanizme političke moći. Koncepte građanskog obrazovanja analiziramo kao diskurzivni fenomen. Želimo pokazati kako diskurs utječe na koncepte građanskog obrazovanja. Pritom diskurs interpretiramo kao društvenu vezu ili kao točku identifikacije u kojoj se možemo prepoznati. U drugom dijelu rada nastojimo dati odgovor na pitanje o uspostavi građanskog obrazovanja kao posljedice izgubljenih iluzija na kraju Velikih priča i poslije ‘’sloma’’ u bivšim socijalističkim ili komunističkim zemljama, koji se dogodio nakon uspostavljanja parlamentarne demokracije i tržišne ekonomije. Pitamo se: Kako nastavnici promatraju građansko obrazovanje kao nastavni predmet? Što bi trebali biti sadržaji građanskog obrazovanja ako određeni predmet promatraju učenici, i to kao predmet koji nema vrijednost ili koji im je nepoznat? Trebaju li sadržaji građanskog obrazovanja reflektirati želje učenika?The text is divided in two opposing parts, presenting two different concepts of the relation between civil education and the accepted system of values in state schools. The first part of the text is an analysis of public debates about civil education: the authors wanted to determine to what extent they are influenced by public and political expectations or convictions formed through political power mechanisms. The concepts of civil education are analysed as discursive phenomena. The authors’ aim is to show how a discourse influences the concepts of civil education. A discourse is interpreted as a social connection or a point of identification for an individual. The second part of the paper tries to answer the questions raised by the introduction of civil education as a reaction to the disillusionment at the end of the big stories and after the breakdown in former socialist or communist countries, made necessary by the establishment of parliamentary democracy and market economy. The questions raised in that part are: How do teachers perceive Civil Education as a subject? What should Civil Education contain, from students’ point of view, especially if such a subject is thought to be worthless or totally alienated from their reality? Should the content of Civil Education reflect students’ wishes?Der Text hat zwei Teile, deren Einschränkungen mit Hilfe von zwei verschiedenen Beziehungskonzepten zwischen der Bürgerbildung und dem geltenden Wertsystem an den Staatsschulen veranschaulicht werden. Im ersten Teil wird die öffentliche Diskussion über die Bürgerbildung analysiert: Wir möchten überprüfen, in welchem Ausmass sie von den öffentlichen und politischen Erwartungen und Überzeugungen beeinflusst wird, die durch Mechanismen der politischen Macht gebildet werden. Konzepte der Bürgerbildung werden als diskursives Phänomen analysiert. Wir möchten aufzeigen, wie der Diskurs die Konzepte der Bürgerbildung beeinflusst. Dabei wird der Diskurs als gesellschaftliche Beziehung oder als Identifikationspunkt gedeutet, in dem wir alle uns wiedererkennen können. Im zweiten Teil unserer Arbeit versuchen wir, die Frage zu beantworten, ob die Einführung der Bürgerbildung als eine Folge von verlorenen Illusionen am Ende der grossen Geschichten nach dem «Zusammenbruch» in den ex-sozialistischen oder kommunistischen Ländern anzusehen sei, der nach der Einführung der parlamentarischen Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft erfolgte. In diesem Teil stellen wir die Fragen: Wie betrachten die Lehrer die Bürgerbildung als Unterrichtsfach? Was sollten die Inhalte der Bürgerbildung sein, wenn wir sie vom Gesichtspunkt der Schüler aus betrachten als ein Schulfach, das für sie keinen Wert besitzt oder ihnen völlig fremd ist? Sollten die Inhalte der Bürgerbildung die Wünsche der Schüler wiederspiegeln

    Development of an automatic marketplace using virtual collaboration

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    Razvoj novog proizvoda od bitne je važnosti za razvoj poslovnih poduzeća i za društvenu zajednicu u kojoj poduzeće djeluje. U radu se daje opis razvoja automatizirane tržnice u poduzeću P-ino d.o.o. Razvoj takvog složenog proizvoda zahtijevao je sudjelovanje stručnjaka iz različitih područja, a također je uključio i studente, koji su sigurno pridonijeli većoj kreativnosti i otvorenosti razvojnog tima. Više od 85 % ukupne komunikacije razvojnog tima odvijao se u virtualnom obliku. Ispitivanje završnog prototipa također je bilo više manje virtualno. Virtualna komunikacija u razvoju tako složenog proizvoda kao što je automatizirana tržnica dokazala se kao vrlo pogodna metoda za međusobnu komunikaciju razvojnog tima u svim razvojnim fazama proizvoda. Bila je posebno učinkovita jer su članovi razvojnog tima posjedovali različite vještine i dolazili iz različitih institucija i poduzeća.New product development is vital for the development of business enterprises and the society where the enterprise operates. The paper presents a case example of an automated marketplace development, which took place in the P-ino d.o.o. company. Developing such a complex product required the participation of experts from different areas, and it included also students, who definitely contributed to greater creativity and openness of the development team. More than 85 % of all the communication within the development team took place in virtual form. Testing of the finished prototype was also more or less virtual. Virtual communication in the development of such a complex product as an automated marketplace proved to be a very suitable method of interpersonal communication within the development team in all development phases of the product. It was particularly efficient because the members of the development team had different skills and were coming from different institutions and companies

    Poland, Slovenia, the World : Challenges of present-day education

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe are multifaceted. One of the latter is the process of strengthening the cooperation among universities in this part of the world. This cooperation is carried out in many fields – from joint projects and researches – to joint analyses, discourses and publications. This monograph – a collection of reflections, thoughts and polemics deriving from theoretical and empirical researches, carried out as a part of a joint research project simultaneously undertaken at both these universities under the name “Problems and challenges of modern education” – constitutes one of the fruits of the cooperation between Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University and the University of Ljubljana

    Good practices report: participatory citizenship in the European Union

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    This Good Practice report is the third deliverable for the Participatory Citizenship in the European Union study. The first deliverable was the contextual report and conceptualised citizenship, and more specifically Participatory Citizenship. It identified the competing models of citizenship (e.g., liberal, civic republicanism, communitarian and the critical model) and concluded with the proposal of a working definition of Participatory Citizenshi

    Practitioner research in kindergarten and teachersʼ professional development

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    Research literacy is becoming a very important part in teacher education. There is ample evidence that teacher research can be a powerful factor in the lives of teacher-researchers: teacher-researchers report learning more about their students, about their schools or kindergartens, and about themselves; they use this knowledge to modify their practice, to feel more professional, and to engage ?authentically? with the profession of teaching in a new way (for more on this, see Berger, Boles & Troen 2005)

    Delovanje svetovalne službe

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    V pričujoči monografiji so predstavljeni rezultati empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli na reprezentativnem vzorcu svetovalnih delavcev, zaposlenih v slovenskih javnih vrtcih, osnovnih in srednjih šolah in s katero smo ugotavljali delovanje svetovalne službe. Ugotavljali smo, kaj svetovalni delavci menijo o svoji začetni izobrazbi, uvajanju v poklic, sistemu nadaljnjega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, sistemu napredovanja v strokovne nazive, nalogah svetovalne službe, sodelovanju svetovalnih delavcev z zunanjimi ustanovami, materialnih in delovnih pogojih. Posebno pozornost smo namenili trem vsebinskim področjem delovanja svetovalnih delavcev: problematiki zlorabljanja otrok, oblikovanju vzgojnega načrta in delu z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru projekta Analiza ključnih dejavnikov zagotavljanja kakovosti znanja v vzgojno-izobraževalnem sistemu

    Izbrani predlogi sistemskih rešitev v šolskem sistemu z vidika socialne kohezivnosti

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    Izbrani predlogi sistemskih rešitev v šolskem sistemu z vidika socialne kohezivnosti

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    V nadaljevanju bomo predstavili del podatkov, zbranimi z dvema empiričnima raziskavama, ki smo ju izvedli v okviru priprave Bele knjige o vzgoji in izobraževanju v Republiki Sloveniji (2011): raziskave o vlogi jezika v izobraževanju in raziskave o izobraževanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami v rednih osnovnih šolah. Ob tem predstavljamo tudi izbrane rešitve na področjih jezikovnega vključevanja priseljencev in vključevanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami v slovenski šolski sistem