93 research outputs found

    Применение пластмасс для изготовления гидравлических элементов

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    У роботі представлені, концепції дизайну і моделі гідравлічних елементів, виконаних з пластмаси, таких як героторний насос, запобіжний клапан, кран і циліндр. Експериментальне дослідження показало, що елементи працюють належним чином. Представлена проста гідравлічна система, зібрана з виготовлених елементів. Система працювала належним чином в робочому діапазоні тисків до 4 МПа. Застосування POM має такі переваги, як простота і низька вартість виробництва, а також безшумна робота. Подальші дослідження будуть спрямовані на пластмаси, що мають більш високу міцності, розробку нових конструктивних рішень для елементів і більш досконалих методів їх виробництва.In the paper, a design concept and models of basic POM-type plastic hydraulic elements such as a gerotor pump, a pressure relief valve, an On – Off valve and a cylinder have been presented. The experimental research proved the elements work properly. A simple system made of the elements has been built. The system worked properly within the working pressure range up to 4MPa. Application of POM is advantageous for its simple and cheap method of production and silent operation. Further research will be focused on higher strength plastics, development of new design solutions for the elements and better methods of their manufacture.В работе представлены, концепции дизайна и модели гидравлических элементов, выполненных из пластмассы, таких как героторный насос, предохранительный клапан, кран и цилиндр. Экспериментальное исследование показало, что элементы работают должным образом. Представлена простая гидравлическая система, собранная из изготовленных элементов. Система работала должным образом в рабочем диапазоне давлений до 4 МПа. Применение POM имеет такие преимущества, как простота и низкая стоимость производства, а также бесшумная работа. Дальнейшие исследования будут направлены на пластмассы, имеющие более высокую прочности, разработку новых конструктивных решений для элементов и более совершенных методов их производства

    Magnet-sleeve-sealed mini trochoidal-gear pump prototype with polymer composite gear

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    The trochoidal-gear technology has been growing in groundbreaking fields. Forthcoming applications are demanding to this technology a step forward in the conceiving stage of positive displacement machines. The compendium of the qualities and the inherent characteristics of trochoidal-gear technology, especially towards the gerotor pump, together with scale/size factor and magnetic-driven transmission has led to the idea of a magnet-sleeve-sealed variable flow mini trochoidal-gear pump. From its original concept, to the last phase of the design development, the proof of concept, this new product will intend to overcome problems such as noise, vibration, maintenance, materials, and dimensions. The paper aims to show the technological path followed from the concept, design, and model, to the manufacture of the first prototype, where the theoretical and numerical approaches are not always directly reflected in the prototype performance results. Early in the design process, from a standard-commercial sintered metal mini trochoidal-gear unit, fundamental characteristics and dimensional limitations have been evaluated becoming the strategic parameters that led to its configuration. The main technical challenge to confront is being sealed with non-exterior driveshaft, ensuring that the whole interior is filled and wetted with working fluid and helping the hydrodynamic film formation, the pumping effect, and the heat dissipation. Subsequently, the mini pump architecture, embodiment, methodology, materials, and manufacture are presented. The trend of applications of polymer composite materials and their benefits wanted to be examined with this new mini pump prototype, and a pure polyoxymethylene mini trochoidal-gear set has been designed and manufactured. Finally, both the sintered and the polymer trochoidal-gear units have been experimentally tested in an in-house full-instrumented mini test bench. Although the main goal of the presented work is the development of a new mini trochoidal-gear pump prototype rather than a numerical study, the results have been compared with numerical simulation. Subsequently, the prototype of the mini trochoidal-gear pump is a feasible proof of concept supported by functional indexes and the experimental results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Różnicowanie autoimmunologicznego uszkodzenia i makrogruczolaka przysadki mózgowej w trakcie terapii niwolumabem u chorej na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca — opis przypadku

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    W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku chorej na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca z ekspresją PD-L1 na 1% komórek nowotworowych, leczonej za pomocą chemioterapii oraz radioterapii, a w momencie progresji choroby — immunoterapii niwolumabem. W trakcie stosowania immunoterapii u chorej rozwinęły się objawy wieloosiowej niedoczynności przysadki. W badaniach obrazowych przysadki uwidoczniono makrogruczolaka. W rozpoznaniu różnicowym brano pod uwagę autoimmunologiczne zapalenie przysadki w przebiegu terapii niwolumabem. Po wyrównaniu zaburzeń hormonalnych kontynuowano immunoterapię, uzyskując remisję choroby, utrzymującą się przez następne 2 lata

    The presence and clinical implications of α-2,6-galactose-linked sialic acids in non-small-cell lung cancer brain metastases — preliminary study

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    Brain metastases (BM) in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients present an increasing clinical challenge. Identifying biomarkers which specifically identify patients at high risk of BM may improve their early diagnosis, which is crucial for surgical and radiotherapeutic treatment outcome. Alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase (α-2,6-ST) and the primary product of its activity, alpha-2,6-galactose-linked sialic acids (α-2,6-GalSA) have been found responsible for the adhesion of tumor cells to the brain vessels’ endothelium and enabling their transmigration through the blood-brain barrier in brain metastatic tumors. The aim of the study was to investigate by histochemical method the presence and possible role of α-2,6-GalSA in the formation of brain metastasis in NSCLC. In the screening phase 76 metastatic brain tumors were stained for α-2,6-GalSA and the second phase involved an identical staining of 20 primary tumors of patients who had their primary tumors treated with surgery or definite radiochemotherapy yet who later developed BM. The results were compared to a control group of 22 patients treated with surgery for NSCLC and who survived 5 years without the recurrence of disease. Alpha-2,6-GalSA presence was found to be down-regulated in poorly differentiated tumor types, whereas majority of differentiated tumors overexpressed it. This was statistically significant for both BM and the primary tumors. The expression of α-2,6-GalSA remained stable in primary and metastatic tumor pairs, however, no statistically significant differences were observed between study and control groups. Within the study group, a higher α-2,6-GalSA expression was associated with better overall survival, but not all statistical models found this result significant. Further studies are recommended to validate these findings

    Risk factors and primary prevention of lung cancer. Cessation of cigarette addiction

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    Despite the huge knowledge about the risk factors associated with lung cancer, this disease remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in highly developed countries. The reason for this phenomenon is the increasing pollution of the natural environment and, above all, the difficulties in eliminating the addiction to smoking. In large Polish urban agglomerations, the exposure to particulate matter containing hydrocarbons on its surface, to free hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulphur oxides is constantly increasing. Moreover, almost 25% of the Polish population smoke cigarettes and the elimination of smoking addiction through psychotherapy, nicotine replacement therapy and pharmacotherapy are sometimes ineffective. This article presents that the use of tobacco-burning products other than cigarettes (e.g., cigars or pipes) and products containing marijuana are as dangerous to health as classical cigarettes. Other nicotine-containing products have also appeared: e-cigarettes and tobacco heating systems. These products are highly addictive to nicotine, but the aerosols, that are produced by them, contain fewer toxic substances than cigarette smoke. Therefore, there are reasons to use these products instead of traditional cigarettes in people who are highly addicted to nicotine (after exhaustion of other treatment options) to reduce health risks, including lung cancer risk. However, it must be evoked that only a complete smoking cessation and the use of nicotine-containing products could be effective in reducing the risk of lung cancer

    Fat and Sugar—A Dangerous Duet. A Comparative Review on Metabolic Remodeling in Rodent Models of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common disease in Western society and ranges from steatosis to steatohepatitis to end-stage liver disease such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The molecular mechanisms that are involved in the progression of steatosis to more severe liver damage in patients are not fully understood. A deeper investigation of NAFLD pathogenesis is possible due to the many different animal models developed recently. In this review, we present a comparative overview of the most common dietary NAFLD rodent models with respect to their metabolic phenotype and morphological manifestation. Moreover, we describe similarities and controversies concerning the effect of NAFLD-inducing diets on mitochondria as well as mitochondria-derived oxidative stress in the progression of NAFLD