8,685 research outputs found

    Study Of Food And Energy Values Of New Gingerbread Types

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    The article deals with directions of the increase of the food value and decrease of the energetic value of gingerbread products. The results of the studies of the chemical composition of gingerbread products with food additives and changes in their composition were considered.The perspective of the use of vegetable additives in gingerbread technologies was substantiated on the base of the analysis and generalization of theoretical, experimental data and production studies, and the possibility of their use was proved.The use of food additives gives the possibility to raise the food and biological value, to widen the assortment of gingerbread products with prognosticated quality parameters, to form new consumption properties of a product to use the food potential of vegetable additives more full. It was proved, that new types of gingerbread products with vegetable additives have advantages over traditional ones.New types of gingerbread products has the balanced chemical composition, low energetic value, decreased content of sugar and saturated fatty acids and increased content of healthy ingredients of the functional and prophylactic destination.The addition of vegetable additives in the recipe of flour confectionary products leads to the increase of its food value at the expanse of protein quantity, change of food acids ratio in favor of unsaturated ones, enrichment with mineral substances and vitamins


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    In this paper we provide an overview of emerging Sensor Web paradigm and show several practical issues of using Sensor Web technologies for real-world tasks. Issues under study include sensor description using SensorML and database performance for serving observations data. This paper also shows an approach for integrating standard Sensor Observation Service with Globus Toolkit Grid platform.\ud В данной работе представлен обзор развивающейся парадигмы Sensor Web и рассмотрены практические вопросы использования данной технологии для решения прикладных задач. Рассматриваются вопросы описания численных моделей с использованием языка SensorML и оценки производительности баз данных в задачах обслуживания сервисов Sensor Web. Кроме того, в работе описаны подходы к интеграции сервисов Sensor Web с Grid-платформой Globus Toolkit.\u

    Diassociative algebras and Milnor's invariants for tangles

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    We extend Milnor's mu-invariants of link homotopy to ordered (classical or virtual) tangles. Simple combinatorial formulas for mu-invariants are given in terms of counting trees in Gauss diagrams. Invariance under Reidemeister moves corresponds to axioms of Loday's diassociative algebra. The relation of tangles to diassociative algebras is formulated in terms of a morphism of corresponding operads.Comment: 17 pages, many figures; v2: several typos correcte

    Superconductivity in correlated disordered two-dimensional electron gas

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    We calculate the dynamic effective electron-electron interaction potential for a low density disordered two-dimensional electron gas. The disordered response function is used to calculate the effective potential where the scattering rate is taken from typical mobilities from recent experiments. We investigate the development of an effective attractive pair potential for both disordered and disorder free systems with correlations determined from existing numerical simulation data. The effect of disorder and correlations on the superconducting critical temperature Tc is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 4 figure

    On the Klein-Gordon equation and hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory

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    Elliptic pseudoanalytic function theory was considered independently by Bers and Vekua decades ago. In this paper we develop a hyperbolic analogue of pseudoanalytic function theory using the algebra of hyperbolic numbers. We consider the Klein-Gordon equation with a potential. With the aid of one particular solution we factorize the Klein-Gordon operator in terms of two Vekua-type operators. We show that real parts of the solutions of one of these Vekua-type operators are solutions of the considered Klein-Gordon equation. Using hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory, we then obtain explicit construction of infinite systems of solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with potential. Finally, we give some examples of application of the proposed procedure

    Assessment of the DNA damage level in peripheral blood leukocytes of mice treated orally with Rapitalam in acute and therapeutic doses

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    Centre there was performed experimental research, which carried out the identification and quantitative assessment of alkali-labile sites and DNA strand breaks in leukocytes of peripheral blood of male mice treated with Rapitalam. The method is based on the assessment of the integrity of DNA in leukocytes of the whole blood of animals. Rapitalam was administered to animals orally according to 2 schemes: a single acute dose (413 mg/kg, which corresponds to 1/5 LD50 dose) and once daily in a therapeutic dose (3 mg/kg) for 4 day


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    The necessity of the forming and development of industrial and national natural parks networks in Ukraine in accordance with the leading world initiative for responsible investment PRI is proved in article. Both types of parks are among the most effective options for organizational solutions to the problem of attracting «green» and socially responsible investments into the country’s economy. The activity of national nature parks in Ukraine on the example of the Halytsky National Park and the Skole Beskids is investigated. At the same time, if national parks are created in order to promote ecologically balanced development; the main purpose of industrial parks is connected first of all with increase of economic efficiency of attracting investment in various directions of business activity. Considering the common features of parks as organizational forms of territorial integration of economy, environment and society, as well as instruments of attraction of investments, the directions of strengthening of their role in achieving the Sustainable development goals till 2030 in Ukraine are offered. Along with the problem of the development of the industrial parks network and the formation of the national natural parks network, the idea of a «functional intersection» of these networks is justified in order to search for the new opportunities for socially and environmentally responsible investment. General practical recommendations on improvement of functions for strategic planning, stimulation and monitoring of social and ecological activity in the territory of industrial and national parks according to the Principles for Responsible Investment are worked out. Namely settlement of issues of property on natural resources and recreational facilities; owners interest and initiative on attraction of «green» investment; ensuring an integrated approach — when monitoring measures on social and environmental activities in the park networks; development of an unified information resource where data on any activities of business entities and all stakeholders in the framework of the functioning and development of the park networks is collected and analyzed etc.Обґрунтована необхідність формування та розвитку мереж індустріальних і національних природних парків в Україні відповідно до провідної світової ініціативи щодо відповідального інвестування PRI. Обидва види парків є одними з найбільш ефективних варіантів організаційного розв’язання проблеми залучення «зелених» і соціально відповідальних інвестицій в економіку країни. Досліджено діяльність національних природних парків в Україні на прикладі парків: Галицького i Сколівських Бескид. При цьому якщо національні парки власне й створені для того, щоб сприяти екологічно збалансованому розвиткові, то головне призначення промислових парків пов’язане передусім із підвищенням економічної ефективності залучення інвестицій у різні напрями підприємницької діяльності. Ураховуючи спільні риси парків як організаційних форм територіальної інтеграції економіки, природи та соціуму, а також інструментів залучення інвестицій, запропоновано напрямки посилення їх ролі в досягненні Цілей сталого розвитку до 2030 року в Україні. Поряд із питаннями розвитку мережі промислових парків, а також формування мережі національних природних парків обґрунтовано ідею про «функціональний перетин» цих мереж із метою пошуку нових можливостей соціально та екологічно відповідального інвестування. Розроблено загальні практичні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення функцій стратегічного планування, стимулювання та моніторингу соціально-екологічної діяльності на території індустріальних і національних парків згідно з Принципами відповідального інвестування. А саме: врегулювання питань власності на природні ресурси та рекреаційні об’єкти; зацікавленість та ініціативність власників щодо залучення «зелених» інвестицій; забезпечення комплексного підходу — при моніторингу заходів щодо соціально-екологічної діяльності в паркових мережах; розробка єдиного інформаційного ресурсу, в якому централізовано збираються та аналізуються дані щодо будь-якої діяльності суб’єктів господарювання та всіх зацікавлених осіб у рамках функціонування і розвитку паркових мереж тощо

    Novel Properties of The Apparent Metal-Insulator Transition in Two-Dimensional Systems

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    The low-temperature conductivity of low-density, high-mobility, two-dimensional hole systems in GaAs was studied. We explicitly show that the metal-insulator transition, observed in these systems, is characterized by a well-defined critical density, p_0c. We also observe that the low-temperature conductivity of these systems depends linearly on the hole density, over a wide density range. The high-density linear conductivity extrapolates to zero at a density close to the critical density.Comment: 4 Figure

    Heavy Hadron Spectroscopy

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    I review recent theoretical advances in heavy hadron spectroscopy.Comment: Plenary talk at the XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 06), Moscow, Russia, July 26 - August 2, 2006; 11 page

    Metal-insulator transition at B=0 in a dilute two dimensional GaAs-AlGaAs hole gas

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    We report the observation of a metal insulator transition at B=0 in a high mobility two dimensional hole gas in a GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure. A clear critical point separates the insulating phase from the metallic phase, demonstrating the existence of a well defined minimum metallic conductivity sigma(min)=2e/h. The sigma(T) data either side of the transition can be `scaled' on to one curve with a single parameter (To). The application of a parallel magnetic field increases sigma(min) and broadens the transition. We argue that strong electron-electron interactions (rs = 10) destroy phase coherence, removing quantum intereference corrections to the conductivity.Comment: 4 pages RevTex + 4 figures. Submitted to PRL. Originally posted 22 September 1997. Revised 12 October 1997 - minor changes to referencing, figure cations and figure