7,395 research outputs found

    Alpha Clustering and the stellar nucleosynthesis of carbon

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    The astrophysical S--factor and reaction rates for the triple--alpha process are calculated in the direct--capture model. It is shown that the stellar carbon production is extremely sensitive to small variations in the N--N interaction.Comment: 2 pages LaTe

    Cloud-top meridional momentum transports on Saturn and Jupiter

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    Cloud-tracked wind measurements reported by Sromovsky et al. were analyzed to determine meridional momentum transports in Saturn's northern middle latitudes. Results are expressed in terms of eastward and northward velocity components (u and v), and eddy components u and v. At most latitudes between 13 and 44 deg N (planetocentric), the transport by the mean flow () is measurably southward, tending to support Saturn's large equatorial jet, and completely dominating the eddy transport. Meridional velocities are near zero at the peak of the relatively weak westward jet; along the flanks of that jet, measurements indicate divergent flow out of the jet. In this region the dominant eddy transport () is northward on the north side of the jet, but not resolvable on the south side. Eddy transports at most other latitudes are not significantly different from measurement error. The conversion of eddy kinetic energy to mean kinetic energy, indicated by the correlation between and d/dy (where y is meridional distance) is clearly smaller than various values reported for Jupiter, and not significantly different from zero. Both Jovian and Saturnian results may be biased by the tendency for cloud tracking to favor high contrast features, and thus may not be entirely representative of the cloud level motions as a whole

    Atypical CD3+ CD4(low) cell population in a boy with fatal EBV-infection

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    A previously healthy 10-year-old Greek boy born to nonconsanguineous healthy parents developed progressive liver disease after acute infectious mononucleosis. EBV-induced autoimmune hepatitis was suspected and treatment was started with high-dose prednisolone, acyclovir and intravenous immunoglobulins. Despite therapy his liver function continuously deteriorated and the child died 9 months later in profound immune deficiency from candida septicemia. Flow cytometric analysis of his lymphocytes revealed a major subpopulation of atypical cells (20.3%) which were CD3+, fitted into the lymphocyte gate bur showed a very low level of CD4 expression, comparable to that of monocytes. After short-time cell culture, the cells became adherent and developed granules and dendrites; We conclude that these cells may represent strongly activated CD4+ T lymphocytes with downregulated CD4 expression or a subtype of dendritic cells

    Eddy statistics in the South Atlantic as derived from drifters drogued at 100

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    More than 130 satellite-tracked buoys drogued at 100 m depth have been deployed by us in the South Atlantic during the years 1990–1993 in an ongoing program. After eliminating those portions of the trajectories for which the drogue was off, Lagrangian eddy statistics are computed and compared to the results of a similar data set in the North Atlantic and to previous results for the South Atlantic. Regarding the relations based on Taylor\u27s theory, no significant differences can be seen between the North and South Atlantic. The Lagrangian integral time scale is inversely proportional to the r.m.s.-velocity which implies that eddy diffusivity is directly proportional to the r.m.s.-velocity and not to the variance. Previous studies on that matter are most likely influenced by buoys which lost their drogue. Eddy length scale is constant with values of 37 km in zonal and 28 km in meridional direction, averaged over the entire Atlantic. Eddy diffusivity varies between 2 107 and 8 · 107 cm2/s, being smallest in the subtropics and highest in the Circumpolar Current. The proportionality to eddy velocity and a constant length scale opens the possibility to compute global distributions of eddy diffusivity from altimeter data

    Lifetime statistics of quantum chaos studied by a multiscale analysis

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    In a series of pump and probe experiments, we study the lifetime statistics of a quantum chaotic resonator when the number of open channels is greater than one. Our design embeds a stadium billiard into a two dimensional photonic crystal realized on a Silicon-on-insulator substrate. We calculate resonances through a multiscale procedure that combines graph theory, energy landscape analysis and wavelet transforms. Experimental data is found to follow the universal predictions arising from random matrix theory with an excellent level of agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Postcard: Wichita, Kansas, A Special Session of Midian Temple

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    This black and white printed postcard announces a special session of Midian Temple with printed text. There is handwriting on the back of the card.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/tj_postcards/1081/thumbnail.jp

    Backscattered Electrons and Their Influence on Contrast in the Scanning Electron Microscope

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    The backscattered electron (BSE) induced secondaries (SE2) emerge from an area that is usually many orders of magnitude larger than the area in which the impinging primary probe releases secondary electrons (SE1). These SE2 secondary electrons form a) an undesired background signal in high resolution scanning micrographs and b) are responsible for the well known proximity effect in electron beam lithography. In this paper we focus our attention on the first topic exclusively: we discuss the complex influence of the SE2 on contrast in SEM micrographs (neglecting the components SE3 and SE4). We do this on the basis of our emission-microscopic measurements of the spatial distributions of SE1 and SE2 emerging from flat bulk specimens. By integrating these distributions in two dimensions we calculate the total number of SE1 and SE2 electrons and deduce the signal to backgroud ratio SE1/(SE1+SE2), i.e., the maximum contrast in one pixel ( single pixel contrast ) and the contrast of two adjacent pixels 1 and 2 according to its usual definition C= (I1 -I2)/(I1 +I2). We calculate the enhanced secondary emission factor for backscattered electrons from our total numbers of SE1 and SE2 for Si, Ge and Ag to Si=2.58, Ge=1.46, Ag=1,23

    Adverse Consequences to Assisting Victims of Campus Violence: Initial Investigations Among College Students

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    Despite growing interest in the use of bystander education programs to address the problems of sexual and relationship violence on college campuses, little knowledge exists on adverse consequences experienced by students intervening as a bystander. The current study examined the prevalence and correlates of adverse consequences of bystander intervention in two samples of first-year college students. In Study 1, 281 students completed a measure of negative consequences experienced when acting as a bystander to help someone at risk of sexual assault, relationship abuse, or stalking. Efficacy for bystander behavior was also assessed. Approximately one third of the students (97/281) reported having tried to help someone who had been at risk of violence during the previous academic year. Of these, approximately 17% (16/97) reported experiencing a negative consequence from having tried to help. Experiencing negative consequences was associated with lower levels of bystander efficacy. In Study 2, conducted at a different university, 299 students completed measures of negative consequences resulting from intervening as a bystander and efficacy for bystander behavior. Students also participated in virtual-reality simulations that provided opportunities to intervene as a bystander. Again, approximately one third of the students (99/299) reported having tried to help someone at risk of violence. Of these, 20% (20/99) reported experiencing a negative consequence. Two of the adverse consequences (physically hurt, got into trouble) were negatively associated with bystander efficacy and observed effectiveness of bystander behavior in the virtual simulations. Results of exploratory analyses suggest that training in bystander intervention might reduce the likelihood of experiencing adverse consequences
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