6 research outputs found


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    A pedagogia hospitalar é um programa muito importante e interessante, que garante às crianças e aos adolescentes em estado doentio que não fiquem sem estudar, mostrando a essas pessoas que a educação é essencial na vida de todos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo revelar a presença do pedagogo no meio hospitalar, dando possibilidades às crianças enfermas do convívio com o ensino, através da ludicidade, do riso e do comprometimento do profissional da pedagogia na vida destas crianças, pois desde o momento em que um pedagogo assume a responsabilidade de entrar no programa e ajudar essas crianças e adolescentes internados, ele deve ter plena consciênciade que não é uma missão fácil, porque na maioria das vezes os doentes e seus familiares estão muito fragilizados,e melhorar a imagem da internação para algo que se mostre positivo requer muita dedicação e paciência. Buscou-se neste artigo, como base teórica, autores como Conzatti (2014), Masetti (1997), Ramos (2009), Silva (2000),Tomeline Basso (2008), que fundamentaram a temática desenvolvida


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    A sexualidade envolve várias fases e cada período deve ser explorado de maneira saudável e própria acada idade, visando saciar a curiosidade com responsabilidade. Os acessos às informações sobre a sexualidade sãoos mais variados, mas nem sempre são fontes seguras. Saber abordar esse assunto, ainda considerado tabu trazsatisfação e tranquilidade, de modo que se permita à criança explorar o próprio corpo, respeitando-o. A sexualidadeinfantil possui pontos de erotização de acordo com a faixa etária e aos oito anos de idade, a criança vivencia umperíodo de descobertas sociais e de preparo emocional para a sexualidade na adolescência

    Soil moisture variability and its influence on convective precipitation over complex terrain

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    Soil moisture monitoring data from the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) 2007 are combined with operational and high-resolution simulations with the weather forecast system GME/COSMO-DE to analyse the discrepancies between observed and modelled soil moisture fields and their potential impacts on convective precipitation forecasts. We use data from the newly installed soil moisture monitoring network comprising 47 stations with soil moisture sensors installed at three different depths within the COPS area in southwest Germany. The obtained soil moisture fields are compared to their related representation within the global model GME interpolated with high-resolution soil and surface data to a 2.8 km resolution yielding soil moisture values on the same grid as the high-resolution model COSMO-DE. Systematic differences between modelled and measured soil moisture values are found and used to determine the potential impact of large soil moisture biases for the modelling of convective processes. This is achieved by conducting sensitivity tests using COSMO-DE, in which the initialisation fields of soil moisture are varied. Results show a general mean bias towards too dry soil conditions, both in GME during the whole COPS period, as well as in the high-resolution modelling of specific COPS IOPs with COSMO-DE. The influence of this bias on simulated precipitation is significant and non-trivial and depends on the specifics of the analysed case study. The results presented in this study demonstrate that soil moisture has a considerable impact on convection-related parameters over complex and heterogeneous terrain, but that no simple relationship regarding the sign of the soil moisture–precipitation feedback could be identified due to a complex interplay between various factors that favour or inhibit convection initiation

    The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights

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    Within the framework of the international field campaign COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study), a large suite of state-of-the-art meteorological instrumentation was operated, partially combined for the first time. This includes networks of in situ and remote-sensing systems such as the Global Positioning System as well as a synergy of multi-wavelength passive and active remote-sensing instruments such as advanced radar and lidar systems. The COPS field phase was performed from 01 June to 31 August 2007 in a low-mountain area in southwestern Germany/eastern France covering the Vosges mountains, the Rhine valley and the Black Forest mountains. The collected data set covers the entire evolution of convective precipitation events in complex terrain from their initiation, to their development and mature phase until their decay. Eighteen Intensive Observation Periods with 37 operation days and eight additional Special Observation Periods were performed, providing a comprehensive data set covering different forcing conditions. In this article, an overview of the COPS scientific strategy, the field phase, and its first accomplishments is given. Highlights of the campaign are illustrated with several measurement examples. It is demonstrated that COPS research provides new insight into key processes leading to convection initiation and to the modification of precipitation by orography, in the improvement of quantitative precipitation forecasting by the assimilation of new observations, and in the performance of ensembles of convection-permitting models in complex terrain