455 research outputs found

    Ten Years of the Barcelona Process: Economic and Social Development since 1995

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    A Systematic Approach to the SILH Lagrangian

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    We consider the electroweak chiral Lagrangian, including a light scalar boson, in the limit of small ξ=v2/f2\xi=v^2/f^2. Here vv is the electroweak scale and ff is the corresponding scale of the new strong dynamics. We show how the conventional SILH Lagrangian, defined as the effective theory of a strongly-interacting light Higgs (SILH) to first order in ξ\xi, can be obtained as a limiting case of the complete electroweak chiral Lagrangian. The approach presented here ensures the completeness of the operator basis at the considered order, it clarifies the systematics of the effective Lagrangian, guarantees a consistent and unambiguous power counting, and it shows how the generalization of the effective field theory to higher orders in ξ\xi has to be performed. We point out that terms of order ξ2\xi^2, which are usually not included in the SILH Lagrangian, are parametrically larger than terms of order ξ/16π2\xi/16\pi^2 that are retained, as long as ξ>1/16π2\xi > 1/16\pi^2. Conceptual issues such as custodial symmetry and its breaking are also discussed. For illustration, the minimal composite Higgs model based on the coset SO(5)/SO(4)SO(5)/SO(4) is considered at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. It is shown how the effective Lagrangian for this model is contained as a special case in the electroweak chiral Lagrangian based on SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R/SU(2)VSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R/SU(2)_V.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; improved presentation of the results in section

    On the Power Counting in Effective Field Theories

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    We discuss the systematics of power counting in general effective field theories, focussing on those that are nonrenormalizable at leading order. As an illuminating example we consider chiral perturbation theory gauged under the electromagnetic U(1)U(1) symmetry. This theory describes the low-energy interactions of the octet of pseudo-Goldstone bosons in QCD with photons and has been discussed extensively in the literature. Peculiarities of the standard approach are pointed out and it is shown how these are resolved within our scheme. The presentation follows closely our recent discussion of power counting for the electroweak chiral Lagrangian. The systematics of the latter is reviewed and shown to be consistent with the concept of chiral dimensions. The results imply that naive dimensional analysis (NDA) is incomplete in general effective field theories, while still reproducing the correct counting in special cases.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Complete Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian with a Light Higgs at NLO

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    We consider the Standard Model, including a light scalar boson hh, as an effective theory at the weak scale v=246 GeVv=246\,{\rm GeV} of some unknown dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking. This dynamics may be strong, with hh emerging as a pseudo-Goldstone boson. The symmetry breaking scale Λ\Lambda is taken to be at 4πv4\pi v or above. We review the leading-order Lagrangian within this framework, which is nonrenormalizable in general. A chiral Lagrangian can then be constructed based on a loop expansion. A systematic power counting is derived and used to identify the classes of counterterms that appear at one loop order. With this result the complete Lagrangian is constructed at next-to-leading order, O(v2/Λ2){\cal O}(v^2/\Lambda^2). This Lagrangian is the most general effective description of the Standard Model containing a light scalar boson, in general with strong dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking. Scenarios such as the SILH ansatz or the dimension-6 Lagrangian of a linearly realized Higgs sector can be recovered as special cases.Comment: 25 pages, no figures; v2: references added, matches published version; v3: corrected matching of Higgs-portal example to chiral Lagrangian in sec. 7.

    Zwinglis Auslegung der Propheten

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    Durandus de S. Porciano

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    Alexander Halesius

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    Duns Scotus

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