99 research outputs found

    Zhu reduction for Jacobi nn-point functions and applications

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    We establish precise Zhu reduction formulas for Jacobi nn-point functions which show the absence of any possible poles arising in these formulas. We then exploit this to produce results concerning the structure of strongly regular vertex operator algebras, and also to motivate new differential operators acting on Jacobi forms. Finally, we apply the reduction formulas to the Fermion model in order to create polynomials of quasi-Jacobi forms which are Jacobi forms

    Learning in anticipation of reward and punishment: perspectives across the human lifespan

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    Learning to act to receive reward and to withhold to avoid punishment has been found to be easier than learning the opposite contingencies in young adults. To what extent this type of behavioral adaptation might develop during childhood and adolescence and differ during aging remains unclear. We therefore tested 247 healthy individuals across the human life span (7-80 years) with an orthogonalized valenced go/no-go learning task. Computational modeling revealed that peak performance in young adults was attributable to greater sensitivity to both reward and punishment. However, in children and adolescents, we observed an increased bias toward action but not reward sensitivity. By contrast, reduced learning in midlife and older adults was accompanied by decreased reward sensitivity and especially punishment sensitivity along with an age-related increase in the Pavlovian bias. These findings reveal distinct motivation-dependent learning capabilities across the human life span, which cannot be probed using conventional go/reward no-go/punishment style paradigms that have important implications in lifelong education

    Early post-operative thrombosis of the prosthetic mitral valve in patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is one of the most common immune-mediated adverse drug reactions, with frequencies as high as 2-3% for certain groups of post-cardiac surgery patients. We report on an 50-year-old woman with early post-operative thrombosis of the prosthetic mitral valve due to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Non-invasive imaging (two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography; 2D-TEE) allowed the exact localisation of thrombotic masses and revealed the increase of the mean diastolic mitral gradient. The HIT diagnosis was proved by the clinical scoring system, and with the identification of heparin platelet factor 4-induced antibodies. After the withdrawal of LMWH therapy and the start of intravenous lepirudin treatment, the patient's medical condition improved continuously. Follow-up echocardiography showed a step-wise decrease in the severity of the mean diastolic mitral valve gradient and a complete resolution of thrombus formations. Perhaps we may remind ourselves that, whilst HIT is one of the most common immune-mediated adverse drug reactions for certain groups of post-cardiac surgery patients, it can be managed successfully. We would also stress the importance of serial 2D-TEE examinations in the early post-operative period

    Self-assembled nanogel made of mannan : synthesis and characterization

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    Amphiphilic mannan (mannan-C16) was synthesized by the Michael addition of hydrophobic 1-hexadecanethiol (C16) to hydroxyethyl methacrylated mannan (mannan-HEMA). Mannan-C16 formed nanosized aggregates in water by selfassembly via the hydrophobic interaction among C16molecules as confirmed by hydrogen nuclearmagnetic resonance (1H NMR), fluorescence spectroscopy, cryo-field emission scanning electron microscopy (cryo-FESEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The mannan-C16 critical aggregation concentration (cac), calculated by fluorescence spectroscopy with Nile red and pyrene, ranged between 0.04 and 0.02mg/mL depending on the polymer degree of substitution ofC16 relative to methacrylated groups. Cryo-FESEM micrographs revealed that mannan-C16 formed irregular spherical macromolecular micelles, in this work designated as nanogels, with diameters ranging between 100 and 500 nm. The influence of the polymer degree of substitution, DSHEMA andDSC16, on the nanogel size and zeta potential was studied byDLS at different pH values and ionic strength and as a function of mannan-C16 and urea concentrations. Under all tested conditions, the nanogel was negatively charged with a zeta potential close to zero. Mannan-C16 with higher DSHEMA and DSC16 values formed larger nanogels andwere also less stable over a 6month storage period and at concentrations close to the cac.When exposed to solutions of different pH and aggressive conditions of ionic strength and urea concentration, the size of mannan-C16 varied to some extent but was always in the nanoscale range.International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A systematic review and meta-analysis to revise the Fenton growth chart for preterm infants

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to revise the 2003 Fenton Preterm Growth Chart, specifically to: a) harmonize the preterm growth chart with the new World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standard, b) smooth the data between the preterm and WHO estimates, informed by the Preterm Multicentre Growth (PreM Growth) study while maintaining data integrity from 22 to 36 and at 50 weeks, and to c) re-scale the chart x-axis to actual age (rather than completed weeks) to support growth monitoring. METHODS: Systematic review, meta-analysis, and growth chart development. We systematically searched published and unpublished literature to find population-based preterm size at birth measurement (weight, length, and/or head circumference) references, from developed countries with: Corrected gestational ages through infant assessment and/or statistical correction; Data percentiles as low as 24 weeks gestational age or lower; Sample with greater than 500 infants less than 30 weeks. Growth curves for males and females were produced using cubic splines to 50 weeks post menstrual age. LMS parameters (skew, median, and standard deviation) were calculated. RESULTS: Six large population-based surveys of size at preterm birth representing 3,986,456 births (34,639 births < 30 weeks) from countries Germany, United States, Italy, Australia, Scotland, and Canada were combined in meta-analyses. Smooth growth chart curves were developed, while ensuring close agreement with the data between 24 and 36 weeks and at 50 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The revised sex-specific actual-age growth charts are based on the recommended growth goal for preterm infants, the fetus, followed by the term infant. These preterm growth charts, with the disjunction between these datasets smoothing informed by the international PreM Growth study, may support an improved transition of preterm infant growth monitoring to the WHO growth charts

    Marketing the city of smells

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    This article explores how smell might contribute to urban identity, building on the strong links between smell, limbic processing and emotion. It critically examines existing scent marketing, psychology, and urban olfaction literatures, exploring the potential for the marketing of urban places through smell and capitalizing in particular on ambient smells that already exist within a locale. The article makes an initial threefold contribution to theory and practice: (i) demonstrating the current use of smell in city marketing, and the inherent challenges arising; (ii) identifying ways in which smell might be used in future urban place marketing activities, and in particular to more explicitly communicate the experiential attributes of being in a particular city; and (iii) proposing that olfaction may, in certain circumstances, be an effective way of incorporating a more participatory modus operandi within urban place marketing effort. The article concludes with a further overarching theoretical contribution, involving a consideration of place marketing that incorporates non-representational perspectives

    Selective attention to the chemosensory modality

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    Previous studies have shown that behavioral responses to auditory, visual, and tactile stimuli are modulated by expectancies regarding the likely modality of an upcoming stimulus (see Spence and Driver, 1997). In the present study, we investigated whether people can also selectively attend to the chemosensory modality (involving responses to olfactory, chemical, and painful stimuli). Participants made speeded spatial discrimination responses (left vs. right) to an unpredictable sequence of odor and tactile targets. Odor stimuli were presented to either the left or the right nostril, embedded in a birhinally applied constant airstream. Tactile stimuli were presented to the left or the right hand. On each trial, a symbolic visual cue predicted the likely modality for the upcoming target (the cue was a valid predictor of the target modality on the majority of trials). Response latencies were faster when targets were presented in the expected modality than when they were presented in the unexpected modality, showing for the first time that behavioral responses to chemosensory stimuli can be modulated by selective attention.