211 research outputs found

    Mars environmental measurements in support of future manned landing expeditions

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    Mars environmental measurements in support of future manned landing expedition

    Reactions to the Stigmata of Inner City Living

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    This paper discusses the problem of living in a stigmatized inner city community. The reactions of residents are categorized into Four Moral Careers , and implications for the community of each career are discussed. Major attention is focused upon the activist career which aims to overcome the stigma of the community. The activists are discussed and described through the use df materials from intensive interviews of local community leaders who have tried to cope with the stigma of the area. Some suggested implications are made for the application of the ideas presented herein to urban research in general and the provision of social services in the context of stigmatized inner city communities

    Italian and Italian American Identity: A Visual Approach

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    This essay is a brief exploration of the related concepts of Italian Ethnicity and Italian Ethnic Identity via a Visual Sociological study of two geographically different venues — Italian American neighbourhoods in the United States and neighbourhoods in Rome, Italy. By studying the Vernacular Landscape (Jackson, 1984) via the methods of Visual Sociology (Grady, 1996 and Harper, 1988, Rieger, 1996), and the theoretical perspectives of Urbanization of Capital (Harvey, 1989) and Spatial Semeiotics (Gottdiener, 1994) the question: “What does it mean for mean for a place of a space to ‘Look Italian’?” is addressed. For data, the discourse draws from my extensive collection of visual studies in both the United States and Italy of the “Public Realms”, or spaces accessible to all (Lofland, 1998 ). Here are featured my observations and photographic research on the “New Immigrants to Rome”

    From Surviving to Thriving: Top Tips for Newer Chairs

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    This session shares concrete strategies for helping department chairs navigate common problems more effectively and efficiently. With attention to managing email, handling complaints, constructing schedules, building relationships, and working with upper administration, the presenters offer practical tips to help newer chairs succeed

    From Surviving to Thriving: Top Tips to Help Newer Chairs

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    This session shares concrete strategies for helping department chairs navigate common problems more effectively and efficiently. With attention to managing email, handling complaints, constructing schedules, building relationships, and working with upper administration, the presenters offer practical tips to help newer chairs succeed

    Visual sociology

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    The article offers an overview of the field of visual sociology. It examines the areas where visu- al sociology can provide an insightful perspective for the study of social reality and serves as an imagina- tive tool to work with a variety of research subjects. It outlines some specific methods for working with visual data and focuses on a few of the many fields where visual sociological methods can fruitfully be applied, such as the study of cities, public events and new media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regaining Control of Your Email

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    This session will introduce department chairpersons and administrators to a variety of email management techniques for helping perform one’s job more effectively. The presentation will cover email management techniques and practical strategies. Attendees will leave with new ideas for how to manage email more effectively and thereby reduce stress levels

    Departmental Fights: Finding Solutions and Maintaining Sanity as Chair

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    While circumstances of departmental conflicts are variable, one constant is that as chairs we end up involved. Although chairs cannot prevent conflict from occurring, there are steps we can take to minimize the consequences. This session offers strategies chairs can use to lead their departments through conflict more productively

    “I’m elected Chair? Now what?” Helpful Strategies for Newer Chairs

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    This session shares concrete strategies for helping department chairs navigate common problems more effectively and efficiently. With attention to managing email, handling complaints, constructing schedules, building relationships, and working with upper administration, the presenters offer practical tips to help newer chairs succeed

    Journalisten und ihre "Experten"

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    In der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung werden dem Leser in verschiedenster Form eine Vielzahl von Experten prĂ€sentiert. So kommentieren z.B. Unternehmensberater die aktuelle Wirtschaftspolitik, Aktienanalysten lassen sich in Geschichten zu Unternehmen zitieren, oder Mitarbeiter von Verbraucherschutzorganisationen geben RatschlĂ€ge zu Rente und Vorsorge. Doch was macht diese Personen aus; wer sind sie? Und warum kommen ausgerechnet sie zur Sprache und nicht jemand anderes? In dieser Arbeit sollte das Zusammenspiel von Wirtschaftsredakteuren und Experten nĂ€her beleuchtet werden. Im ersten Teil wurde versucht, mithilfe von Weischenbergs Zwiebelmodell verschiedene EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen auf journalistisches Handeln, die fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung der Journalisten-Experten-Beziehung brauchbar erschienen, aufzuzeigen. In der anschließenden empirischen Untersuchung wurden Leitfadeninterviews mit Wirtschaftsredakteuren aus verschiedenen Tageszeitungen und Magazinen gefĂŒhrt. Im Ergebnis liefert die Arbeit u.a. zu folgenden Fragen erste Erkenntnisse: Warum arbeiten Wirtschaftsjournalisten mit Experten zusammen? Welches sind die Kriterien, entlang derer Wirtschaftsjournalisten Expertentum definieren? Wie recherchieren Wirtschaftsjournalisten als Experten infrage kommende Personen? Nach welchen Kriterien wĂ€hlen die Wirtschaftsjournalisten final aus den recherchierten Personen Experten fĂŒr die Zwecke ihrer Berichterstattung aus? Wie findet eine Zusammenarbeit von Experte und Wirtschaftsjournalist Ausdruck in der Berichterstattung
