2,248 research outputs found

    Multiscale modelling of auxin transport in the plant-root elongation zone

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    In the root elongation zone of a plant, the hormone auxin moves in a polar manner due to active transport facilitated by spatially distributed influx and efflux carriers present on the cell membranes. To understand how the cell-scale active transport and passive diffusion combine to produce the effective tissue-scale flux, we apply asymptotic methods to a cell-based model of auxin transport to derive systematically a continuum description from the spatially discrete one. Using biologically relevant parameter values, we show how the carriers drive the dominant tissue-scale auxin flux and we predict how the overall auxin dynamics are affected by perturbations to these carriers, for example, in knockout mutants. The analysis shows how the dominant behaviour depends on the cells' lengths, and enables us to assess the relative importance of the diffusive auxin flux through the cell wall. Other distinguished limits are also identified and their potential roles discussed. As well as providing insight into auxin transport, the study illustrates the use of multiscale (cell to tissue) methods in deriving simplified models that retain the essential biology and provide understanding of the underlying dynamics

    The Eco-Epidemiology of Pacific Coast Tick Fever in California

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    Rickettsia philipii (type strain “Rickettsia 364D”), the etiologic agent of Pacific Coast tick fever (PCTF), is transmitted to people by the Pacific Coast tick, Dermacentor occidentalis. Following the first confirmed human case of PCTF in 2008, 13 additional human cases have been reported in California, more than half of which were pediatric cases. The most common features of PCTF are the presence of at least one necrotic lesion known as an eschar (100%), fever (85%), and headache (79%); four case-patients required hospitalization and four had multiple eschars. Findings presented here implicate the nymphal or larval stages of D. occidentalis as the primary vectors of R. philipii to people. Peak transmission risk from ticks to people occurs in late summer. Rickettsia philipii DNA was detected in D. occidentalis ticks from 15 of 37 California counties. Similarly, non-pathogenic Rickettsia rhipicephali DNA was detected in D. occidentalis in 29 of 38 counties with an average prevalence of 12.0% in adult ticks. In total, 5,601 ticks tested from 2009 through 2015 yielded an overall R. philipii infection prevalence of 2.1% in adults, 0.9% in nymphs and a minimum infection prevalence of 0.4% in larval pools. Although most human cases of PCTF have been reported from northern California, acarological surveillance suggests that R. philipii may occur throughout the distribution range of D. occidentalis

    Intrauterine environmental and genetic influences on the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors: studies in twins as a means of testing the fetal origins hypothesis

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    Evidence has accumulated that low birthweight is associated with several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, it is not known whether or not these associations are due to a programmed response to intrauterine malnutrition or genetic factors influencing both birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors. Twin studies offer a unique opportunity to distinguish between intrauterine and genetic origins of the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk. In our twin cohort, low birthweight was associated with insulin resistance, lower HDL and shorter height within both dizygotic and monozygotic twin pairs, suggesting that these associations are, at least in part, independent of genetic factors. In contrast, low birthweight was associated with blood pressure, total and LDL cholesterol, fibrinogen and sympathetic activation within dizygotic twin pairs, but not within monozygotic twin pairs. These differences between dizygotic and monozygotic twins suggest that these associations are, at least in part, due to genetic factors. Therefore, both intrauterine environmental and genetic factors appear to play a role in the association between birthweight and cardiovascular risk factors. In the future, strategies may be developed targeted at improving or preventing impaired intrauterine growth. However, the effects of interventions that comprise changes in environment within the normal range may be limited due to the possible important role of genetic factor

    Genuine Personality Recognition from Highly Constrained Face Images

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    People are able to accurately estimate personality traits, merely on the basis of \u201cpassport\u201d-style neutral faces and, thus, cues must exist that allow for such estimation. However, up to date, there has been little progress in identifying the form and location of these cues. In this paper we address the problem of inferring true personality traits in highly constrained images using state of art machine learning techniques, in particular, deep networks and class activation maps analysis. The novelty of our work consists in that, differently from the vast majority of the current and past approaches (that refer to the problem of consensus personality rating prediction) we predict the genuine personality based on highly constrained images: the target\u2019s are self ratings on a validated personality inventory and we restrict to passport-like photos, in which so-called controllable cues are minimized. Our results show that self-reported personality traits can be accurately evaluated from facial features. A preliminar analysis on the features activation maps shows promising results for a deeper understanding on relevant facial cues for traits estimation

    Functional Analysis of the Two Brassica AP3 Genes Involved in Apetalous and Stamen Carpelloid Phenotypes

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    The Arabidopsis homeotic genes APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI) are B genes which encode MADS-box transcription factors and specify petal and stamen identities. In the current study, the stamen carpelloid (SC) mutants, HGMS and AMS, of B. rapa and B. napus were investigated and two types of AP3 genes, B.AP3.a and B.AP3.b, were functional characterized. B.AP3.a and B.AP3.b share high similarity in amino acid sequences except for 8 residues difference located at the C-terminus. Loss of this 8 residues in B.AP3.b led to the change of PI-derived motifs. Meanwhile, B.AP3.a specified petal and stamen development, whereas B.AP3.b only specified stamen development. In B. rapa, the mutations of both genes generated the SC mutant HGMS. In B. napus that contained two B.AP3.a and two B.AP3.b, loss of the two B.AP3.a functions was the key reason for the apetalous mutation, however, the loss-of-function in all four AP3 was related to the SC mutant AMS. We inferred that the 8 residues or the PI-derived motif in AP3 gene probably relates to petal formation

    Using electric current to surpass the microstructure breakup limit

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    The elongated droplets and grains can break up into smaller ones. This process is driven by the interfacial free energy minimization, which gives rise to a breakup limit. We demonstrated in this work that the breakup limit can be overpassed drastically by using electric current to interfere. Electric current free energy is dependent on the microstructure configuration. The breakup causes the electric current free energy to reduce in some cases. This compensates the increment of interfacial free energy during breaking up and enables the processing to achieve finer microstructure. With engineering practical electric current parameters, our calculation revealed a significant increment of the obtainable number of particles, showing electric current a powerful microstructure refinement technology. The calculation is validated by our experiments on the breakup of Fe3C-plates in Fe matrix. Furthermore, there is a parameter range that electric current can drive spherical particles to split into smaller ones

    Understanding the links between hearing impairment and dementia : development and validation of the social and emotional impact of hearing impairment (SEI-HI) questionnaire

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    Background The links between hearing impairment (HI) and dementia have been well documented, but factors mediating this relationship remain unknown. Major consequences of HI are social and emotional dysfunction, and as the risk of dementia increases linearly with the severity of HI, it is plausible that socio-emotional difficulties may play a role in this association. Objective The aim of this study was to develop and validate a tool to analyse levels of hearing-related disability, to investigate ultimately whether subjective disability contributes to risk of cognitive impairment compared with hearing thresholds alone. Methods Development and validation of the questionnaire, the Social and Emotional Impact of Hearing Impairment (SEI-HI), was conducted in four phases: (1) content; (2) scoring and outcomes; (3) validation; (4) feasibility in a sample of people with cognitive impairment. Results Considerable evidence was found for the internal and external reliability of the tool with high construct validity, concurrent validity and test-retest values of the SEI-HI questionnaire. A feasibility check on 31 patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia showed the SEI-HI questionnaire was easy to administer and well-received. Conclusion The SEI-HI questionnaire is a relevant instrument to assess hearing-related disability which can be used in people with cognitive decline to assess further impact on risk of developing dementia

    Aggregation Bias: A Proposal to Raise Awareness Regarding Inclusion in Visual Analytics

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    Data is a powerful tool to make informed decisions. They can be used to design products, to segment the market, and to design policies. However, trusting so much in data can have its drawbacks. Sometimes a set of indicators can conceal the reality behind them, leading to biased decisions that could be very harmful to underrepresented individuals, for example. It is challenging to ensure unbiased decision-making processes because people have their own beliefs and characteristics and be unaware of them. However, visual tools can assist decision-making processes and raise awareness regarding potential data issues. This work describes a proposal to fight biases related to aggregated data by detecting issues during visual analysis and highlighting them, trying to avoid drawing inaccurate conclusions